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This section includes the following topics:

Child pages (Children Display)

Create a Cargo

Create a new Cargo:

  1. Specify a Cargo Group (with configuration flag Enable Multi Grade), CounterpartyCP Qty, and Unit.

    • To enable equipment-based pricing on the Pricing tab, set the Freight Type to E.

      • Freight Type E stands for Equipment Daily Rate, and when selected, additional Equipment-related fields are available.

      • If the Freight Type is not set to E and the voyage is already scheduled, changing the Freight Type to E will back-create a Spot Equipment Contract.
  2. In the Nominated Vessel field, select the name of the tow you want to link to this cargo. When a tow is selected, the Equipment tab appears on the form.

  3. On the Itinerary tab, specify Loading and Discharging ports, Quantities, and other relevant information.

Add Equipment

On the Equipment tab, you can add boats and barges and their Equipment Contract IDs, if you know them, before scheduling the voyage. The Equip Rate, Rate Diff, and Diff fields are populated from the values entered on the Equipment Contract.


  • Note: The fields on this tab are used for reference. Any equipment you add here can be copied to the Equip In/Out tab on the Activity Log when the voyage is scheduled, and it is on that form where Operators manage equipment for the voyage.

Specify Pricing

You must specify the rates:


  1. Create a line for each Equipment Type, add the Number of Equipment, and Daily Rates.
    • If this is a consecutive voyage, you do not have to add this information to the next voyage, because the equipment is copied to the new voyage from the previous voyage. 
  2. Save the Cargo. The Equipment Contract ID field is populated with a generated ID number, but the contract is not created yet. The Equipment Contract is created when the voyage is scheduled, and at that time, you can open it.

Schedule the Voyage

To schedule the voyage, click  on the Cargo form.


After the voyage is scheduled, the Operator manages the voyage.

Config Flags
Config Flags


titleRelated Configuration Flags

Default Auto Number Voyage

Select the Automatically Number Voyage check box by default for all new voyages.

Voyage No Format

Automatically assign voyage numbers by year:

  • 0: Default.
  • 3: Use voyage numbers based on entry date year (YY) plus two digits (e.g., the first voyage of 2020 is 2001).
  • 4: Use voyage numbers based on entry date year (YY) plus three digits (e.g., the first voyage of 2020 is 20001).

If this is used in conjunction with CFGUseGlobalVoyageNumbering, when a new year begins:

  • The voyage number will continue sequentially, ignoring the new year. To resolve this, set CFGUseGlobalVoyageNumbering to N.
  • If you must have CFGUseGlobalVoyageNumbering enabled, create a new voyage with voyage number as YY01 or YY001, and that will be the largest voyage number in the system. Then, you can set CFGUseGlobalVoyageNumbering back to Y.
Use Global Voyage Numbering

Use unique voyage numbers across the entire database, rather than simply for a particular vessel. New voyages are assigned the next highest sequential open number based on the other voyages in the database.

Use Global Spot Voyage Numbering

Create new SPOT/RELT/COAS voyages with a globally unique voyage number across these three operation types.

Charterer View

Uses the Charterer's view instead of the standard Cargo form. When enabled:

  • When a voyage is scheduled using Cargo as the source, the Opr Type on the Create New Voyage form defaults according to the Counterparty on the Cargo contract. If the Counterparty is an Owner, the Opr Type is SPOT, otherwise it is TCOV or OVOV depending on the Ownership field on the vessel. Opr Type can be changed, and if the selected type is incompatible with the Cargo counterparty, the Counterparty column in the Voyage Manager Cargoes grid is cleared.
  • All noncoload Cargoes in a voyage synchronize to have the same CP Date and CP Terms Details form.
Validate Contract Status to Schedule

Restricts scheduling voyages unless Time Charters are Fixed or Delivered and Cargoes are Confirmed.

Use Cargo Benchmark on Voyage

If enabled, when scheduling a Voyage from a Cargo contract that uses Benchmark Estimate as its Exposure Basis, the new voyage will be initialized from the Benchmark Estimate of the Cargo contract.
