Versions Compared


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This is an additional solution and requires a separate license.


The methods available via the API are mainly GET and POST (with a PATCH method available to act on IMOS Dataforms).

The API supports form XML for all standard Voyage Reporting forms.

  • For in-port forms (for example, the Statement of Facts form), the nomination of a particular external system for a port call can occur within the Veson IMOS Platform. These nominations are replicated from the Veson IMOS Platform to Voyage Reporting and are accessible via the web service.

Enabling User-level Access to the API

Access to the API is administered per user. In order to use the API, the user must belong to a Company defined in the Veson IMOS Platform and have the API ReadAPI Write, and/or API IMOS Message General Permissions enabled.


  • An API Token, which is generated for a VIP IMOS user account

  • An IP Allowlist entry, specifying allowed networks or machines for API access

    • By default the Allowlist is unenabled, allowing accessing from any IP address. Please submit a support request to restrict access to certain IP addresses.
