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Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'IMOS Documentation'.

Note: By default, the Voyage Fixture is disabled in new systems. To enable Voyage Fixtures, use the configuration flags below to enable either Voyage Fixture Status or Vessel Vetting.

A Voyage Fixture is a contract for a voyage; it captures the Charter Party terms for each cargo and may be set up before creating the Voyage. Changes to the contract terms in the voyage (via Voyage Manager) are reflected on the Voyage Fixture.

To view an existing Voyage Fixture:

To create a new Voyage Fixture, do one of the following:

  • On a Cargo or VC In, click  and then complete the Create Voyage Fixture form. The information entered into the Cargo is used to create a new Voyage Fixture.
  • In the Chartering module center , click Voyage Fixture.
  • On the Voyage Fixture List, click  and then click New Voyage Fixture.
  • On the IMOS7 menu, hover over New and then click Voyage Fixture.
  • When you create a new voyage from a Voyage Estimate, a Voyage Fixture is automatically created.


  • Use tools on the toolbar to create, find, save, copy, or delete records.
  • To do any of the following, click  and then click a command:
    • Reorder Itinerary after changing the Sequence on the Port/Date tab, or alter it to create the Shortest Itinerary.
    • Map Itinerary: See and adjust the itinerary in Veslink Distances.
    • Bunker Planning: Set up initial quantities and calculation methods for each fuel type and enter quantities and prices for any bunkers you plan to receive.
    • Profit Share: Indicate amounts from the Voyage P&L to be considered as Profit Sharing or Premium Revenue.
    • Piracy Avoidance: Select an option:
      • Default: Uses the vessel's default routing preferences specified on the Routes tab in the Vessel form.
      • Disabled: Uses the most direct route.
      • Enabled: Reroutes the vessel around the region.
  • : Add to the IMOS On-Prem - Voyage Fixture#Cargoes grid.
  • : View or enter miscellaneous revenue (AR) or expense (AP) items that you wish to be reflected on the Voyage Fixture P&L and in the associated scheduled voyage.
  •  or Schedule or view a voyage.
  • : Back-create a Voyage Estimate.
  • : Select the appropriate option to record additional Voyage Fixture remarks, including any (read-only) notes to Operations.
  • : Select the appropriate option to record additional Voyage Fixture terms.
  • : Run the Voyage Fixture Report or Voyage Fixture Estimated Profit & Loss Report.
  • Check the Validation symbol on the toolbar; if information is not complete and correct, click the symbol to see a message describing any issues.
    : All information is complete, and a valid voyage can be created from the Voyage Fixture.
    : Some information is missing, but a valid voyage can be created from the Voyage Fixture.
    : The form contains one or more errors, and a valid voyage cannot be created from the Voyage Fixture.

Fixture Information

  • The Performing Vessel can be updated at any time, even after the creation of a voyage from the Voyage Fixture. If the vessel scheduled to a voyage changes, the change must be entered in this field in the Voyage Fixture.

    Note: If any Operations invoices exist for a voyage, you will be prevented from rescheduling the voyage to a different vessel unless the invoices are removed (including Estimated Demurrage).

  • When you save the Voyage Fixture, its Status (as well as that of the associated Voyage Estimate, if applicable) changes to Fixed. When a voyage is created from the Voyage Fixture, its Status (as well as that of the associated Voyage Estimate, if applicable) changes to Scheduled.

Note: Fixture would be permanently locked when Status is set to "Canceled"

  • With configuration flag CFGAllowOpsVoyageRenumbering enabled and the Edit Voyage Number module right, you can specify a new Voyage Number.
  • When you enter the Commence DateETAs and ETDs are calculated and display based on the projected speed of the vessel and the distances between the voyage legs in the IMOS On-Prem - Voyage Fixture#Itinerary grid.

Summary Tree

The Summary tree is at the right; it summarizes and provides access to important forms and related information. You can attach and access documents or links.


To add Cargoes, do one of the following:

  • Click . The CP Terms Details form appears, with all the details for the cargo (charterer, laycan, load/discharge ports, pricing and laytime terms, etc.).
  • Enter line items in the Cargoes grid.
    • For Opt % and Opt Type, see Cargo Tolerance Option Types.
    • For T (Freight Type) = W (World Scale), see World Scale Rates.
    • To add more cargo information, including laycan, load/discharge ports, pricing and laytime terms, right-click the Cargo line item and select CP Terms Details. After updating information, click  to add those new Cargo terms to the Voyage Fixture, or  to update the current Cargo data in the Voyage Fixture.


To change the Voyage Fixture Itinerary, do one of the following:

  • To add legs to the end of the itinerary, in the Itinerary grid, click to add a row and enter the relevant information.
  • To insert legs into the itinerary, right-click the line below which you want to insert a new itinerary leg, and select Insert Port.

Voyage Fixture List

All Voyage Fixtures appear on the Voyage Fixture List. In the Chartering module center , next to Voyage Fixture, click List.

The Voyage Fixture List is a standard IMOS list, so you can sort it, filter it, do a Quick Search, and create custom Views for it.

 Related Configuration Flags
Enable Chart Manual Status Flags

Adds additional status options to the Voyage Fixture and Estimate, and the manual management of these statuses. (A manually managed Status field is available on the Voyage Fixture, with a default status of On Subs. A voyage can be scheduled from a Voyage Fixture only if its status is Fixed.)

Enable Vessel Vetting

Enables vessel vetting. The value in the Vetting field is the Vetting status of the Fixture with this vessel: Pending or Completed. To open the Vessel Vetting form, click the Vetting field label.

With this flag enabled:

  • The Voyage Fixture is created when an Estimate is fixed.
  • On the Voyage Fixture form, the Performing Vessel field label changes to Vessel.
Enable Voyage Type Checkboxes

Adds PoolIceClean, and Coated check boxes to the Voyage Estimate and Voyage Fixture for reporting for bulk vessels. They are carried to the Voyage Manager, and their statuses flow between the forms.

Use Company Lob Trade Area Hierarchy

Sets up a hierarchy between Company, LOB, and Trade Area on several forms.

Default Trade Area on Cargo Import

Enables defaulting the Trade Area on a voyage to the one from the imported Cargo.

Voyage Estimate Show Cranes in Itinerary Grid

When enabled, the Cargo tab in a Voyage Estimate/Voyage Fixture/Voyage Manager will have a new column C, to indicate the use of Cranes in the specific port. This column will only be visible for bulk vessels, and its value can be editable from the Cargo tab in the Itinerary, the CP Terms Details form, or the Itinerary Details form of that port.

Clear Company Lob on Copy

Clears the Company, LOB, and Department values when copying a Voyage Fixture or contract.

Voyapi Validate Cargo Laycan for Port

Adds validation warnings if, at the first port where a cargo is to be loaded, the vessel will arrive before the start or after the end of the cargo's laycan.

  • Additionally, on the Voyage List, voyage lines will be highlighted in yellow if the above condition exists.
Enable Operations LOB

If enabled, displays an LOB (Line of Business) field on the Address (Type W), Voyage Estimate, Voyage Fixture, Voyage, and contract forms.

Delete Fixture Upon Voyage Deletion

When a voyage is deleted, its Voyage Fixture is also deleted. If the voyage was created from a Cargo COA (with CFGPreserveGeneratedCargoes disabled), the voyage's Cargo is deleted as well.

Reset COA Lifting Upon Fixture Deletion

When a Voyage Fixture is deleted, and its Cargo is a COA lifting, or when a COA Cargo is unscheduled by removing it from a voyage, the lifting is reset as follows:

  • The Cargo Status is set to Confirmed.
  • The Cargo Qty is reset to the Qty/Lifting value from the COA.
Group by Func on Cargo Import

When importing a Cargo contract, new ports for cargo loads will be added to the itinerary immediately after the last existing load port. Likewise, new ports for discharging will be added after the last existing discharge port. This behavior will not apply if M ports are present in the itinerary.

Allow Operations Voyage Renumbering

When enabled, users can specify a new Voyage Number for a voyage by modifying the corresponding field in the Voyage Manager or the Voyage Fixture, or by rescheduling the voyage via the Voyage Manager Copy toolbar button. In addition, the Edit Voyage Number Module Right appears, allowing this ability to be granted to certain users but not others.

Enable User Group on Fixture

Add fields for User Group and User on the Voyage Fixture form.

Enable Cargo Handling Trade No

Note: CFGEnableMultiGrade must also be enabled.

Y = If multigrade cargoes are enabled, adds a Trade No. column to the Voyage Estimate Itinerary Cargo tab, Voyage Fixture, Voyage Manager, Cargo Itinerary/Options tab, and (when config flag CFGEnableActInvDetProrationByItin is enabled) Cargo Itinerary Allocation form. Additionally, if cargo transfers are enabled, the column is added to the Transfers tab. This is a free-text field, where users can enter identifiers for a trade associated with the given cargo lifting.

R = All the functionality of the Y setting is enabled, except that the Trade No. column is read-only.

Cargo Handling Trade No Title

Provides an override for the column title of the Trade No. column, which is enabled with CFGEnableCargoHandlingTradeNo. Leaving the setting blank causes the column title to remain Trade No.

Counterparty Label
If this flag has a value, references to Charterer in the Voyage Estimate, Voyage Fixture, and Voyage Manager are now replaced with the value of this flag, for example, Buyer.
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