Category: Support Inquiry or Bug Issue Categorization & Resolution
Priority: Carefully select from the available priority options., read more about priority definitions and expected resolution times at Issue Categorization & Resolution
Prod/Test: Production issues typically are higher impact than test
Version/Product: State if the issue is with VIP or IMOS
Frequency: How often does the issue occur? Does it occur across multiple scenarios? How many users does it affect?
Current Result: Briefly describe the issue and what the current result is.
Steps to Reproduce: Include the vessel/voyage, if possible, and a step-by-step list of how to reproduce the problem from your perspective.
Expected Result: In addition to steps to reproduce, how do you expect the product to behave?
Screenshots: The preferred method for sharing screenshots is to attach or copy/pasting images into theĀ Help Center. Another method is to send a Microsoft Word or Excel document explaining the steps to reproduce the issue.
Special Instructions: Add any extra detail regarding the reported issue. Also, include any previous correspondence or discussions with another Veson Nautical employee (such as a consultant).
If priority can be modified to do an existing solution, Veson Support will provide these workarounds and discuss a change in priority.
In the event that the severity of an existing issue increases we understand this and want to prioritize accordingly. To enhance the speed of this process we ask that clients provide clear and concise business reasoning for the change in situation and include this information when replying to the existing ticket.
Responding to time sensitive tickets
Refrain from reopening and reusing old tickets that have been closed unless the provided solution does not fully resolve the matter or if the issue persists.
Escalation Policy
In the event that the severity of an existing issue increases we understand this and want to prioritize accordingly. To enhance the speed of this process we ask that clients provide clear and concise business reasoning for the change in situation and include this information when replying to the existing ticket.