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Veson IMOS Platform Documentation
Veson IMOS Platform Documentation

The Accounts Analysis Report is a built-in Financials report.   

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VIP - Statements - Financials Reports
VIP - Statements - Financials Reports


This report includes a financial transactions summary for the specified range of accounts, dates, and various other filters such as vessel, voyage, vendor name, etc. Transactions are shown starting with a balance on the start date along with each transaction’s debit, credit, and running balance amounts. Transactions can be grouped by account, vessel, vendor, etc. The retained earnings balance is pulled forwardThe Account Analysis is a view into the General Ledger, which is why you see the accounting sign convention.  Based on the accounting convention, for Assets, Liabilities, Revenues, Expenses, the rule for increasing the account is +A, -L, -R, +E.

Report Options

Field NameMandatory/OptionalDescriptionUse When?
Major CompanyMandatory

A Type W company from the Address Book; this field will determine which transactions are included in the report.

VesselOptionalA selection list of specific Vessels to include.When you want to filter for a specific Vessel.
Account From/Account ToOptionalA selection list of specific GL Account Codes to include.When you want to filter for specific GL account codes. All the account codes between Account From and Account To will be included on the report.
DeptOptionalThe Department name, as defined in Financials.When you want to filter for specific Department.
Date From/Date ToMandatoryThe Date Range for the Transactions to include based on the transaction Accounting Date.When you want to run reports against specific time periods.
Voyage From/VoyageToOptionalThe Voyage Number range for the transaction to include.When you want to filter for specific Voyage Numbers.
Vendor NameOptionalThe Vendors of the transactions to include in the report.When you want to see the transactions of a certain Vendor.
Group By ...MandatorySelect one way to group the data. Options are Account, Vessel, Vessel/Voyage, Vendor, Dept, and Transaction.When you want the transactions to be grouped in a different way: by Account, Vessel, Vessel/Voyage, Vendor, Department, or Transaction.
Show Rate/QuantityOptionalSelected: Report shows additional column: Rate (per unit)/Quantity.
Not Selected: Report does not show the additional column.
When you want to see the breakdown of Unit Price and Quantity for some transactions.
Show VendorOptional

Selected: Report shows additional column: Vendor.
Not Selected: Report does not show the additional column.

When you want to see the Vendors of the transactions.

Show Transaction TypeOptionalSelected: Report shows additional column: Transaction Type.
Not Selected: Report does not show the additional column.
When you want to see the Transaction Type (AR/AR) of the transactions.
Show LOBOptionalSelected: Report shows additional column: LOB.
Not Selected: Report does not show the additional column.
When you want to see the LOB of the transactions.
Show Tax Code/RateOptionalSelected: Report shows additional columns: Tax Code and Tax Rate.
Not Selected: Report does not show the additional columns.
When you want to see the tax information for the transactions.
Show Bill Src/SubcodeOptionalSelected: Report shows additional columns: Bill Source and Bill Subcode.
Not Selected: Report does not show the additional columns.
When you want to see the Bill source and code as defined in the Business Rule of the Account Codes.
Hide groups with no balance changesOptionalSelected: Report does not show groups with no balance changes in the selected period.
Not Selected: Report shows all groups in the period.
When you want to hide groups with no balance changes.
