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1.0 Understanding the Different Types of Reports

Report Categories

Data Source


My Reports

Any other sources not used by Overnight Reports or Cubes Reports

Uses smaller data source. Report data is updated dynamically.

Shared Reports

Any other sources not used by Overnight Reports or Cubes Reports

Users smaller data source. Report data is updated dynamically.

Overnight Reports

‘Voyage Extended’, ‘Revenue Detail’ & ‘Custom Voyage Changes’

More data points than the smaller data sources. Report Data is updated overnight from refreshes.

Cubes Reports

‘Cube Voyage Result’, ‘Cube Invoices’ & ‘Cube Stem’

Report Data is updated overnight from refreshes. More filtering capabilities similar to Pivot Tables.

2.0 Recommendation for Report Building

  1. Build a report using the smaller data sources first.

  2. If the data source does not have the data points required, the user is then recommended to use Overnight Report’s data sources or Cube’s data sources. As explained in the above table, reports built based on smaller data sources can be updated dynamically which could be preferred. At the same time, note that Cube’s report cannot be sent out to recipients email on a Scheduled basis.

3.0 My Reports/ Shared Reports/ Overnight Reports

The data sources of the three reports are accessible from their individual user interface. How are reports categorized shall be explained in 3.1 Steps to Create a Report & Settings

3.1 Steps to Create

  1. In the above screenshot, Click any of the Grid as highlighted in red> New Report

  2. A pop-up window appears>Select Data Source > Create Report and VMS brings you into the Editing View

  3. Below are the report inputs/setups

  1. Explanation of the Steps in Editing View

    1. Input Report Name

    2. Set privacy

      1. Everyone (The report saved is accessible and visible to all users within the client’s company. Such report created is listed under ‘Shared Reports’)

      2. Just Me (The Report saved is only accessible and visible to the creator. Such report created is listed under ‘My Reports’)

    3. Left-click under Available Columns and click Add to bring over to Selected Columns. Columns selected shall reflect on the created report. You can double-click on the items listed under Available Columns as a quick way to select columns over to Selected Columns.

    4. To arrange the Selected Columns in the preferred order, click on Move Up or Move Down. To delete a column, click Remove.

    5. To group or sort the order of a specific column, click Group/Sort. You are allowed to add more than one parameter respectively. Note that there are other shortcuts serving the same purpose upon saving the report. Refer to 3.2 Viewing the Reports Created > 1.

    6. Colors allow you to highlight the value/row if the field meets certain conditional criteria. Below is one sample. Left-click on the Selected Column first, followed by Colors. You may add more than one condition.

    7. This feature allows the column value to reflect according to the mathematical selection.

    8. Filtering conditions can be set on each column. Below is a sample

    9. Criteria Pattern. Please see the below screenshot which is self-explanatory. Click Edit Pattern to amend the pattern.

    10. While you are setting up the report from step a --> i, you can click the Save button for preview by clicking Save + Display. If you are editing an existing report and wish to save it as another report, click Save As.

3.2 Viewing the Reports Created

After the report is saved, depending on what Privacy and Data Source they are selected, you can find the reports within My Reports/ Shared Reports/ Overnight Reports. Refer to 1.0 Understanding the Different Types of Reports for more information. 3.1 Steps to Create> 4b explains further detail.

  1. Shortcuts

    1. Left-click on the column header to sort in Ascending order, and a click second time to sort in descending order

    2. You can sort in terms of priority. Hold Shift + Left Click to sort out the first column, continue to Hold Shift + Left Click to sort out the second column, and so on…

    3. Click the Funnel Icon to set a Quick filter at the header

    4. To set Groupings, hold left-click and drag out and release above the header row

    5. To remove Groupings, right-click and select accordingly. Ungroup All you wish to remove all the groupings (You can do up more than one grouping)

  2. Other features when viewing the report

    1. Reset View (Removes all Groupings and Sortings. Note that this does not remove the Grouping and Sorting setup under the Editing View)

    2. Columns (A pop-up window appears for you to quickly select and remove columns)

    3. Export (download Excel format to your Local download folder)

    4. Edit Report (Brings you to Editing view)

3.3 Scheduled Report to Email

You can set up scheduled reports on your own. VMS has the capability to send out Emails according to the frequency and time configured. Navigate into the Editing View explained in 3.2 Viewing the Reports Created> 2b.

Note that this feature is not applicable for Cubes Report.

  1. Click New Schedule

  2. Select Mode

    1. Report Mode (Report is sent out regardless if there is any data produced from its report filtering)

    2. Alert Mode (Report is not sent out if the report is blank from its report filtering)

  3. Recipients (You may input more than one recipient, but recommended to input a distribution email address)

  4. Frequency (Dropdown list options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

  5. When (Time in UTC HH: MM)

A successful report sent out to recipients looks like below, with report name: PS Voyage 01.

To view all Scheduled Reports, click the below highlighted. Left-click on the line item to edit the schedule.

4.0 Cubes Reports

Cubes reports provide more filtering features than the usual reports in 3.0 My Reports/ Shared Reports/ Overnight Reports

There are four Cube Data Sources to select from the below screenshot.

  1. Voyage Results

  2. Invoices

  3. Stem

  4. Analysis (If this is not seen on your user interface, please approach our Support Team)

4.1 Steps to Create Cubes Reports

  1. Select Cube Data Source from the drop-down list

  2. Click Save As

  3. Input name for this report

  4. See the privacy option (Note that the created report does not go to My Reports/ Shared Reports. It is listed under the drop-down highlighted in Yellow)

  5. Save

  1. Click the Field List Icon

  2. Click the Field List Options Icon (In the following example, this article is using the 2nd View as a sample)

  3. Drag and Drop the parameters needed from the Left (Yellow region) to the Right (Blue region) so as to include them in the Cube Report. To remove the parameters from the report, Drag and Drop from Right (Blue region) to the Left (Yellow region)

  4. Take note whenever the parameter is dragged out from the Yellow region, it disappears from the Yellow region and vice versa.

  5. A sample of what each of the Blue Areas represents is shown below

  6. Filtering is allowed in the Red, Green, and Purple regions

  7. Click Update ('Defer Layout Update' when ticked, only updates the report upon clicking Update. Otherwise, the report is updated live as the parameters are drag and drop. Enabling it allows better loading and performance)

4.2 Viewing Created Cubes Reports

  1. Select the Data Source

  2. Select the Name of the Report

  3. You may download it as Excel to view it as well

5.0 Custom Report

These are customized report that is built for specific clients upon request and approval. Please note that the approval of such requests is strictly based on a case-by-case basis.

6.0 Dashboard & Variances

Dashboard and Variances are Built-In visual reports to give an overview of voyage status.

The Dashboard gives users a quick view of the statuses in the below screenshot. The '+' icon highlighted in red is clickable to view the invoice details including the invoice number.

The Variances give users a quick view into the details of the Top 10 voyages that have changes in terms of TCE amount. Similarly, the clickable '+' icon allows the user to view more details as shown below screenshot.

7.0 Cube Connector

7.1 Last Refreshed

As mentioned in 1.0 Understanding the Different Types of Reports, some of the data sources are updated overnight. Such reports using these sources are updated whenever the refresh is triggered on a daily basis. If the Overnight Reports/ Cubes Reports are not updated, it could mean that the cube is not refreshed. You may refer to the stated ‘Last Refreshed’ shown below. Reach out to our Support Team for assistance if a manual refresh trigger is required.

7.2 Excel Connection

Refer to the attached document on how to connect data to Excel. Please approach our Support Team to retrieve the relevant password required as mentioned in the documentation.

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