March 2021 Changelog

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March 2021 Changelog


Bunker Management

Fixed an issue where generating a Bunker Requirement "Inquiry" email could result in an error if an invalid vendor was specified on an inquiry/purchase line.

Bug EN-36272



There was a bug in the system that resulted in paper trade period exposure to disappear even if it was only partially linked to physical contract. Expected result is for exposure to reduce by linked quantity only.
This bug has been fixed.

Bug EN-36229



Previously, when an FOB Cargo was created, only a subset of the linked FOB voyage data would be saved. This has been fixed. Now, when we save the FOB Cargo, the full voyage data, including port activity information, is saved.

Bug EN-35072



Double counting of exposure of paper trades linked to TCO contracts with scheduled voyage has been fixed.

Bug EN-32910



Resolved a few issues with Worksheet Estimates.

Bug EN-31772


System Performance VIP Only

Trade Details list loading has been improved to better handle long reqests.

Bug EN-31540


Distances & Maps

Updated the UN Codes for multiple ports with missing values

Story EN-36291



When this fix is applied, Voyage Profit and Loss Report will correctly show the TCO Purchased for Owner section.

Bug EN-36244

3-30-2021, k8s-3-30-2021

Trade Hub

Added a new configuration flag CFGCaptureVesselTypesDWTRanges. When enabled two new fields will be added to the Vessel Types form called DWT Lower and DWT Upper that will further define the Vessel Type and will also map AIS positions to the environment specific types when the client has the Trade Hub module.

Story EN-35662



A few improvements have been made to the standard Laytime Calculator form:
- The "Laytime Expires" checkbox has been renamed to "Show Demurrage Start," to better reflect its function.
- "The Once On/Always On Dem" checkbox previously required that the "Laytime Expires" / "Show Demurrage Start" checkbox was enabled alongside it. That dependency has been removed: when "Once On/Always On Dem" is enabled, the DEMURRAGE START row will now be automatically inserted in the activity grid, whether or not "Show Demurrage Start" is enabled, and Always On Demurrage will be applied consistently.
- When both "Once On/Always On Dem" and "Show Demurrage Start" are disabled, the automatically-inserted DEMURRAGE START row will be automatically removed from the activity grid.

Story EN-35580


P&L & Accruals

The column headers on Voyage P&L are now pinned in place as you scroll down

Story EN-36333



Fix issue where voyage number links were not working in open positions table.

Bug EN-36166


Demurrage & Claims

When overlapping laytime deductions exceed 100% of available time, the validation display is more visible and clear than before.

Story EN-35802



Previously, the exchange rate difference in invoice payment's write off mode was not calculated and displaying correctly. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-35172



In Activity Reports, added validation improvements when categorical bunker breakdown totals on a report do not match the bunker consumption as reported by inter-report change in bunkers ROB. The Activity Reports form will have a validation warning displayed in the toolbar when this scenario is detected, and the reports and fuel types impacted will be displayed when clicking the warning. Impacted rows will also be highlighted in red in the form until the categorical breakdown is corrected.

Bug EN-34695


Distances & Maps

New port was added: Sukumo, Japan.

Story EN-34165



Expanded the Split Route functionality to the Cargo Contract to when the exposure method of Benchmark Estimate is selected. When a custom Trade Route that is defined as a "split" route is added to the exposure details on a Cargo Contract then the "split" checkbox is available. When the box is selected exposure of the contract will reflect the split across the routes in the custom formula.

This functionality does not work when the Backhaul option is selected for the Benchmark Estimate method.

Story EN-33667


System Performance

In the Claims List, filtering on one value for Claim ID would work for the "Is" filter but not the "Is In List" filter. Now, both filters work correctly, with "Is In List" returning results instead of erring.

Bug EN-33235



Fixed a bug where suggested estimates were not saving correctly.

Bug EN-36125


Scheduling VIP Only

The consecutive estimate checkbox that appeared in the Scheduling estimate cards context menu now also appears in the context menu of the related cargoes in the cargo book.

Story EN-36120


Scheduling VIP Only

In Cargo Book - Scheduling workspace, switch Load ETA/ETD GMT, and Disch ETA/ETD GMT from GMT times to local times.

Story EN-36118



Fixed an issue in berth ETA/ETD update which could prevent loading a voyage if berth information is not defined on a voyage itinerary line.

Bug EN-36305



Onboard should be able to replicate, open, and submit Statement of Facts forms for FOB Voyages

Story EN-35886


Distances & Maps

All routes through the Cape of Good Hope are now properly blocked when its associated region is disabled.

Bug EN-35427


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Resolved an issue where the Onboard new form submission + menu included berth level forms even when a berth was not selected.

Bug EN-35041



For mirrored TCI and TCO contracts and the voyage(s) under them are not mirrored, we now allow to create payment/billing invoice which includes off hire items.

Bug EN-34345


Distances & Maps

Routing bug in ECA Zones between Bataan and Yangpu was fixed.

Bug EN-33432



Previously, TC Lease depreciation rate was not calculated correctly in the absence of the initial journal. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-36197



Datalake will now enter a status "ImportFinalizing" after data is imported in the managed environment solution. This step is used for cleanup of import infrastructure before the environment is returned ready for use.

Story EN-35737


Distances & Maps

New port was added: Saaremaa, Estonia.

Story EN-36232


Demurrage & Claims

Fixed an issue where cargo name may be inaccurate when opening an existing Demurrage Cost Allocation if multiple cargo handling lines exist per portcall in the linked Laytime Calculation.

Bug EN-36198


Distances & Maps

New port was added: Al Jazeera, United Arab Emirates.

Story EN-35781


Onboard VIP Only

Onboard cargo now shows qty always.

Bug EN-35728



Billing Schedule context menu option is now available in the Time Charter Period Journals form for TC lease journals' calculations.

Story EN-35612


Platform API

The XML created when a Bareboat payment invoice is posted now contains and populates tags for the Time Charter Code and Bareboat Contract Code.

Story EN-34712


P&L & Accruals

Previously, a rebill balance on a forced-rebill/non-rebillable port expense was displayed in the P&L for port expense type (P) even though it was marked as never rebill. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-34261


Trade Hub

Enhancements to Vessel Valuation to support a TC sensitivity analysis as well as sourcing prices from market data.

Story EN-33477


Operations Desktop Only

Fixed an issue where TC Payment and TC Billing Schedules would fail to load in desktop IMOS.

Bug EN-36219



Previously, trying to reference the Leg Summary table for voyages in a rare unexpected state could result in the product becoming unresponsive. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-36169


Messaging Service

For scheduled tasks in the Messaging service, the pattern 'every d' has been deprecated, and every daily task requires a specific time.

Story EN-35902


Security & User Mgmt

Read-Only users who have access to the API Read permission now have the options to see/clear their API tokens.

Story EN-35832


Messaging Service

The Copy action in the Message Handler will create the specified output directory if it doesn't exist.

Story EN-35117


Distances & Maps

Barge and tow routing now works more intuitively across the boundaries of inland river systems.

Bug EN-34900



Previously, user was allowed to create a Time Charter commission payment invoice even if the commission has already been invoiced, resulting in potential duplicate invoices. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-34192


Demurrage & Claims

Previously, when creating a Claim invoice, IMOS incorrectly prompted user to specify Invoice No. when CFGAssignInvNoInFinancials is enabled. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-23236


Distances & Maps

Port VALDEZ time zone was changed to STD GMT -9:00 DST GMT -8:00

Bug EN-36204


Distances & Maps

Added a Time Zone value for all ports that did not have one

Bug EN-36144



The issue where wrong scale table could be used when calculating extra freight on Deadfreight in freight invoices has been fixed. This is applicable when configuration flag CFGEnableExtraFrtRateScaleTable is enabled.

Bug EN-36116



Previously, when Multi-Cargo Benchmark Estimates were enabled, Cargoes could not be linked to RELT Benchmark Estimates because of erroneous validation. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-36109



Improved performance of generating the Onboard SOF report

Bug EN-36000


Berth Scheduling VIP Only

The Berth Schedule grids now sort by their first columns. The berth order doesn't change on allocation.

Story EN-35990


Distances & Maps

New port was added Yeongheung, Korea, Republic.

Story EN-35964


Distances & Maps

New port was added Pittsburgh, PA, United States.

Story EN-35955


Messaging Service

Updated ImosAct.xsd to reflect that baseCurrencyAmount in simplePayment can be omitted in some circumstances.

Bug EN-35933



When CFGAutoGenerateDemComms configuration flag is enabled - IMOS will automatically create commission invoice for Demurrage - when it is included in a Freight Invoice and the Freight Invoice is posted.
This auto-created commissions invoice will have a Provisional status.

Story EN-35711



Resolved an issue where the PE activity time sometimes incorrectly appeared empty when opening the Port Activities dialog for a Commence port

Bug EN-34485



Laytime reports can now report the Turn Time.

Story EN-33464


Distances & Maps VIP Only

When routing by leg is enabled, ECA and Piracy zones can now be made visible on the map using the dropdown without having "Minimize ECA/Piracy Zones" checked.

Bug EN-30837



Previously, in the Voyage Manager, users were able to select the Last TCI/TCO Voy check box for multiple voyages under the same TCI/TCO contract. Now, there are limitations in place that:
1. Prevent users from selecting the Last TCI/TCO Voy check box for more than one voyage in the same contract.
2. Prevent users from selecting the Last TCI/TCO Voy check box for a voyage that is not the last scheduled voyage in a TCI/TCO contract.

Bug EN-30044


Distances & Maps

New port was added Phuoc Khanh, Vietnam.

Story EN-25863



Previously, an issue prevented the creation of Time Charter Period Journals if the value date was the same as the delivery date. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-36083



Report editor reports now have an "Edit" option available in IMOS desktop. This restores the ability to edit legacy reports for users who have permission to do so.

Bug EN-36035


Security & User Mgmt VIP Only

The “Manage public list views” permission now correctly prevents users from editing public list views for all lists when they do not have permission to do so.

Bug EN-35597


Data Center Settings

Previously IMOS was not restricting the deletion of vendors with posted advance payments. This restriction has now been added.

Bug EN-30597


Distances & Maps

Time Zone Code was added for port Wandelaar, Netherlands.

Bug EN-36141


Scheduling VIP Only

Fix a bug in the Scheduling workspace where estimates consecutive to Time Charter contracts were using the GMT date as the local date.

Bug EN-36010


Demurrage & Claims

Previously, existing Demurrage Allocations could not be edited/modified and saved. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-35774


Distances & Maps

New port was added Dortyol LNG Terminal.

Story EN-35039


Scheduling VIP Only

Fix a bug preventing the company code program filter from working in the Scheduling workspace.

Story EN-36057


Distances & Maps

Ports INGLESIDE (USA) and INGLESIDE (CANADA) names were amended to reflect the country names, and INGLESIDE (CANADA) location changed to 45N 75W.

Bug EN-35759


Distances & Maps

New port was added WORMS, GERMANY.

Story EN-35482


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users can now delete voyage security reporting groups with special chars (&, <, >...) in them.

Bug EN-32212


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

On submission, Cargo Names weren't displaying in Statement of Facts form when it encountered an error related to the inferred voyage leg.

Cargo Names are now displaying in the appropriate column even in case of error in the form.

Bug EN-35313


Distances & Maps

Timezone for port “Gogland roads” updated to GMT +3

Story EN-31852


Demurrage & Claims

With CFGEnableMultiEstDem enabled, Estimated Demurrage records can now be linked to specific port calls within a Voyage. The ports available for selection will be those where the selected counterparty's cargo is handled. Once an Estimated Demurrage record is linked to a port call, its description in the Voyage P&L will note as much, and it will be superseded as appropriate by actual demurrage entered via Laytime Calculations.

Story EN-30333



An issue related to the P&L Remarks field limiting input text size has been fixed.

Bug EN-36071


Distances & Maps

More pilot stations have been associated with certain ports.

Bug EN-36021


Distances & Maps

The region LOWDRAFT-LOMBOK has been renamed LOWDRAFT-BALI STRAIT in Distances. This region can now be enabled and disabled for voyage routing through the UI.

Bug EN-35967



Linked Liftings will no longer copy multiple supplies/receivers value from bookings with multiple supplies/receivers.

Bug EN-35813



When processing ScheduleVoyage/UpdateVoyage messages, fixed an issue where submitted itinerary ETA/ETD data could be inadvertently updated if the provided voyage commence GMT did not match with the ETA/ETD info of the first itinerary line.

Bug EN-35793



Fixed an issue where ScheduleVoyage/UpdateVoyage messages could add a redundant commence port to the itinerary when creating a new consecutive voyage.

Bug EN-35746


Distances & Maps VIP Only

Routes overridden manually in the Data Center's Distance Editor are now drawn as dashed lines on the Estimator map, with a tool tip explaining why the route is drawn as a straight dashed line rather than a realistic vessel route.

Bug EN-35379



Previously, certain reports in VIP would timeout without giving users a proper warning. Now, timeout and out of memory exception handling has been improved for a better user experience.

Bug EN-33364



Previously, errors that were occurring while running reports were not displayed to the user. Now, when a running report errors, the correct error messages are helpfully displayed to the user.

Bug EN-31719


Messaging Service

In a previous release additional logging was added to imosmail webpost and webquery operations to enable easier debugging of http status codes. This logging can cause issues in workflows where console output is piped directly to a output file.

This logging has now been turned off by default and can be enabled via the switch -enableVerboseLogging. This is additionally documented in the help text of imosmail.

Bug EN-36084



Previously, TC incremental invoice containing previously invoiced TC rebill line item, would have voyage number for the said line item not preserved in some circumstances.
This has been fixed.

Bug EN-36058



An issue related to misaligned tabs on the Cargo COA/VC form has been fixed.

Bug EN-36030



Previously, cargo scheduled in a commenced TCOV whose TCI is index linked would have P&L status as Unrealized instead of Realized. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-36022



Added new configuration flag CFGEnableExtraFrtRateScaleTable (requires schema version 319).
When enabled, this configuration flag allows you to set up Scale Table type Rate Tables in the Data Center. You can then use these Rate Tables in the Advanced Pricing structure of Cargo/VC In COA and Cargo/VC In contracts under Extra Freight Terms. Additionally, Scale Table-based freight rates would then be included in both Voyage P&L calculations and related Freight Invoices.

Story EN-35833


Agent Portal

Previously, some fields available in VIP were not available in the /v1/agent/portcalls/{COMPANY_CODE}/details API call. Now, more fields are available in this API call.

Story EN-35418


Distances & Maps

Coordinates for Victoria Pilot Station have been updated.

Story EN-34868


Distances & Maps

Sabine Anchorage has been changed to show up in the US central timezone.

Bug EN-34480



Previously, Time Charter commission payments did not handle off-hire-specific deductions properly. This had been fixed.

Bug EN-34374


Distances & Maps

Port name is corrected to Meredosia instead of Meredoisa;

Story EN-31537



Previously, the Last Run column on reports was not updating correctly when report Output was set to 'List'. Now, the date and time in the Last Run column is updated correctly after report run.

Bug EN-31188


Distances & Maps VIP Only

Fixed error in computation that was causing certain coordinates in degrees-minutes-seconds format to appear off by one nautical mile when entered into Distances.

Bug EN-27538



CFGEnableTimeCharterCOAContracts configuration flag is now tied to IMOS schema version 318.

Bug EN-36044



Added a new configuration flag, CFGPaperTradePeriods. When enabled, paper trades can be created for multiple non-consecutive periods with differing quantities in each period

Story EN-34907



"Lock Fin Inv Due Date" setting is now available in the Payment Terms setup in Data Center.
It can be used to lock Due Date field in the financials invoice form when relevant payment term is used.

Story EN-33339



An issue related to bunker surchage calculation generating an extra BL freight code has been fixed.

Bug EN-32846



When using the Apply Market Value Concept flag in the Trading Profile, index-linked Time Charter In contracts that will appear in exposure when scheduled on a voyage will now show as "Short" in the Trade Details List.

Story EN-35937


Data Center Settings

Add new configuration flag: CFGLinkVesselFlagtoCountry
Description: When enabled the Vessel Flag in the Vessel Details tab on the Vessel Record will link to the Country List in the data center instead of being a free-text value
Type: Boolean, Hidden: False, Default: N

Story EN-35848



A new configuration flag, CFGAutoGenerateDemComms created and when enabled, Demurrage Commission invoices will automatically be created when the corresponding Demurrage invoice has been posted. Requires CFGAutoNumberPayables to be enabled.

Story EN-35634



Previously, Deviation Estimates in VIP did not correctly account for bareboat costs. This has been corrected.

Bug EN-35155



Three new fields have been added to the Pooling Summary report in the Operations console: Admin Income Before, Admin Income After and Participant.

Users can also select a new checkbox “Distribute Admin Income” in the report to see the related values.

Story EN-34915



From the Time Charter In and Time Charter Out forms, individual Off Hire and Off Hire Reversals can now be hidden or shown in the Hire Statement.

Story EN-32797


Data Center Settings

Demurrage Summary (Bookings) counterparty link displays and pulls information from the booking form.

Bug EN-28579


Demurrage & Claims

Previously, the Claim Invoice form would not reevaluate address commission when the bill code assigned to line items was changed. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-27634


Distances & Maps

NP ports have been updated with name = NO COUNTRY

Story EN-35979



Previously, taking a snapshot of the trading profile with the "Exclude Out-of-Money Physical Trades In Our Favor" resulted in a wrong snapshot instance. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-35851



Datalake now returns more detailed error information when jobs fail, including what tables failed.

Story EN-35538


Distances & Maps

Corrected timezone for port Gladstone, Australia

Story EN-35526


Distances & Maps

Corrected spelling for a port in the Philippines

Bug EN-35488


Distances & Maps

ZACHARY has the timezone set to US-CENTRAL now.

Bug EN-35384



An issue related to text length limitations in the Estimate Remarks field has been fixed.

Story EN-35296


Distances & Maps

The UN Code for Bonny, Nigeria to NGBON has been updated.

Story EN-35111


Scheduling VIP Only

In the Cargo Book - Scheduling workspace, the cargo book load and discharge ETA and ETD columns now cover multiple load and discharge lines instead of just the first or the last.

Bug EN-35895



After this fix, ROB considers TCO redelivery bunkers quantity and uses the latest price in accrual.

Bug EN-35191


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Resolved an issue importing Veslink cargo handling forms for *TO voyages where the correct function was not imported for the cargo handling line under rare circumstances.

Bug EN-33943


Demurrage & Claims

A new checkbox "Settled at Zero" has been implemented in the Demurrage Invoice Details form for laytime_c calculations. It can be used to indicate that the Agreed/Invoice amount will be zero even if the calculation amount is not.

Story EN-19005


Messaging Service

Additional logging has been added to imosmail webquery and webpost calls to clearly log the http status of the response. These logs will occur on both successful and failed requests to assist with integration issue diagnosis.

Story EN-35969



Previously, account period was being checked even before the transaction was open. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-32913



Parent COAs can now create Child COAs via a Create Child COA sub dialog.

Story EN-35390


Agent Portal

Added portcall berth information to the v1/agent/portcalls/{companyCode}/details Veslink API endpoint. Includes a new top level Berths element in the response for each berth stay associated with the portcall, as well as a BerthSeqNo for each returned PortCargo.

Story EN-35183



Previously, Voyages and Voyage Estimates following Voyages that ended AT SEA, with specified Lat/Lon, did not inherit that Lat/Lon for their commencing ports. This has been fixed; new Voyages and Voyage Estimates will begin at the correct AT SEA Lat/Lon.

Bug EN-34477


Scheduling VIP Only

VC Ins do not display in Cargo Book List by default.

User is now able to display/hide VC In cargoes to Cargo Book list in both Scheduling and Cargo Book Workspaces by selecting/unselecting "Include VC Ins" checkbox, which is now visible under Program filters.

Story EN-34236


Bunker Management

Fixed an issue where veslink forms validation for SPOT voyages with CFGEnableShuttleFreightInvoicing enabled would show errors around missing ROB values.

Bug EN-31983


P&L & Accruals

An issue with Off-Hire lumpsum commissions resulted in an incorrect variance in P&L. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-35858



Add a new configuration flag CFGAutoGenerateTCComms
Description: When enabled, TC Commission invoices will automatically be created when the corresponding TC Hire invoice has been posted. Requires CFGAutoNumberPayables to be enabled.
Type: Boolean, Hidden: False, Default: N

Story EN-35633



Previously, freight rebills were being added to the monthly accrual journals and being shown in the voyage P&L section incorrectly. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-35495



A new configuration flag is now available: CFGManuallyLockEstimates, when enabled users with the necessary permissions should now be able to manually mark estimates as locked, preventing any further editing to them and unlock the Estimate enabling editing the estimates again. In the Voyage Estimate List a new field called “Is Locked” is now available set to true when the estimate is locked and false when it is not locked, this field is also available in Report Designer.

Story EN-34742


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users can now remove the websocket from the veslink url

Bug EN-34604



Previously, when both TCI and TC in COA was checked, it would not show the TCI contracts in the trade details list. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-35688



Added new Trading Profile Flag "Apply Market Value Concept"
When enabled, an index-linked Time Charter contract that is scheduled with a fixed-rate short contract will remain in exposure and the exposure will be based on the Market Value Rate defined on the voyage for that contract instead of the contract rate.
This flag will only be available when both "Short Position for Cargo on an index-linked TCI" and "Keep TCTO in exposure when one contract is index-linked" are enabled as well as the CFGEnableVoyageMarket configuration flag.

Story EN-35260


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Changed LVOC unit from m3 to MT on Veslink forms.

Story EN-34432


Distances & Maps

New pilot stations have been added and linked to existing ports.

Story EN-34010


Distances & Maps

Information about rivers and inshore traffic zones near Rotterdam was fixed to improve routing.

Bug EN-33843



Previously, when one of the tax code was deleted from the Transaction Data Entry operations view while other records still depended on it, it deleted the auto generated tax row. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-33401



Previously, voyage estimates would give a warning about missing high/low sulfur bunker types even when fuel zones were in use. These incorrect warnings no longer appear when fuel zones are in use.

Bug EN-25991

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