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VIP - New Veson IMOS Platform Look & Feel
Home > What’s New? > New Veson IMOS Platform Look & Feel
The Veson IMOS Platform (VIP) has a new look and feel:
Improved contrast and consistency for enhanced readability and navigation.
Better use of space, so you can focus on the most important information without getting bogged down in the details.
Clearer labels and more intuitive information flow to make VIP easier to use.
Along with the look and feel, there are a number of usability improvements, including:
Simplified top navigation
More user-friendly lists
Explicit labeling of workspace panels
Clearer P&L layout
Simplified Top Navigation
BENEFIT: Increased contrast makes action buttons easier to read, and the shorter bar height allows more space on your screen for business-critical data.
The top navigation features a simplified, sleek design in a high-contrast color scheme.
More User-Friendly Lists
Relocated List Functions & User Views
BENEFIT: List actions appear in a centralized location to make lists easier to navigate.
List functions and user views now appear below the list title.
Search on Hover
BENEFIT: A unified and minimalist view of list functions allows you to complete tasks in fewer clicks.
The list search button enables search on hover.
Collapsible Column Grouping & Bulk Actions
The grouping drag-and-drop row remains hidden until you start dragging a column.
The bulk action row remains hidden until a row check box has been selected. When displayed, available bulk actions appear to the left of the list buttons.
Explicit Labeling of Workspace Panels
Workspace panels include text labels for added clarity.
Clearer P&L Layout
Voyage Period Journals, Snapshot, Operations and Accounts view buttons appear in the top left corner of the expanded Voyage P&L.
Basis: Actual, Compare: Posted, Show: All Periods drop-down lists also appear in the top left corner.
The Snapshot button to save a snapshot now appears with a clear, written label instead of an icon.
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