Title: Financials FAQs  
Owner: Laura Packard
Creator: Laura Packard Jun 22, 2023
Last Changed by: Laura Packard Jun 22, 2023
Tiny Link: (useful for email) https://vesonjira.atlassian.net/wiki/x/eoBqhQ
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Children (28)
    Page: How does <externalRefID> field in simplePayment XML file affect payments in IMOS?
    Page: In the Voyage Invoice List, how do I delete Create Freight Invoice items from old Cargo contracts?
    Page: What does it mean when an accrual line is red?
    Page: Where do we view the comments entered upon invoice approval, rejection, or posting?
    Page: Why are mirrored invoices not automatically created?
    Page: Why are the Voyage Period Journals not picking up the offhire Bunkers and Hire?
    Page: Why do I still see an invariant in my P&L after updating the business rules for a posted invoice?
    Page: How to remove Estimated Bunker expenses from the Voyage P&L for consumption estimations that do not exist in the linked Estimate
    Page: How are the date values in the Final Freight Statement populated?
    Page: Why are payments for previously posted transactions missing from the database?
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