On a voyage, if you click on the “Fixture” tab you will get two options on the top of the pop-up window.
If you wish to edit the Grades click on the relevant tab.
There you will have the option to add the Grades that are going loaded on this voyage as well as information regarding the Bills of Lading.
Depending on how much will be the CP Quantity then when you add the B/L quantity you can have either Overage or Deadfreight
Let’s take an example in which the CP quantity is set to 40,000 mt .
Please note that in order to be able to view the Deadfreight you have to select the below mentioned checkbox
If the B/L quantity is 45,000 mt then you will have an Overage of 5,000 mt
Notes: Overage is effective only when you have a scenario with WorldScale (WS)
On the other hand, if the B/L quantity is 35,000 mt then you will have a Deadfreight of 5,000 mt
You will noticed also that in the Revenue field a new line will be created for the Deadfreight automatically