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Getting Started with IMOS Documentation
Getting Started with IMOS Documentation


Note: The information on this page is for IMOS IT Administrators only.


Error MessageService TypeError TypeError ExplanationIT Administrator Next Steps

User Username not found.

AuthNon-fatalThe user is not active in the IMOS environment.

Make sure that the user is correctly using IMOS or Windows authentication to log sign into IMOS.

Failed to initialize listeners, exception:
System.Exception: Messaging service is disabled.

at imosmsg.ImosMessageServer.LoginService(String env)
at Veson.Libs.Messaging.MessagingControl.StartProcessors(Func`2 pubSubDataAdapterFactory, Func`2 msgDataAdapterFactory, Func`2 contextBuilderFactory)

MsgFatalThe Messaging Service is disabled for the IMOS environment.

Make sure that the Messaging Service is enabled.

Exception caught in listener <env>:

System.IO.IOException: The handshake failed due to an unexpected packet format.

MsgNon-fatalIncoming Message Listener type POP or IMAP failed to connect.

Make sure that the:

  • Connection protocol is correct: POP or IMAP
  • Port number for connection protocol is correct
  • Username and password are correct; does username require
  • SSL is correctly used
  • SSL or TLS port number is correct; Google requires TLS port numbers

Failed to initialize listeners, exception:

System.ArgumentException: The directory name Z:\Path\To\Directory is invalid.

MsgFatalIncoming Message Listener type directory does not exist.
  • Make sure that the directory specified as the Incoming Message Listener exists.
  • If the directory is mapped, make sure that the user running the Messaging Service (default NTAUTHORITY\SYSTEM) correctly maps the drive.
  • If using UNC fileshare path names, make sure that the Messaging Service has rights to access the share drive.

Failed to initialize listeners. Exclusive application lock held by host Computer Name.

MsgFatalA Windows process, tyically the Crash Reporter, is locking the Messaging Service, preventing it from correctly restarting.

Make sure that all Windows crash report processes are closed and you are not debugging the process.

IMOS Shell Log

To help diagnose database errors, shell failures, or system-wide defects, you can evaluate the IMOS Shell Log.

File Location and Naming

To access IMOS Shell Log files, with the credentials of the user experiencing the issue, do either of the following:

  • Log Sign in to IMOS: In  On the IMOS7 menu, select About Veson Nautical IMOS and then click . The latest IMOS Shell Log file appears.
  • Log Sign in to Windows: Open Windows Explorer and enter %temp% into the location field. The user's temp directory appears; sort by date to find the latest IMOS Shell Log file.

Log file names are formatted as: imoslog.Environment.yyyymmdd.txt

Log Line Types

In a log file, each line contains structured information about a message.

IMOS Log Line

IMOS log lines provide human-readable information about IMOS activities or performance. For example, after performing a query to load a list, IMOS might report: Receivables Summary: Applying data view took 0.01 seconds. This message shows where performance bottlenecks may be occurring in your IMOS installation.

IMOS log lines are formatted as: [TypeLevel yymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuu Body

SQL Log Line

SQL log lines provide information about SQL queries performed by the shell on the IMOS database. SQL log lines are scrubbed of parametric data; however, in the case of an error, the log lines still enable you to verify that IMOS is querying the correct tables.

SQL log lines are formatted as: [TypeLevel yymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuu Body

VXP Log Line

VXP log lines provide the VXP message ID as well as a human-readable description of the action that is occurring. For example, a VXP log line might say: Start AuthRequest Conversation 811ab13b-a847-4b96-827d-8aa4ff1f9169 from  to Server:localhost:5225. You can use this information to confirm that the IMOS shell is configured to converse with the correct IMOS Authentication-Messaging Service.

VXP log lines are formatted as: [TypeLevel yymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuu [ID] Body