Requires the Lightering module. You must have the Lightering Job Module Right selected, under Lightering in the Data Center.
Lightering Job List
On the Operations menu , under Lightering, click Lightering Job.
Lightering Job
To open an existing Lightering Job:
On the Master Lightering Contract, right-click a line in the Lightering Job grid and then click View Lightering Job.
In the Voyage Manager, right-click an Itinerary line and then click Lightering Information.
To create a new Lightering Job, on the Lightering Job List, click
.Overtime amount calculation in freight invoice
The calculation considers the Overtime Rate (OR), the Overtime Days (OD) and the actual port days in the voyage port were the service is delivered.
The amount is calculated as:
If OD = 0 OR OD > days in port, then Amount = OR X Port days
If 0 < OD <= days in port, then Amount = (OR X OD / Port days) X Port days