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Previously, FFA trades could have shown incorrect amount of exposure periods in the trade form when the end date of the trade was not end of the month. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61261



When CFGApplyCodePairInPortActSelection is enabled, the Port Activities Form will apply validation on paired Port Activities when saving.

Story EN-54624


Operations VIP & IMOS

Fuel factor validation has changed on three forms (Fuel Grades, Fuel/Lube Types, Bunker Purchase), so they all now allow negative WtT values, and they all disallow negative TtW or LCV values.

Story EN-61883



2 New routing options Lowdraft - South Sulawesi and Lowdraft - Makassar Strait

Story EN-61872


Invoicing & Payments IMOS Only

The Voyage Invoice List cards now show the Amount and Port (if applicable) on the card for quick reference.

Story EN-61691


Demurrage & Claims 

The allocated balance (Balance field followed those Allc fields) in the itinerary list displayed the non-allocated balance value in laytime calculations. This has been fixed, it now displays the expected value.

Bug EN-61679


Invoicing & Payments 

When the CFGEnableFuelEU configuration flag is enabled and the schema version is greater than 472, a Voyage Fuel EU Expense item can now be included in the TC invoice form. This item is assigned the bill code of "VFEUE".

Story EN-61526



Previously, pending Carbon Allowances could still be posted via transaction data entry. With this release, Carbon Allowances will no longer be able to be posted when the trade is pending.

Bug EN-61057

distances-svc-1.0.104143, 11-1-2024


New routing options for avoiding area around Halmahera Sea

Story EN-61854


Trading IMOS Only

Previously, XML export of Trade Settlement Invoices for Carbon Allowance trades were omitting the Rate and Quantity found on the Trade Settlement. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61086


Operations VIP & IMOS

With a schema upgrade, the Fuel Grades form will show 13 new fields to capture bio blend fuel factors.

Story EN-52998

distances-svc-1.0.103991, 10-31-2024


Updated time zone for port Manggis

Story EN-62177

distances-svc-1.0.103991, 10-31-2024


Improvements to routing near Japan and the Philippines

Bug EN-62124

distances-svc-1.0.103991, 10-31-2024


New port: SDE Anchorage (Indonesia)

Story EN-62031

distances-svc-1.0.103991, 10-31-2024


Renamed port "Nhava Sheeva" to "Nhava Sheva" to match the correct name per UNLOCODE documentation

Story EN-61822

distances-svc-1.0.103991, 10-31-2024



Story EN-61769

distances-svc-1.0.103991, 10-31-2024



Story EN-61768

distances-svc-1.0.103991, 10-31-2024


Improved routing when avoiding ECA China region near the East China Sea and Yellow Sea area

Story EN-61296


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Previously, the Emission Exp field in the Voyage Estimator's column view displayed EU ETS and Fuel EU expenses calculated without taking into account related contract terms, leading to confusion when contract terms actually kept that number from impacting an Estimate's P&L and TCE. To improve this, the field has been renamed Net Emission Exp, and will now display the value of the net EU ETS and Fuel EU expenses that are shown in the P&L side panel, taking into account both contract terms and expected rebills.

Bug EN-62211


Invoicing & Payments 

TC hire rate list did not include proper rates for unpriced. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61993



A bug causing a regression in itinerary information auto-population has been fixed.

Bug EN-61697


Data Lake VIP & IMOS

"BenchmarkCO2Qty", "BenchmarkCO2Price", "BenchmarkCO2Currency", and "BenchmarkCO2ExchRate" columns have been added to the report designer under the Benchmark Estimate table.

Bug EN-60935


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Previously, when copying an estimate, clearing links to imported cargoes with freight from unpriced elements could result in the new estimate having freight rates that didn't match the original, due to incorrect price matrices no longer being ignored in the new estimate. This has been fixed, and such price matrices will now be cleared in the new estimate along with the links to imported cargoes.

Bug EN-60754


Security & User Mgmt VIP Only

Fixed potential access right issue when performing bulk operations involving intercompany contracts.

Bug EN-61834


Operations VIP Only

Validation has been introduced in Voyage Manager that ensures the ETA and ETD are specified on non-passing itinerary lines when the “Lock Voyage Itinerary ETA/ETD” setting is enabled.

Bug EN-61570


Invoicing & Payments 

Due Date in invoices was not calculated correctly when using a Payment term which had 0 as Period Basis along with the Skip Holidays/Skip Weekends options enabled in the Payment Terms form. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61520


Invoicing & Payments 

The Invoice No. field in the Transaction Data Entry form is now editable for Vendor to Vendor third party transactions. If the invoice number is not filled out manually, it is generated automatically using the invoice numbering configuration followed by other invoices in the system (eg., CFGEnableDocumentNumbers, CFGAutoNumberPayables) when the transaction is posted.

Bug EN-61499


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, bunker ROBs would not be re-estimated when inserting a port into the active sea leg of an estimate linked to an in-progress voyage. Now, the bunker ROBs will be re-estimated in this scenario.

Bug EN-61054


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Noon Reports now adhere to the "Lock Voyage Itinerary ETA/ETD" setting of a voyage template when being applied to a voyage.

Bug EN-60841


Trading VIP & IMOS

With this release, External Reference can be populated on Emissions Invoices, and will appear in Transaction Data Entry as Ref No, as well as Journal Entry as External Reference. This field will be available for import and export of XML of invoices as externalRefId

Story EN-57762


Invoicing & Payments 

When configuration flag CFGConsolidateLaytimeTabs was enabled, it was not possible to add deductions for canal ports in laytime calculations; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-61382


Voyage P&L IMOS Only

Previously, with CFGEnableCargoItinSupplierReceiver and updates made for Receivers in Cargo Handling, the Actual column in Voyage P&L was not updated to reflect the true quantity received. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-60512


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

When importing an invoice with link attachments, fixed an issue where new link attachments would not be reflected in the invoice export notification generated in response to the import.

Bug EN-62047


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, reports viewed via the Voyage Estimator's column view could be generated with incorrect titles. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-62014


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Fixed an issue with hiding and unhiding forms in VVR.

Bug EN-61421


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Fixed an issue where Veslink Form based Report Designer reports failed to show fuel values if the fuel's name had been changed.

Bug EN-60960


Bunker Management VIP Only

Voyage Manager validation for the Restrict Speeds Vessel setting has been lowered from an error to a warning. Additionally, it no longer applies to in-progress sea legs.

Bug EN-62004



Previously, turning on CFGDefaultIncludeFuelEUPenaltyInPnl could have not included the Fuel EU Penalty in the Estimate P&L. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61969


Security & User Mgmt VIP Only

Resolves issue where last login timestamp in the security list was not populating for certain users.

Bug EN-61731


Chartering VIP & IMOS

With a schema upgrade, this code adds the field "Agreed Compliance Balance (MT)" to the Fuel EU tab of the Carbon Calculator, which overrides the existing aggregated "Compliance Balance (MT)" value.

Story EN-61536



New checkbox has been added to Fuel EU tab to include penalty into voyage P&L.

Story EN-61343


Invoicing & Payments 

When configuration flag CFGEnableTaxGroup is enabled, when posting a financials invoice, we now default auto-generated tax line's LOB from the parent invoice detail line's LOB if the tax line LOB cannot be obtained from BS rules.

Bug EN-60962


Operations VIP & IMOS

With this release, when manual agreed ETS cost or quantity are used and voyage emissions have been invoiced for the complete period, uninvoiced emissions will no longer appear on Voyage PnL

Bug EN-60693


Trading IMOS Only

A cargo using an estimate, with bunker liftings and calc method set to "Average", would display initial bunker rates and calculate bunker exposure with initial rates rather than the final calculated rate. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-60462


Invoicing & Payments 

Invoice detail line remarks have now been added to the invoice XML interface.

Story EN-60405


Bunker Management 

The average price of fuel per MT displayed on the Bunker Liftings Form now supports invoices with multiple currencies.

Bug EN-60584


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, Voyage PnL using Accrual Snapshots for Comparison were not respecting the Calc Flag for Settled Linked Trades. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-60431


Operations VIP & IMOS

Three Decision Tables (Marine Service Fees, ECA Recovery Charge, Tax Decision) have been migrated from IMOS Desktop to VIP, and are now visible for all users with the config flag CFGEnableStandards.

Story EN-57141


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, selecting a different currency on a multi-currency bank in a payment batch resulted in an incorrect bank and currency being set upon saving and reloading of the payment batch form. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61696


Invoicing & Payments 

When configuration flag CFGDefaultUnactual was enabled, any auto-created freight and demurrage commission invoices (applicable when CFGAutoGenerateFreightComms and CFGAutoGenerateDemComms are enabled) were not created in Pending status. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-60770


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Previously, when the Fuel Zone Set assigned to an Estimate or Voyage was changed, users had to take additional action in order to recalculate bunker consumption using the newly selected Fuel Zone Set. This has been improved, and bunker consumption will now be immediately recalculated using the newly selected Fuel Zone Set.

Bug EN-61652


Trading VIP & IMOS

Previously, carbon transfer invoices with a different exchange rate to corresponding linked voyage could display inaccurate exposure under the Trade Details List. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61745


Technical Infrastructure 

Changes from the Transshipment Summary Form now trigger logging.

Bug EN-60540


Scheduling VIP Only

Canceled TCI's and Last TCI Voyages will no longer show in the Open Positions list in the Scheduling module.

Bug EN-60514


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Previously, the EU ETS exchange rate assigned to a Voyage could be lost when creating a Deviation Estimate, resulting in an immediate P&L difference between the Estimate and its originating Voyage. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-60410


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, the 'Pmt Status' for demurrage and despatch invoices included in a freight invoice was always set to 'Unpaid', even when the parent freight invoice had been paid. This has been fixed. Demurrage and despatch invoices that are part of a freight invoice can now reflect the appropriate 'Pmt Status' as either 'Unpaid', 'Part Paid', or 'Paid', similar to other invoices.

Bug EN-60038



XML imports for L/D Rate Unit now includes validation for correct units. (D, PD, H, PH)

Bug EN-61319


Invoicing & Payments 

We now use TC invoice's Period From to get the default exchange rate and date.

Bug EN-60679


Journals VIP & IMOS

When calculating Monthly Accruals for Demurrage/Despatch with "Apply Demurrage to period" on, the accrual amount could have been incorrect if we had no actual Demurrage or Despatch amount but agreed amount on the laytime. Agreed laytime amount when there is no actual Demurrage/Despatch amount will be prorated by the days of demurrage days within the accruals period if the "Apply Demurrage to period" is on.

Bug EN-60321

distances-svc-1.0.102734, 10-11-2024


New port: Dinapigue Isabela (Philippines)

Story EN-61767

distances-svc-1.0.102734, 10-11-2024


New port: Nunivak Island (United States)

Story EN-61426

distances-svc-1.0.102734, 10-11-2024


New pot: Vieques (Puerto Rico)

Story EN-61387

distances-svc-1.0.102734, 10-11-2024


New port: Palau Matak (Indonesia)

Story EN-61297

distances-svc-1.0.102734, 10-11-2024

Distances VIP & IMOS

UN codes updated to be added to multiple ports that were missing proper values

Story EN-61265

distances-svc-1.0.102734, 10-11-2024


New port: Oikos (United Kingdom)

Story EN-61220

distances-svc-1.0.102734, 10-11-2024


Port country and time zone updated for FSO Tulja Kalyani

Story EN-60956



Previously, selections in the bill viewer in monthly accruals could have not persisted if the bill viewer was closed and opened again using CFGAccountGroups on. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-61560


Invoicing & Payments 

In model B demurrage invoice mirroring, when the external charterer demurrage/despatch invoice was saved multiple times, it's remittance bank used to get copied over to the internal mirror AP owner and AR charterer invoices. This has been fixed and the remittance bank for the latter two invoices need to be always specified in the Transaction Data Entry form.

Bug EN-60127


All VIP Only

Upgrades the help widget in the bottom left corner with a new, more advanced, offering.

Story EN-60029


Invoicing & Payments 

A new configuration flag CFGLighteringOvertimeDecimalPrecision has been introduced:
Description: For Lightering in freight invoices, this is the number of decimal precision for overtime days. The lower and upper bounds of this value is 5 and 7 respectively. If a value outside of this range is set, the nearest limit will be used instead.
Type: Integer
Default: 5

Story EN-57678


Operations VIP Only

Secondary Fuel Cons Modes in the Vessel Form can now have new entries added to their Speed Consumption Tables.

Story EN-59935


Distances VIP & IMOS

Corrects the FPSO LEOPOLD SEDAR SENGHOR port name.

Story EN-61267



There used to be incorrect P&L tied to the benchmark estimate...The issue has been fixed

Bug EN-60950



Several new fields we added to the Bunker Purchase Form to allow users to enter emission factors for fuels on a per-lifting basis. These fields are currently only for recording and reporting on these factors and will not drive calculated emission values for the voyage yet. These fields include: Well to Tank CO2 equivalent, Tank to Wake CO2 equivalent, Tank to Wake CO2 emissions factor, Lower Calorific Value, and Quantity for the biofuel and fossil fuel components, as well as the product of the two. Minimum schema required is 473.

Story EN-60580


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, when CFGConsolidateLaytimeTabs configuration flag is enabled, importing activities from existing laytime or importing current port only from existing laytime occasionally failed to process due to included ports in the source calculation being different than those in the destination calculation. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-60156


Voyage P&L 

Previously, Voyage PnL snapshots would contain "Provision for bad debt" line items for bunker redelivery. With this release, these line items will be excluded from snapshots.

Bug EN-60072


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, with configuration flag CFGRemBankOnViaCompany enabled, Freight Invoice's Remittance Bank field failed to populate its selection list when Via Company field is empty. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-60026


Invoicing & Payments 

 Beneficiary has been added to the selection list of RDE rules.

Story EN-58749



New checkbox has been added to Fuel EU tab of Estimate Carbon Calculator to include penalty into estimate P&L. Please note that this feature requires schema version 472 or above.

Story EN-58396



Cargo XML import and export now supports Laycan Confirmation and OExp$/t as LaycanConfirmed and otherExpCurrRate tags specifically.

Story EN-58389



A new column Last Modified By has been added to the Vessel report designer table, it displays the username of the person who last modified the Vessel record.

Story EN-57670


Security & User Mgmt 

If the “Allow IMOS X Access” checkbox is selected on the Edit User form, users who used IMOS credentials to sign in to IMOS Platform will use IMOS X credentials.

Story EN-61076


Distances VIP Only

Bug fix for piracy routing in the Estimates and Voyages Map View. Voyage routes no longer avoid regions that have been disabled.

Bug EN-60293


Invoicing & Payments 

In a Payment Batch, it was no longer possible to change the default bank for negative AP and positive AR invoices to the invoice Counterparty's bank; this has been fixed.

Bug EN-60388



Character restrictions '^', '%', '[', and ']' now only apply for Markets of Type "Freight". Trade Routes with these characters cannot be saved nor have Market Data updated. Bunker, Commodity and Option markets will not have restrictions.

Bug EN-61505


Chartering VIP Only

Fixes bug where the charterer value on a cargo with a freight invoice could inadvertently be overwritten by a linked COA.

Bug EN-60299


Chartering VIP & IMOS

An issue has been resolved that was related to some fuel totals on the Bunker Form not updating under specific situations involving backup fuels.

Bug EN-60169


Demurrage & Claims 

In the Claim Subtypes form, it was not possible to add rows with the same Sub-Type as an existing row. This has been fixed and the validation has been tweaked such that an error is seen only when a newly added row has the same combination of Sub-Type and Parent Claim Type as an existing row in the list.

Bug EN-60080


Trading VIP & IMOS

Previously, carbon exposure on Cargo trades would be removed when a Carbon Allowance Invoice was marked as "Invoiced". With this release, carbon exposure for Cargo trades is removed when a Carbon Allowance Invoice is "Part Transferred" or "Transferred".

Story EN-60064



Memory handling improvements have been made in order to process large datasets when running Trading P&L Snapshots.

Bug EN-61429

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