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Q88 - Fleet Status

Accessing Fleet Status

You can have a summary review of your vessels' status under the Vessels menu > Fleet Status.

Fleet Status


Alternatively, you can find Fleet Status as an icon on the Dashboard view:

Fleet Status icon

Fleet Status table

On the new window, you get to the table with available columns:

  • Golden Star: shows that the vessel is listed by your Company; the white star shows if you have shared access to the vessel

  • Vessel’s name

  • HVPQ Version: last imported (currently, all vessels must be under Version 6). Use HVPQ Import/Export tool to update your Fleet

  • HVPQ: Last time you imported an HVPQ File into the Q88 Platform

  • Missing: Questions (not answered) within the Q88 form

  • Due Certificates: for the vessel, according to the Certificates and Documents module.

  • OCIMF OM: Date of latest submission to OCIMF via the App

  • Q88: colour indicates how recently the vessel’s Q88 form has been updated. Be aware of the legend at the bottom of the page to explain the colours. Yes/no field indicates whether the Q88 form is published or not

  • Offline: Date of latest submission of Q88 offline form to the system

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