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Oceanbolt Data API
This API provides access to the data available in the Oceanbolt Data Platform. The API is accessible on the following base url: https://api.oceanbolt.com/v3
This API is documented in OpenAPI format. The API allows for programmatic access to the different data resources that are also accessible in the Oceanbolt Data Platform. The resources are grouped into the following categories:
Congestion: congestion data
Tonnage: tonnage and speed related data
Trade Flows: trade flow data
Dry dock: individual dry dock stays on the vessel level and summary timeseries for dry dockings
Port Calls: Historic list of port calls on either vessel/port level
Entities: listing of various database entities in the Oceanbolt Platform
Fleet Management: management user defined fleets
Polygon Management: management user defined polygon layers
Detailed information on how to query and filter the data is available in the documentation on the individual endpoints.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
This API features Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implemented in compliance with W3C spec. And that allows cross-domain communication from the browser. All responses have a wildcard same-origin which makes them completely public and accessible to everyone, including any code on any site.
Authentication to the Oceanbolt Data API is done through bearer token. To make calls to the API, send the API token in the Authorization HTTP header using the Bearer authentication scheme. You can create access tokens from your profile page on: Oceanbolt Data Platform. Access tokens should be provided as a bearer token, e.g. it should be in the form of a header with the following format:
Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>
Base url
Base url:
More information: https://openapi.oceanbolt.com
Contact Info: support@oceanbolt.com
Version: 3.0.0
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Request object for adding a Vessel to a Fleet - Request object for adding a Vessel to a Fleet
Request object for batch adding Veming a Fleet - Request object for renaming a Fleet
Request object for updating a vessel - Request object for updating a vessel
v3BatchDistanceRequest - Request object for BatchCalculateDistance method
v3BatchDistanceResponse - Response object for BatchCalculateDistance method
v3CustomPolygonRequest - Request object for GetPolygonCounts
v3CustomPolygonResponse - Response object for GetPolygonCounts
v3DistanceRequest - Request object for CalculateDistance method
v3FleetGrowthTimeseriesGroup - Fleet growth timeseries group
v3GetAisSummaryRequest - Request object for GetAisSummaryRequest
v3GetAisSummaryResponse - Request object for GetAisSummaryResponse
v3GetFleetListRequest - Request object for parsing a file into a fleet
v3GetFleetLiveMapResponse - GetFleetLiveMapRequest request object for getting static fleet map
v3GetPortCallTimeseriesResponse - Response object for port call timeseries queries
v3GetPortCallsResponse - Response object for port call queries
v3GetPortParticularsRequest - Request object for GetPortParticulars
v3GetPortParticularsResponse - Response object for GetPortParticulars
v3GetTonnageFleetGrowthResponse - Response object for GetTonnageFleetGrowth
v3GetTonnageFleetRequest - Request object for GetTonnageFleetStatus and GetTonnageFleetGrowth
v3GetTonnageFleetStatusResponse - Response object for GetTonnageFleetStatus
v3GetTonnageZoneChangesRequest - Request object for TonnageZoneChange
v3GetTonnageZoneChangesResponse - Response object for TonnageZoneChange
v3GetTonnageZoneCountResponse - Response object for tonnage zone counts
v3GetTradeFlowTimeseriesResponse - Response object for trade flow timeseries queries
v3GetTradeFlowsResponse - Response object for trade flow queries
v3GetVesselStatesForDateRequest - Request message for VesselStateService.GetVesselStatesForDate
v3GetVesselStatesRequest - Request message for VesselStateService.GetVesselStates
v3GetVesselsInPortRequest - Request object for GetVesselsInPort
v3GetVesselsInPortResponse - Response object for GetVesselsInPort
v3TonnageChineseWatersRequest - Request object for TonnageChineseWaters
v3TonnageChineseWatersResponse - Response object for TonnageChineseWaters
v3TonnageTimeseriesGroup - Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries group
v3UpdateVesselParams - Parameter object for updating a vessel in a Fleet
v3ZoneChangesTimeseriesGroup - Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries group
DistanceResponseDistanceAlgorithmStatus Up
GetAisSummaryRequestResolution Up
Request object for adding a Vessel to a Fleet - Request object for adding a Vessel to a Fleet Up
vessel (optional)
Request object for batch adding Vessels to a Fleet - Request object for batch adding Vessels to a Fleet Up
vessels (optional)
array[v3VesselParams] List of Vessels to be added.
Request object for batch adding Vessels to a Fleet_1 - Request object for batch adding Vessels to a Fleet Up
vessels (optional)
array[v3VesselParams] List of Vessels to be added.
Request object for renaming a Fleet - Request object for renaming a Fleet Up
newFleetName (optional)
String The new name of the Fleet.
Request object for updating a vessel - Request object for updating a vessel Up
vessel (optional)
upsert (optional)
Boolean Flag indicating whether the vessel should be created if it doesnt not already exist. If the upsert flag is set to false, and a vessel does not already exist, the function will return an error.
distancecalculatorv3Location Up
Locatation data object. Locations can be specified using either raw lon/lat coordinates, unlocodes, Oceanbolt portIds or by specifying IMO number of a vessel. If an IMO is specified, routing will be calculated from the vessels current location.
imo (optional)
Long IMO number to include in the routing calculation. The current location of the vessel will be used in routing calculations. format: int64
unlocode (optional)
String UNLOCODE of a port to be included in routing calculation.
point (optional)
portId (optional)
Long Oceanbolt port identifier to be included in routing calculation. format: int64
filtersVesselFilter Up
imo (optional)
array[Long] List IMO values to filter on. Example: [1234567,7654321]. format: int64
dwt (optional)
array[Double] DWT range to filter on. Example: [45000,90000] (both values inclusive). format: double
maxDraught (optional)
array[Double] Maximum Draught range to filter on (value in meters). Example: [12,20] (both values inclusive). format: double
loa (optional)
array[Double] LOA range to filter on (value in meters). Example: [150,200] (both values inclusive). format: double
beam (optional)
array[Double] BEAM range to filter on (value in meters). Example: [10,40] (both values inclusive). format: double
logFitted (optional)
Boolean Flag to specify filtering on whether a vessel is log fitted or not. If left blank, filter will not be applied.
selfUnloader (optional)
Boolean Flag to specify filtering on whether a vessel is classified as a self unloader or not. If left blank, filter will not be applied.
geared (optional)
Boolean Flag to specify filtering on whether a vessel is geared or not. If left blank, filter will not be applied.
iceClassed (optional)
Boolean Flag to specify filtering on whether a vessel is ice classed or not. If left blank, filter will not be applied.
mpv (optional)
Boolean Flag to specify filtering on whether a vessel is classified as an MPV. If left blank, filter will not be applied.
gt (optional)
array[Double] GT range to filter on. Example: [45000,90000] (both values inclusive). format: double
grainCapacity (optional)
array[Double] Grain capacity range to filter on (value in cubic meters). Example: [45000,90000] (both values inclusive). format: double
gasCapacityCbm (optional)
array[Double] Gas capacity range filter on (value in cubic meters). Example: [45000,90000] (both values inclusive). format: double
built (optional)
array[Integer] Built year range to filter on. Example: [1998,2005] (both values inclusive). format: int32
vesselType (optional)
array[String] List of vessel type values to filter on. Example: TBD.
flagState (optional)
array[String] List of flag state values to filter on. Example: [US,CN].
layerId_batchaddpolygons_body Up
polygons (optional)
upsert (optional)
layerId_renamelayer_body Up
newLayerName (optional)
layerId_replacepolygons_body Up
polygons (optional)
upsert (optional)
protobufAny Up
rpcStatus Up
code (optional)
Integer format: int32
message (optional)
details (optional)
v3AggregationGroup Up
group (optional)
String Name of the aggregation group.
rows (optional)
array[v3AggregationRow] List of categories within the group.
v3AggregationRow Up
category (optional)
String Category name for the aggregation row.
value (optional)
Double Value of the aggregation row. format: double
v3AisQualityResponse Up
vesselSegmentsByTime (optional)
zonesByTime (optional)
zonesBySegment (optional)
v3AnchorageStay - AnchorageStay object Up
anchorageId (optional)
Long format: int64
anchorageName (optional)
arrivedAt (optional)
departedAt (optional)
hoursInAnchorage (optional)
Double The duration of the stay in the anchorage in hours. format: double
v3BatchDistanceRequest - Request object for BatchCalculateDistance method Up
requests (optional)
v3BatchDistanceResponse - Response object for BatchCalculateDistance method Up
responses (optional)
v3BerthStay - BerthStay object Up
berthId (optional)
Long format: int64
berthName (optional)
berthType (optional)
arrivedAt (optional)
departedAt (optional)
draughtIn (optional)
Double format: double
draughtOut (optional)
Double format: double
hoursInBerth (optional)
Double The duration of the stay in the berth in hours. format: double
v3BoundingBox Up
lowerLeft (optional)
array[Double] format: double
upperRight (optional)
array[Double] format: double
v3ChineseWatersTimeseriesGroup Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
array[v3ChineseWatersTimeseriesRow] Rows of timeseries data.
v3ChineseWatersTimeseriesRow Up
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
insideChineseWatersCount (optional)
Integer Number of Chinese flagged vessels inside Chinese waters. format: int32
insideChineseWatersDwt (optional)
Double Sum of DWT of Chinese flagged vessels inside Chinese waters. format: double
outsideChineseWatersCount (optional)
Integer Number of Chinese flagged vessels outside Chinese waters. format: int32
outsideChineseWatersDwt (optional)
Double Sum of DWT of Chinese flagged vessels outside Chinese waters. format: double
v3Commodity Up
commodity (optional)
commodityId (optional)
Integer format: int32
commodityValue (optional)
commodityGroup (optional)
platform (optional)
v3CongestionResponse Up
Congestion responseobject.
numberOfCurrentVessels (optional)
Integer Number of vessels currently congested. format: int32
currentTopPorts (optional)
array[v3CongestionSplitRow] List of top ports by amount of congested.
currentTopSubSegments (optional)
array[v3CongestionSplitRow] List of top segments by amount of congested.
currentTopCommodityGroups (optional)
array[v3CongestionSplitRow] List of top commodities by amount of congested.
currentTopLoadCountries (optional)
array[v3CongestionSplitRow] List of top countries by amount of congested.
timeseriesDefault (optional)
currentVessels (optional)
array[v3CongestionStay] List of vessels currently congested.
timeseries (optional)
array[v3CongestionTimeseriesGroup] Congestion timeseries response.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3CongestionSplitRow Up
item (optional)
count (optional)
Integer format: int32
dwt (optional)
Double format: double
countPercent (optional)
Double format: double
dwtPercent (optional)
Double format: double
v3CongestionStay Up
imo (optional)
Integer IMO number of the vessel. format: int32
vesselName (optional)
String Name of the vessel.
segment (optional)
String The vessel segment (handysize, supramax, panamax etc.).
subSegment (optional)
String The vessel sub segment (large capesize, kamsarmax, vloc etc.).
dwt (optional)
Double The DWT of the vessel. format: double
currentPortId (optional)
String The Oceanbolt port id where the vessel is currently congested.
currentPortName (optional)
String The name of the port where the vessel is currently congested.
currentCountry (optional)
String The name of the country where the vessel is currently congested.
currentCountryCode (optional)
String The 2-letter ISO code of the country where the vessel is currently congested.
arrivedAt (optional)
String The UTC timestamp of when the vessel arrived at the current port.
waitingTimeDays (optional)
Double The waiting time in days that the vessel has waiting up until today. format: double
lastLoadCountry (optional)
String The name of the country where the vessel loaded its prior cargo.
lastLoadCountryCode (optional)
String The 2-letter ISO code of the country where the vessel loaded its prior cargo.
lastLoadPortName (optional)
String The name of the port where the vessel loaded its prior cargo.
lastLoadBerthName (optional)
String The name of the terminal where the vessel loaded its prior cargo.
lastPortDepartedAt (optional)
String The UTC timestamp of when the vessel departed its prior load port.
lastLoadPortId (optional)
Integer The Oceanbolt port id of the port where the vessel loaded its prior cargo. format: int32
commodityGroup (optional)
String Name of the commodity group.
commodity (optional)
String Name of the commodity.
volume (optional)
Double Volume of the cargo onboard the vessel. format: double
lat (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
lng (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
course (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
speed (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
ladenStatus (optional)
String Current laden status of the vessel (laden or ballast).
v3CongestionTimeseriesGroup Up
Congestion timeseries group object.
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
array[v3CongestionTimeseriesRow] Rows of timeseries data.
v3CongestionTimeseriesRow Up
Congestion timeseries row object.
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
vesselCount (optional)
Integer Number of vessels that were congested on the date. format: int32
vesselDwt (optional)
Double Sum of DWT that were congested on the date. format: double
avgWaitingDays (optional)
Double Average waiting days of vessels that were congested on the date. format: double
medianWaitingDays (optional)
Double Median waiting days of vessels that were congested on the date. format: double
v3Country Up
country (optional)
countryCode (optional)
v3CreateFleetRequest - Request object for creating a Fleet Up
fleetName (optional)
String The new name of the Fleet.
v3CreateLayerRequest Up
layerName (optional)
v3CustomPolygonRequest - Request object for GetPolygonCounts Up
geojson (optional)
ladenStatus (optional)
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
v3CustomPolygonResponse - Response object for GetPolygonCounts Up
timeseries (optional)
v3DistanceRequest - Request object for CalculateDistance method Up
locations (optional)
array[distancecalculatorv3Location] List of locations to calculate the shortest route between. If more than 2 locations are specified, then routing will be calculated through all locations, using intermediary locations as waypoints. The routing order of the locations will be based on the order of the locations in the request body.
speed (optional)
Double An optional speed parameter. If this is supplied, then the API will return an estimate of the total duration of the voyage, based on the supplied speed. Speed parameter should be supplied in knots. format: double
transform (optional)
String Specifies a transformation to be applied to the returned shortest path. Allowed values are [great_circle].
longitudeAdjustment (optional)
String Specifies whether the resulting points/lines crossing the antimeridian should be adjusted to form a continuous line for plotting. Allowed values are [antimeridian,none]. Default value is 'antimeridian.
blockSuez (optional)
blockPanama (optional)
v3DistanceResponse Up
totalDistance (optional)
Double Total distance of the entire voyage in nautical miles. format: double
totalDurationHours (optional)
Double Total expected duration of the entire voyage, given a certain speed supplied by the user. format: double
totalShortestPath (optional)
array[v3Point] The calculated shortest path between the start/end point of the entire voyage.
individualLegs (optional)
status (optional)
v3DryDockResponse Up
DryDock responseobject.
numberOfCurrentVessels (optional)
Integer format: int32
currentTopPorts (optional)
currentTopSubSegments (optional)
currentTopCountries (optional)
currentTopShipyards (optional)
timeseriesDefault (optional)
currentVessels (optional)
array[v3DryDockStay] List of vessels currently congested.
timeseries (optional)
array[v3DryDockTimeseriesGroup] DryDock timeseries response.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3DryDockSplitRow Up
item (optional)
count (optional)
Integer format: int32
dwt (optional)
Double format: double
countPercent (optional)
Double format: double
dwtPercent (optional)
Double format: double
v3DryDockStay Up
imo (optional)
Integer IMO number of the vessel. format: int32
vesselName (optional)
String Name of the vessel.
segment (optional)
String The vessel segment (handysize, supramax, panamax etc.).
subSegment (optional)
String The vessel sub segment (large capesize, kamsarmax, vloc etc.).
dwt (optional)
Double The DWT of the vessel. format: double
portId (optional)
Integer The Oceanbolt port id where the vessel is currently docked. format: int32
portName (optional)
String The name of the port where the vessel is currently docked.
shipyardId (optional)
Integer The Oceanbolt shipyard id where the vessel is currently docked. format: int32
shipyardName (optional)
String The name of the shipyard where the vessel is currently docked.
countryName (optional)
String The name of the country where the vessel is currently docked.
countryCode (optional)
String The 2-letter ISO code of the country where the vessel is currently docked.
currentCountryCode (optional)
arrivedAt (optional)
String The UTC timestamp of when the vessel arrived at the current port.
waitingTimeDays (optional)
Double The duration in days that the vessel has been dry docked up until today. format: double
lat (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
lng (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
course (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
speed (optional)
Double Not implemented. format: double
v3DryDockTimeseriesGroup Up
DryDock timeseries group object.
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
v3DryDockTimeseriesRow Up
DryDock timeseries row object.
date (optional)
vesselCount (optional)
Integer format: int32
vesselDwt (optional)
Double format: double
avgWaitingDays (optional)
Double format: double
medianWaitingDays (optional)
Double format: double
v3EmptyResponse - Empty response object Up
v3EmptyResponse1 Up
v3Fleet - Fleet resource Up
fleetId (optional)
String The Fleet identifier.
fleetName (optional)
String The name of the Fleet.
platform (optional)
ownerUserId (optional)
String The user id of the Fleet owner (the user who has created the Fleet).
organization (optional)
String The organization that the user belongs to.
vesselsInFleet (optional)
Integer The number of vessels in the Fleet. format: int32
vessels (optional)
array[v3Vessel1] List of Vessels in the Fleet.
sharedWithOrg (optional)
Boolean A flag indicating whether this is a shared fleet.
v3FleetGrowthTimeseriesGroup - Fleet growth timeseries group Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
array[v3FleetGrowthTimeseriesRow] Rows of timeseries data.
v3FleetGrowthTimeseriesRow - Fleet growth timeseries row Up
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
scrapped (optional)
Double Number of vessels (or sum of DWT) that was scrapped during this period. format: double
delivered (optional)
Double Number of vessels (or sum of DWT) that was delivered during this period. format: double
net (optional)
Double Net number of vessels (or sum of DWT) that was added to/removed from the fleet during this period. format: double
v3Fleets - Response object for listing Fleets Up
fleets (optional)
array[v3Fleet] List of user defined Fleet resources.
organizationFleets (optional)
array[v3Fleet] List of organizational Fleet resources that are shared with the current user.
predefinedFleets (optional)
array[v3Fleet] List of system level predefined Fleet resources.
v3GeoPoint Up
lat (optional)
Double Latitude. format: double
lon (optional)
Double Longitude. format: double
v3GetAisSummaryRequest - Request object for GetAisSummaryRequest Up
imo (optional)
Long format: int64
startTime (optional)
Date format: date-time
endTime (optional)
Date format: date-time
resolution (optional)
v3GetAisSummaryResponse - Request object for GetAisSummaryResponse Up
distanceTraveledNm (optional)
Double format: double
averageSpeedKnots (optional)
Double format: double
numberOfPositions (optional)
Long format: int64
initialTimestampForPeriod (optional)
Date format: date-time
lastTimestampForPeriod (optional)
Date format: date-time
v3GetCongestionRequest Up
Congestion request object.
portId (optional)
array[Integer] List of Oceanbolt port ids to filter on. This filters on the port where the vessel is currently congested. format: int32
portUnlocode (optional)
array[String] List of five letter UNLOCODEs for to filter on.
countryCode (optional)
array[String] The list of 2-letter ISO countries to get congestion data for. This filters on the country where the vessel is currently congested. Country code can be obtained either from the /entities/countries endpoint.
regionId (optional)
array[String] The list of regionIds to get congestion data for. This filters on the region where the vessel is currently congested. Region Id can be obtained either from the /entities/regions endpoint.
operation (optional)
array[String] List of port call operation types to filter on. Allowed values are: **["load","discharge";"yard","unknown"].
commodity (optional)
array[String] List of commodities to get data for (get a list of all commodities from <strong>/entities/commodities</strong>).
commodityGroup (optional)
array[String] List of commodity groups to get data for (get a list of all commodity groups from <strong>/entities/commodities</strong>).
ladenStatus (optional)
array[String] Laden status to filter on. Allowed values are ['laden', 'ballast'].
imo (optional)
array[Integer] List of IMO numbers to include in the congestion data results. format: int32
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data. This parameter only applies to the <strong>/portcalls/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
frequency (optional)
String Not implemented.
lastLoadCountryCode (optional)
array[String] The list of 2-letter ISO countries to get congestion data for. This filters on the country where the vessel loaded its prior cargo. Country code can be obtained either from the /entities/countries endpoint.
lastLoadPortId (optional)
array[Integer] List of Oceanbolt port ids to filter on. This filters on the ports where the vessel loaded its prior cargo. format: int32
exclude (optional)
Integer Specifies whether to exclude congestion stays that have a longer duration than N (in days). For example if a value of <code>exlude=60</code>'` is specified then all congestion stays that lasted longer than 60 days will be excluded from the returned data. format: int32
maxStayLength (optional)
Integer Specifies whether to exclude congestion stays that have a longer duration than N (in days). For example if a value of <code>max_stay_length=60</code>'` is specified then all congestion stays that lasted longer than 60 days will be excluded from the returned data. format: int32
includeVesselsCurrentlyAtBerth (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate whether vessels that are currently at berth should be included in congestion statistics.
includeVesselsPreviouslyBerthed (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate whether vessels that have already visited a berth (but are not currently in a berth) as part of the current Port Call should be included in congestion statistics.
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
lastNDays (optional)
Integer Short hand parameter for quickly getting data for the last N days. Cannot be supplied along either start_date or end_date. format: int32
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
displayDate (optional)
String Parameter used to display historical vessel lists for congested vessels. It is only applicable to the CongestionVessels method.
dwt (optional)
array[Double] DWT range to filter on. Example: [60000,90000] - this would filter only to only include dwt between 60k and 90k (both values inclusive). format: double
vesselFilter (optional)
v3GetCorruptPortCallsRequest Up
Corrupt port call request object.
imo (optional)
array[Long] List of IMO numbers of the specified vessels. format: int64
startDate (optional)
String Start of port call date range.
endDate (optional)
String End of port call date range.
v3GetCorruptPortCallsResponse Up
Corrupt port call response object.
visits (optional)
array[v3PortCallVisits] List of PortCallVisits summarizing number of port calls per country.
v3GetDryDockRequest Up
DryDock request object.
portId (optional)
array[Integer] List of Oceanbolt port ids to filter on. This filters on the port where the vessel is currently in dry dock. format: int32
portUnlocode (optional)
array[String] List of five letter UNLOCODEs for to filter on.
shipyardId (optional)
array[Integer] List of Oceanbolt shipyard ids to filter on. This filters on the shipyard where the vessel is currently in dry dock. format: int32
countryCode (optional)
array[String] The list of 2-letter ISO countries to get congestion data for. This filters on the country where the vessel is currently congested. Country code can be obtained either from the /entities/countries endpoint.
regionId (optional)
array[String] The list of region IDs to get dry dock data for. Region ID can be obtained either from the /entities/regions endpoint.
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data. This parameter only applies to the <strong>/drydock/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
exclude (optional)
Integer 60 days will be excluded from the returned data. format: int32
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
lastNDays (optional)
Integer Short hand parameter for quickly getting data for the last N days. Cannot be supplied along either start_date or end_date. format: int32
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
displayDate (optional)
String Parameter used to display historical vessel lists for congested vessels. It is only applicable to the DryDockVessels method.
v3GetDryDockStaysRequest - DryDockstays Up
imo (optional)
array[Integer] List of unique vessel identifiers (IMO numbers). This allows filtering to show data only for a subset of vessels. Example: [1234567,7654321]. format: int32
portId (optional)
array[Integer] This filters on the port where the vessel is currently in dry dock. format: int32
shipyardId (optional)
array[Integer] List of Oceanbolt shipyard ids to filter on. format: int32
unlocode (optional)
array[String] UNLOCODE of the port.
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on.
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
latestOnly (optional)
Boolean Flat to indiciate whether only the latest port call should be included on an IMO basis. If this is enabled, only the latest port call for each imo passing the filter will be returned.
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data. This parameter only applies to the <strong>/drydock/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
v3GetDryDockStaysResponse Up
data (optional)
csv (optional)
xlsx (optional)
previousToken (optional)
nextToken (optional)
maxResults (optional)
Integer format: int32
v3GetFleetListRequest - Request object for parsing a file into a fleet Up
fileName (optional)
file (optional)
byte[] format: byte
fleetId (optional)
fleetName (optional)
overwrite (optional)
v3GetFleetLiveMapResponse - GetFleetLiveMapRequest request object for getting static fleet map Up
mapImage (optional)
v3GetFleetSpeedResponse - Response object for FleetSpeed Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3TonnageTimeseriesGroup] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetGlobalTonnageStatusResponse Up
globalTonnageZoneCounts (optional)
csv (optional)
xlsx (optional)
v3GetLocationVolumeResponse Up
data (optional)
array[v3LocationVolume] List of locations.
v3GetMarineProtectedAreaStaysResponse Up
mpaStays (optional)
file (optional)
v3GetMarineProtectedAreaSummaryRequest Up
reportingPeriods (optional)
format (optional)
v3GetMarineProtectedAreaSummaryResponse Up
summaryRows (optional)
mpaStays (optional)
file (optional)
v3GetPortCallTimeseriesResponse - Response object for port call timeseries queries Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3TimeseriesGroup1] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetPortCallsRequest - Port calls data requests object. This is shared between all port calls queries Up
imo (optional)
array[Integer] List of unique vessel identifiers (IMO numbers). This allows filtering to show data only for a subset of vessels. Example: [1234567,7654321]. format: int32
portId (optional)
array[Integer] List of Oceanbolt port ids to filter on. format: int32
berthId (optional)
array[Integer] List of Oceanbolt berth ids to filter on. format: int32
unlocode (optional)
array[String] List of five letter UNLOCODEs of ports to filter on.
countryCode (optional)
array[String] List of two letter ISO country codes to filter on.
region (optional)
array[String] List of regions to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/regions</strong> endpoint.
basin (optional)
array[String] List of basins to filter on. Allowed values are: ["atlantic","indian_ocean","pacific_americas","pacific_asia"].
latestOnly (optional)
Boolean Flat to indiciate whether only the latest port call should be included on an IMO basis. If this is enabled, only the latest port call for each imo passing the filter will be returned.
nextToken (optional)
String The pagination token specifying which page of results to return in the response. If no token is provided, the default page is the first page.
maxResults (optional)
Integer An optional limit for the number of resources returned in a single call. format: int32
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
commodity (optional)
array[String] List of commodities to get data for (get a list of all commodities from <strong>/entities/commodities</strong>).
commodityGroup (optional)
array[String] List of commodity groups to get data for (get a list of all commodity groups from <strong>/entities/commodities</strong>).
operation (optional)
array[String] List of port call operation types to filter on. Allowed values are: **["D","Dx";"L","Lx","B","Y","U"].
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data. This parameter only applies to the <strong>/portcalls/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
frequency (optional)
String Frequency determines the granularity/period grouping of the timeseries. Allowed values are: <strong>["daily", "weekly", "monthly","quarterly "yearly"]</strong>. Default value is "monthly". This parameter only applies to the <strong>/portcalls/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
limitGroups (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate whether grouped timeseries should be limited to top N entries. If the parameter is present, the endpoint will only return the top N groups, and the remaining entries will be grouped into others.
dwt (optional)
array[Double] DWT range to filter on. Example: [60000,90000] - this would filter only to only include dwt between 60k and 90k (both values inclusive). format: double
vesselFilter (optional)
v3GetPortCallsResponse - Response object for port call queries Up
prevToken (optional)
String Pagination token indicating the presence of additional previous results.
nextToken (optional)
String Pagination token indicating the presence of additional further results.
data (optional)
array[v3PortCall] List of port calls.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetPortParticularsRequest - Request object for GetPortParticulars Up
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
portId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt port identifier to filter on. format: int32
berthId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt berth identifier to filter on. format: int32
unlocode (optional)
String Unlocode port identifier to filter on.
lastNDays (optional)
Integer Alternative way of specifying date filter. If specified, then data will only be based on port calls in last X days. format: int32
v3GetPortParticularsResponse - Response object for GetPortParticulars Up
numberOfPortCalls (optional)
Integer Number of port calls which forms the basis of the statistical aggregates. format: int32
loa (optional)
beam (optional)
maxDraught (optional)
reportedDraught (optional)
dwt (optional)
airDraught (optional)
v3GetTonnageBasinRequest - GetTonnageBasin Up
basin (optional)
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
excludeMpv (optional)
lastNDays (optional)
Integer format: int32
format (optional)
v3GetTonnageBasinResponse Up
timeseries (optional)
csv (optional)
xlsx (optional)
v3GetTonnageDataRequest Up
Request object for getting tonnage zone data and fleet speed data.
zoneId (optional)
array[Integer] List of zones ids to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the /entities/zones endpoint. format: int32
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
direction (optional)
array[String] The list of directions to get tonnage data for. The following directions are allowed: <strong>["NNE","ENE","ESE","SSE","SSW","WSW","WNW","NNW"]</strong>. Directions can also be obtained from the interactive direction selector found at app.oceanbolt.com.
ladenStatus (optional)
array[String] The laden status to get tonnage data for. The following values are allowed: <strong>["laden","ballast"]</strong>.
portStatus (optional)
array[String] The port status to get tonnage data for. The following values are allowed: <strong>["in_port","at_sea"]</strong>.
groupBy (optional)
excludeMpv (optional)
Boolean Flag to specify whether or not MPV vessels should be included/excluded. Default is to include.
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
lastNDays (optional)
Integer Short hand parameter for quickly getting data for the last N days. format: int32
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
v3GetTonnageFleetGrowthResponse - Response object for GetTonnageFleetGrowth Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3FleetGrowthTimeseriesGroup] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetTonnageFleetRequest - Request object for GetTonnageFleetStatus and GetTonnageFleetGrowth Up
frequency (optional)
String Frequency determines the granularity/period grouping of the timeseries. Allowed values are: <strong>["daily", "weekly", "monthly","quarterly "yearly"]</strong>. Default value is "monthly".
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data.
metric (optional)
String The metric to retrieve for timeseries aggregations. Allowed values: ["count","dwt"]. Default is "count".
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
excludeMpv (optional)
Boolean Flag to specify whether or not MPV vessels should be included/excluded. Default is to include.
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
v3GetTonnageFleetStatusResponse - Response object for GetTonnageFleetStatus Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3TimeseriesGroup2] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetTonnageZoneChangesRequest - Request object for TonnageZoneChange Up
fromZoneId (optional)
array[Integer] format: int32
toZoneId (optional)
array[Integer] format: int32
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
ladenStatus (optional)
array[String] The laden status to get tonnage data for. The following values are allowed: <strong>["laden","ballast"]</strong>.
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data.
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
frequency (optional)
String Frequency determines the granularity/period grouping of the timeseries. Allowed values are: <strong>["daily", "weekly", "monthly","quarterly "yearly"]</strong>. Default value is "monthly".
vesselFilter (optional)
v3GetTonnageZoneChangesResponse - Response object for TonnageZoneChange Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3ZoneChangesTimeseriesGroup] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetTonnageZoneCountResponse - Response object for tonnage zone counts Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3TonnageTimeseriesGroup] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetTradeFlowAggregationResponse Up
data (optional)
array[v3AggregationGroup] List of aggregation rows.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetTradeFlowHistogramResponse Up
groupingVariable (optional)
String Name of the varible that results have been grouped by.
numberOfGroups (optional)
Integer The number of groups returned. format: int32
groups (optional)
array[v3HistogramGroup] List of histogram groups.
v3GetTradeFlowTimeseriesResponse - Response object for trade flow timeseries queries Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3TimeseriesGroup3] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetTradeFlowsResponse - Response object for trade flow queries Up
data (optional)
array[v3TradeFlow] List of trade flows.
nextToken (optional)
String Pagination token indicating the presence of additional further results.
prevToken (optional)
String Pagination token indicating the presence of additional previous results.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3GetTradeLaneMetricsResponse Up
groupingVariable (optional)
numberOfGroups (optional)
Integer format: int32
tradeLaneMetrics (optional)
v3GetVesselStatesForDateRequest - Request message for VesselStateService.GetVesselStatesForDate Up
date (optional)
v3GetVesselStatesRequest - Request message for VesselStateService.GetVesselStates Up
imo (optional)
array[Integer] format: int32
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
v3GetVesselsInPortRequest - Request object for GetVesselsInPort Up
portId (optional)
Long format: int64
unlocode (optional)
vesselFilter (optional)
timestamp (optional)
Date Timestamp to generate the vessel in port list for. This allows to generate historical snapshots of the vessels that were inside a port at a given time in history. If left blank, then it the vessel list will default to be generated for the current time. format: date-time
mergeSequentialPolygonStays (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate whether to merge sequential berth stays in same berth (if the stays are within the merge threshold). Default is false, meaning that by default berth stays will not be merged.
mergeThresholdHours (optional)
Double The threshold in hours for a merge to take place for multiple consequtive stays. If the time from when the vessel left the berth until it reentered into the same berth is above the threshold, the polygon stays will not be merged. Default value is 6 hours. format: double
v3GetVesselsInPortResponse - Response object for GetVesselsInPort Up
vesselsInPort (optional)
Long format: int64
data (optional)
array[v3VesselInPort] List of vessels in port at the requested time.
v3GlobalTonnageZoneCount Up
date (optional)
zoneId (optional)
Integer format: int32
zoneName (optional)
vesselCount (optional)
Integer format: int32
vesselDwt (optional)
Double format: double
avgSpeed (optional)
Double format: double
v3HistogramGroup Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
numberOfValues (optional)
Integer Number of observations within the group. format: int32
values (optional)
array[Double] Array of the observed values. format: double
v3HistoricalDryDockStay Up
shipyardStayId (optional)
String Unique ID for the dry dock stay. This will always be unique to the port call.
imo (optional)
Integer IMO number of the vessel. format: int32
mmsi (optional)
Integer MMSI number of the vessel. format: int32
vesselName (optional)
String Name of the vessel.
segment (optional)
String Segment of the vessel.
subsegment (optional)
String Sub segment of the vessel.
dwt (optional)
Double format: double
portId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the port. format: int32
portName (optional)
String Name of the port.
unlocode (optional)
String UNLOCODE of the port.
countryCode (optional)
String Country code of the port.
region (optional)
String Region of the port.
shipyardName (optional)
shipyardId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the shipyard. format: int32
arrivedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel arrived at the port.
departedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel left the port.
durationDays (optional)
Double Duration of the dry dock stay (in days). format: double
v3Layer Up
layerId (optional)
layerName (optional)
ownerUserId (optional)
organization (optional)
polygonsInLayer (optional)
Integer format: int32
polygons (optional)
sharedWithOrg (optional)
v3Layers Up
layers (optional)
predefinedLayers (optional)
v3Leg - Individual leg Up
distance (optional)
Double Distance of the leg in nautical miles. format: double
durationHours (optional)
Double Expected duration of the leg, given a certain speed supplied by the user. format: double
shortestPath (optional)
array[v3Point] The calculated shortest path between the start/end point of the leg.
startingPointModified (optional)
Boolean Flag indicating whether the original starting point was modified. This can happen if the original point supplied was over land.
v3ListCommoditiesResponse Up
commodities (optional)
v3ListCountriesResponse Up
countries (optional)
v3ListPortsResponse Up
ports (optional)
v3ListRegionsResponse Up
regions (optional)
v3ListRegionsWithPolygonResponse Up
regions (optional)
v3ListSegmentsResponse Up
segments (optional)
v3ListStoppageEventsRequest Up
imo (optional)
array[Integer] format: int32
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
format (optional)
v3ListStoppageEventsResponse Up
stoppageEvents (optional)
csv (optional)
xlsx (optional)
v3ListTonnageZonesResponse Up
zones (optional)
v3ListTonnageZonesWithPolygonsResponse Up
zones (optional)
v3ListVesselsRequest Up
dwt (optional)
array[Double] format: double
eta (optional)
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
loadRegion (optional)
loadCountry (optional)
loadPort (optional)
destinationRegion (optional)
destinationCountry (optional)
destinationPort (optional)
destinationUnlocode (optional)
cargoStatus (optional)
ladenStatus (optional)
ladenStatusDraught (optional)
speed (optional)
array[Double] format: double
draught (optional)
array[Double] format: double
excludeUnknownDestination (optional)
group (optional)
range (optional)
flowDate (optional)
commodity (optional)
commodityGroup (optional)
zoneId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
portId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
anchorageId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
berthId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
shipyardId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
direction (optional)
imo (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
portStatus (optional)
excludeMpv (optional)
limit (optional)
Long format: int64
hoursSinceLast (optional)
Long format: int64
format (optional)
v3ListVesselsResponse Up
vessels (optional)
csv (optional)
xlsx (optional)
v3LiveStateRequest Up
dwt (optional)
array[Double] format: double
eta (optional)
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
loadRegion (optional)
loadCountry (optional)
loadPort (optional)
destinationRegion (optional)
destinationCountry (optional)
destinationPort (optional)
destinationUnlocode (optional)
cargoStatus (optional)
ladenStatus (optional)
ladenStatusDraught (optional)
speed (optional)
array[Double] format: double
draught (optional)
array[Double] format: double
excludeUnknownDestination (optional)
group (optional)
range (optional)
flowDate (optional)
commodity (optional)
commodityGroup (optional)
boundingBox (optional)
zoneId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
portId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
anchorageId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
berthId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
shipyardId (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
direction (optional)
imo (optional)
array[Long] format: int64
portStatus (optional)
excludeMpv (optional)
limit (optional)
Long format: int64
hoursSinceLast (optional)
Long format: int64
format (optional)
vesselFilter (optional)
v3LocationVolume Up
locationName (optional)
String Name of the location.
locationId (optional)
String Oceanbolt identifier of the location.
locationType (optional)
String Type of the location.
countryCode (optional)
String ISO 2-letter country code.
value (optional)
Double Aggregated value for the location. format: double
coords (optional)
v3MarineProtectedAreaStay Up
mpaId (optional)
Integer format: int32
mpaName (optional)
countryCode (optional)
imo (optional)
Integer format: int32
vesselName (optional)
enteredAt (optional)
exitedAt (optional)
durationDays (optional)
Double format: double
durationHours (optional)
Double format: double
avgSpeed (optional)
Double format: double
distanceTraveledNm (optional)
Double format: double
v3MpaReportingPeriodRequest Up
imo (optional)
Integer format: int32
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
v3MpaSummaryRow Up
imo (optional)
Integer format: int32
vesselName (optional)
startDate (optional)
endDate (optional)
totalDurationDays (optional)
Double format: double
totalDurationHours (optional)
Double format: double
avgSpeed (optional)
Double format: double
totalDistanceTraveledNm (optional)
Double format: double
v3Point - GeoPoint Up
lon (optional)
Double format: double
lat (optional)
Double format: double
v3Polygon Up
berthId (optional)
Long format: int64
portId (optional)
Long format: int64
portName (optional)
berthName (optional)
countryCode (optional)
unlocode (optional)
entityType (optional)
alias (optional)
v3Polygon1 Up
layerId (optional)
polygonId (optional)
polygonName (optional)
metadata (optional)
v3PolygonParams Up
polygonName (optional)
geojson (optional)
metadata (optional)
v3Polygons Up
polygons (optional)
polygonsInLayer (optional)
Integer format: int32
v3Port Up
portId (optional)
Integer format: int32
portName (optional)
countryCode (optional)
region (optional)
unlocode (optional)
unlocodeAlias (optional)
portNameAlias (optional)
v3PortCall - Port call object Up
voyageId (optional)
String Unique ID for the voyage. This can be shared across multiple port calls in the case of parceling voyages.
portCallId (optional)
String Unique ID for the port call. This will always be unique to the port call.
imo (optional)
Integer IMO number of the vessel. format: int32
vesselName (optional)
String Name of the vessel.
portId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the port. format: int32
portName (optional)
String Name of the port.
segment (optional)
String Segment of the vessel.
subSegment (optional)
String Sub segment of the vessel.
unlocode (optional)
String UNLOCODE of the port.
berthId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the primary berth/terminal visited during the port call. format: int32
berthName (optional)
String Name of the primary berth/terminal visited during the port call.
anchorageId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the anchorage. format: int32
anchorageName (optional)
String Name of the anchorage.
arrivedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel arrived at the port.
berthedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel berthed in the port.
unberthedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel left the berth/terminal.
departedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel left the port.
daysInPort (optional)
Double Total duration of the port call (in days). format: double
daysWaiting (optional)
Double Number of days the vessel was waiting at anchor before shifting to berth. format: double
daysAtBerth (optional)
Double Number of days the vessel was at berth in during the duration of the port call. format: double
countryCode (optional)
String ISO 2-letter country code of the load country.
operation (optional)
String Operation type of the port call.
voyageType (optional)
String The type of the voyage.
commodity (optional)
String Name of the commodity.
commodityValue (optional)
String Database friendly name of the commodity.
commodityGroup (optional)
String Name of the commodity group.
volume (optional)
Double Volume loaded in metric tons. format: double
portVisited (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate whether the vessel has visited the port interior. If the flag is false the vessels only visited an anchorage.
v3PortCallVisits Up
Port calls of one or more vessels in a county.
countryCode (optional)
String ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.
numberOfPortCalls (optional)
Long Number of port calls made in the country. format: int64
v3Region Up
regionId (optional)
regionName (optional)
v3RegionWithPolygon Up
regionId (optional)
regionName (optional)
geojson (optional)
v3SearchPolygonsResponse Up
polygons (optional)
v3SearchVesselsResponse Up
vessels (optional)
v3Segment Up
segment (optional)
segmentKey (optional)
subSegment (optional)
segmentInt (optional)
Integer format: int32
subSegmentInt (optional)
Integer format: int32
subSegmentKey (optional)
cutoffLow (optional)
Double format: double
cutoffHigh (optional)
Double format: double
platform (optional)
highlevelType (optional)
v3SegmentData Up
subSegment (optional)
count (optional)
Integer format: int32
v3Statistic Up
min (optional)
Double Minimum observed value. format: double
max (optional)
Double Maximum observed value. format: double
percentile10 (optional)
Double 10th percentile of observed values. format: double
percentile50 (optional)
Double 50th percentile of observed values (same as median). format: double
percentile90 (optional)
Double 90th percentile of observed values. format: double
percentile95 (optional)
Double 95th percentile of observed values. format: double
percentile99 (optional)
Double 99th percentile of observed values. format: double
mean (optional)
Double mean of observed values. format: double
v3StoppageEvent Up
imo (optional)
Integer format: int32
startedAt (optional)
endedAt (optional)
portId (optional)
Integer format: int32
portName (optional)
zoneId (optional)
Integer format: int32
zoneName (optional)
minSpeedObserved (optional)
Double format: double
durationHours (optional)
Double format: double
lat (optional)
Double format: double
lon (optional)
Double format: double
classification (optional)
v3TimeIntervalData Up
from (optional)
Integer format: int32
to (optional)
Integer format: int32
count (optional)
Integer format: int32
v3TimeseriesGroup - Generic tonnage timeseries group Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
v3TimeseriesGroup1 - Port call timeseries group Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
groupValue (optional)
Double Helper variable to calculate top groups. Not returned. format: double
rows (optional)
array[v3TimeseriesRow1] Rows of timeseries data.
v3TimeseriesGroup2 - Generic tonnage timeseries group Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
array[v3TimeseriesRow2] Rows of timeseries data.
v3TimeseriesGroup3 - Trade flow timeseries group Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
groupValue (optional)
Double Helper variable to calculate top groups. Not returned. format: double
rows (optional)
array[v3TimeseriesRow3] Rows of timeseries data.
v3TimeseriesRow - Generic tonnage timeseries row Up
date (optional)
value (optional)
Double format: double
v3TimeseriesRow1 - Port call timeseries row Up
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
value (optional)
Double The value of the timeseries row. format: double
v3TimeseriesRow2 - Generic tonnage timeseries row Up
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
value (optional)
Double Value of the timeseries row. format: double
v3TimeseriesRow3 - Trade flow timeseries row Up
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
value (optional)
Double The value of the timeseries row. format: double
v3TonnageChineseWatersRequest - Request object for TonnageChineseWaters Up
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data.
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv","json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
v3TonnageChineseWatersResponse - Response object for TonnageChineseWaters Up
timeseries (optional)
array[v3ChineseWatersTimeseriesGroup] Timeseries data groups.
csv (optional)
String Link to download csv file, if format was specified to be "csv".
xlsx (optional)
String Link to download excel file, if format was specified to be "xlsx".
v3TonnageTimeseriesGroup - Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries group Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
array[v3TonnageTimeseriesRow] Rows of timeseries data.
v3TonnageTimeseriesRow Up
Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries row.
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
vesselCount (optional)
Integer The number of vessels for the timeseries row. format: int32
vesselDwt (optional)
Double The sum of dwt for the timeseries row. format: double
avgSpeed (optional)
Double The average speed in knots for the timeseries row. format: double
v3TradeFlow - Trade flow object Up
voyageId (optional)
String Unique ID for the voyage. This can be shared across multiple flows in the case of parceling voyages.
flowId (optional)
String Unique ID for the trade flow. This will always be unique to the flow.
imo (optional)
Integer IMO number of the vessel. format: int32
vesselName (optional)
String Name of the vessel.
segment (optional)
String Segment of the vessel.
subSegment (optional)
String Sub segment of the vessel.
dwt (optional)
Double DWT of the vessel. format: double
commodity (optional)
String Name of the commodity.
commodityValue (optional)
String Database friendly name of the commodity.
commodityGroup (optional)
String Name of the commodity group.
volume (optional)
Double Volume loaded in metric tons. format: double
loadPortId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the load port. format: int32
loadPortName (optional)
String Name of the load port.
loadPortUnlocode (optional)
String UNLOCODE of the load port.
loadBerthId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the load berth/load terminal. format: int32
loadBerthName (optional)
String Name of the load berth/load terminal.
loadCountryCode (optional)
String ISO 2-letter country code of the load country.
loadCountry (optional)
String Name of the load country.
loadRegion (optional)
String Name of the load region.
loadPortArrivedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel arrived at the load port.
loadPortBerthedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel berthed in the load port.
loadPortUnberthedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel left the berth the load port.
loadPortDepartedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel departed the load port.
loadPortDaysTotal (optional)
Double Total duration of the load port call (in days). format: double
loadPortDaysBerthed (optional)
Double Number of days the vessel was at berth in the load port. format: double
loadPortDaysWaiting (optional)
Double Number of days the vessel was waiting at the load port before shifting to berth. format: double
dischargePortId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the load berth/load terminal. format: int32
dischargePortName (optional)
String Name of the load port.
dischargePortUnlocode (optional)
String UNLOCODE of the load port.
dischargeBerthId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the load berth/load terminal. format: int32
dischargeBerthName (optional)
String Name of the load berth/load terminal.
dischargeCountryCode (optional)
String ISO 2-letter country code of the load country.
dischargeCountry (optional)
String Name of the load country.
dischargeRegion (optional)
String Name of the load region.
dischargePortArrivedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel arrived at the discharge port.
dischargePortBerthedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel berthed in the discharge port.
dischargePortUnberthedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel left the berth the discharge port.
dischargePortDepartedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel departed the discharge port.
dischargePortDaysTotal (optional)
Double Total duration of the load port call (in days). format: double
dischargePortDaysBerthed (optional)
Double Number of days the vessel was at berth in the discharge port. format: double
dischargePortDaysWaiting (optional)
Double Number of days the vessel was waiting at the discharge port before shifting to berth. format: double
daysSteaming (optional)
Double Number of days the vessel was steaming (the time from when it left the discharge port until it arrived at the discharge port). format: double
daysTotalDuration (optional)
Double Total duration of the voyage (in days). format: double
distanceCalculated (optional)
Double Calculated distance in nautical miles between load port and discharge port. Based on port distance tables. format: double
distanceActual (optional)
Double Actual distance sailed in nautical miles between load port and discharge port. Based on AIS tracks. format: double
eta (optional)
String Captain's Reported ETA.
destination (optional)
String Captain's Reported Destination.
status (optional)
String Status of the trade flow.
parceling (optional)
Boolean Flag indicating whether the trade flow was part of a parceling voyage or a single voyage.
ballastStartedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel started ballasting from the last discharge port.
ballastPortName (optional)
String Name of the port where the vessel ballasted from.
ballastPortId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier for the port where the vessel ballasted from. format: int32
ballastPortUnlocode (optional)
ballastCountry (optional)
String Name of the ballast country.
ballastCountryCode (optional)
String ISO 2-letter country code of the ballast country.
ballastRegion (optional)
String Name of the ballast region.
v3TradeFlowDataRequest - Trade flow data requests object. This is shared between all trade flows queries Up
frequency (optional)
String Frequency determines the granularity/period grouping of the timeseries. Allowed values are: <strong>["daily", "weekly", "monthly","quarterly", "yearly"]</strong>. Default value is "monthly". This parameter only applies to the <strong>/tradeflows/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
commodity (optional)
array[String] List of commodities to get data for (get a list of all commodities from <strong>/entities/commodities</strong>).
commodityGroup (optional)
array[String] List of commodity groups to get data for (get a list of all commodity groups from <strong>/entities/commodities</strong>).
flowDirection (optional)
String This controls whether to group the date by export date/import date. Allowed values are **["export","import"]. Default value is "export". This parameter only applies to the <strong>/tradeflows/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
imo (optional)
array[Integer] List of unique vessel identifiers (IMO numbers). This allows filtering to show data only for a subset of vessels. Example: [1234567,7654321]. format: int32
loadPortId (optional)
array[Integer] Oceanbolt database identifier of the load port. format: int32
loadPortUnlocode (optional)
array[String] List of five letter UNLOCODEs for load (export) ports to filter on.
loadBerthId (optional)
array[Integer] Oceanbolt database identifier of the load berth/terminal. format: int32
dischargePortId (optional)
array[Integer] Oceanbolt database identifier of the discharge port. format: int32
dischargePortUnlocode (optional)
array[String] List of five letter UNLOCODEs for discharge (import) ports to filter on.
dischargeBerthId (optional)
array[Integer] Oceanbolt database identifier of the discharge berth/terminal. format: int32
segment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
subSegment (optional)
array[String] List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/segments</strong> endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
startDate (optional)
String The UTC start date of the date filter.
endDate (optional)
String The UTC end date of the date filter.
loadCountryCode (optional)
array[String] List of two letter ISO country codes for loading (export) countries to filter on.
dischargeCountryCode (optional)
array[String] List of two letter ISO country codes for discharge (import) countries to filter on.
loadRegion (optional)
array[String] List of loading regions to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/regions</strong> endpoint.
dischargeRegion (optional)
array[String] List of discharge regions to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the <strong>/entities/regions</strong> endpoint.
status (optional)
excludeIntraCountry (optional)
Boolean Determines whether to include/exclude intra country voyages. Default is to include.
excludeUnknownDestinations (optional)
Boolean Determines whether to include/exclude voyages with unknown destination. Default is to include.
excludeMissingLoadBerth (optional)
Boolean Determines whether to include/exclude voyages with that have a missing load_berth_id. Default is to include.
excludeMissingDischargeBerth (optional)
Boolean Determines whether to include/exclude voyages with that have a missing discharge_berth_id. Default is to include.
nextToken (optional)
String The pagination token specifying which page of results to return in the response. If no token is provided, the default page is the first page.
maxResults (optional)
Integer An optional limit for the number of resources returned in a single call. format: int32
format (optional)
String The return format of the data ["csv", "json", "xlsx"]. Default is "json".
groupBy (optional)
String Determines the grouping of the timeseries data. This parameter only applies to the <strong>/tradeflows/timeseries</strong> endpoint.
pivotBy (optional)
String Not implemented.
tallFormat (optional)
Boolean Not implemented.
metric (optional)
String The metric to retrieve for timeseries aggregations. Allowed values: ["volume","count","ton_mile_calculated","ton_mile_actual","average_haul","average_speed", "volume_times_duration"]. Default is "volume".
parceling (optional)
array[String] List of parceling statuses to retrieve. Allowed values are: ["include","exclude","only"].
limitGroups (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate whether grouped timeseries should be limited to top N entries. If the parameter is present, the endpoint will only return the top N groups, and the remaining entries will be grouped into others.
lastNDays (optional)
Integer Short hand parameter for quickly getting data for the last N days. Cannot be supplied along either start_date or end_date. format: int32
sort (optional)
String Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. Allowed values: ["asc","desc"].
dwt (optional)
array[Double] DWT range to filter on. Example: [60000,90000] - this would filter only to only include dwt between 60k and 90k (both values inclusive). format: double
category (optional)
String Specifies the base category for aggregation queries. This parameter only has effect on the GetTradeFlowAggregation method (REST endpoint: /tradeflows/aggregation).
vesselFilter (optional)
v3TradeLaneMetric Up
group (optional)
avgDaysAtSea (optional)
Double format: double
avgLoadPortDaysWaiting (optional)
Double format: double
avgLoadPortDaysBerthed (optional)
Double format: double
avgDischargePortDaysWaiting (optional)
Double format: double
avgDischargePortDaysBerthed (optional)
Double format: double
avgVoyageDurationsDays (optional)
Double format: double
avgSpeed (optional)
Double format: double
avgVolume (optional)
Double format: double
avgDistanceNm (optional)
Double format: double
avgDistanceCalculatedNm (optional)
Double format: double
medianDaysAtSea (optional)
Double format: double
medianLoadPortDaysWaiting (optional)
Double format: double
medianLoadPortDaysBerthed (optional)
Double format: double
medianDischargePortDaysWaiting (optional)
Double format: double
medianDischargePortDaysBerthed (optional)
Double format: double
medianVolume (optional)
Double format: double
medianDistanceNm (optional)
Double format: double
numberOfVoyages (optional)
Integer format: int32
sumOfVolume (optional)
Double format: double
uniqueVessels (optional)
Integer format: int32
uniqueLoadPorts (optional)
Integer format: int32
uniqueDischargePorts (optional)
Integer format: int32
v3UpdateVesselParams - Parameter object for updating a vessel in a Fleet Up
metadata (optional)
map[String, String] New set of metadata information for a Vessel. This will overwrite existing keys/values currently stored in the metadata object of the Vessel.
v3Vessel Up
imo (optional)
Long format: int64
highlevelType (optional)
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
dwt (optional)
Double format: double
maxDraught (optional)
Double format: double
name (optional)
exName (optional)
built (optional)
Long format: int64
type (optional)
mpv (optional)
loa (optional)
Double format: double
beam (optional)
Double format: double
holdsTotal (optional)
Double format: double
v3Vessel1 - Vessel object Up
imo (optional)
Integer IMO number of the vessel. format: int32
dwt (optional)
Double DWT of the vessel. format: double
built (optional)
Integer The year the vessel was built. format: int32
vesselName (optional)
String Current name of the Vessel.
segment (optional)
String Name of the segment which the vessel belongs to.
subSegment (optional)
String Flag code of the country where the vessel is currently registered.
flagCode (optional)
String Flag code of the country where the vessel is currently registered.
exName (optional)
String Ex name of the Vessel.
type (optional)
String The type of the vessel.
metadata (optional)
map[String, String] Metadata object that contains arbitrary data fields defined by the user.
status (optional)
stoppageEvents (optional)
array[v3VesselStoppageEvent] Vessel speed events (stopage data).
v3Vessel2 Up
vesselName (optional)
imo (optional)
Long format: int64
mmsi (optional)
Long format: int64
lastPositionReceived (optional)
lastStaticReceived (optional)
dwt (optional)
Double format: double
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
zoneId (optional)
Long format: int64
zoneName (optional)
portId (optional)
Long format: int64
portName (optional)
anchorageId (optional)
Long format: int64
anchorageName (optional)
berthId (optional)
Long format: int64
berthName (optional)
shipyardId (optional)
Long format: int64
shipyardName (optional)
relatedPortId (optional)
Long format: int64
relatedPortName (optional)
cargoStatus (optional)
ladenStatus (optional)
ladenStatusDraught (optional)
destination (optional)
destinationPortName (optional)
destinationRegion (optional)
destinationCountryCode (optional)
eta (optional)
navigationalStatus (optional)
Long format: int64
lastPortName (optional)
lastCountryCode (optional)
lastRegion (optional)
portCallStatus (optional)
commodityGroup (optional)
commodityName (optional)
direction (optional)
speed (optional)
Double format: double
v3Vessel3 Up
vesselName (optional)
imo (optional)
Long format: int64
mmsi (optional)
Long format: int64
lastPositionReceived (optional)
lastStaticReceived (optional)
dwt (optional)
Double format: double
segment (optional)
subSegment (optional)
zoneId (optional)
Long format: int64
zoneName (optional)
portId (optional)
Long format: int64
portName (optional)
anchorageId (optional)
Long format: int64
anchorageName (optional)
berthId (optional)
Long format: int64
berthName (optional)
shipyardId (optional)
Long format: int64
shipyardName (optional)
relatedPortId (optional)
Long format: int64
relatedPortName (optional)
cargoStatus (optional)
ladenStatus (optional)
ladenStatusDraught (optional)
destination (optional)
destinationPortName (optional)
destinationRegion (optional)
destinationCountryCode (optional)
eta (optional)
navigationalStatus (optional)
Long format: int64
lastPortName (optional)
lastCountryCode (optional)
lastRegion (optional)
portCallStatus (optional)
commodityGroup (optional)
commodityName (optional)
direction (optional)
speed (optional)
Double format: double
v3VesselGeoObject Up
imo (optional)
Long format: int64
mmsi (optional)
Long format: int64
vesselName (optional)
course (optional)
Double format: double
speed (optional)
Double format: double
ladenStatus (optional)
geomCoordinates (optional)
v3VesselInPort - VesselInPort object Up
voyageId (optional)
String Unique ID for the voyage. This can be shared across multiple port calls in the case of parceling voyages.
portCallId (optional)
String Unique ID for the port call. This will always be unique to the port call.
imo (optional)
Integer IMO number of the vessel. format: int32
vesselName (optional)
String Name of the vessel.
portId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the port. format: int32
portName (optional)
String Name of the port.
unlocode (optional)
String UNLOCODE of the port.
segment (optional)
String Segment of the vessel.
subSegment (optional)
String Sub segment of the vessel.
dwt (optional)
Double format: double
berthId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the primary berth/terminal visited during the port call. format: int32
berthName (optional)
String Name of the primary berth/terminal visited during the port call.
anchorageId (optional)
Integer Oceanbolt database identifier of the anchorage. format: int32
anchorageName (optional)
String Name of the anchorage.
arrivedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel arrived at the port.
departedAt (optional)
String UTC timestamp for when the vessel left the port (only applies for historical snapshot views), if blank, then the vessel is still inside the port.
daysInPort (optional)
Double Total duration of the port call (in days). format: double
countryCode (optional)
String ISO 2-letter country code of the load country.
operation (optional)
String Predicted operation type of the port call.
voyageType (optional)
String Predicted the type of the voyage.
commodity (optional)
String Name of the predicted commodity.
commodityValue (optional)
String Database friendly name of the predicted commodity.
commodityGroup (optional)
String Name of the predicted commodity group.
volume (optional)
Double Volume loaded in metric tons. format: double
portVisited (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate whether the vessel has visited the port interior. If the flag is false the vessels only visited an anchorage or a berth.
berthStays (optional)
anchorageStays (optional)
vesselStatus (optional)
v3VesselParams - Vessel parameters Up
imo (optional)
Integer Imo of the vessel. format: int32
metadata (optional)
map[String, String] A dict/map of arbitratry metadata that should be added to the vessel in the context of the current fleet. This can for example be links to internal voyage systems (Vezon/Imoset etc.) it can be current voyage related data or similar. The metadata is only accessible by the current user. If the current user chooses to share the fleet, it will also be accesible by users who belong to the same organization as the fleet owner.
v3VesselSegmentByTime Up
subSegment (optional)
data (optional)
v3VesselState - VesselState object Up
vesselName (optional)
String Name of the vessel.
imo (optional)
Long IMO number of the vessel. format: int64
mmsi (optional)
Long MMSI number of the vessel. format: int64
timestamp (optional)
String UTC timestamp for the VesselState.
dwt (optional)
Double DWT of the vessel. format: double
segment (optional)
String Segment of the vessel.
subSegment (optional)
String Sub segment of the vessel.
vesselType (optional)
String The vessel type.
zoneId (optional)
Long format: int64
zoneName (optional)
portId (optional)
Long format: int64
portName (optional)
anchorageId (optional)
Long format: int64
anchorageName (optional)
berthId (optional)
Long format: int64
berthName (optional)
shipyardId (optional)
Long format: int64
shipyardName (optional)
relatedPortId (optional)
Long format: int64
relatedPortName (optional)
vesselStatus (optional)
ladenStatusModel (optional)
String The laden status of the vessel as determined from the the Oceanbolt Algorithms, taking into account prior berth visits, prior draught changes etc.
ladenStatusDraught (optional)
String The laden status according to the current draught as reported by the Master.
destination (optional)
destinationPortId (optional)
Long format: int64
destinationPortName (optional)
destinationRegion (optional)
destinationCountryCode (optional)
destinationScore (optional)
Double format: double
predictedDestinationPortId (optional)
Long format: int64
predictedDestinationPortName (optional)
predictedDestinationRegion (optional)
predictedDestinationCountryCode (optional)
predictedDestinationScore (optional)
Double format: double
eta (optional)
navigationalStatus (optional)
navigationalStatusCode (optional)
Long format: int64
portCallStatus (optional)
commodityId (optional)
Long format: int64
commodityGroup (optional)
commodityName (optional)
direction (optional)
speedStatus (optional)
lastVisitedPortId (optional)
Long format: int64
lastVisitedPortName (optional)
lastOpsPortId (optional)
Long format: int64
lastOpsPortName (optional)
volumeOnBoard (optional)
Double format: double
hoursCarriedForward (optional)
Long A indicator describing if the given VesselState was recorded directly from AIS, or if it was backfilled and carried forward from the last received observation. The value is zero for observations that are derived directly from a received AIS position, for observations that are carried forward the value will indicate the number of hours the current observations has been carried forward. format: int64
v3VesselStatesResponse Up
Request message for VesselStateService.GetVesselStates and VesselStateService.GetVesselStatesForDate.
vesselStates (optional)
array[v3VesselState] A collection of VesselState objects that is returned by the API.
v3VesselStatus Up
ladenStatus (optional)
cargoStatus (optional)
portCallStatus (optional)
relatedPortName (optional)
draughtPercentage (optional)
Double format: double
destination (optional)
destinationPortName (optional)
lastPositionReceivedAt (optional)
lastStaticReceivedAt (optional)
currentSpeed (optional)
Double format: double
currentNavigationalStatus (optional)
Integer format: int32
currentCommodityGroup (optional)
v3VesselStoppageEvent Up
startedAt (optional)
endedAt (optional)
portId (optional)
Integer format: int32
portName (optional)
zoneId (optional)
Integer format: int32
zoneName (optional)
minSpeedObserved (optional)
Double format: double
durationHours (optional)
Double format: double
lat (optional)
Double format: double
lon (optional)
Double format: double
classification (optional)
v3Vessels - List of Vessel objects Up
vessels (optional)
array[v3Vessel1] List of vessels in Fleet.
vesselsInFleet (optional)
Integer Number of vessels in a Fleet. format: int32
v3VesselsInAreaResponse Up
vesselsTotal (optional)
Integer format: int32
vesselsReturned (optional)
Integer format: int32
vesselsInView (optional)
Integer format: int32
vessels (optional)
v3VesselsResponse Up
vessels (optional)
csv (optional)
xlsx (optional)
v3Zone Up
zoneId (optional)
Integer format: int32
zoneName (optional)
v3ZoneBySegment Up
zoneName (optional)
data (optional)
v3ZoneByTime Up
zoneName (optional)
data (optional)
v3ZoneChangesTimeseriesGroup - Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries group Up
group (optional)
String Name of the group. This will be "default", if no grouping was specified in the query.
rows (optional)
array[v3ZoneChangesTimeseriesRow] Rows of timeseries data.
v3ZoneChangesTimeseriesRow Up
Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries row.
date (optional)
String UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
vesselCount (optional)
Integer The number of vessels for the timeseries row. format: int32
vesselDwt (optional)
Double The sum of dwt for the timeseries row. format: double
v3ZoneWithPolygon Up
zoneId (optional)
Integer format: int32
zoneName (optional)
zoneBasin (optional)
geomPolygonWkt (optional)
geomPolygonGeojson (optional)
geomCoordinateWkt (optional)
geomCoordinateGeojson (optional)
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