Invoicing & Payments
Previously, some invoices in Post Invoices list could not be posted through bulk action. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43112
Voyage Bunker Summary report now uses the correct purchase price if bunker invoice is in a different currency
Bug EN-37790
Invoicing & Payments VIP Only
Previously, Create Trade Settlement Invoices list would sometimes time out - and the bulk action for settling trades did not work as expected. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43665
Messaging Service
A new template was added, allowing imosmail to convert invoice messages to JSON.
Story EN-43727
Journals VIP & IMOS
Previously, there could have been 2 current voyages at a given time with ROB within the chain of consecutive voyages in monthly accruals. This has been fixed
Bug EN-43503
Security & User Mgmt VIP & IMOS
Previously, the (empty) Company object right did not correctly filter Vessels with no company assigned in the Vessel List. This has been fixed and without an explicit access granted to (empty) vessels they will be filtered out.
Bug EN-38204
Distances & Maps
Updated ECA region for Brazil and added new ECA - Argentina River Plate zone
Story EN-43594
Messaging Service
A new template was added, allowing imosmail to convert paymentExport messages to JSON.
Story EN-43726
Trading VIP Only
Previously, Trade Details List was not showing any results due to URL containing “TradeArea” parameter with the value of “Worldwide” that did not match up with any of the allowed filter values. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43397
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, on a multi-currency TC Hire, JPY hire rate became incorrect when off-hire was added. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43130
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, incorrect reversed redelivery bunker amounts were shown in Time Charter Payment. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43024
Added new configuration flag, CFGExposureWhenOpenDateInThePast. When enabled, time charter contracts that have TC Exposure Periods structured and an open date in the past will still show up in exposure if the duration from the open date goes past the system date. This will ensure that the contract is maintained in exposure even when voyages are not scheduled in the system. Additionally we decommissioned the CFGSetTCOpenDateToTodayWhenInThePast.
Story EN-41425
Disbursement Interface
When CFGSavePortExp = N, FDA does not handle the retrieve record properly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43869
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, index-linked TC hire's unpriced component did not consider the structure. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43809
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, when a paper trade was partially realized at a given date, wrong quantity and exposure would show up in the trading summary module and the report. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43366
Logic to support "Equipment hire should use the rate based on when the voyage commenced date for the whole period of the voyage".
Story EN-43343
Added a new configuration flag, CFGBunkerBasisExposure. When enabled, a new element to the bunker exposure calculations is tracked in the Trading & Risk Module to show the basis risk associated with physical contracts. This basis risk will be calculated using the port details from the physical contracts and voyages as well as the basis curve pricing that will feed into the system separately.
Story EN-43223
Operations VIP Only
In Voyage Manager, when using Estimated Cleaning Consumption (CFGEnableOpsEstSeaCleaning), fixed an issue where the estimated cleaning consumption would only be applied if cargo bunkers (e.g. heating) were also applied on the given sea leg. Fixed an issue where scheduling an estimate with cleaning consumption would incorrectly allocate the cleaning consumption to the following sea leg.
Bug EN-39344
Added freightInvoiceSetting and demurrageSetting to the cargoBrokers section of the applyCargo GraphQL mutation.
Story EN-43600
Analytics VIP Only
It is now possible to set time in filters in lists and Report Designer for date and date time fields. "date range" filter is now "date and time range" filter. For other filter operations, you can switch between "the date:" and "the date and time:" filters. Additionally, filter behavior was clarified:
- "date and time range" filter returns records matching the filter regardless of record seconds and milliseconds, e.g. "from 6/1/2022 10:00 to 6/1/2022 10:15" filter will include 6/1/2022 10:15:25.995;
- "after the date" filter returns records starting from 0 hours 0 minutes 0 second 0 milliseconds of the next day;
- "after the date and time" filter returns records starting from 0 second 0 milliseconds of the next minute;
- "on or before the date" filter returns records matching the filter regardless of record hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds, e.g. "on or before 6/1/2022" filter will include 6/1/2022 23:59:59.995;
- "on or before the date and time" filter returns records matching the filter regardless of record seconds and milliseconds, e.g. "on or before 6/1/2022 10:15" filter will include 6/1/2022 10:15:25.995.
Story EN-42690
Updates to the "Move Physical Bunker Exposure Ahead One Month" option in Trading Profiles. When enabled, physical bunkers that fall in exposure in a month will be updated to be in exposure in the subsequent month. This will now be applicable only to the current month.
Story EN-43621
Invoicing & Payments
"Exchange Rate" and "Exchange Rate Date" fields have been added to Operations invoice Details and Financials Invoice Details tables in Report Designer.
"Is Provisional Invoice" field has been added to Operations invoice table in the Report Designer.
In addition, Accounts Receivables/Payables built-in report did not show totals correctly in some configurations. This has been fixed.
Also, Hire Statement reports would prompt user for remittance bank selection multiple times. This has been fixed.
Also, some projected TC off hire invoices did not show in the Create TC Invoices list. This has also been fixed.
Bug EN-42982
Invoicing & Payments
When we change currency of a already saved commission invoice, it equivalent to create a new invoice, but the saved one blocks the process. This has been fixed
Bug EN-42287
Messaging Service
Previously, importing a vessel with multiple cranes of the same type would result in an error. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-40975
Fleet Map
Fleet Map vessel hover-over now displays "VIP" in the "Position Source" field instead of "IMOS"
Story EN-43753
Messaging Service
A recently-introduced issue with character encodings in the "Razor" mode for imosmail was corrected.
Bug EN-43892
Trading VIP & IMOS
Previously, Bunker ROB Exposure was not shown when first TCOV Voyage status was set to Scheduled. This issue is now fixed.
Bug EN-43448
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Previously, approving a Noon Report would overwrite manually-input estimated bunker ROB values with an incorrect calculation. Noon report approval will now preserve the manual input rather than overwrite.
Bug EN-42791
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, TCI% was not respected when raising TCI Commission with offhire deduction. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-43680
Data Center Settings VIP Only
When 'CFGEnableCO2Pricing' is enabled, the Estimator column view now includes Emission Expense info.
Story EN-40675
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Vendor Statement report in Financials did not calculate totals correctly if different currencies transactions were included. This has been fixed. In addition, "Vendor Curr" read-only field has been added to Vendor Statement report form.
Also, Provisional Trans No. field in the TDE form now properly populates with the value from operations side invoice when posting.
Also, user-specified Reversal Date when bulk-reversing invoices from the TSL is now assigned properly.
Bug EN-40385
Bug EN-43856
In the Voyage P&L Report, Bunker Details Report, and Voyage Performance Report, fixed an issue where the displayed bunker units of measure may be inaccurate.
Bug EN-43776
Data Center Settings
Fixed bug where the gap between the Beneficiary and Correspond Bank sections was expanded if Remittance Information was opened consecutively.
Bug EN-43682
Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS
Fixed bug for offline cargo handling forms no longer show warning if the cargo is input in VIP
Bug EN-43154
Previously, when a user opened the Vessel form through the Voyage Estimator and then synchronized vessel data back the to the estimate, any initial FIFO queue for the estimate would be erroneously collapsed into a single lot. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42045
Data Center Settings
An issue was repaired which had been preventing some new-created VIP users from logging in or being edited.
Bug EN-43845
Fields "First Load Cargo Handling Seq No." and "Last Disch Cargo Handling Seq No." have been added to the Cargo Report Designer table - as 1-1 links to corresponding voyage cargo handling records.
Also, "TC Brokers (All)" column has been added to Transaction Suumary List, Payables and Receivables lists.
Also, bulk-posting an invoice with specific accounts-related warning will result in error now, so that user can re-post manually and confirm.
Also, a hyperlink to open related payment/journal on Cashflow report will now work as expected.
Story EN-43666
Ops API VIP Only
It is now possible to set the fields exposureBasisDate, contractDays, coaSeqNo, and bunkerExposures on a cargo by using the message apply API with a message of intent "Cargo". No two cargoes on the same COA may have the same COA sequence number, and the sequence number must always be a non-negative integer. If any bunker exposure data is included in the message data, all existing bunker exposure data on the cargo will be deleted and replaced with the message data. It is not advised to set the CFGAutoUpdateBunkerExposureOnVoyages flag on environments where bunker exposures will be imported via this API: this flag pulls bunker exposure data into the cargo from either the associated benchmark estimate or voyage, so attempting to also manually set this data may result in unexpected behavior.
Story EN-43359
Chartering VIP Only
The deviation estimate P&L will now display linked trades.
Bug EN-43192
Previously, an error would appear when saving new cargos through the Cargo Booking form when not linked to a COA. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-43575
Invoicing & Payments VIP & IMOS
New elements "altBlQtyUnit" and "altCpQty" have been added to the "cargoItinAllocationDetail" element of the "invoice" notification export XML and to the related schema file (ImosAct.xsd).
Requires database schema version 380.
Client interfaces using "cargoItinAllocationDetail" section of the invoice notification XML might need to be updated accordingly to make use of new schema fields.
Bug EN-42668
Scale tables freight pricing now supports grouping and picing via commingled groups.
Story EN-41095
Demurrage & Claims
Previously, when reporting on mirrored laytime claims in the Report Designer, joining linked laytime calculation to such claims' invoices did not work as expected. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39635
Security & User Mgmt
A problem affecting group membership for users logging in to Veslink for the first time has been fixed.
Bug EN-38753
Previously, a bug in the Scheduling module, stemming from a GMT offset mismatch between Voyages and Voyage Estimates resulting in greater server load than expected, could lead to Scheduling users' VIP sessions becoming unresponsive. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43703
Messaging Service
The imosmail program was extended to support conversion of simplePayment messages to JSON.
Story EN-43607
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, in Time Charter Commission Payment, exchange rates were incorrectly defaulted to one. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43437
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, exchange rate dates failed to display for certain commissions. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43073
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, Counterparty Type column in the Claims list did not show correct values for mirrored laytime claims. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41283
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, CFGActRequireRemBankOnApproval configuration flag interfered with posting journals incorrectly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41018
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, payment selection list in the Payments and Receipts form did not show correct payment amount. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40484
When rescheduling a voyage, we now ensure the scrubber settings are compatible with the new vessel and set them to the new vessel's defaults if they don't match.
Bug EN-38927
Distances & Maps
New ECA zone: "ECA - Irish Sea" added
Story EN-42906
Previously, when running Monthly Accruals on a TCTO voyage for a month in which the vessel has not yet been delivered, ROB lines were not displayed. These ROB lines should have been included as the bunkers were still the operators asset. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-43646
Analytics VIP Only
Minor bug fixes to filtering behavior and internal testing has been added.
Story EN-43502
Onboard VIP Only
This change will make the viewing window for forms in onboard and agent portal wider than it was before. The window will still be resizable if the user wants a smaller/larger screen.
Story EN-42873
Invoicing & Payments
Several changes have been made to Invoice Details Cargo Itinerary Allocation, accessed from the Transaction Data Entry form, to support manual allocation with greater accuracy:
* The form now displays totals fields, and displays allocation percentages to five decimal places.
* The form now validates the total allocation percentage with greater precision, and offers a warning when the total allocated amount does not equal the original invoiced amount.
* The form now supports manually overriding allocated amounts directly, instead of only supporting overriding allocation percentages.
Bug EN-42713
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, with CFGSavePortExpAct off, importing an FDA after a corresponding PDA with line amounts in the same currency would lead to a discrepancy in Base Equivalent and Total Amount for the bill. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42666
Analytics VIP Only
This change resolves an issue with report permissions when a security group is added and later removed. For affected reports, open the report in Report Designer, Navigate to Report Properties, verify the correct security groups are selected under Access, and click save.
Bug EN-37364
Previously, extra hire commission item could have had a wrong exchange rate assigned in the monthly accruals program. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-43076
Invoicing & Payments
New configuration flag CFGUseConsolidatedAgreedTransitTimeBunkersData has been added (requires schema version 379 and higher).
Description: When enabled, data from the consolidated Agreed Transit Time and Bunkers form in Data Center will be used in related shuttle freight rate related calculations. Requires CFGEnableShuttleFreightInvoicing configuration option.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N
Story EN-43078
Previously, if the last port was updated on a Last TCI voyage which was then completed without saving in between, the redelivery information would not be updated on the TCI contract. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-42446
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Bugfixes and validation improvements related to ROBs in VVR forms.
Story EN-43354
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Failed form sharing emails will not block a form from being submitted
Bug EN-42888
In the "Cargo" table of Report Designer, fixed an issue where "First Load Port Name" and "Last Disc Port Name" could be inaccurate if the L/D information was reordered after scheduling the cargo.
Bug EN-42711
We now clear the Drydock checkbox if a voyage is converted to TCO voyage, has a fixture linked, or has cargoes added
Bug EN-41421
In the cargoSaleExport/cargoPurchaseExport notifications, fixed an issue where <stowFactorM3MT> would show the default value from the Data Center from the assigned cargo. It now outputs the value from the specific contract, and the numeric precision has been increased 4 decimals to match the UI.
Bug EN-43583
No release note
Story EN-43368
Demurrage & Claims
Previously, Laytime Commence Date was not being updated based on the NOR hours specified in CP Terms. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43709
Tasks & Alerts
Fixed an issue where expressions in task and alerts rules could disappear.
Bug EN-43487
Invoicing & Payments
We now allow user to enter local time in equipment contract and payment.
Story EN-42430
Added a new configuration flag CFGEnableAdhocVoyageJournals. When this flag is enabled, the system will support creating ad hoc voyage journals that will be properly handled in the Voyage P&L Actual and Posted columns and not result in any invariances. These new journals will have a description of Ad Hoc Journal, replacing the Non-Voyage Journal description used when the flag is disabled.
Story EN-42037
User will now have an opportunity to refresh TCI-linked daily hire before fixing an estimate if there is a mismatch between the estimate's daily hire and the TCI's daily hire.
Bug EN-41564
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, "Demurrage Commissions" value did not show up as a filter value in "Invoice Type" auto-complete list. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39667
Veslink Voyage Reporting
Story EN-43615
Invoicing & Payments
Previously, when creating Time Charter commission invoices - detail line items did not properly convert base currency amounts using invoice's exchange rate. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43552
Invoicing & Payments
When post a FDA, the paid advance items do not respect the new exchange rate. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-43044
Voyage P&L
Previously, snapshot date filter and the snapshot date taken from the snapshot manager could be wrong depending on the local time zone. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-42963
Index-Linked Time Charter Contracts that utilize Unpriced Components for pricing are now properly calculated in the Trading P&L Summary and Details lists. With this change, we are leveraging the Unpriced Component pricing structure to determine the forward rate for the contract and using that as the base (contract) rate in our exposure calculations. Unpriced Components requires CFGEnableGeneralUnpricedComponent to be enabled.
Story EN-42196