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IMOS - Lightering
The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license.
The Lightering module enables you to manage lightering and reverse lightering contracts end-to-end, providing visibility into all of the service and support operations.
Lightering Workflow
With the Lightering module, you can follow the standard Veson IMOS Platform workflow with some modifications:
Set up lightering-specific records to be used in lightering contracts and reporting:
In the Data Center, create Lightering Types.
In Chartering, create Mooring Masters.
In Chartering, manage lightering contracts:
Create Master Lightering Contracts (Sale or Purchase) for Ships to Be Lightered (STBLs), composed of Lightering Jobs for Lightering Service Vessels.
STBL stands for: Ship To Be Lightered.Create Lightering Support Contracts for STBLs, composed of Lightering Support Jobs for Lightering Support Vessels.
Note: Lightering Support Job creation is not currently supported.
In Operations, manage lightering voyages:
When you save a Lightering Job, a Voyage Fixture is automatically created. You can then create the voyage and manage it in the Voyage Manager.
Note: Lightering Support Job voyage management is not currently supported.On Master Lightering Contracts, update the ETA of the STBL on Nomination days.
In Financials, close lightering voyages.
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