VMS - FuelEU Solutions Overview

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VMS - FuelEU Solutions Overview

The document below is designed to aid VMS customers in managing FuelEU regulatory changes. It includes what functionality is already available for use and what is on the roadmap.
Here is a link to the regulation documentation.

Compliance Balance and Penalty Calculation

  • VMS estimates the Compliance Balance and corresponding Penalty/Benefit amount in Estimates and Voyages.

  • Please click the Apply button to apply the calculated value to the Estimate/Voyage TCE’s calculation.

  • The EU regulations require that the EU% is determined by journeys between cargo-active ports, ignoring port calls for other purposes. This means the EU% is determined by journeys between the “L” and “D” legs. Any “I” or “C” legs inherit from the journey.

    • Within a journey, EU to EU is at 100%. EU to/from non-EU is 50%. This applies to both passages and ports.

    • At the end of a journey, the EU is 100%, and the non-EU is 50%. This applies to ports.

  • The GHG Intensity limits will get increasingly lower every 5 years. It is a reduction on the yearly average from the reference value of 91.16, creating the following phases: -2% from Jan 2025, -6% from Jan 2030, -14.5% from 2035, -31% from 2040, -62% from 2045, and -80% from 2050. These limits will default automatically at the voyage level based on the voyage end date. (For example, if the voyage ends in 2025, the phase is -2%. This value can be overridden as well.

  • Access the full calculation by clicking on the FuelEU quantity or cost in the Emissions/Bunkers section of the Voyage Main page.





Price and Exchange Rate

  • The calculator lets you change the unit Euro price and exchange rate for the Euro amount calculated.

  • These values are set by default in a new estimate based on the corresponding values stored in the Bunker Prices and Currency Exchange Rates in Company Settings.

  • If you don’t have Currency Exchange Rates in Company Settings, please contact us and ask for Multi-currency capability, or you can just set the Exchange Rate for each voyage.


Overwrite capabilities

  • You can edit any phase, price, and exchange rate by voyage and EU percentage by leg to fine-tune or handle unusual situations.

  • You can edit fuel emission factors. Editing these factors allows you to handle unusual situations and simulate fuel consumed. The emission factors are used in the GHG Intensity calculation. Currently, the system is using the following GHG Intensity values:

Expense and TCE

  • “FuelEU” as Expense type

  • Generation of an Expense item when a FuelEU cost is calculated and the Apply button is clicked.

  • Enter the verified Penalty EUR amount to overwrite the calculated values.

Fuel Swap

The Fuel Swap functionality was created to allow multiple assessments to evaluate and compare which fuel grade is best to use to either allow for a lower cost of fuel but a higher penalty or a lower penalty but higher cost of fuel.

For more information on Fuel Swap click here.

Upcoming Features ( 2025)


  • Compliance balance amount and Penalty by a voyage in Voyage Extended data source

  • The Voyage Report will include the Compliance Balance and Penalty amount

Time Charter

  • The FuelEU calculations are inaccessible because LTTC (TC Out) voyages do not include a Bunkers panel. We will make them accessible during the voyages.

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