What's New in IMOS

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What's New in IMOS

This page contains the latest Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS) news.

October 2024

New in the Voyage P&L: Include in PnL checkbox now in the FuelEU tab
Requires a schema version 472 or higher.
The Include in PnL checkbox is now available in the FuelEU Calculator for Voyage P&L so you can track your expenses and invoice them.

New in the Estimate P&L: Include in PnL checkbox in the FuelEU tab
Requires a schema version 472 or higher.
The Include in PnL checkbox is now available in the FuelEU Calculator for Estimate P&L so you can assess the FuelEU impact and include penalties in your Estimate PnL.

New in Voyages & Estimates: Agreed Compliance Balance added to the FuelEU tab in the Carbon Calculator
Requires a schema version 472 or higher.
The Agreed Compliance Balance (MT) field appears in the FuelEU tab of the Carbon Calculator with a schema upgrade of 475 or higher. You can adjust the field with actual values and override the existing aggregated Compliance Balance (MT) values. The initial field value is the same as the Compliance Balance aggregate field, and manually entered values appear in blue text. Reports have the new Agreed Compliance Balance (MT) field for Voyages and Estimates.

New in Voyages & Estimates: Add new entries to the Speed Consumption Table for Custom Fuel Modes
To set specific speeds for different fuel modes and consumption types, you can now add new entries to the Speed Consumption Table for Secondary Fuel Cons Modes in the Vessel form. When a speed consumption line is added as a non-default mode, the speed reflects on Voyage or Estimate when the specific mode is assigned as a sea mode.

September 2024

New in Distances: ECA-Mediterranean Fuel Zone added
The new ECA zone, ECA-Mediterranean, is now available in the distance maps and Fuel Zone table for configuration. To apply the worldwide configuration to the new ECA Zone, configure it or save the Fuel Zone Table.

New in Chartering: FuelEU Agreed Amounts added to the Carbon Calculator
Requires a schema upgrade. Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableFuelEU.
Three new fields have been added to the FuelEU tab on the Carbon Calculator for both Voyages and Estimates: Exchange Rate (EUR to Base), Agreed Penalty (EUR), and Agreed Penalty (Base). These fields allow you to override the total Penalty values and convert between EUR and the voyage's base currency. They are also available for reporting.

New in Operations: Save and annotate FuelEU Total Energy, Compliance Balance, and Penalty
Requires a schema upgrade. Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableFuelEU.
The FuelEU tab of the Carbon Calculator allows you to save three aggregate fields: Total Energy, Compliance Balance (MT), and Penalty(EUR). You can report on these fields to visualize your vessels' FuelEU performance.

New in Analytics: Enhanced emissions output in Report Designer
Requires a schema version 469 or higher.
A saved Voyage and Estimate includes per-fuel consumption and emission values for each leg, with a schema updated to 469 or higher. You can create reports based on the Carbon Calculator's per-fuel type data to increase report accuracy and enhance decision-making.

New in Chartering: Cargo XML includes Alt Lifting Qty and Alt Lifting Units
Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableAltLiftUnit.
The Cargo Import and Export XML now includes Alt Lifting Qty and Alt Lifting Units to reduce the amount of manual work required to manage the number of cargoes.

New in Data Center Settings: Notification added for newly added ECA Zones
When a new fuel zone is added to the Fuel Zone Table, a warning message notifies you that a new fuel zone has been added. You can deactivate new zones for estimates and voyages when saving ECA Fuel Zones. This warning ensures a review of the ECA Zones enabled to prevent incorrect bunker consumption.

August 2024

New in Operations: FuelEU Maritime Calculator
Requires a schema version 463 or higher. Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableFuelEU.
A FuelEU Calculator is now available on the Carbon Calculator under a new tab enabled with the configuration flag CFGEnableFuelEU. The FuelEU calculation breaks down Consumption, Energy, GHG Intensities, and Compliance Balance by voyage leg and displays Voyage Total Energy, Compliance Balance, and Penalty amounts. This feature requires an IMOS database schema version 463 or higher.

New in Trading: Link a Carbon Allowance Sale to a Purchase and include it as an Allocation
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown. Requires user permissions to enter Carbon Allowance Trades.
You can now link a Carbon Allowance Sell Trade to one or more matching Buy Trades so the available inventory of specific trades can be updated correctly. This feature uses the existing Allocation tabs in the Carbon Allowance trade, where you can select the buy/sell trade you want to link to and then choose the quantity to link. As with transfers, you cannot allocate a greater quantity from the buy than is available at that time. Linking the sell trade to the buy updates the available quantity of the trade so it can be correctly linked to other trades or contracts in the system. The exposure for the buy trade updates to reflect the remaining trade quantity.

July 2024

New in Journals: Support for Accruing Freight by Individual BL Dates for Multi-Cargo Voyages
A new checkbox, Prorate Freight Revenue on a Per Cargo Basis, is now in the Accruals Form. When selected, the accruals program uses the BL Date for individual cargo(s) and the cargo’s BL quantity to calculate the accrual percentage and amount to accrue for freight. A new configuration flag, CFGDefaultPnlCalcProrateFreightRevenuePerCargo, automatically enables the calculation option on the Accruals form by default. When you set the CFGDefaultPnlCalcApplyInternalFreightRevenue configuration flag to Y, internal cargoes accrue 100% to the period of the BL Date.

June 2024

New in Operations: EOV fields are now available in the Voyage Report Designer table
End of Voyage (EOV) CII statistics fields, including EndOfVoyageDistance, EndOfVoyageEmission, EndOfVoyageAer, and EndOfVoyageCiiGrade, are now available in the Voyage Report Designer table.

May 2024

New in Sustainability: Additional voyage legs included in the Carbon Calculator
To improve the accuracy of emissions calculations, the system now adds an additional leg to the Carbon Calculator itinerary grid under these three conditions:

  • the environment is upgraded to the latest schema (45.8)

  • the port call is the last one on the voyage/estimate

  • the port call has a Last Line Port Activity

In this case, this additional leg is considered sea, not port, consumption. This functionality works in conjunction with existing behavior that splits itinerary lines that cross years.

New in Operations: Set a default view for the Voyage Manager side panel
Requires the configuration flag CFGDefaultVoyPanel.
You can set a default view for the Voyage Manager side panel by enabling the new configuration flag CFGDefaultVoyPanel. When enabled, the Voyage Manager panel loads a selected view by default when you enter a value between one and eleven that corresponds to the following views: 1 - P&L, 2 - Sustainability, 3 - Summary, 4 - Invoices, 5 - Notifications, 6 - Revisions, 7 - Forms, 8 - Instructions, 9 - Contacts, 10 - Notes, 11 - Properties. If you set the value to 0, no side panel will be visible on page load. The default configuration flag value is 1, which maintains the existing view.

New in Tasks and Alerts: Added Contract Type field
The Contract Type field is added to Cargo/VC In Tasks & Alerts and Advanced Pricing, allowing you to identify a cargo contract as a sale (Cargo) or a purchase (VC In) contract.

April 2024

New in Operations: Fuel Modes
Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableFuelConsModes and a schema version of 449 or higher.
Introducing Vessel Fuel Modes, a feature that allows you to define multiple sets of consumption rates on a vessel to accurately estimate bunker consumption. You can access Fuel Modes by enabling the configuration flag CFGEnableFuelConsModes. This functionality requires a schema version of 449 or higher.

New in Operations: Improved validation of Port Activity ROBs
All Fast and Last Line port activity fuel ROB values are now validated on the Voyage Manager and Port Activity forms. The system considers ROB values invalid if they show negative consumption or if some values are populated while others are missing. Invalid records are highlighted on the ROBs grid within the Port Activity form, and an error message shows on the Voyage Manager validation display.

New in Veslink Voyage Reporting: Require ROBs in SOF forms
A new column, ROBs Required, is available in the Data Center under Port Activities. This checkbox allows you to require ROBs for specific activities in Veslink for both standard and custom SOF forms. ROBs Required can only be selected if the ROBs checkbox is also selected.

  • When you select the ROBs Required checkbox, you must reset the master data to apply the change. API submission will block Statement of Facts forms that lack ROBs for the associated activities.

  • To enable offline form validation, you must send new forms to the vessels. For onboard validation, you must run replication.

  • If a form is submitted but not yet approved and an activity has ROBs Required checked, then you will see an error upon loading the form that the activity is missing a required ROB value. Add an ROB value greater than zero to clear this error.

New in Chartering: Scrubber settings applied to At Sea consumption for specific ECA zones

For the following ECA zones, scrubber settings as set on the representative port record will now be applied for At Sea consumption: ECA - GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE, ECA - BALTIC SEA, ECA - PUGET SOUND, ECA - COLUMBIA RIVER, ECA - MISSISSIPPI RIVER, ECA - AMAZON RIVER, ECA - ARGENTINA-RIVER PLATE. The default scrubber allowance setting for the listed regions is for Closed-loop scrubbers.

March 2024

New in Invoicing & Payments: Emission invoicing enhancements in Cargo and Time Charter contracts
Requires the configuration flags CFGEnableCargoEmissionsAllocation flag for Cargo and VC In Contracts and the CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation flag for Time Charter (In/Out) Contracts and Head Fixture Contracts. Requires a schema version of 44.5 or higher.

When emission invoicing is enabled in Cargo and Time Charter contracts, you can view and modify related Cash and Allowance invoices in a dedicated IMOS form.

New in Sustainability: Pre-Voyage EU Port of Call and Post-Voyage EU Port of Call added to the Carbon Calculator
Requires a schema version of 45.3 or higher. Requires the configuration flag CFGSustainability.

To account for the vessel position before and after the voyage and drive the correct ETS percentages, two new controls, Pre-Voyage Port of Call and Post-Voyage Port of Call, are added to the Carbon Calculator for Voyages and Estimates. When set, these fields impact calculated values in the Sea ETS % and Port ETS % fields.

New in Chartering: Automatically use EOV values from previous voyages in the Carbon View on the Estimator worksheet
Requires a schema version of 45.3 or higher. Requires the configuration flags CFGEnableCarbonView and CFGEnableCiiCalc.

Voyage Estimates now automatically inherit previous distances and emissions from preceding voyages to improve YTD emissions and CII values calculations.

New in Operations: Override CO2 emissions factors in Voyage and Estimates
Requires a schema version of 45.4 or higher.

You can now override CO2 emissions factors in the Carbon Calculator for Estimates and in the Voyage Manager under Voyage Bunkers for Voyages.

February 2024

New in the Data Center: Store EU Registry Account Number and Information on the Address Book
Requires the configuration flag CFGEURegistryAccountOnAddress. Requires a schema version of 44.5 or higher.
You can now store the EU Registry account number and information in the Address Book when the configuration flag CFGEURegistryAccountOnAddress is enabled. The Emissions Allowance Invoice and the Emissions Allowance Transfer use the account listed.

New in Trading: Indicate Transferred Carbon Allowances and create new Carbon Allowances from a TC Out or Cargo Contract
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown. Requires user permissions to enter Carbon Allowance Trades.

You can use the new Transferred checkbox on the Carbon Allowance form to indicate allowances transferred from a counterparty instead of bought from the market. When a Cargo or TC Out contract has an Allowance Settlement type of Allowances or Hybrid, and there is a posted Allowance Invoice, you can right-click on the Allowance Invoice row to create a new Carbon Allowance.

Automatically update the Voyage Estimate Commence Date to today’s date
Requires the configuration flag CFGAutopopulateEstCommencedDate.

The system will auto-populate the Voyage Estimate Commence Date to today when the new configuration flag CFGAutopopulateEstCommencedDate is enabled. If set to 0 or any positive integer, the Commence Date will be populated with today's date plus the entered value when creating or copying a new Estimate. If left blank, there is no change to the current behavior.

New in Sustainability: Edit Sea and Port Emissions fields in Voyages and Estimates
Requires a schema version 432 or higher.

To improve the accuracy of calculated emissions values, the Sea ETS Emission (MT) and Port ETS Emission (MT) columns are now editable for both Voyages and Voyage Estimates in the Carbon Calculator. When a field is overridden, the new value appears in blue text. If a field is cleared, it returns to the auto-calculated value, which appears in black text.

New in Trading: View the Emissions tab on Cargo COA and VC IN COA Contracts
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown. Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableVCCOAEmissionsAllocation.

The Emissions tab is visible on Cargo COA and VC IN COA Contracts when the configuration flag CFGEnableVCCOAEmissionsAllocation is enabled. You can capture emissions settlement details on the Emissions tab, including the Allowance Settlement, Billing Period, and payment terms. If these are defined at the COA level, the lifting defaults to these values. The tables tracking the invoices and transfers will only be visible at the lifting level, where the COA contract captures the contract values. If a lifting already has a settlement type defined, changing it at the COA level does not override the lifting level unless Bulk Update is used. The available Settlement Types differ depending on an environment’s license.

New in Operations: EU ETS Exclusion (STS) checkbox added to the Port form
A new EU ETS Exclusion (STS) checkbox is visible on the Port form. When selected for a port, the port will be excluded as a Port of Call from the Carbon Calculator.

New in Chartering: Estimate-level Emissions Expense Rebill
Requires the configuration flags CFGEnableCO2Pricing and CFGEnableCargoEmissionsAllocation to be enabled. Requires schema version 446 or higher.

An Emissions tab is added to the CP Terms Details form that includes the Settlement Type, Billing Period, and Payment Terms fields. An Emission Expenses (Rebill) line item will appear in the Estimate P&L for certain operation types when a cargo is configured with a non-N/A settlement type.

January 2024

New in Chartering: A 5% discount is now applied to ice class vessels for EU ETS emission calculations
Requires schema version of 443 or higher.
The system now supports allowance reductions for ice class IA or IA Super vessel types in EU ETS emission calculations. With the EU ETS regulation, shipping companies may surrender 5% fewer allowances than their verified emissions from ships with ice class IA or IA Super or an equivalent ice class until 31 December 2030.

New in Chartering: General Cargo Ships are now supported in CII calculations
Previously, specific CII parameters were unavailable for General Cargo Ships, a subtype of Bulk Carriers, in CII calculations. Bulk Carriers can now be specified as General Cargo Ships using a checkbox on the Vessel Form, and the CII calculation accounts for them accordingly.

New in Trading: CO2 Exposure is added to COA Contracts
Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableCOACO2Exposure and a schema version of 442 or higher. This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
When the configuration flag CFGEnableCOACO2Exposure is enabled, the Cargo and VC In COA contracts will now support tracking CO2 exposure when the Exposure Method is set to Benchmark Estimate or Manual Exposure. The CO2 Exposure fields that are defined will flow down to the linked liftings when the "Use Exposure Settings From COA“ checkbox is selected. The CO2 Exposure will show up on the Trading P&L Summary and Trade Details list under the COA contract for the covered periods when the lifting is not set to confirmed.

New in the Messaging Service: Added Interface Support for the Emissions Expense Cash Invoice Type, Allowance Invoice, and Allowance Transfer Types
Interface Support is added for the Emissions Cash Invoice and the Emissions Allowance Invoice through the invoiceImport XML and API. You can now generate Emissions Allowance Invoices or Emissions Cash Invoices externally from IMOS.

December 2023

Improved visibility and support for Emission Allowance Invoice and Emission Allowance Transfer price differences
Requires the configuration flag CFGApplyAllowancePriceDiffToPnL.
When the new configuration flag CFGApplyAllowancePriceDiffToPnL is enabled, any difference in price between the Emission Allowance Invoice and the matching Emission Allowance Transfer will be reflected on the Voyage P&L. The price of the allowance(s) that are transferred will be the price used for a given emissions expense line item on the voyage.

EU ETS defaults to 0% when traveling between the outermost territory and the same EU member state
In alignment with EU regulations, legs between ports in the outermost territories of a country or between a port in the outermost territory and the parent country will show ETS Sea and Port percentages of 0% by default.

Cargo conversions apply the Alternative Quantity for Emissions Metrics when the Cargo Qty has an unsupported UOM (unit of measurement)
When Transport Work Calculations and Cargo Emission allocation can not convert a lifting's BL quantity to MT, the calculation attempts to convert the lifting's Alt Qty to MT.

New in Trading & Risk: Set user permissions to confirm Carbon Allowance Trades and Bulk Confirm Trade(s) is now supported
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
A new Module Right security permission, “Set Carbon Allowance to Confirmed,” prevents users without permission from confirming trades, ensuring that controls are properly followed. Additionally, the Bulk Confirm Trade(s) logic is now supported in the Carbon Allowance List, which marks the trades as confirmed and adds a broker confirmation number if one does not already exist.

Added Interface Support for the Carbon Allowance Contract and API handling
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
New API endpoints are available for creating, updating, and deleting paper trades. This interface support includes all paper trades (FFA/Option, Bunker Swap/Option, Commodity/Option) and new Carbon Allowance trades. Access to the API endpoint requires the Trading Module license. The endpoint for creating and/or updating is ApplyUpdatePaperTrade, and the endpoint for deleting is DeletePaperTrade.

New in Chartering: Filter out specific Time Charter contracts from the TC Code dropdown
Requires the configuration flag CFGExcludeStatusFromVoyageTCDropdown.
You can filter out Time Charter contracts by status in the TC Code dropdown on the Create New Voyage and Voyage Estimate forms when the configuration flag CFGExcludeStatusFromVoyageTCDropdown is enabled. Time Charters with Closed, Canceled, and Withdrawn status will be excluded by default.

November 2023

New in Trading & Risk: Allowance Settlement Support for TC Out Contracts

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown. Requires a minimum schema version of 433 and the configuration flag CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation.

With the new configuration flag CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation, you can see the Emissions tab on Time Charter In and Time Charter Out contracts. The Emissions tab lets you capture the Allowance Settlement details on the Time Charter contract for handling the new EU ETS regulation. You can choose to have no settlement (N/A), settle with Cash, Allowances, or a hybrid of both. You can specify the billing period and the payment terms, separate from the billing period and payment terms for Hire on the contract.

When you choose a Cash settlement, the Cash Invoice grid is visible in the tab. On a Time Charter In contract, invoices received from the TC Owner for certain periods of the contract can be recorded. Voyages in the selected period are updated, and emissions expense is realized for the period, while the uncovered period on the voyage reflects the remaining estimated emissions expense. These invoices follow the standard invoicing workflow and can have a pending, invoiced, and posted status. On a Time Charter Out contract, invoices can be generated for the charterer on the contract to cover emissions expenses.

When you choose Allowance settlement, the Allowance Invoice and Allowance transfer grid is visible in the tab. The Allowance Invoice grid is used on the Time Charter In contract to capture invoices received from the owner for a given Allowance quantity. The Allowance Transfer grid lets you select designated allowances (Carbon Allowance Trades) and mark them as transferred to the owner. Allowances can only be transferred on a posted invoice, similar to a cash payment. Once the allowances are transferred, the Carbon Allowance trade’s available balance is reduced accordingly and reflected in the Trading module. On a Time Charter Out contract, this process will be used to track the invoices for allowances sent to the charterer. Allowances marked as transferred are for reference purposes only, and the Carbon Allowance trade with the given quantity received from the counterparty still needs to be captured in the system.

When you choose the Hybrid option, all three tables are visible. You can generate a combination of cash and allowance invoices for given periods of the Time Charter contracts.

New in Tasks & Alerts: Cargo Exposure fields are now supported

The Exposure tab fields, including Benchmark Estimates, Cargo Exposure Bunkers, Exposure Method, and Benchmark M2M Basis, are now available in Cargo Task and Alert Rule Sets, allowing you to create rules to achieve regulatory compliance and set internal standards.

October 2023

New Demurrage Summary Bookings List
Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList

A new Demurrage Summary Bookings List version is now available in the Operations module.
Enable the configuration flag CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList to access the new list. The list shows projected and actual laytime calculation rows when the configuration flag is enabled. When accessing the new list, select the Reset User View to Default button at the top of the list to apply default filters, which improves performance and allows data beyond a year to show.

New in Sustainability: Berth consumption and EU ETS calculations use Statement of Facts (SOF) ROBs in the Carbon Calculator

When Port Activities include ROBs, the berth consumption calculation uses the difference in ROBs between the first All Fast and the final Last Line Port Activity; this value updates the Port consumption in the Carbon Calculator. The consumption prior to berth arrival is added to the previous sea leg, and the consumption after leaving the Berth is added to the subsequent sea leg. This update reflects the EU ETS logic that defines sea legs as berth-to-berth.

New in Sustainability: CO2 exposure updates automatically when the Benchmark Estimate changes
Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure.

When Cargo/VC-In uses the Benchmark Estimate exposure method, and the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure is enabled, CO2 exposure values update automatically following CO2 changes in the estimate.

September 2023

New in Chartering: Ballast port included in the Carbon View

When switching to Carbon View in the Estimator, the column view now displays the ballast port, allowing you to account for ballast consumption.

Include the "Apply Carbon Expenses to Period“ P&L calculation on the Monthly Accruals form by default
Requires the configuration flag CFGDefaultApplyCarbonExpenseToPeriod.

The "Apply Carbon Expenses to Period“ P&L calculation option on the Monthly Accruals form is selected by default when the configuration flag CFGDefaultApplyCarbonExpenseToPeriod is enabled. The Voyage P&L uses this calculation option when the configuration flag is enabled.

Attribute ETS emissions and costs in the Carbon Calculator to individual cargoes
You can attribute ETS emissions and costs from the Carbon Calculator to individual cargoes using the Carbon Emissions Table in the Report Designer. Using a filter based on a specific Booking No, Vsl Code plus VoyNo, or Cargo ID, the system prorates emission and cost for each itinerary line based on the specific cargo’s quantity versus the total amount of cargo on board. Calculations require conversion to MT. The Carbon Emissions Table is a standalone table and is not joinable.

New in Trading & Risk: Allowance Settlement Type added to the Commodity Trade form
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure.

A new settlement option, “As Allowance,” shows on the Commodity Trade form when the Carbon checkbox is selected. When you use this settlement type on the trade, the trade settles by converting into a Carbon Allowance trade on expiration. The trade can be settled with cash or as allowances.

New in Trading & Risk: Invoicing support for Carbon Allowances
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Requires the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure flag.

Invoicing support has been added to the Carbon Allowance trade. The Create Invoice button on the trade will generate a new invoice form with details populated from the underlying contract. This workflow is completed after the trade is booked in the system and the invoice has been received.

August 2023

New in Trading & Risk: CO2 emissions expenses in the Freight Matrix
CO2 Emissions expenses are now available in the Freight Matrix, allowing you to assess the carbon impacts when pricing freight. The schema version must be 429 or higher to save results on a matrix.

New in Sustainability: Berth vs. Port consumption in the Carbon Calculator
The Carbon Calculator now assigns Anch In and Pilot-to-Berth emissions to the previous sea leg and Berth-to-Pilot and Anch Out emissions to the following sea leg instead of assigning them to port emissions.

Updated Voyage Transport Work and Total Cargo Carried calculation
Voyage Transport Work calculation now uses BL Quantities when the lifting is actualized.

Equipment column added to Vessel Schedule
The Vessel Schedule now displays an Equipment column when voyage equipment data is present.

July 2023

Automatically create per-port, per-counterparty Estimate Demurrage records on voyage creation

In the Data Center, you can apply the setting ‘Auto Create Per-Counterparty Per-Port Estimated Demurrage’ to a voyage template to create per-port, per-counterparty Estimate Demurrage records automatically on voyage creation when configuration flags CFGEnableMultiEstDem and CFGAutoCreateEstVoyageDemurrage are enabled.

Vessels Value CII Webhook is now available.

Requires a valid subscription to VesselsValue and configuration flag CFGVesselsValueKey.

A new standard webhook is available in the Estimator for VesselsValue CII data. This webhook requires an API key in the new CFGVesselsValueKey configuration flag. When added to a Tasks and Alerts Rule Set, it will display the CII Rating, Current AER, Previous Distance, and Previous CO2 Emissions for a vessel. Requires a valid subscription to VesselsValue.

New in Sustainability: Include TCO emissions expenses in the PnL

Requires schema version 360 or greater and the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Pricing.

You can include TCO emissions expenses in the PnL by selecting the Emissions checkbox in the Estimate's Column view.

New in Sustainability: Include emissions expenses from the Carbon Calculator in P&L automatically. The new configuration flag CFGDefaultIncludeCarbonExpInPnl allows you to automatically include emissions expenses from the Carbon Calculator in the P&L.

View the Notifications panel in the Estimate Column view

Requires configuration flag CFGEnableAgGridInNotificationsPanel
When the CFGEnableAgGridInNotificationsPanel configuration flag is enabled, you can select a double arrow icon on the Worksheet Estimate Column view to expand the Notifications panel for that Estimate, including Tasks, Alerts, and Webhooks.

Voyage Fixture Report XML includes Description and Dangerous flag for each cargo grade.

When multi-grade cargoes are enabled, the Voyage Fixture Report XML now includes the Description and Dangerous flag state for each individual cargo grade.

June 2023

Inactive fuels are hidden for new Time Charters

Requires the configuration flag CFGBunkerDeactivation.

Newly created Time Charters will now hide fuel types marked as Inactive on their associated vessel when the configuration flag CFGBunkerDeactivation is enabled. Historic Time Charters will still display deactivated fuel types.

Refined Carbon Calculator logic for EU emissions sea and port percentages

The Carbon Calculator logic for EU emissions sea and port percentages has been improved to handle Mayotte, Akrotiri, Dhekelia, Bonaire, Saba, Sint Eustatius, and Gibraltar.

Expanded “Apply Corr. to Days” functionality

The “Apply Corr. to Days” checkbox, visible when you select the “Structure” checkbox for Unpriced Components in Chartering, now has expanded functionality. If the “Apply Corr. to Days checkbox” and the Use Corr/Adj from Index-Linked Contract Trading profile flag are selected, the correlation will be applied to the contract days exposure of the linked contract.

Exclude specific fields from TC Contract mirroring

Requires the configuration flag CFGTCMirroringExcludedFields.

The new configuration flag CFGTCMirroringExcludedFields allows you to exclude a comma-separated list of the TC fields Department, LOB, TradeArea, and BillVia from TC contract mirroring.

Sustainability metrics account for LNG using the density factor

The Sustainability Panel now utilizes the LNG's density factor from the first load to calculate the associated carbon emissions, including MT consumption and Total CO2.

New aggregation added to itemized bunker journals under Voyage Period Journals

Requires the configuration flags CFGItemizeBunkerJournal and CFGAggregateItemizedBunkerJournal.

When running Voyage Period Journals after adding new off-hire bunkers or changing bunker consumption, the reversal and the additional line items are aggregated while still preserving the itemization by bunker type when the configuration flags CFGAggregateItemizedBunkerJournal and CFGItemizeBunkerJournal are enabled.

May 2023

Streamline your fuel type data with Fuel Deactivation

Requires a minimum schema version of 407.

The Fuel Deactivation enhancement allows you to preserve historic fuel type data but visualize only relevant fuel types when the configuration flag CFGBunkerDeactivation is enabled. This enhancement introduces a new column, Inactive, on the vessel. When a fuel type is marked as inactive for a vessel, new Voyages, Estimates, and Time Charters for the vessel will no longer display the inactive fuel type in bunker-related grids or consume it. If you need to correct the status of a fuel type on a Voyage, you can reactivate hidden fuels by selecting Re-activate Fuels on Voyage in the Voyage Bunkers dropdown list. You can resync the Voyage to the Vessel by selecting Sync Fuel Deactivation From Vessel in the same Voyage Bunkers list.

New in Sustainability: Access the Carbon Calculator in the Voyage Manager

Requires schema version 411 or greater and the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Pricing.

You can now launch the Carbon Calculator form to access the itinerary-level ETS emissions calculation in the Voyage Manager. You can access the CO2 fields from the Sustainability Panel under the Voyage table in Report Designer.

New in Sustainability: View total EU ETS emissions in the Carbon Calculator

Requires schema version 411 or greater and the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Pricing.

In the Carbon Calculator, you can now view the total EU ETS emissions in MT to track tonnage and cover emissions exposure on a voyage.

CO2 Exposure fields available in Cargo.XML

Requires configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure.

The CargoSaleExport and CargoPurchaseExport type XMLs now include the following CO2 XML fields: co2Symbol, co2Qty, co2Price, co2Currency, and co2CurrencyExchangeRate. When the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure configuration flag is enabled, these fields will be added to the XML when the cargo is saved.

New in Trading: Bunker Basis Tons added to Trade Details and Trading P&L

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown. Requires configuration flag CFGBunkerBasisExposure. Requires Trading Profile flag "Include TC Bunker ROB Exposure" and sub-flag "Ordered Bunkers Only" to be selected. Requires schema version 376 or greater.

A new value called Bunker Basis Tons is available in the Trade Details List and Trading P&L Summary when the new configuration flag CFGBunkerBasisExposure is enabled. This enhancement lets you quickly see the physical bunker exposure for your trades and the swap exposure so you can make necessary decisions to offset your risk.

New in Chartering: Brokers grid now includes the bank’s IBAN

In the Brokers grid for TC In contracts, the Broker field dropdown list now includes the bank’s IBAN (International Bank Account Number) adjacent to the Bank Account field.

Vessel Valuation is now Freight Matrix

Vessel Valuation has been renamed to Freight Matrix. The Freight Matrix form enables you to both compare any number of vessels against a benchmark vessel, across a matrix of estimates to determine each vessel's appropriate Ratio % (correlation) value and across a range of target TCEs and bunker prices to see how the delta against the benchmark will change with market fluctuations. Security rights may need to be granted to the module by admins.

April 2023

New in Trading & Risk: Carbon Exposure fields are now available in the Trading module

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.

You can view the CO2 Exposure fields when the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure is enabled. 

  • The Cargo Contract field captures the contract’s carbon exposure and the base price for the Benchmark Estimate and Manual exposure methods. The Trading P&L Summary and the Trade Details list now include several fields to display a contract’s CO2 exposure in tons and unrealized P&L against the market.

  • In the Trading Profile, the CO2 Market is now an applicable contract type. You can now choose from different commodity market types within the Veson IMOS Platform and add new commodity symbols to capture the market rates for carbon in the system. To capture these in the correct non-USD currency, enable the configuration flag CFGCommodityMarketCurr.

  • A new Carbon Allowance contract is available in the Trading module, where you can track allowance purchases and sales and add them to your inventory when the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Exposure is enabled. The Carbon Allowance contract will be displayed in the Trade Details List and the Trading P&L summary as a new contract type.

New in Operations: Additional fields in the Survey Costs form
Requires schema 408 and above
The Survey Costs form now includes fields recording survey date, survey type, incident type, incident reporting information, and vendor info.

New in Operations: Additional fields in Survey Bunker Cost form
Requires schema 408 and above
In the Survey Bunker Cost Form, you can now record quantities prior to resurveying, a price for that quantity, and associated information such as fuel grade, supplier, and the barge name.

New in Tasks and Alerts: Additional Voyage-related joins are now available
For added port compliance, you can now use voyage-related joins in Tasks and Alerts rule sets to prevent the posting or saving of invoices if an invoice links to a voyage with specific ports.

March 2023

New in Sustainability: Phase-in percentages are now supported in the Carbon Calculator

Requires database schema version 400.

To reflect the expected phase-in logic for the EU ETS application to maritime, the Carbon Calculator supports Phase-In percentages in the Chartering module. The Phase-in logic applies the relevant percentage for that year to the carbon expense and displays the values in the Phase-In % column. For cross-year scenarios, emissions will be allocated based on the portion of a voyage leg that is in a specific year.

Voyage Manager’s Sustainability Panel shows AER and estimated CII rating for each voyage

Requires database schema version 391 and configuration flag CFGEnableCiiCalc.

To help you monitor decarbonization metrics and CII goals, the Sustainability Panel now shows AER and estimated CII ratings for each voyage when the configuration flag CFGEnableCiiCalc is enabled.

AER and CII are now available in Report Designer and Tasks & Alerts

Requires database schema version 404 and configuration flag CFGEnableCiiCalc.

You can now access AER and CII ratings from the Sustainability Panel under the Voyage table in Report Designer and Tasks & Alerts.

New in Financials: Apply TC Rebills to Period in the Monthly Accruals form

A new flag, Apply TC Rebills to Period, is now available on the Monthly Accruals form to ensure rebillable items associated with Time Charter Contracts are accrued in the same period as the original expenses. When the Apply TC Rebills to Period flag is selected, the system recognizes any un-invoiced TC Rebill line items in the month of the accounting date of the original expense item when that expense is posted. When the original expense is not yet posted, the system will recognize the TC Rebill item in the month of the invoice date of the original expense item. When the configuration flag CFGDefaultPnlCalcApplyTCRebill is enabled, the flag on the Monthly Accruals form is checked by default.

Display Berth information in the Laytime Calculation form

When the new configuration flag CFGLaytimeEnableBerths is enabled, Berth information is displayed as a column in the New Laytime Setup screen and Cargo Handling grid.

COA Planning Period added to Cargo Import XML

You can now update the planning periods via API using the following fields in the Cargo Import XML: planningPeriodFrom, planningPeriodTo, and usePricingFromCOA. These fields can be included, along with a COA number, to assign Cargoes and VC Ins to specific COA Planning Periods when the configuration flag CFGEnableCOAPlanningPeriod is enabled.

February 2023

New in Sustainability: Transport Work and EEOI calculations in the Carbon View
The Carbon View now includes Transport Work fields and EEOI calculations for estimates, allowing you to visualize pre-fixture emissions impacts and incorporate this information into your decision-making processes.

New in Chartering: Introducing the COA/CVC Analysis form
With the COA/CVC Analysis form, you can run estimates to assess potential contract of affreightment (COA) or consecutive voyage charter (CVC) opportunities in the market by looking at how the offered rate compares to the market prices. The input section of the form allows you to select the estimate ID, a time frame for the analysis, market data routes, symbols, and several additional fields. The output section shows the value of the trade against the market after running an estimate across the market rates in those forward periods. To request access, contact your VIP administrator to enable the configuration flag CFGNewChartering and assign security rights to the appropriate users or user groups.

New in Trading: Support for non-base (USD) currency in commodity trade 
contracts and market data prices.

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.

When the configuration flag CFGCommodityMarketCurr is enabled, the currency is added to the Commodity Symbol and Market Data forms. The system accounts for the exchange rate conversion when calculating exposure on the Commodity Trade form in the Trade
Details List and the Trading P&L Summary.

Improved Unavailable Days Logic on TC Contract for exposure calculations

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
When the configuration flag CFGUnavailableStartAndEndDaysOnTC is enabled, two new columns allow you to capture specific start and end days in the Unavailable Days grid in the Exposure tab of the Time Charter Contract form. When you select the new profile flag “Deduct TC Unavailable Days from Exposure Days,” the Trading P&L will account for the available days on the Time Charter contract and deduct them from the Exposure Days in the period(s) they overlap.

Select VC In as the Cargo in Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses
VC In contracts can now be associated with Voyage Other Revenue & Expense invoices using the Cargo field.

Load Line Routing is now available in the Voyage and Estimate forms, allowing you to select load line zones to avoid in routing.

New in Tasks and Alerts: Vessel Owner Address Book join to Vessel T&A
Tasks and Alerts now supports joins on a Vessel Owner Address Book from Vessel, Estimate, and Voyage rules.

January 2023

New in Financials: User Defined Fields available on TDE and in posted invoices

  • A new applicability option, Financials Invoice, is available in the User-Defined Fields setup form in the Data Center.

  • A new Properties tab in the Transaction Data Entry (TDE) form allows you to specify related values for User-Defined Fields.

  • A new optional element, invoiceUserProperties, has been added to the invoice interface notification XML which contains values from the invoice's Properties tab.

Enhanced Carbon View in the Estimator Worksheet now includes fields from the Classic View, including Speed Ballast/Laden, Commence Date, and port information that will give you additional context when updating your estimates.

New in Sustainability: Include Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) in Combined Estimates
The Voyage Estimate Combination form will show a total AER score across multiple selected estimates and a combined CII rating when the configuration flag CFGEnableCiiCalc is enabled. The CII rating requires the selection of the same vessel across estimates.

Connect CII fields to estimator webhooks in the Carbon View for more accurate CII calculations. The Carbon View now supports updates via webhook calls using the fields prevDistance and prevEmissions. This feature allows you to import previous distance and emissions data for a vessel from an external system.

Update vessel names in TC contracts

If you have the Update TC Vessel Names permission assigned in Module Rights, you can now update TC vessel names even after the contract has been saved.

December 2022

Send intercompany payments and receipts to a specific IC account by default
Requires configuration flag CFGUseSpecificICAccountOnPaymentsAndReceipts
Intercompany payments and receipts are sent to the company account listed in the Intercompany Info section of the payment/receipt by default when the configuration flag CFGUseSpecificICAccountOnPaymentsAndReceipts is enabled. The IC account is based on the company's W address book record. If no IC Account is defined, the system will use the IC Account from Account Periods. This enhancement will minimize IC account assignment errors when working with many internal companies.

New in the Trading Profile: Improved handling of Time Charter exposure for TCTO voyages with an Index-Linked contract

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
The logic for the Trading Profile flag "Keep TCTO In Exposure When One Contract is Index-Linked“ has been updated to handle Time Charter exposure on TCTO voyages. When the flag is selected, and there is a commenced TCTO voyage, then Exposure Days and Exposure Tons will reflect the remaining days in the voyage.

Pre-populate Upcoming Ports in the Onboard workspace
Upcoming Port information will now be pre-populated in Onboard forms based on the voyage itinerary. Veslink Forms containing the Upcoming Ports field, such as the standard At Sea noon report, will automatically carry over Upcoming Ports entries when submitted through the Onboard workspace. If the form group setting Enter Multiple Upcoming Ports is enabled, all upcoming ports in the itinerary will be pre-populated; otherwise, only the next port will pre-populate.

New in Sustainability: CII data and scores included in the Carbon View on the Estimator
Requires database schema version of 391 or greater. Requires configuration flags CFGEnableCarbonView and CFGEnableCiiCalc.

It is now possible to analyze your vessel's emissions performance as guided by the IMO CII ratings and assess emissions impacts while creating voyage estimates. Enable the new configuration flag CFGEnableCiiCalc to display the Carbon View on the Estimator, where you can find estimated CII grades for the voyage.

Automatically switch between demurrage and despatch rates when applicable
The Auto-update from itinerary checkbox will now synchronize the demurrage and despatch rates from the Cargo contract with the estimated demurrage rate.

November 2022

New in Vessel Vetting: Final score column added to the Evaluations grid
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableVettingWorkflow and the Edit Vessel Vetting Module Right to be selected under Actions in the Data Center.
The Vessel Vetting tab now includes a Final Score column that calculates a percentage score by dividing the number of positively answered questions by the total number of questions. This feature will allow you to compare a vessel’s score against the constituent scoring data.

Automatically update the Estimated Demurrage form with linked itinerary data
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableMultiEstDem
The Auto-update from itinerary checkbox is now included on the Estimated Demurrage form when the configuration flag CFGEnableMultiEstDem is enabled. When checked, the Days Used field automatically calculates from the corresponding itinerary line and will also reflect in the P&L.

New to index-linked TC contracts: correlation values built into the pricing structure now adjust exposure days
Index-linked Time Charter contracts can now account for correlation values built into their pricing structure, improving your ability to assess market risk. The new checkbox “Apply Corr. to Days” is now in the Unpriced Components form on TC contracts when the "Structure" checkbox is selected. When enabled, VIP adjusts the calculated Exposure Days with a formula that subtracts the correlation value in the structure to better reflect the number of days in the period exposed to the market.

Associate an FFA/Paper Trade contract with a specific vessel
Requires configuration flag CFGAddVesselNameToPaperTrade
A Vessel Name field will be added to the Paper Trade form when you enable the configuration flag CFGAddVesselNameToPaperTrade. The field is for information only and will not impact the linked-trades functionality. When a Paper Trade has this field populated, the specific vessel name will show up under that vessel in the Trading P&L Summary and Details Lists. This enhancement will improve reporting on trades at the vessel level and help you capture the necessary trade contract information.

New in the Messaging Service: Updates to interservice cargoes are now supported
Enhancements to the cargo import interface now allow you to update interservice cargoes in the Messaging Service.

October 2022

LNG MMBTU Pricing included in Time Charter Bunkers
Requires database schema version 381.
Time Charter Bunkers now contains columns to enter LNG MMBTU and calorific value information for LNG carrier ships. Time charter payments and the hire statement will display LNG bunker units in MMBTU. These enhancements will help track the commercial management of 'heel' amounts in MMBTU and facilitate the invoicing workflows and hire statement reporting. To view the new columns, enable the configuration flag CFGEnableTimeCharterLNGPricingInMMBTU. 

New fields in Estimated Demurrage: Deductions from Days Used and Remarks
Requires database schema version 385.
In the Estimated Demurrage form, you can now enter deductions in the Deduction From Days Used field to impact the calculation of estimated demurrage or record notes in the Remarks field.

Create journal notifications for Monthly Accruals for reporting without impacting the general ledger
Requires notificationsIncludeList configuration flag to have ‘invoice’ included.
You can now generate journal notification messages without posting them to the general ledger by enabling the configuration flag CFGCreateSimulatedAccrualNotifications. When enabled, a Create Simulated Notifications button will appear on the Accruals form. This allows you to extract data for different Accrual configurations for reporting purposes without creating a journal in VIP.

New in Tasks and Alerts: Expose the Bunker Planning table of a Voyage Estimate
Fields in the Voyage Estimate Bunker Planning table are now available in a Task & Alert Rule set. 

September 2022

Post an invoice to the next open accounting date if the original posting period is closed
You can now use the next open accounting date if the original posting period is closed when the configuration flag CFGAutoinvUseNextOpenPeriod is enabled.

Use the actual/projected delivery date as the start date of TC exposure 

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
You can use the actual/projected delivery date as the start of exposure for TC contracts by applying the "Use Proj/Act Delivery Date for TC Exposure“ profile flag in the Trading Profile. The actual/projected delivery date will populate on the contract instead of the estimated delivery date.

Set a threshold for line item amounts in monthly accruals
You can now set a threshold for monthly accrual line item amounts by enabling the configuration flag CFGAccrualThreshold. When you set the value to a number greater than 0, line items that have an accrual amount with an absolute value below the threshold will not be selected in the accrual program by default. 

Reverse an invoice with the Messaging Service interface
You can now reverse an invoice through the interface by using the message type <invoiceReverse> and specifying the VIP transaction number to reverse with <transNo>. You can optionally set the parameter <deleteBill> to True to delete the operations invoice when you reverse the financials invoice. You have the option to include the <reversalReason> parameter as well.

Warning when a Veslink Form is overwriting another
The system will now display a warning if one form is overwriting another with the same form type and date.

August 2022

Create Ad Hoc Voyage Journals that reflect in Voyage P&L 
You can now create ad hoc voyage journals accounted for in the P&L Actual and Posted columns by enabling the new configuration flag CFGEnableAdhocVoyageJournals. These new journals will have a description of Ad Hoc Journal and replace the Non-Voyage Journal description used when the configuration flag is disabled. 

Scale tables freight pricing now supports commingled groups
You can now price VC In contracts via scale tables using a commingled quantity as an input to get a more accurate capture of your freight contracts in VIP.

Apply Index-Linked Hire Rate to Trading P&L

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
Index-Linked Time Charter contracts that use Unpriced Components for pricing are now properly calculated in the Trading P&L Summary and Details lists. The unpriced component pricing structure determines the forward rate for the contract and becomes the base (contract) rate in the exposure calculations. This change allows for better tracking of unrealized P&L and insights into your risk and position in the market. You can use Unpriced Components when you enable the configuration flag CFGEnableGeneralUnpricedComponent.

Onboard forms window enlarged
The viewing window for forms in Onboard and the Agent Portal is now wider so you can view more form details without scrolling. You can resize the window if you prefer a smaller or larger screen.

New Cargo reporting enhancements were made to various lists and the report designer.

  • The fields First Load Cargo Handling Seq No. and Last Disch Cargo Handling Seq No. are now available in the Cargo table in Report Designer. These fields also provide one-to-one links to their corresponding voyage cargo handling records.

  • The TC Brokers (All) column is now available in the Transaction Summary, Payables, and Receivables lists.

  • If you bulk-post an invoice with a specific accounts-related warning, an error message will appear and you will be able to review and repost manually.

  • You can now open related payments/journals on the Cashflow report via hyperlink.

July 2022

Improved TC bunker exposure calculation for TCTO voyages with reposition leg
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights.
The TC bunker exposure calculation can now handle TCTO voyages with reposition legs following redelivery when you apply the profile flag “Include TC Bunker ROB Exposure” in the Trading Profile. When the flag is enabled, bunkers ROB after the vessel has been redelivered and prior to voyage completion will now be included in the Trading P&L. 
Multiple demurrage and despatch rates now supported for FOB cargoes
Requires configuration flag CFGMultiDemRate
You can now set multiple demurrage and despatch rates in laytime calculations for FOB cargoes when the configuration flag CFGMultiDemRate is enabled. Previously, the laytime calculator did not support multiple rates for FOB cargoes.

New in Financial Control: Define specific groups for each invoice approval level
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableFinancialControlBasedApprovals
You can now define user groups allowed to make first, second, and third approvals for specific invoices using the Financial Control form when CFGEnableFinancialControlBasedApprovals and CFGEnableFinancialControlInVIP are enabled. You must create user groups in the User Groups field before including them in the approval groups. 

New in Chartering: Carbon Pricing in Estimates
Requires configuration flags CFGEnableCO2Pricing, CFGCO2DefaultCurrency, CFGCO2Default Price to be set. Requires schema version 360 or higher
You can now use Carbon Pricing in the Chartering module to improve cost estimates related to carbon expense management when the configuration flag CFGEnableCO2Pricing is enabled. The Carbon Pricing feature gives you insight into the CO2 emitted for each voyage leg and provides Sea vs. Port percentages to represent regulations for each region. Estimates will show 100% as the default percentage, but you can update the percentages to be used in emission calculations. You can set the default currency and price with the configuration flags CFGCO2DefaultCurrency and CFGCO2DefaultPrice.

Add voyage itinerary sustainability metrics to the voyage emissions table using the Report Designer
Requires configuration flag CFGSustainability. Requires schema version 360
To simplify emissions reporting, you can now add voyage itinerary sustainability metrics to the Voyage Emissions data table in the Report Designer. By selecting the Synchronize Voyage Itinerary checkbox in the Emissions Data form found in the Sustainability panel, you can enable reporting on total emissions metrics per voyage. This enhancement allows you to generate voyage emissions reports that can be shared with your counterparties. To access the Sustainability panel, the configuration flag CFGSustainability must be enabled.

Cargo Bunker Consumption and Estimates now in Report Designer
Requires schema v37.5
There are new tables for estimated and actual cargo bunker consumptions in the Report Designer. For more accurate reporting on cargo bunker consumption in both estimates and voyages, you can include these fields in your reporting: Heating Rate and Days, Cooling Rate and Days, IGS Rate and Days, and Cleaning Rate and Days.

June 2022

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for May 2022.

Commissionable CVEs Now Included in P&L
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableCommissionableCVEs
Commissions from CVEs that are marked as commissionable in time charter contracts will appear in P&L when CFGEnableCommissionableCVEs is enabled.

Operations > Voyages > Voyage Manager > Select a vessel > P&L

New Trading Profile Option: Extend Physical Bunker Exposure By One Month

This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.
You can apply the “Move Physical Bunker Exposure Ahead One Month” profile flag in the Trading Profile to move bunker exposure forward into the following month. You can also apply a sub-flag to specify the number of days that have passed in the month before the bunker exposure moves to the next month. If the sub-flag is unchecked, all physical bunker exposure will move a month past the system exposure date. This profile flag does not impact Bunker Swap or Bunker Swap Options. 

Trading > Trading Profile

Improved vessel valuation for bunkers now includes pricing by fuel type 
Requires the Trading & Risk module. Configuration flag CFGEnableVesselValuation must be enabled, and you must have the Vessel Valuation Module Right selected, under Quick Links in Trading.

To improve bunker visibility and calculation accuracy, the Vessel Valuation tool now generates bunker prices by each fuel type across all selected vessels. Previously, the Vessel Valuation tool provided only Sea vs. Port pricing by default. All new vessel valuations will generate fuel types while existing vessel valuation records will be preserved. If no fuel type is selected, the sea vs. port pricing will show by default.

Home > Trading & Risk > Vessel Valuation

New Financial Control UI
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableFinancialControlInVIP
​​​​​​A new financial control setup form is available in the Financials module that allows you to define rules for specific invoice types when the configuration flag CFGEnableFinancialControlInVIP is enabled.

You can also set the number of approvals required for a specific invoice type by enabling the configuration flag CFGEnableFinancialControlBasedApprovals. To apply the same Financial Control rules when posting an invoice, you can enable the configuration flag CFGExtendApprovalRightsToFinancials.

Financials > Financial Control

May 2022

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for April 2022.

Change Paid By or For Account to TCI Owner or TCO Charterer on Bunker Liftings 
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableNonOperatorBunkerPurchases

​​​​Previously, when toggling Paid By and For Account fields on a record linked to a Bunker Purchase, the system defaulted to Operator for each Bunker Lifting record. Now, you can change Paid By or For Account to either TCI Owner or TCO Charterer and the record will stay linked with the Bunker Purchase, when configuration flag CFGEnableNonOperatorBunkerPurchases is enabled. Bunker Invoices paid by TCI Owner/TCO Charterer cannot be invoiced. 

​​​​Operations > Voyages > Voyage Manager > Select a vessel > Bunkers dropdown > Bunker Liftings

Account for TCTO Voyage Ballast Legs in Time of Delivery (ROB) Calculations
This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. You must have the General Trading Module Right selected. Access to other forms and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.

To help you get the most accurate bunker exposure information, you can apply the “Include TC ROB Bunker Exposure” profile flag in the Trading Profile to have the TC in ROB calculation account for TCTO voyage ballast legs until TC out has been delivered. 

Trading > Trading Profile

Apply CVE Off Hire to Select Voyage Expenses
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableOptionalOffHireForCVEs.

 ​​​​​A new checkbox column is available in the Time Charter common voyage expenses grid that allows you to apply off hire to selected items. Checkboxes for all items will be checked by default and can only be unchecked for non-cleaning, non-lumpsum CVEs. Each item checked will apply per-period to the Estimate P&L, Voyage P&L, and Invoicing and Hire Statement. To view the new checkbox column, the configuration flag CFGEnableOptionalOffHireForCVEsmust be enabled.

Chartering > TC In - List or TC Out - List > TC Code, Details View

New Financials Option: Apply Cargo Itinerary Allocation % to all invoice detail lines
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableActInvDetProrationByItin to be enabled and you must have an interface license.

​​​​​The Cargo Itinerary Allocation sub-form now includes an additional “OK (Apply to All)” button within the Details grid on the Financials Invoice form. This button allows you to apply selected percentage values for a given detail line to all other lines in the invoice. This enhancement allows you to enter the Cargo Itinerary Allocation amounts one time instead of multiple times when the CFGEnableActInvDetProrationByItin flag is enabled.

Financials > Transaction Data Entry or Journal Entry > Invoice Details

New Fields Added to Customizable Voyage Estimator Itinerary Grid
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableVoyestCustomItinGrid.
On the Custom tab of the Voyage Estimate itinerary grid in the Chartering module, you can now view extra sea days (XSD), fuel type arrival ROB, and fuel type departure ROB fields, along with the same columns available in the Charterer tab. To view the Custom tab, the CFGEnableVoyestCustomItinGrid configuration flag must be enabled. 

Chartering > Estimates > Estimate, Details View > Itinerary Grid

April 2022

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for March 2022.

Add Additional Date Validation to Forms in Veslink Form Designer
In Veslink Form Designer, you can now add a date validation field under Visible When, Valid When, and Warn When as part of the form's acceptance criteria. This can help you validate your form data resulting in fewer errors.

Create Configurable Alerts in Financials
You can now create configurable alerts that will appear on the Transaction Data Entry and Journal Entry forms that can guide or get a user’s attention, or prevent an invoice or journal entry from being posted if a rule is violated. To configure alerts, navigate to the Tasks & Alerts Rule Set List and select “Financials Invoice” as the Applies To object. 

Ignore Save-Preventing Alerts in Invoice Bulk Posting
Configuration flag CFGIgnoreSavePreventingAlertsInInvoiceBulkPosting must be enabled.
When bulk-posting invoices or journals in Financials through the Transaction Summary list, Post Invoices list, or Post To Financials functionality in Voyage Cost Allocation and Demurrage Cost Allocation forms, if any invoice or journal violates a previously configured alert rule it will fail to post and the rest will be posted when the CFGIgnoreSavePreventingAlertsInInvoiceBulkPosting flag is enabled. 

March 2022

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for February 2022.

Export Multiple Veslink Voyage Reporting Forms at Once 
You can now bulk download up to 10 Veslink Voyage Reporting forms at a time by selecting the forms you wish to download and then selecting the new "Download” button.

Reject Previously Approved Forms in Veslink Voyage Reporting 
Feature Board request
You can now reject previously approved forms with the status "approved" or "open for resubmit."

Part Cargo/Parcel Factor Is Adjustable & Visible in Cargo Form
Requires database version 35.9 and CFGPartCargoFactorOverride must be enabled
Manually adjust the Part Cargo Factor for your part cargos on the Cargo form in the Exposure tab to ensure that the exposure is being accurately calculated. Once saved, the adjusted factor will be used to calculate the exposure in the Trading P&L. 

"From Port Country" and "To Port Country” Columns Added to "Voyage Leg Summary" and “Voyage Leg Details Tables
The Report Designer now includes “To Port Country” and “From Port Country” columns in the “Voyage Leg Summary” and “Voyage Leg Details” tables.

Cost of Carbon Calculated in Sub-P&L Line Items in Voyage Estimate 
Requires schema version 360 and CFGEnableCO2Pricing must be enabled.
In preparation for future regulatory carbon pricing schemes in the maritime industry, the Voyage Estimate now displays the effects of C02 pricing in the estimated P&L as additional lines. These lines include the total CO2 Cost, a CO2 adjusted Profit and a CO2 adjusted TCE. This data is driven by existing CO2 emission information and new CO2 pricing fields in the Bunker planning form. Defaulting the CO2 pricing fields can be done via CFGCO2DefaultCurrency and CFGCO2DefaultPrice.

February 2022

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for January 2022.

Add Attachments to All VVR Forms
You can now add file attachments to all submitted forms in Veslink Voyage Reporting using the new "Add Attachment" button.

View Combined P&L Report for Mirrored Voyages
A new built in report called Mirrored Voyage Profit & Loss has been added to Voyage Manager's Reports dropdown that allows you to view the combined P&L for mirrored voyages. The report will only appear on voyages that are mirrored, via cargo contracts, either from or to another voyage. It displays the Source and Mirrored voyage P&L categories side-by-side. For categories that the two voyages have in common, a variance is displayed for each P&L column (Estimate, Actual, and Posted). For categories unique to one voyage or the other, the variance is blank.

Edit the Rate Table Logic from the Cargo/COA Form When Scale Table is Selected in Extra Freight Terms
Configuration flag CFGEnableExtraFrtRateScaleTable must be enabled
When adding extra freight to a scale table contract, you can edit the structure of the scale table using two new options in the Extra Freight Term grids: 

  • Choose Scale Table: you can select a specific scale table to apply to the Extra Freight Term line on the contract

  • Edit Scale Table: you can open the Rate Table form for the line item and make changes if you have the necessary security permissions

Time Charter Estimates Considers Common Voyage Expense Periods
Time Charter Estimates now import Common Voyage Expenses (CVEs) from the base time charter and apply time dependent CVEs correctly in the Misc. Expenses section of the estimate's P&L calculations.

Submit Multiple Veslink Forms In One Email
You can now submit multiple Veslink forms in a single email.

Rebilled Bunkers Now Appear On the Hire Statement of a TCO Contract
Configuration flag CFGEnableTcoBunkerOnOwner must be enabled
Full/partial rebilled bunkers are now included in the TCO Hire Statement when the CFGEnableTcoBunkerOnOwner flag is enabled.

January 2022

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for December 2021.

Send Voyage Instructions as PDF attachments
Feature Board suggestion
You can now email voyage instructions as PDF attachments by checking both "Veslink will automatically send an email to the vessel when Voyage Instruction forms are submitted" and "Send Voyage Instructions as PDF attachments." 

Delete Attachments from Veslink Forms
In the Agent Portal, you can now delete attachments that were added to a form in Veslink Forms. 

Delete Saved Forms Drafts in Veslink Onboard
You can now delete saved forms drafts in Onboard.

New Icon Shows Number of Validated Forms Pending Approval in Voyage Manager
On the Forms link in the Voyage Manager workspace side panel, an icon has been added that displays the number of forms associated with the voyage that have been validated and are pending approval.

Apply Laytime Calculation Deductions to Entire Port Call
Default behavior when CFGAggregatePortTabOnLaytime is enabled
Laytime calculation deductions can now be synced across common port calls. When CFGAggregatePortTabOnLaytime is enabled, syncing will be the default behavior for new deductions.

New Visual Link Between Laytime Cargo Handling and Port Activity Grids
The first column of the Laytime Calculation Cargo Handling grid is now populated with radio buttons that, when selected, open the corresponding Port Activities tab, providing a visual link between the two.

Capitalize and Amortize Costs Before Performing Period on Monthly Accruals Form
Default behavior when CFGDefaultPnLCalcCapAmortContractFulfillmentCosts is enabled
​​​​​​On the Monthly Accruals form, a new P&L Calc Option called “Capitalize and Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period” has been added that allows capitalization and amortization of costs incurred as a result of fulfilling a contract prior to the performing period of the contract, and after the nomination date.

When selected, the costs incurred between the Nomination Date and the Start of the First Load port will be capitalized and then amortized over the performing period as defined by the Start of First Load to the end of Last Discharge on the voyage. The amortization will happen as a percentage of the performing period completed on the accrual date. Costs incurred during the performing period will not be affected by this option.

This option will be selected by default when CFGDefaultPnLCalcCapAmortContractFulfillmentCosts is enabled. It requires additional business rules to be added to account for the journals generated from this logic using the following prefixes: "CAP," "AM," "EXP," and "CM" for capitalized costs, amortized costs, costs expensed to the period and all other journals respectively.

December 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for November 2021.

Cargo ID and Quantity Columns Added to Demurrage Allocation Form
The Demurrage Allocation form now includes read-only columns for Cargo ID and Quantity.

New Naming Format for Exported Files
When you export a form as a PDF, Word, or Excel file, the file name now follows the format DocumentType_VesselName_FormDate.pdf.

Add Attachments to Veslink Forms
You can now add file attachments to submitted and draft forms in the Veslink Agent Portal.

New Demurrage Allocation Details Table for Demurrage Allocation Reporting
Previously, there was no single table that contained all demurrage allocation information, which made reporting on the Demurrage Allocation form difficult. Now there is a Demurrage Allocation Details table where you can report on the form. 

Sort by Column Header in Demurrage Allocation Screen
You can now sort rows by column header in the Demurrage Allocation form by selecting the column header. 

Firmed Quantity for Scale Table Pricing
When you firm the first voyage of a booking, a firming quantity for that booking is now stored. The Scale Table calculation now supports "Firmed Qty" as a basis. When "Use Booking Qty on Scale Table" is enabled, the booking's firmed quantity will be used in the calculation. When it is disabled, the trade unit's firming quantity will be used in the calculation.

November 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for October 2021.

New Parameters Added to Voyage P&L Summary Data Set in Report Designer 
The parameters "Period Range Gmt" and field "Portion %" have been added to Voyage P&L Summary data table, so that you can report on a pro-rated voyage P&L for a specific date range.

New Dropdown Option to Avoid Winter Load Line Zones
VIP and Veslink Distances maps now have a new dropdown to enable avoiding winter load line zones.

New Reversal Reason Tag Added to Invoice Notification XML 
A new tag called "reversalReason" has been added to the invoice notification XML. It shows the Reversal Reason entered by user when reversing a posted invoice.

Voyage Object Added to Invoice Details Default Rules Engine
CFGEnableInvoiceDefaultRules must be enabled
The Invoice Details Default Rules setup in Financials has been extended to include Port, Voyage, Voyage Itinerary and Voyage Cargo Handling joins so you can set defaulting rules using those joins for the Financials' invoice detail lines linked to a specific voyage and/or port.

New Configuration Flag Adds Nomination Date Value
CFGNominationDateOnFixtureAndVoyage must be enabled
When enabled, a new Nomination Date value is added to the Voyage Fixture and the Voyage Manager objects.  When the vessel is nominated to a cargo, the nomination date must be populated manually. This date can be separate from the Fixture Date, the Voyage Commencement Date, or CP Date on the cargo. When the nomination date is populated on the Fixture, it will carry down to the Voyage Manager on scheduling. If the nomination is updated on the Voyage it will update the Fixture.
Additionally, a new Module Right was added, which enables you to edit the nomination date on Voyage Fixture and Voyage Manager: Operations-> Actions-> Edit Nomination Date

New Force Calc Parameter Added to Voyage P&L Summary Data Set in Report Designer
A "Force Calc" parameter has been added to Voyage P&L Summary data table in Report Designer. You can use it when you need to calculate Voyage P&L numbers from scratch instead of from a current stored P&L snapshot.

October 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for September 2021.

New Configuration Flag Enables Exchange Rate Date Column in TC In Payment and TC Out Bill Details Grid
CFGInvDetailExchangeRate and CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms must be enabled
When CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms is enabled, a new Exchange Rate Date column will be added to the Time Charter In Payment and Time Charter Out Bill details grid, allowing you to capture a unique exchange rate date for each line item and apply a different exchange rate to each line item. The Exchange Rate Date will flow down to the Transaction Data Entry form on posting to the matching details line item.

New Configuration Flag Allocates TCO Hire Bills to Voyage Period Journals 
Configuration flag CFGEnableTCOPeriodJournal must be enabled
When CFGEnableTCOPeriodJournal is enabled, TCO Hire Bills that are posted during a given period will be allocated down to the voyages in the period through journal entries generated during the Voyage Period Journal process. This will better account for a TC Out contract that has multiple voyages in a period and remove the allocation to the first voyage of the full posted amount.

When this flag is enabled, CFGDefVoyNoToTcoBill should be set to N. This functionality is not compatible with the Model B workflow.

New Configuration Flag For Manually Locking Vessel Valuations
Configuration flag CFGManuallyLockVesselValuations must be enabled 
When CFGManuallyLockVesselValuations is enabled, you can manually lock your saved vessel valuations to prevent further editing. A new security permission is required to do this. A secondary permission is also available to provide a subset of admins with the ability to unlock a Valuation ID. Now, when saving the Vessel Valuation, the results will be stored in the database in addition to the input parameters. This will require a schema update to latest.

View Projected Claim and Claim Commission Invoices in the Financials Console
A new list called "Create Claim Invoices" has been added to the Financials console. It shows all projected claim and claim commission invoices, which you can then create from the “Create Claim Invoices” list.

New Columns Added to Create TC Invoices List and TC Projected Invoice Table
The following columns have been added to the TC Invoices List and corresponding Time Charter Projected Invoice table in the Report Designer: Original Inv No, Original Ops Inv Trans No, Original Inv Curr Amount, Original Inv Status, Primary Broker, Primary Broker Rate, Secondary Broker Rates and Chartering Specialist.
They show relevant data for projected Time Charter hire and commission invoices.

IMO Number Is Now Shown When You Search for a Vessel in Trade Hub
In Trade Hub, when you search for a vessel, the IMO number is now displayed in addition to the vessel type. You can also search using an IMO number in the vessel search.

View Form Status After Submission
You can now view the status of a form after submitting it through the API. 

September 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for August 2021.

Remittance Banks Added to Bareboat Manager Screen
Remittance Bank information can now be specified on Bareboat Contracts.

Cargo Quantity Column Added to Additional Emissions Data
This feature requires IMOS database schema version 33.6 or higher
A Cargo Qty column has been added to the Voyage Manager's Additional Emissions Data form, allowing you to record carried cargo quantities not otherwise recorded in the voyage itinerary. Values entered in the new column will contribute to the total cargo quantity displayed in the Sustainability side panel.

Cargo ID Column Added to the Freight Calculation Grid in Freight Invoice
A Cargo ID column has been added to the Freight Calculation Grid in the Freight Invoice form that pulls in the ID of the cargo that matches the line item. If there is more than one cargo that matches the line item, then the column will be left blank for that row.

New Configuration Flag Displays Load Quantity in the Voyage Estimator Column View
CFGShowLoadQuantityInEstColumn must be enabled
When CFGShowLoadQuantityInEstColumn is enabled, the estimate column view will display the total load quantity. The existing field "Quantity/Unit" has been renamed to "CP Quantity/Unit".

Freight Type "S" Now Available for COA Contracts
Shuttle Tanker is now available as a Pricing and Advanced Pricing option for COAs and their liftings.

Physical Bunkers Added to Linked Trade Grids on Contracts - Multiple Fuel Types
CFGLinkBunkerPurchase and CFGLinkBunkerPurchaseTradesByFuelType must be enabled
The functionality of CFGLinkBunkerPurchase has been expanded to include bunker purchases that are for multiple fuel types. When this flag is enabled and CFGLinkBunkerPurchaseTradesByFuelType is also enabled, user will be able to select fuel type to be linked and see a fuel type as well as the trade ID in the linked trades grid when the trade type being linked is Bunker Purchase.

Reported Vessel Speed Now Visible in Market Insights
Now, in Trade Hub Market Insights, you can view a vessel’s reported speed when selecting a vessel’s historical position.

Payment Batch Link in TDE Available in VIP
The "Payment Batch No." field in Transaction Data Entry form can now be clicked on to open available payment batches, even when the field is empty.

Customizable Voyage Estimator Itinerary Grid
CFGEnableVoyestCustomItinGrid must be enabled and IMOS database schema must be version 339 or higher
A new Custom tab is available in the VIP estimate Itinerary field. The grid in this tab includes all columns available in the "Charterer" tab as well as a few additional columns from other tabs, and is customizable. 

Columns can be pinned to either the left or right side (by dragging to the side and holding for two seconds, then dropping), resized, hidden, and re-ordered. The current column state can be saved by opening the column header menu and clicking "Save View". Only one view can be saved per-user, and this view is applied to the Custom tab in all estimates for that user. Clicking "Clear View" in the column header menu will reset the view to default.

The custom tab is the default selected tab when opening an estimate if this flag is set.

August 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for July 2021.

Attachments Toolbar Button Added to Claims Invoice Form
An attachments toolbar button has been added to the Claim Invoice form. Its functionality is the same as all other operations' invoice types in VIP (such as Freight, Other Revenue/Expenses etc.).

Approval Date and Approval Comments Added to Invoice Interface XML
Approval Date and Approval Comments tags have been added to the export invoice XML.

Saving Mirrored Voyages Will Generate an XML for Both 
Saving mirrored voyages will generate an XML for that voyage and for the destination voyage.

Advanced Pricing Functionality Available with COA Planning Periods
CFGEnableCOAPlanningPeriod must be enabled
When CFGEnableCOAPlanningPeriod is enabled, Advanced Pricing functionality is displayed under the Cargo COA pricing tab.

New Ability to Create Intercompany TCO from TCO Estimate
CFGEnableContractMirroring must be enabled
Previously, the mirroring workflow could not be initiated from a TCO Estimate. Now, if the CFGEnableContractMirroring flag is enabled, when you fix a TCO Estimate with two internal companies, the intercompany checkbox will be automatically checked and mirrored contracts will be created.

Create Public or Private Regions in Trade Hub
You can now differentiate between public and private polygon regions in the VIP Trade Hub.

July 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for June 2021.

New “Valuation ID” Field Added to Time Charter Contract
CFGEnableVesselValuation must be enabled and you must have either the Trade Hub or Trading & Risk module license
A new field has been added to the Time Charter contract called "Valuation ID". It allows for linking a saved Vessel Valuation to a Time Charter contract. 

New Columns in Time Charter Invoice List
The following columns have been added to the to the Create Time Charter (TC) Invoice: LOB, Vessel Code, Vessel Name, Vessel Fleet, and Ops Coordinator. 

Bareboat Payments Now Included on Time Charter Invoice List
The Time Charter Invoice List now includes bareboat payments.

New Configuration Flag for Zeroing Out P&L in Estimates Missing Data Points or Failing Internal Checks 
CFGVoyestCriteriaForZeroProfit must be enabled
The configuration flag CFGVoyestCriteriaForZeroProfit has been added. When enabled, it allows you to avoid quote rates that are not based on accurate data. The flag accepts a comma-separated list of tags.
Valid values and meanings for the tags are:

  • BunkerError - A fuel type is used in the calculation with price zero

  • DWTError - The quantity of cargo on board exceeds the calculated max lift quantity for an itinerary line

  • DischGreaterThanLoad - The discharge quantity is greater than the loaded quantity

  • LDRatesMissing - Load/Discharge rates are missing

  • LDQtyMismatch - Load quantity does not match Discharge quantity

  • CPQtyMismatch - Min/Max CP quantity does not match load/discharge quantities

  • PortExpMissing - Port Expenses are missing in ports with functions D/F/I/L

Department Field Now Supported
The Department field is now supported on all forms and list filters for TC Payments, TC Billing, Bareboat Payments, and Equipment Payments.

COA Planning Periods Dropdowns Now Sorted in Descending Order
Previously, the dropdowns for selecting COA Planning Periods were sorted in ascending order. They are now sorted in descending order.

Additional Payment Terms
Additional basis options have been added to Payment Terms setup in Data Center.
They can now be used when calculating Due Date in Freight, TC Payment, TC Commission and Claim Invoice programs as well as in the TDE when posting those invoices.

New Ability to Connect Your Power BI Account in VIP
Now users with Dashboards permission are able to connect their own Power BI account in the "My Profile" panel.

June 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for May 2021.

Lumpsum Broker Commission Type Now Available in VIP
The lumpsum broker commission type is now available in both Time Charter contract and TCO Estimates in VIP.

View “Tentative Allocation” Notes on Berth Schedule Gantt Chart
When you select “Tentatively Allocated” as a reason for blocking off a berth in the Berth Schedule workspace, any notes you enter will be displayed on the Gantt chart as well as in the hover help. 

New Ability to Switch Vessels in an Estimate in Scheduling and Cargo Book Workspace
You can now change the vessel of a suggested estimate in the Scheduling and Cargo Book workspaces. 

New Option to Schedule Previously Dropped Cargo in Cargo Book Workspace
You now have the option to schedule a previously dropped cargo on a suggested estimate in the Scheduling and Cargo Book workspaces. 

May 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for April 2021.

AdvancePayment Field Added to APR Form and APR Form XML
This feature requires updating imosmsg to the latest version and updating standard Veslink forms with the Update Forms button (in Veslink Classic > Forms & Vessels > Forms).

The tag APRAdvancePayment has been added to the xml for "Veson Offline Port Disbursement". You can now submit Advance Payments when the status is "APR" by adding a value to APRAdvancePayment, which translates to "APR Advance Payment" in the form. This field will only display in the form UI if there is a value assigned to it. When there's no value for APRAdvancePayment, the Amount Advanced is equal to the APR Total.

Actual Date Field Now Displayed on Port Disbursement Form
Requires updating the standard Veslink forms
The "Actual Date" field is now visible when opening a Veslink Port Disbursement form with an actual date value entered from submitting via the API. 

New Load/Discharge Rates Table in Laytime Calculation Form
Configuration flag CFGEnableLDRateTable must be enabled
A new table named Load/Discharge Rates has been added as a right-click option on each Itinerary Line in the Laytime Calculation form. This table is enabled with the flag CFGEnableLDRateTable and calculates the Allowed Laytime and the average L/D Rate for each Itinerary line given a collection of quantity portions and individual L/D Rates.

April 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for March 2021.

New Configuration Flag Allows for Rate Tables in the Data Center
Requires schema version 319
CFGEnableExtraFrtRateScaleTable must be enabled
When enabled, this configuration flag allows you to set up Scale Table type Rate Tables in the Data Center. You can then use these Rate Tables in the Advanced Pricing structure of Cargo/VC In COA and Cargo/VC In contracts under Extra Freight Terms. Additionally, Scale Table-based freight rates would then be included in both Voyage P&L calculations and related Freight Invoices.

New Configuration Flag Automatically Creates Commissions Invoice when TC Hire Invoice is Generated 
CFGAutoGenerateTCComms must be enabled
When enabled, TC Commission invoices will automatically be created when the corresponding TC Hire invoice has been posted.

Laytime Calculator Form Improvements
A few improvements have been made to the standard Laytime Calculator form:

  • The "Laytime Expires" checkbox has been renamed as "Show Demurrage Start" to better reflect its function

  • The “Once On/Always On Dem" checkbox previously required that the "Laytime Expires" / "Show Demurrage Start" checkbox was enabled alongside it. That dependency has been removed: when "Once On/Always On Dem" is enabled, the DEMURRAGE START row will now be automatically inserted in the activity grid, whether or not "Show Demurrage Start" is enabled, and Always On Demurrage will be applied consistently.

  • When both "Once On/Always On Dem" and "Show Demurrage Start" are disabled, the automatically-inserted DEMURRAGE START row will be automatically removed from the activity grid.

New Configuration Flag Allows for Exposure Handling for Index-Linked Contracts When Using Market Value
CFGApplyMarketValueConcept"Short Position for Cargo on an index-linked TCI" and "Keep TCTO in exposure when one contract is index-linked" must be enabled
When enabled, an index-linked Time Charter contract that is scheduled with a fixed-rate short contract will remain in exposure and the exposure will be based on the Market Value Rate defined on the voyage for that contract instead of the contract rate.

View Berth Information for Specific Port Calls 
Port call berth information has been added to the v1/agent/portcalls/{companyCode}/details Veslink API endpoint, allowing you to view berth information for specific port calls. This includes a new top level Berths element in the response for each berth stay associated with the portcall, as well as a BerthSeqNo for each returned PortCargo.

New Configuration Flag for Capturing Trades With Nonconsecutive Periods and Different Quantities Per Period
CFGPaperTradePeriods must be enabled
When enabled, paper trades can be created for multiple non-consecutive periods with differing quantities in each period. 

New Ability to Display/Hide Off Hire and Off Hire Reversals in Hire Statements 
You can now hide or display individual off hire and off hire reversals from time charter in (TCI) and time charter out (TCO) forms. 

Updated Configuration Flag Links Estimated Demurrage Per Port 
When CFGEnableMultiEstDem is enabled, you can break down Estimated Demurrage by counterparty and by port. 
By Counterparty: 
Select the counterparty to make the Estimated Demurrage calculation per charterer rather than per voyage. With no charterer entered, the calculation represents all charterers of the voyage without a charterer-specific Estimate. CFGAllowEstLaytime must also be enabled.
By Port: Estimated Demurrage records can be linked to specific port calls within a voyage. Only ports where the selected counterparty’s cargo is handled will be available for selection. When an Estimated Demurrage record is linked to a port call, its description in the Voyage P&L will note as much, and it will be superseded as appropriate by actual demurrage entered via Laytime Calculations.

Berth Schedule Grids Now Sorted By First Columns, Not By Allocation
Berth Schedule grids are now sorted by their first columns, and their order won’t change when an allocation is made. 

Compare Estimated and Actualized Berth Activity Times
When you enter estimated times in the Berth Management screen, they will remain as estimated, even after you've entered an actualized time in the Port Activities screen. Actualized times are no longer shown in the Berth Management screen.

LVOC Unit of Measurement Now MT 
Changed LVOC unit from m3 to MT on Veslink forms.

New Ability to Display/Hide VC Ins in the Cargo Book 
You can now display or hide VC in cargoes in the Cargo Book list in both the Scheduling and Cargo Book Workspaces by selecting or unselecting the “Include VC Ins” check box, which is now visible under Program filters.

March 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for February 2021.

New Controller Filter Added to TC Schedules
A Controller filter has been added to the list of available filters in the TC Payment Schedule, TC Billing Schedule, Bareboat Payment Schedule, and Equipment Payment Schedule workspaces. To filter by controller, select an existing controller value from the dropdown list and all schedule items with a matching controller value will be shown. 

New Configuration Flag Automatically Creates Commissions Invoices When Freight Is Posted
Requires configuration flags CFGAutoGenerateFreightComms and CFGAutoNumberPayables
When enabled, freight commission invoices will automatically be created when the corresponding freight invoice has been posted. 

New Add To Hire Check Box for Adding Individual Delays as Hire Delays
You can now add individual delays as hire delays using the Add To Hire check box in the Off Hire tab of a Time Charter form. Additionally, the existing Add Off Hire check box was renamed Add All Off Hires to better reflect its existing functionality.

Bareboat Data Points Added to Reporting
Bareboat contracts can now be reported on in the Report Designer, via a join from the Time Charter Contract table.

New Configuration Flag Pins Port Column in Each Tab in Estimator Itinerary 
Requires configuration flag CFGEnableDefaultColumnPinning 
When enabled, certain grids in Estimates and Voyage Manager will have Port names pinned to always remain visible within a view.

February 2021

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for January 2021.

Remarks Text Box in Estimates Enlarged for Increased Character Limit
Requires database schema version 30.9 or higher
The Remarks box in Estimates has been resized from 256 to 512 characters to accommodate longer comments. 

DWT, DWF%, and Use Scrubber Info Added to Voyage Estimate Column, Use Scrubber Check Box Added to Details View
DWT information, DWF% information, and a "Use Scrubber" check box have been added to the Voyage Estimate Column View. Additionally, a "Use Scrubber" check box has been added to the Voyage Estimate Details View.

Benchmark Estimate Workflow Added to TC Out Contracts
A Benchmark Estimate workflow has been added to the TC Out contracts behind the CFGTCOutBallastExposureCapture and CFGEnableBenchmarkEstimate configuration flags. When enabled, you will have the ability to create a Benchmark TCTO estimate and link that to a TC Out contract. The Ballast days and bunkers will be automatically captured at the contract level from the Benchmark Estimate.

New Check Box Added to TC Contract and Trade Routes Form to Define Calculated Route as a Split Route 
Requires the Trading module
A new check box has been added to the Trade Routes form to define a calculated route as a "split" route. When a route with the check box selected is used to define the exposure details on a TC contract then the TC exposure will be split across the routes that are defined in the formula for the calculated route. This split will be both for the Exposure Days and the Exposure amount.

Additionally, the check box has been added to the Exposure details on the cargo form so you can de-select this on trades that you do not want to split.

This split route exposure will allow you to properly capture the exposure of vessels that do not fit into a specific class or type against the indices for the correct amounts.

New Ability to Duplicate Off Hire Line in Delay Window
Two new options have been added to the right-click menu for off hire delays in the Delays form. 

  • Duplicate Off Hire: Creates a new off hire with the same details as the original off hire

  • Duplicate Off Hire to Reversal: Creates a new off hire reverse with the same details as the original off hire

New Configuration Flag Supports Prorating Lumpsum Freight Across Bookings
Requires configuration flag CFGAllocateLumpsumFreight
When enabled, cargoes that share the following properties will share their lumpsum freight, instead of each receiving the full amount:

  • Linked to the same booking

  • Scheduled on the same voyage

  • Have the Use Booking Qty on Scale Table check box selected

  • Derive lumpsum freight from the same scale table (either through Advanced Pricing or the Price Matrix)

The amount allocated to each cargo on the booking is proportional to its BL quantity.

“Save Estimate” Action/Button Added to Cargo Book Scheduling Workspace
In the Scheduling workspace, you can now right-click a Cargo Book line to save a cargo as an estimate, making it so you can automatically populate an estimate with all relevant cargo information. 

Barge Visibility Added to Berth Scheduling Gantt
Now, if barges are filled out in the Bill of Lading (BL) Info tab of a voyage, they will be visible in the Berth Scheduling tool.

New Group By Vessel Option in Vessel Schedule
You can now group by vessel in the Vessel Schedule, instead of just by company. 

December 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for December 2020.

New Option to Select Allowed Laytime as a Result in Pricing Rules
You can now select “Allowed Laytime” as a result in Advanced Pricing, which allows for the seamless flow of contractual COA laytime terms into cargo contracts. Allowed Laytime includes several fields: Scale Table, Allowed Time (Hours or Days), Terms (e.g., SHINC or SHEX), and a Reversible check box.

Ability to Change Port Functions on the Bunker Planning Form
You can now change P (Passing), C (Commencing), and T (Terminating) port functions to F (Fueling) on the Bunker Planning form for non-cargo handling port functions.

New Fields Added to TC Out Contract Exposure Tab to Account for Ballast Days
CFGTCOutBallastExposureCaptuthre must be enabled
When enabled, several new fields are added to the TC Out contract's Exposure tab to record the Net Daily TCE, Benchmark Estimate, Ballast Bunker Exposure, and Ballast Days. When populated, these fields will update the TC Out contract exposure to account for the Ballast Days required to get to the delivery port. The new value will become the Net Daily TCE and the Ballast Bunker Exposure will be displayed either in addition to the delivery exposure or separately if the ballast period is different. 

Support Added for Multiple Lumpsums per Booking in Freight Calculations
A new “On Booking” column has been added to the Extra Freight Terms form in the Data Center. When enabled, it allows a Lumpsum type code to apply to a booking instead of individual cargoes, so new lumpsum on booking terms can be configured and applied together, both in extra freight terms and in Advanced Pricing on COAs. Previously, only the LB code could be applied as a lumpsum on booking.

Estimate Received Fuel and Price Fields Added to the Report Designer
Requires IMOS database schema 30.6 or higher
The “Price” and “Received Qty” fields from the Bunker Planning form have been added to the Report Designer under the Estimate Itinerary > Estimate Itinerary Bunkers table. 

Date Format Standardized in Scheduling Workspace
Data formatting has been standardized in the Scheduling workspace. All dates and times will be displayed in the “Locale” format you selected on the My Profile panel. 

Date Filter Added to Fleet Map
A date filter has been added to the Veslink Fleet Map, which can be used to filter the fleet based on the most recent VVR data.

November 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for November 2020.

Improved Cargo Data Filtering on Onboard Form/Voyage Itinerary
Requires the Voyage Reporting module
On custom cargo-level Onboard forms, a new “Cargo_Name” field enables you to filter voyage itinerary data to a specific cargo, instead of showing data for all cargoes on the voyage itinerary. 

Support for Alternate Date Fields for Custom Form Voyage Leg Inference
Requires the Voyage Reporting module
If available, Form Designer forms will now use an alternate date for voyage leg inference. 

Bunker Quantity Range Fields Now Visible Under Inquiries and Purchases on the Bunker Requirement Form
CFGShowBunkerQtyRangeOnReq must be enabled
A “Range” check box is now visible within the Bunker Inquiries and Purchases section on the Bunker Requirement form. When you select the check box, a Bunker Quantity Range form appears. Previously, Bunker Quantity Range could only be accessed by right-clicking a row.

Notes in Laytime Calculation Grid Now Editable
On the Laytime Calculation Notes tab, you can now select, copy, edit, and save text directly from the grid instead of having to add a new entry, allowing you to make changes to fields in the Note column. 

New Tooltips in VIP for Comment and Note Fields 
In VIP,  if you hover over a cut-off column value in certain lists and grids, the complete value will appear. For example, in the Cargo Book and Open Positions lists, you can hover over Comment column values to see the full text. Additionally, when hovering over any of the Note fields on the Laytime Calculation form, you will be able to see a tooltip display with the full text of that field. 

Ability to View and Select Routing Option on Itinerary Cards
On the Estimate or Voyage Manager map view, when you click a Via Passage link on an itinerary card, a Routing Selection form enables you to select a new routing option. This will allow you to select a routing option without having to switch between the grid view and map view. 

October 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for October 2020.

Improved In-Progress Estimation Accuracy in Estimate
Several new features have been added in Estimate: 

  • On the Estimate details view, a new tab called “Bunkers” has been added, enabling you to edit Bunker ROB values for ports. Edited fields will turn blue to indicate manual override. 

  • On the Estimate Delays form, a new tab called "Bunkers” has been added, enabling you to enter off-hire bunker costs to be accounted for in the estimated P&L. A new check box called “Include in P&L” has also been added, enabling you to include unplanned off hire in the Estimate P&L.

  • In-progress Estimates now include actualized other revenues and expenses, actualized voyage off-hire data, and actualized voyage bunker consumption. Also, PDA/FDA information is included in port expense calculations. 

Improved Multiple VC In and Cargo Booking Workflows
CFGEnableCargoBooking and/or CFGEnableVCInBooking must be enabled
Several new features have been added to the Cargo/VC In Booking forms and workflows:

  • User-Defined Fields (UDFs) can now be bulk updated for all liftings linked to a booking by clicking “Lifting Properties” on the the Cargo/VC In Booking toolbar. 

  • On the Properties form, which appears when you click “Lifting Properties,” UDFs with different values for different liftings now clearly show “(Multiple),” so you can decide whether or not you want to update UDF values for all liftings. 

  • When either CFGEnableCargoItinSupplierReceiver or CFGChartererView is enabled, you can now see and edit itinerary-level Supplier/Receiver information for each contract in the booking.

Link Physical Trades to Paper Contracts
Requires the Trading & Risk module; CFGLinkPaperToPaper and CFGLinkedTradeTypes must be enabled
You can now link to physical contracts directly from the Linked Trades tab paper trades (e.g., from an FFA to a Cargo), so you no longer need to subsequently track down the physical trades in their disparate locations across the system and link the paper trades there.

Track the Latest Submitted SOF Information for a Port Call
Requires the Voyage Reporting and APIs modules
Two new parameters have been added to the “GET v1/forms” API endpoint, enabling you to further filter the returned Voyage Reporting form data, by "portCallSeq" and "submittedBy."

Cargo Book List Enhancements in the Scheduling Workspace 
Two new columns, “Cargo Laycan” and “Comment,” have been added to Cargo Book list in the Scheduling workspace. Additionally, the “Status” column in the Cargo Book list now includes highlighting (e.g., cargoes on scheduled voyage will be highlighted in yellow) so you can quickly determine the status of your Cargoes.

September 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for September 2020.

Set Start of Ballast Leg as the Exposure Basis Date for Cargo Contracts
Requires the Trading & Risk module
A new check box called "Use Est. Ballast Days For Exposure Start Calc" has been added to the Trading Profile. When selected, the Trading P&L Summary and Details List will take into account the estimated Ballast Days required to move a cargo, and will calculate an updated start of exposure based on the start of laycan less these days. 

Additionally, the Trading Profile "Select Basis to Calc Ballast From Other than Min" check box can be used to select the laycan window's mid or max to deduct the Ballast Days from to calculate the start of exposure. If "Select Basis to Calc Ballast From Other than Min" is not selected, Ballast Days will always be deducted from the start of the laycan window. 

Show Miles in ECA Zone
On the Voyage Manager and Voyage Estimate itineraries, an "ECA Miles" column has been added to the Port/Date tab to view the ECA distances between port calls. In addition, an “ECA Distance” column has been added to the Route Selection modal. 

New Trading Profile Form Tabs
Requires the Trading & Risk module
The Trading Profile form has been reorganized to support the use of “Mark to Market,” “Rules,” and “Profile Flags” tabs. Previously, these sections were all displayed together on the form, but now there is a dedicated tab for each section, making navigating the Trading Profile form much easier.

Link Paper Trades to One Another for Hedging and Rolling 
CFGLinkPapertoPaper must be enabled
With appropriate configuration, a Linked Trades grid appears on the FFA/Option and Bunker Swap/Option forms. On the Linked Trades tab of each paper trade form, the Linked Trades grid enables you to link two paper trade contracts together.

"Cargo" and "Cargo ID" Fields Populate in the Operations Forms List
Requires the Voyage Reporting module
The Forms list now populates the "Cargo ID" and "Cargo" columns for Cargo Handling form rows.

List Quick Filters Sync With the Filters Panel
In VIP lists, Quick Filters accessed from column headers now only show options based on settings applied in the Filters panel. For example, if you use the Filters panel to only show records related to vessels “MV ATKAIA” and “MV BELISAMA,” the Vessel Name column Quick Filter will also only enable you to select from those two vessels.

Open the Voyage Map in Distances For Scenario Analysis
On the Voyage Manager map view, you click “Open in Distances” on the Itinerary panel to analyze the voyage itinerary in the Distances calculator.

August 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for August 2020.

Edit Arrival/Departure ROBs on Voyage Itineraries 
You can now update the Bunker Itinerary information on Voyage Itineraries for upcoming ports, allowing you to plan and manage your voyages more effectively by updating arrival/departure ROBs. Once edited, the field will be colored blue to indicate a manual override. Actualized ROBs and commencing ports are not editable. 

Ignore Duration Basis from the TC Contract & Always Account for Min
Requires the Trading & Risk module
A new check box called “Use Min Duration On TC Contracts” has been added to the Trading Profile. When selected, the duration basis on the TC contracts displayed in the Trading P&L Summary and Details Lists will be ignored and, instead, the contract will be evaluated against its min duration. The min/max period defined on the contract will then always be assessed as an optional period. 

Link Trades on a Quantity Basis Instead of Just a Period Basis
Configuration flag CFGLinkPaperTradeQty must be enabled
With appropriate configuration, paper trades can be linked to physical trades on a quantity basis within a period, providing a more granular level of linking and allowing for one paper trade to be linked across multiple physical contracts within the same period.

Added ECA Zone in South Korea
New ECA zone was added for the South Korean ports: Busan, Incheon, Yeosu/Gwangyang, and Ulsan.

July 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for July 2020.

Select “Min Excl Option” Duration Basis on TC Contracts
Requires the Trading & Risk module
A new duration basis option called “Min excl Option” has been added to Time Charter contracts. This basis option behaves like "Min," except when exposure on the contract is calculated, since the exposure period does not include the options period or the Min/Max period.

Apply Different Correlations & Adjustments in the Bunker Exposure Breakdown
Requires the Trading & Risk module
“Correlation” and “Adjustment” columns have been added to the Bunker Exposure Breakdown on the Cargo contract. These columns allow for different values to apply to different periods of exposure.

Set an Absolute Vessel Adjustment to a TC Contract on the Exposure Tab
Requires the Trading & Risk module
A field for an absolute "Vessel Type Corr/Adj” has been added to the TC contract’s Exposure tab, which applies to the mark-to-market calculation for the contract. This adjustment can be applied before or after the correlation, based on the additional check box that was added. 

Automatically Update Berth ETA Based on Port ETA Changes
Configuration flag CFGEnableBerthMgmtActivities must be enabled
In Berth Management Activities, changes in the Port ETA now update the Berth ETA. Any events and times between the start of port activities and the start of a given berth’s activities will shift accordingly.

Import Disbursement Invoices in “Allowable Payment Currency”
Requires a DA-Desk Interface
A new check box has been added to Veslink System Configuration to support importing DA-Desk Disbursement Invoices in a separate “allowable payment currency” that is different than either the local or base currency.

Automatically Adjust the Berth Schedule for Voyage Sequence
Requires the Berth Scheduling module
The Berth Scheduling tool has been adjusted to better manage overlapping and non-consecutive voyages. 

June 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for June 2020.

Link Multiple Laytime Calculations to a Single Time Bar Task
Requires the Claims module and schema version 29.0
You can now track multiple laytime claims linked to a specific Demurrage Time Bar Task for non-FOB and FOB voyage types in the “Linked Claims” column of the Demurrage Time Bar Task list and form.

Run Accruals for FOB Voyages
CFGAccrueFOBVoyages must be enabled
With appropriate configuration, demurrage claims that are added to FOB/Delivered Cargo voyages in the system will be available to be included in the Monthly Accruals. This will be applicable for all FOBV operation types.

Track ETA Changes for Scheduled & Commenced Voyages
CFGEnableETATracking must be enabled; requires schema version 289
With appropriate configuration, several new fields are added to the Voyage Template form that will allow you to track ETA changes made on voyages in Scheduled and Commenced states. You’ll also be able to generate tasks, depending on how far out the change is and the threshold of the change.

New "Get API URL" Button in Report Designer Properties Panel
Requires the API
A new “Get API URL“ button has been added to the Report Designer Properties panel. Clicking this button will generate the URL to get the report output from the API.

New Knowledge Base Help Button
You can now search for and read Knowledge Base articles directly within VIP, using the contextual help button in the bottom left corner. If you need further assistance, you can then navigate to the Veson Nautical Help Center. This replaces previous help button functionality, which linked to one relevant page for the current workspace.

Utilize Market Data in the Voyage Estimator
CFGEnableVoyestMarketPricing must be enabled; requires the Trading Module License and schema version 292
When enabled, Market Data in the form of Trade Routes and Bunker Symbols can be added to a Voyage Estimate which will pull in the latest prices into the corresponding fields. These values can be updated at any time by refreshing the market data in the estimate. 

May 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for May 2020.


View One Column Per Vessel in the Scheduling Workspace
Configuration flag CFGConsecutiveVoyagesByCompany must be set to N
To simplify your view, with appropriate configuration, Scheduling shows one column per vessel rather than one column for each vessel/company combination.

Do More with Open Positions & Cargo Book Lists
Configuration flag CFGOpenDetailListsFromScheduling must be enabled; Cargo Book Template and Open Positions Template fields must be populated for the current program
When viewing the Open Positions and Cargo Book lists within Scheduling, you can hover over records to view additional information. You can also create, edit, and delete programs from the separate Open Positions and Cargo Book lists.


Select a Cargo in Port Activities prior to Receiving the BL Code
Configuration flag CFGSelectCargoInPortActivitieswithNoBLCode must be enabled
With appropriate configuration, you can select a cargo on the Port Activities form prior to a BL Code being received, for example, when you are waiting for the BL Code from the agent.

Add "ETA" and "ETD" Fields to Custom Voyage Reporting Forms
Requires the Voyage Reporting module
“ETA” and “ETD” fields are now available to add to custom forms. When forms containing these fields are submitted, entered values update port ETAs and ETDs in VIP.

Berth Scheduling Enhancements
Requires the Berth Scheduling module
Automatic scrolling has been added to the Berth Schedule to move focus to where there are voyages allocated to a Berth. In the top right corner, you can also click a button to scroll to the current date. Finally, when there are multiple voyages of the same vessel in the Berth Schedule, they now appear on separate rows.


New Voyage P&L Snapshot Manager
The Voyage P&L Snapshot Manager is now available in the Financials module. With this list, you can adjust realized P&L snapshot data for voyages by adding, updating, or removing snapshots. Each line shows one contract/voyage.

IFRS 16 Compliance: Create Lease Modification "Error Correction” Journals
Configuration flag CFGEnableTCLeaseAccounting must be enabled
On the Time Charter Period Journals form, you can now create either “Re-Value” or “Error Correction” journals.

April 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for April 2020.

Work with Enhanced Cargo Book and Open Position Details Lists
Configuration flag CFGOpenDetailListsFromScheduling must be enabled
In the Scheduling workspace, enhanced versions of the Cargo Book and Open Positions lists are now available. You can make changes to the lists in Design Mode. By right-clicking on the rows, you can drill down into the row details and directly open the voyage, vessel details, and TC contract.

New Unit Tow Check Box Updates Delivery Port and Actual Dates with Commencement Date and Action Data
Requires the Barging module
A new check box called Unit Tow has been added to the Tow record in the Barging module. When this check box is selected, the delivery port and actual dates on an Equipment Contract will automatically update from the voyage.

Profit Share Payment Now Generates Unique Invoice For Each Profit Share Selected
If you select multiple rows to pay in the Profit Share Distribution form, each selected profit share row will generate an invoice. Previously, when multiple rows were selected, one invoice was generated for all rows.

New Expand/Collapse Button Added to Side Panel Bar
An expand/collapse button has been added to workspace side panels to conserve space on the screen and help users focus.

New ID Column in the Demurrage Allocation Form
Requires the Claims module
In the Demurrage Allocation form, the Cargo drop-down menu now includes an ID column to help differentiate between different parcels in the voyage.

CO2 Emissions Column Highlighted Red if CO2 Factor Is Missing
The CO2 emissions column in Estimator and Voyage Manager will be highlighted red if the CO2 Factor is not entered for the respective Fuel Types in the Data Center.

March 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for March 2020.

Additional Audit Reporting
Feature Board suggestion; requires a schema update
Several fields have been added to the Voyage List, Voyage Invoices List, and other Financials lists to enable more granular reporting on invoice creation and approval.

Warning When Deleting a Port with a Data Submitter
Feature Board suggestion; requires the API and the Agent Portal
For clients that connect to agents and port services suppliers through the API, the system will now warn you if you try to delete a port in the voyage itinerary with a Data Submission entry, helping to ensure that you adjust your itinerary with intention.

Help Save the Planet – Emissions Calculator
Feature Board suggestion
On Estimate and Voyage Itineraries, a new “CO2” column enables you to capture CO2 emitted per leg. When evaluating voyage options, you can minimize the EEOI impact of a voyage by choosing the lowest estimated CO2 emissions.

Trading Profile Option: Display ROB Exposure Based on Future Scheduling
Requires the Trading module
On the Trading Profile form, the logic behind the “Display ROB Exposure Based on Future Scheduling" option has been updated to better handle TCTO voyages, specifically the delivery exposure and capturing the net between that and the leading TCOV ROBs.

Optimize Ballast and Laden Speeds for Maximum TCE
On the Estimate details menu, click “Apply Max TCE Speed” to pull in ballast and laden speeds from the vessel's defined speeds that will result in a maximum TCE result. These speeds will update in the voyage itinerary.

Hide Estimate Columns in Worksheet in VIP
You can now collapse or expand Estimate columns in a Worksheet. Collapsed columns are remembered for each Worksheet.

Create an Estimate from the Benchmark Linked to a Cargo
Configuration flag CFGEnableBenchmarkEstimate must be enabled
You can now create an Estimate from a Cargo based on the linked Benchmark Estimate. On the Cargo “Estimate” menu, click “Add Cargo To New Estimate From Benchmark.”

Display TC In Broker Commission on the Estimate P&L
Configuration flag CFGTciBrokerCommOnEstimate must be enabled
On the Estimate P&L, you can now display a broker commission amount and percent from the Time Charter contract, when applicable.

Click and Drag to Change the Duration of Nonconsecutive Estimates
In the Scheduling workspace, you can click and drag the top or bottom border of a nonconsecutive Estimate to easily modify its duration.

Improved Voyage Visibility on Booking Forms
Configuration flags CFGEnableCargoBooking and CFGEnableVCInBooking must be enabled
On the Cargo and VC In Booking forms, you can now see “Voyage Status” for each associated voyage. You can now click column headers to sort through the list of voyages by column value.

Manage Who Can Edit Accounts in Transactions and Journal Entries
Configuration flag CFGEnableEditTDEandJournalAccountsEntry must be enabled
Administrators can now control access to the "Account” fields within the Transaction Data Entry and Journal Entry forms via two new security permissions at the group or user level: "Edit Account on Transaction Data Entry" and "Edit Account on Journal Entry." Enabling this configuration will supersede configuration flag, "CFGEnableModifyTDEAccounts."

February 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for February 2020.

Track “Firming ETA” in Contract Performance Reports
Configuration flag CFGStoreFirmingETAOnCargoTrigger must be enabled
Depending on the trigger defined in the configuration flag value, when a voyage’s status is set to “Forecast,” “Scheduled,” or “Commenced,” a static “Firming ETA” field populates on the linked Cargo or VC In Itinerary/Options tab. You can compare this value with the actual ETA in a custom Report Designer report.

View All Estimates Associated with a Vessel Valuation Matrix
Requires the Trading module; Vessel Valuation must be enabled for you by Veson Nautical
On the Find Estimate panel, you can now search for Estimates by their associated Matrix to view a full list of Estimates involved in your Vessel Valuation calculations.

Add Pilot Stations to Your Itinerary
Configuration flag CFGEnablePortPilotStations must be enabled
On a Port, you can designate it as a “Pilot Station” by selecting the check box of the same name. Pilot Stations can be associated with a standard Port (on the Port form Pilot Stations grid) and then added before, after, or in place of the associated Port on the estimate or voyage itinerary.

Quickly Access Voyage Cargoes & Cargo Handling Information
Configuration flag CFGEnableVoyManagerCargoList must be enabled
On the Voyage Manager, Cargoes and Cargo Handling panels are accessible from the navigation bar on the right, providing access to all Cargoes and Cargo Handling items associated with the current voyage.

Receive Voyage Reporting Forms from Tows
Requires Veslink Essential and the Barging module
An “Active for Veslink” check box has been added to the Tow form, enabling Tows to submit Voyage Reporting forms to shore.

Validate Port Activity Pairing in Voyage Reporting Forms
Requires Veslink Optimum; configuration flag CFGApplyCodePairInPortActSelection must be enabled
Voyage Reporting forms containing a Port Activities control, such as the Statement of Facts, will enforce any pairing set up on the Port Activities form in the Data Center.

Generate a Receivable Demurrage Time Bar Task after Last Discharge Port
Requires the Claims module; configuration flags CFGAlwaysAddPerVoyageReceivableTimeBarTask and CFGEnableDemTBTasks must be enabled
With appropriate configuration, a single AR Demurrage Time Bar Task will always be generated in OVOV, RELT, TCOV, and VCOV voyages for the cargo charterer when the last discharge port's activities are completed.

January 2020

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for January 2020.

Updated UI Color Scheme and Layout
The “Default” Theme must be enabled on the My Profile panel
We are pleased to roll out a fresh new look and feel for VIP, adding improved contrast and consistency, better use of space, and clearer labels. If you do not see the new color scheme when signed in to VIP, please refresh your browser.

ECA Zone Changes for 2020
Requires a Distances upgrade
To comply with January 2020 regulations, a new ECA - YANGTZE INNER RIVER zone was added. ECA Zones are available as a visual overlay in any map workspace, and the zones can be minimized when calculating routes in Estimates, Voyages, and Distances.

New Trading Profile Option: Use Correlation from Index-Linked Contract
Requires the Trading module
On the Trading Profile form, two check boxes have been added to "Use Correlation from Index-Linked Contract" in the exposure for the fixed-rate trade. The two check boxes of the same name appear when "Short Position for a Cargo on an Index-Linked TCI" and "Keep TCTO in Exposure when one is Index-Linked" check boxes are selected.

Update VC In L/D Rates Based on COA Options
Configuration flag CFGUpdateLDRatesWhenLinkedtoCOA must be enabled
When a VC In is linked to a COA, the Load/Discharge rates will update from the COA options when the VC In itinerary has matching ports in the COA Load/Discharge options.

Assign Owner’s Agent based on Ports Serviced
Configuration flag CFGAutoAssignOwnersAgent must be enabled
On the Agents and Notices form, Owner's Agent automatically populates for the voyage port call with an agent that services the port. If there are multiple agents that can service the port, the field populates with the first agent returned. Only forward port calls will be updated after this flag is enabled; historical port calls will not be updated.

Generate Time Bar Tasks for RELT and VCOV Voyages
Requires the Claims module; configuration flag CFGEnableDemTBTasks must be enabled
Demurrage Time Bar Tasks to complete demurrage-related activities are automatically generated based on contract and voyage data. In addition to existing logic and triggers for different voyage types, tasks are now generated for RELT and VCOV voyages.

Apply Code Pairing to Port Activities
Configuration flag CFGApplyCodePairInPortActSelection must be enabled
Code Pairing set up in the Port Activities list in the Data Center will now allow you to pair two activities together through the "Code" and the "Pair With" fields. When one activity is manually added to port activities, the paired activity will also automatically add.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for December 2019.

Trading Profile Option: Show Cargo/VC In Weighted Days as Voyage Days
Requires the Trading module
When the "Show Cargo/VC In Weighted Days as Voyage Days" check box is selected for a Trading Profile, the start date will reflect the Commencement Date of the voyage instead of the Cargo Laycan.

Create Paper Trades against Calculated Routes
Requires the Trading module; configuration flag CFGEnableCalculatedRoutesInPaperTrades must be enabled
With proper configuration, you can select Trade Routes and symbols marked as “Calculated” when creating FFA, Bunker, and Commodity trades.

Update Cargo L/D Rates when Linked to a COA
Configuration flag CFGUpdateLDRatesWhenLinkedtoCOA must be enabled
The L/D Rates that are populated on a Cargo COA’s itinerary will copy to a linked lifting’s itinerary when the COA is added to the lifting.

New & Simplified Links on the Estimate P&L
On the Estimate P&L panel, the “Deviation TCE” label is now a link that opens Deviation TCE details. “Misc. Revenue,” "Bunkers," “Port Expenses,” and “Misc. Expenses" field labels are also now links to the relevant forms; the link icons that used to appear next to those sections have been removed.

Display Trade Commission Settlement on the Voyage P&L
Requires the Trading module; configuration flag CFGEnableEditVslVoyOnTradeCommission must be enabled
On a Trade Commission Settlement, you can enter a specific "Vessel" and "Voyage No." so that the amount appears on the corresponding Voyage P&L.

Manage Voyage Reporting Module Rights from the Security List
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
You can now manage Voyage Reporting rights for users and groups from a unified list of Module Rights in the Security List. You can also still manage access from the separate Voyage Reporting Security workspace, in the Operations module.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for November 2019.

Report on User Permissions
A new "Module Access" table, available as a join from the "User" table, is now available in the Report Designer. With this data source, you can build a report to gain visibility into permissions across users and groups.

Type “Ctrl + K” to Search for Data in a List
In any list, when you type “Ctrl + K,” it focuses on the “Search…” field where you can immediately begin typing a search term to find data in the current list view.

IMO 2020: New Bunker Symbols Available
Requires the Trading module and a bunker data feed
Two new bunker symbols have been added to support IMO 2020 fuel grade compliance: SPO05FO (Marine 0.5% FOB Singapore) and RDM05FO (Marine 0.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges). The symbols must be added manually to the Bunker Symbol form in the Trading module.

Use Idle/Off Consumption for Dry Dock Port Functions
Applies only to new or unused Port Functions other than L, D, or M
When defining Port Functions in the Data Center, you can select the “Idle/Off Cons” check box to use the Idle/Off consumption rate defined on the Vessel Consumption tab. This enables you to calculate in-port bunker consumption differently when the vessel is waiting at port (using the Idle/On rate) versus in dry dock (using the Idle/Off rate).

Compare Sea and Port Consumption against an Average
Applies only to non-tow voyages
On the Voyage Bunkers form, two new columns enable you to see “Avg Sea Cons” and “Avg Port Cons” per fuel, on the Summary tab, and per sea leg, on fuel-specific tabs.

Add Technical Managers to the Address Book
Configuration flag CFGAddTechMgmtCoAddType must be enabled
In the Address Book, you can now create Addresses that are Type “T,” for Technical Manager, which can be selected in the Manager drop-down menu on the Vessel Contacts tab.

Manage API Tokens per User
The API requires separate licensing; you must have the “Use Veslink API” permission enabled in Voyage Reporting Security
With appropriate rights, you can now request or clear your own API Token from the My Profile panel. If you are an administrator, you can request or clear a user's API Token from a User’s Profile tab in the Security list.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for October 2019.

IMO 2020: Flexibly Configure Fuel Zone Consumption
Configuration flag CFGEnableScrubberType must be enabled
If a fuel zone is marked as “IMO 2020,” you can now select H (high-sulfur) and G (general) fuel types in non-scrubber configuration of fuel zones, which are taken into account when bunker consumption is calculated.

IFRS 16: Enhanced Support for Lease Modifications
Lease modifications will now use the latest ROU depreciation rate, and add an adjustment to the MLAJ journal to compensate for any change in accumulated depreciation due to the modifications. Prior periods will continue to be depreciated according to the value stored with each MLAJ journal.

Exclude Pending Paper Trades from a Trading Profile
On the Trading Profile form, you can select a new option, "Show Only Confirmed Paper Trades.” When selected, any paper trade with a "Pending" status will not be shown in the Trade Details list or Trading P&L summary.

In Scheduling, Jump to a Cargo’s Voyage
In the Scheduling Cargo Book, to view a specific Cargo in the schedule, right-click its row and then click “Quick scroll to cargo id: Cargo ID.” The schedule scrolls up or down to the associated Estimate or Voyage.

Back-create a Booking from a Voyage
Configuration flags CFGEnableCargoBooking and/or CFGEnableVCInBooking must be enabled; requires a schema upgrade
When configuration flag CFGCreateBookingFromVoyage is enabled, on the Create New Voyage form, a new option appears in the "Create From:" drop-down menu: "Voyage Booking." When selected, upon saving the voyage, a new Booking will be created and linked to the voyage, with its properties initialized basis the entered voyage data.

Filter Port Activities
On the Port Activities form, you can filter the activities grid by hovering over any column header, clicking the header menu, and selecting the column values which should be displayed.

Bulk-Close Voyages from the Voyage List
You must have the "Close a Voyage" Module Right selected
Check boxes in the Voyage List enable you to close one or more voyages at a time.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for September 2019.

Reminder: Create a Help Center Account

As a Veson Nautical client, you have access to the centralized Help Center, through which you can search the Knowledge Base and contact Veson Nautical Support. If you have not done so already, please create a Help Center account.

By October 31, 2019, existing help links will redirect to articles in the Help Center.

Key Features

IMO 2020: Select Scrubber Type per Port, Vessel, Estimate, and Voyage
This functionality requires a Distances and VIP schema update. Please contact Veson Nautical to schedule downtime to update your environment.
When CFGEnableScrubberType is enabled, a scrubber drop-down menu appears on the Port, Voyage Bunkers, Bunker Planning, and Vessel forms accessed through an Estimate. On the Port and Vessel forms, the drop-down menu reflects scrubber values allowed at the port and equipped in the vessel. On the Estimate and Voyage, it reflects the scrubber type used for bunker calculations. On the Vessel form, the “Use Scrubbers” check box is replaced with the new “Scrubber Type” drop-down menu. The Fuel Zones form has two tabs to support “Scrubber” and “Non-Scrubber” configurations. These new options facilitate bunker calculations to use the new IMO 2020 regulations.

Aggregate Contracts Linked to the Same Parent Contract
Requires the Trading module
On the Trading P&L Summary, you can now group contracts by “Parent Contract.” This enables you to view contracts aggregated by COA, for example.

Worksheets: New List Title and Functionality
In the Estimates workspace, the Estimates list is now titled “Worksheets.” As with other lists, you can customize your view using search, grouping, filtering, sorting, and more. By default, the list contains Estimate Worksheets created by all users in your organization; users may restrict visibility to their own Worksheets by adding a list filter.

Various Scheduling Workspace Improvements
The “…” menu that previously appeared on bars in Scheduling is now accessible by right-clicking an Estimate or voyage. From that same menu, in addition to Vessel Notes and Schedule Notes, you can add Estimate Remarks and Voyage Remarks that flow through to the Estimates and Voyages workspaces.

Back-Create an Estimate from a Voyage Fixture
On a Voyage Fixture, click the new “Estimate” button to back-create an Estimate.

For Gas, LNG, and Tanker Bookings, Track Tank Inspection and Purging
Configuration flags “Enable Cargo Booking” and “Enable VC in Booking” must be enabled
Two new columns appear on the Tank Information form, “Insp.Status” and “Purg. Status.” These statuses can be set to “In Progress,” “Denied,” “Approved,” and “Additional Request.”

“Processing” Forms Appear Light Blue in the Veslink Forms List
To more easily differentiate from Veslink forms in status “Approved,” “Processing” forms now appear with a light blue background in the Forms list. As before, “Pending” forms are highlighted in green, and “Pending with Errors” forms are highlighted in red.

Denote Cargo Names that Require Special Handling
A new check box, "Special Handling Required," has been added to the Cargo Name form in the Data Center. It is available to flag products that need additional attention during vetting. The "Special Handling Required" column is available for display in the Cargo lists and Cargo Name reports.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for August 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

Apply Coordinates to "At Sea" Ports in an Itinerary
When configuration flag “Enable Lat Lon Override” is enabled, you can manually override At-Sea Port Latitude and Longitude values in the Estimate and Voyage Manager, to more accurately reflect waiting points or itinerary deviations.

Apply Weighted Hire and Restricted Vessel Speeds to Vessel Valuation
Requires the Trading module
When restricted speeds are applied to a vessel, on the Vessel Valuation form, you can select from those speeds in the Ballast Speed and Laden Speed columns. Additionally, to adjust the input Hire Rate by the relative weighting of each Estimate in a Matrix, in the Method column of the Component grid, select the "Weighted" option to the Hire Rate.

Manage Programs in the Scheduling Workspace
In the collaborative Scheduling workspace, you can create, edit, and delete programs, which filter your workspace to show only Cargoes, Estimates, and Voyages relevant to your team.

Bulk Update Contracts from the COA Linked Liftings Tab
In addition to bulk updating contracts from the Cargo List and VC In List, you can select Linked Liftings to update from the COA form. Select the contracts that you want to update and then click the “Bulk Update” button below the grid.

Add Attachments to Addresses
Administrators can add Attachments to any Address by right-clicking the “Attachments” link in its Summary tree.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for July 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

IMO 2020: Define Acceptable Fuels per Port and Record Scrubber Install Date
Configuration flag “Enable Port Fuel Availability” adds a Fuel Type/Grade Availability grid to the Port form, in which you can capture fuels that are available at the port. These fuels appear when you hover on ports in the Estimate and Voyage map views.

Configuration flag “Enable Vessel Scrubbers” adds a “Scrubbers Active” field to the Vessel form, in which you can record the date when scrubbers were installed.

To learn more about Veson Nautical's IMO 2020 solution, RSVP for the upcoming webinar, A Digital Solution for IMO 2020.

Estimates: Track Revisions and View Bunker Price Sensitivity
In Estimate details view, a Revisions Panel now appears, in which you can monitor your team’s changes to the Estimate over time.

Configuration flag "Voyage Estimate Bunker Sensitivity" adds Bunker Sensitivity fields to the Estimate form and Voyage Estimate Summary Report. For specific fuels, these fields indicate the freight rate increase required to maintain a constant TCE when fuel price increases by 1.

Scheduling: Quickly Access Cargoes
In the Scheduling workspace, you can open a Cargo directly from an Estimate or Voyage card via the “…” menu.

Marine Planning: View Port ETAs and ETDs on the Booking Form
The Marine Planning Workflow requires additional existing configuration flags
Configuration flag “Enable Ports Grid in Booking” adds a Ports grid to the Cargo Booking and VC In Booking forms. This grid displays port ETAs and ETDs from the port calls and voyages tied to the booking. These fields only populate when there is a voyage, and they cannot be edited. Only ports that appear in the Cargo grid appear, so transshipment ports do not display.

Voyages: Set the Default Voyage Status to “Forecast” and View TCs in the Vessel Schedule
When configuration flags “Default Forecast Voyage Status” and "Enable Forecast Voyage" are enabled, a newly created Voyage’s Status is set to "Forecast" by default instead of "Scheduled."

On the Vessel Schedule, TC contracts now appear, and you can right-click a voyage or contract bar to access its details.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for June 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

Synchronize Cargo and Voyage Revenues and Expenses
Enabling configuration flag "Link Cargo Rev Expense to Voyage Rev Expense" creates a persistent link between Revenues and Expenses added in the Rev/Exp tab in the Cargo form and those on the Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses form. Row highlighting and hover help indicate which lines will not be synced because they were created prior to the availability of this configuration.

Use New Keyboard Shortcuts in the Estimates Workspace
Two new keyboard shortcuts were added to the Estimates workspace. From the Estimate column view, Ctrl + K copies the focused Estimate. Ctrl + J switches between column view and details view.

Manage Cargo Movements from a Centralized Booking
Configuration flags "Enable Cargo Booking" and "Enable VC In Booking" must be enabled
VIP supports a more robust marine planning workflow for commodity owners. Working from the Cargo or VC In Booking, you can determine the most efficient way to group cargoes, manage vessel nominations, schedule voyages, and manage cargo movements through to discharge.

Set Default Data Submission Agents per Port
When configuration flag "Enable Default Data Submission Agent Per Port" is enabled, a "Data Submission Agent" field appears on the Port form. When an agent is selected for a port, that Data Submission Agent will populate by default for its port calls, taking precedence over configuration flag "Default Data Submission Agent."

Define Return Bunkers and Hire for Shuttle Freight Invoicing
Configuration flag "Enable Shuttle Freight Invoicing" must be enabled
Agreed Transit Times and Rates Rule and Agreed Transit Bunkers Rule forms, available in the Data Center, enable you to create rules that define return (theoretical) times/rates and bunker consumption, used to calculate shuttle tanker freight. For ease of use, these forms have been designed to resemble other rule creation forms in VIP.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for May 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

View a List of Alerts Assigned to You
Alerts can now be assigned to specific users, just like Tasks. In the Operations module, a new Alert List shows all Alerts created in the system, for which you can create a user view filtered to show only Alerts that are assigned to you.

Use Custom Expressions in Rule Sets
When creating a Task & Alert or Advanced Pricing rule, to add a custom expression in the Results gird, right-click and then click Expression. In the expression editor, you can enter a formula based on various functions to generate a dynamic Value.

Determine the Correlation Value of TC Vessels, against a Benchmark
Requires the Trading module; Vessel Valuation must be enabled for you by Veson Nautical
The new Vessel Valuation form enables you to compare any number of vessels against a benchmark vessel, across a Matrix of Estimates, to determine each vessel's appropriate Ratio % (correlation) value.

Do More with Cargo/VC In Booking
Configuration flags "Enable Cargo Booking" and "Enable VC In Booking" must be enabled
As part of an initiative to support marine planning workflows in Multiple Cargo/VC In Booking, a new Tank Information form enables users to make safe and sanitary cargo scheduling decisions by tracking the cargo history of each vessel tank and then assigning cargoes to appropriate tanks.

Furthermore, from the Cargo and VC In lists, users can now bulk add contracts to bookings. New fields on the Cargo Booking and VC In Booking forms track additional data points: Product Code, Unit, Voyage, and Chtr Coordinator.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for April 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

Distances Update: High Risk Area Piracy Zone Changes
The size of the High Risk Area Piracy Zone has been adjusted to reflect the recent regulations.

Enable Scrubbers for an Estimate, Voyage, or Vessel
As part of a larger initiative to support IMO 2020 compliance in VIP, a check box for "Use Scrubbers" has been added to the Estimate - Bunker Planning, Voyage Manager - Voyage Bunkers, and Vessel forms.

When "Use Scrubbers" is selected, low sulfur bunkers will no longer be used for at-sea consumption within ECA zones. Instead, high sulfur ("H"-type in the Vessel) bunkers will be consumed. In-port consumption should not be changed and should still adhere to Vessel/Fuel Zone bunker configuration if a given port is within an ECA zone.

Edit Advanced Pricing Rules from Cargo/VC In Bookings
When a COA contract is linked to a Cargo/VC In Booking, a new button will appear on the booking form called "COA Advanced Pricing.” Clicking the button opens the Pricing Rule form from the COA contract. Changes can be made to these rules from the booking form, which will update the rules on the COA.

Quickly See Voyage Distance, Speed, and Cargo Totals
On the Voyage Manager, Total Miles and Average Speed are now summarized at the bottom of the Itinerary grid (Cargo and Consumption tabs), and CP Qty Total appears at the bottom of the Cargoes grid.

Define and Report on Demurrage Root Causes
Requires the Demurrage & Claims module 
A setup form called “Demurrage Root Causes” has been added, on which you can configure the values available for the Root Cause field on the Demurrage Allocation form. It is intended to be used for reporting purposes. Additionally, a Demurrage Root Cause Analysis report is now available.

Exclude Profit Share from Income Before Pooling Calculation
Requires the Pooling module 
On the Pools form, when "After Profit Share" is selected for a pool, the Pooling Distribution Income BP value will be calculated without including Profit Share.

Access Individual Invoices from their Payment Batch
Payment Batch functionality must be enabled
A line item menu option, “Invoice Details,” has been added for the rows in a Payment Batch to be able to access the Transaction Data Entry form of the respective invoices.

Define Custom Fields for Cargo Names
User-Defined Fields are now available for Cargo Names in the Data Center, both in the user interface as well as Cargo Name import.

New Sign-in Screen
The VIP sign-in screen has a refreshed design, responsive UI, and an area where you can see upcoming conference details, white papers, new content, and more from Veson Nautical.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for March 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

Pay TC In Hire Past the Minimum Redelivery Date
When configuration flag Pay Hire Beyond Min is enabled, users can make payments after the minimum redelivery date without having to change the duration basis on the contract. This enables traders to still consider the optional min/max period while meeting contractual commitments to make payments.

Get the “Charterer” View of an Estimate
When configuration flag Enable Voyage Estimate Charterer Itinerary is enabled, a “Charterer” tab appears on the Estimate Itinerary as the default itinerary grid. This tab consolidates high value information such as vessel particulars, cargo and routing details, and bunker breakdown information.

Incorporate Profit Share in Estimated Voyage P&L
When configuration flag Enable Voyage Estimate TCE Profit Share is enabled, fields for Profit Share percent and Profit Share TCE are available in the Estimate column view. Additionally, when configuration flag Use Multi Owners is also enabled, a field for "Profit Share %" is available on the Vessel Owners form.

In Advanced Pricing, Use Freight Scale Tables Billed Basis CP Qty
When creating Pricing Rules for contracts that use Freight Scale Tables billed basis CP Qty instead of the typical BL Qty, you can now right-click a Freight Scale Table result to “Edit Scale Table” and set the Basis.

View Speed Consumption Type Directly on a Time Charter Contract
When making decisions about ordering speed for voyages, operators can now quickly view the speed consumption “Type” column on the Performance tab of Time Charter and Head Fixture contracts. Additionally, new Types have been added to the existing list of Eco and Warranted: Eco Opr, Eco Owner, Warranted Opr, and Warranted Owner.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for February 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

See All Available Report Columns and Joins in the Data Map
In the Analytics module, a Data Map workspace has been added that allows users to browse the available columns and join structure in the Report Designer. Any user that has access to the Report List can also work with the Data Map.

Leverage New Data Points in the Report Designer—Cargo Transfers, Interface Messages, and More
In the Report Designer, several new data sets are available. For example, if you manage cargo transfers in VIP, you can use the Voyage > Cargo Transfers join to report on a parent voyage and all of its associated transfer voyages, vessels, and cargoes. With the new Interface Messages and Notifications table, you can create reports that include records of data imported and exported.

In the Trading Profile, Show Cargo/VC In Weighted Days as Voyage Days
Requires the Trading & Risk Management module
On the Trading Profile form, when “Show Cargo/VC In Weighted Days as Voyage Days” is selected, for cargo contracts that utilize the Benchmark Estimate exposure method and are scheduled onto a voyage, the Weighted Days column will reflect the voyage days from the associated voyage instead of the Weighted Days. When there are multiple contracts scheduled on one voyage, the Weighted Days column for each contract will display the Total Voyage Days / Number of Cargoes on the voyage. For example, if there are 3 cargoes on a 21 day voyage each cargo will show 7 days in the Weighted Days field.

Group VC In Contracts on a Single Booking
When Configuration Flag Enable VC in Booking is enabled, a VC In Bookings form is available in the Chartering module. It has all of the same functionality as the Cargo Booking form, but it is used for grouping VC In rather than Cargo contracts. Additionally, when a VC In associated with a VC In Booking is linked to a Cargo contract on a RELT voyage, the booking becomes locked from editing.  

Share Voyages with Trusted Partners
Requires Veslink Onboard
A new Onboard sharing panel allows you to invite your Veslink partners to view specific voyages, for which they are nominated as the Data Submission Agent.

Filter SOF Reports by Parcel and Form Status
Requires Veslink Onboard
It is now possible to filter the Onboard Statement of Facts (SOF) Report by individual parcel so that only activities related to the port, berth, and specific parcel are included; you can also select the Form Statuses to include in the SOF Report.

Inactivate Specific Fuel Zones
On the Fuel Zones form, when the "Inactive" check box is selected for a specific zone, routing will not be minimized through the zone and consumption of Low Sulfur fuel will not show.

Add Attachments to Equipment Hire Payments
Requires the Barging module
To attach supporting documents and links to equipment Hire Payments, click the Attachments button.

Record Additional Data for Chemical Cargo Types
When configuration flag Enable Chem Cargo Name Fields is enabled, the following fields appear on the Cargo Name form when the Cargo Class is LIQUID: USCG Name, MARPOL Category, IMO Ship Type, SG Temp Basis Degree, SG Temp Coefficient, SG Temp Scale, Melting Point, Melting Point Temp Scale, Boiling Point, Boiling Point Temp Scale, IMO Class, ADNR/ENI Class, USCG Grade, USCG Subchapter, and USCG Cargo Name. The fields are also available in the Cargo Name list and Report Designer table.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for January 2019.

Key features and enhancements:

Rename List Columns
When creating a list user view, you can give columns different names that are most helpful to you. Renamed columns are saved only to the current view.

Allocate Voyage Invoices to Cargo Itinerary Lines
Each Invoice Details line in Transaction Data Entry forms on all voyages are now linked with cargo itinerary line items so that users can properly allocate the costs to the appropriate counterparty on the voyage, prorated by their quantity as a part of the total quantity. Cargo Itinerary Allocation data can be interfaced and are available in the Report Designer.

Edit Boat and Barge Codes on Equipment Creation
Requires the Barging module
When creating Boats and Barges in the Data Center, as with Vessels, you can now enter a custom 4–6 character Vessel Code. When the new Boat or Barge is saved, Vessel Code becomes read-only.

Apply Default P&L Calculation Options to Pool Distributions
Requires the Pooling module
When configuration flag Pool Use Default P&L Calc Options is enabled, default P&L calculation option settings are applied to Pooling Distribution calculations. P&L calculation options previously affected period-based P&L, Monthly Accruals, Voyage Period Journals, and Voyage P&L Summary reports only.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for December 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

Open Pop-up Forms in a New Browser Tab
On forms opened from workspaces, such as a Time Charter accessed from the Voyage Manager, a new button in the toolbar enables you to open the pop-up form in a new browser tab.

Create Trade Commission Invoices
In the Financials module, the Create Trade Commission Invoices list is now available, from which you can create Trade Commission Settlements.

New Fields Added to the Built-in Voyage Estimation Column Report
Per Unit Cost (for LNG Carriers), Laycan From/To, and Daily Cost now appear in the Voyage Estimation Column Report, which is accessible from the Estimate column menu.

Veslink Voyage Instructions Enhancements
Requires Veslink Optimum
When sending Veslink Voyage Instructions, row details now appear indented, to be easier to read. Additionally, when designing Voyage Instructions forms, Option Type Name and Port Function Name are now available external data sources when joining to Voyage Cargo Handlings.

Track Invoice Received Date
A new field has been added to several invoice forms to capture the Received Date of the invoice. This differentiates from the invoice date, which is provided by a vendor, and the accounting date when a transaction is posted.

Generate One Demurrage Time Bar Task per Cargo
Requires the Claims module, and Demurrage Time Bar Tasks must be enabled
When configuration flag Use Cargo Counterparty in Time Bar Task is enabled, only one Demurrage Time Bar Task is generated per cargo for the entire voyage, if the vessel is a tanker or the cargo is reversible. Otherwise, one Demurrage Time Bar Task is created per cargo per port.

Perform Bulk Actions on More Items in Financials Lists
It is now possible to perform bulk actions on more than 100 items in the Transaction Summary, Edit Invoices, Post Invoices, and Approve Invoices lists. A progress bar appears showing how much of the process has completed.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for November 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

New and Improved Grids
Updated grids enable you to select multiple fields to copy and paste elsewhere; for example, you can copy rows from an itinerary grid and paste them into a spreadsheet.

Minimize Pop-up Forms and Other Usability Enhancements
You can minimize any form that appears as a pop-up window; for example, you can minimize the Voyage Bunkers form to view the Voyage Manager behind it. Revision cards have been redesigned to show what has changed at a glance, and Cargo cards now show even more information about each contract.

Include P&L Totals in Reports and Veslink Voyage Instructions
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
When you use the Voyage > Voyage Pnl Summary table to create a report in the Report Designer or create a table on a Veslink Voyage Instructions template, you can now include the following P&L total columns: “TCE,” “Total Voyage Days,” and “Total Profit (Loss).” 

Add User-Defined Fields to Cargo Itineraries
Importing and exporting requires an interface license
Administrators can now create User-Defined Fields that users can apply to Cargo and VC In itineraries. These fields can be imported and are included in various exports via the Messaging Service, including voyage, cargo, and invoice exports. 

On Veslink Forms, Show Fields When They Fall within a Certain Range
Requires Veslink Optimum
When designing a custom Veslink form, you can set a field to be “Visible When” a field is or is not in a range that you specify.

Sync Bunker Delivery Dates on Veslink Bunkering Form Approval
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting 
When configuration flag Enable Veslink Bunkering Form Date Sync is enabled and a Veslink standard Bunkering Form is approved in VIP, the Bunkering Completed Date and Time on the form are synced with the Delivery field in the Bunker Requirement and, if one has been created, the Delivery Date field in the associated Bunker Invoice. If there are multiple Bunker Requirements for this port, VIP chooses the first one to sync to (the one with the lower Requirement ID for that port with that fuel type). If the Bunker Requirement Request Status is Canceled, or if Procurement Status is Completed or Canceled, VIP will not update the Bunker Requirement's Delivery date. 

Grant Rights to Create Inactive Vessel and Address Book Records Only
“Create Inactive Vessel Records” and “Create Inactive Address Book Records” security rights enable users to create new Vessels and Addresses; however, the new records are marked as inactive by default. Users with these rights are not allowed to mark Vessels and Addresses as active. Users with these rights have read-only access to the Vessel and Address forms. If a user has both these new rights plus write access to the forms, write access takes priority.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for October 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

Set Tasks to Status "Overdue (In Progress)"
There is a new status for Tasks called "Overdue (In Progress)," which has an icon that differentiates it from Tasks that are overdue but not yet started.

Customize Your Schedule View
When viewing schedules, you can now set the timescale to Year in addition to existing Month, Week, and Day settings. The width of schedule columns adjusts depending on the timescale you select, for improved readability.

More Easily See Claim Commission in the Voyage P&L
Claim Commission now appears under Freight/Demurrage in the Voyage P&L for Actual and Posted values.

Do More with Custom Forms
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting Optimum
The Bunker Tanks table has been updated so that, if it is on the same form as a Bunkers ROB control, ROB data are shared between the two form elements. Bunker Tanks also has improved data entry validation, to ensure accurate bunker reporting. Additionally, a new Berth Name field can be added to any custom form; it automatically populates based on the voyage itinerary.

In Onboard, Run a Port-, Berth-, or Cargo-Level SOF Report
Requires Veslink Onboard
Several enhancements have been made to the SOF Report, available in the Onboard Reports panel. For a given cargo, you can now see the events taking place for that cargo at the port, berth, and cargo levels. Any events that happen at port level apply to all berths and cargoes underneath that port, while any events that happen at berth level apply to all cargoes underneath that berth. Any events that happen at cargo level happen for that cargo alone.

Receive Attachments from Agents via the API
Requires Veslink Agent Portal and API
Using new endpoints in the Veslink API, agent companies can now send attachments for forms submitted by them or their partner companies.

Specify Voyages Types to Share with a Disbursement Service Provider
Requires the Disbursement Interface
Configuration flag Operations Types for Portschinfo DA enables you to define a comma-separated list of voyage types, for which port call information will be shared via the Disbursement Interface.

New Distances Release, ECA Zone Updates

In response to China's updated ECA zone regulations, in effect as of October 1, 2018, Veson Nautical has released a new version of Distances for VIP.

Distances will automatically update on October 1, 2018; to upgrade before then, please contact Veson Nautical via the Help Center.

New in VIP

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for September 2018. 

Key features and enhancements:

Adjust the Timescale in Schedules—and Other Usability Enhancements
In schedules, you can adjust both the timescale shown and the width of the leftmost column containing row labels. On lists, each column heading includes a menu, which enables you to work with quick filters, pin columns to the left or right, or autosize columns to fit the longest value. In text boxes, such as Remarks on Estimates and voyages, you can press Enter to add a line break. On the voyage column view, a new Estimate ID field enables you to quickly link to the original Estimate.

Guide Your Tasks and Alerts Workflow with New Visual Notifications
On the Tasks and Alerts panel button, an orange notification badge shows the number of unread Tasks and unacknowledged Alerts, so that you can quickly see the number of items that need your attention. Unread Tasks appear bold in the panel, and you can right-click to mark them as either read or unread.

Automatically Assign Tasks to Users Based on Their Roles
On the Task & Alert Rule form, it is now possible to assign a Task to a role (such as Chtr Specialist). This is accomplished using a new Owner column in the Result grid.

Configure Daily Settlement Rates for Certain Markets
On the Markets form, select Daily Settlement Only to enable a Market to more quickly query daily settlement rates rather than monthly.

Manage Separately Scheduled Bunker Liftings at the Same Port
The Bunker Requirement form now supports managing multiple bunker liftings at one port, for example, when separate bunker liftings are scheduled by a voyage’s TC Out Charterer and Operator. If there is an existing lifting at the port, editing the Req Qty in the top grid automatically adjusts the Opr Qty by the same amount. The Opr Qty field highlights, and its tooltip explains the difference in value between the two fields.

Run a New Built-in Report: Delay Costs
On the Extra Delay Costs form, click the Report button to run a built-in report that breaks down the costs associated with a Delay. As before, you can also create your own report in the Report Designer that includes the Operations Invoice > Details > Voyage table (Source = Delay Cost).

Manage Multicurrency Tax Information in Invoices
Configuration flag Enable Tax Group must be enabled
Enabling configuration flag Access TDE Form from Operations Invoice adds a TDE button to several Operations invoices, which opens the Transaction Data Entry form; from there, you can enter multicurrency tax information for the invoice. Enabling configuration flag Tax Per Line Item exports invoices with taxes calculated individually per line item rather than grouped per Tax Code.

Messaging Service Enhancements
Requires an interface license
Changes to the Messaging Service enable you to import and export key information between VIP and third-party systems. For example, a new VoyageBunkerInfo message enables you to import partial fuel price and quantity updates to bunker plans, which are reflected on the Voyage Bunkers form.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for August 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

Press Ctrl + S to Save—and Other Usability Enhancements
Keyboard Shortcuts can be used to save your work (Ctrl + S) and select check boxes in drop-down menus (Spacebar). Additionally, the Tasks and Alerts panel displays an orange badge indicating the number of acknowledgeable Alerts.

Performance Enhancements for Large Reports
To improve your experience when running reports with large data sets, reports that time out automatically defer updates and prompt you to add filters, reports with more than 10,000 rows open in preview mode and prompt you to add filters, and a message appears to indicate if a list action has timed out.

Set Up an Initial Bunker FIFO Queue in Estimates
Configuration flag Enable Voyage Estimate Init Bunker Queue must be enabled
Estimates now allow multiple initial lots for each bunker type, similar to Voyage Manager. On the Bunker Planning form, you can click the Initial Quantity field label link to open the Initial Bunkers form. These lots will be defaulted from open positions, TC In delivery, and in-progress voyages.

Create Estimates and Import Data Relevant to Gas Carrier Workflows
When creating an Estimate for a Type G (Gas Carrier) vessel, both the Estimate and analysis forms (Freight Sensitivity Analysis, etc.) now display monthly instead of daily TCE. Furthermore, for clients with an interface license, the Cargo Activity Report import message now includes a tag for MMBTU.

Record and Report on Delay Cost Breakdowns
When recording a delay for a voyage, you can now use the Extra Delay Costs form to enter a breakdown of costs associated with a Delay line item. This new form does not impact the Voyage P&L, but you can report on its data using the Report Designer.

Additional Configurability for Standard Veslink Forms
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
When configuring a Form Group, if capturing berth-level cargo handling is not relevant to your business, you can select the Hide Berth Column on Cargo Handling Form check box. On the Statement of Facts form, when the exporting to XML, you can select the charterer(s) for which you want to export port activities and other form data.

Send Receivable Invoice Collection Letters and Bulk-Reverse Transactions
In the Receivables Summary, for invoices with outstanding balances, click Remind links to send collection letters. In the Transaction Summary, in addition to bulk posting, you can now select check boxes to reverse more than one invoice transaction at a time.

Set Up Security for Intercompany Transactions
Configuration flag Enable Intercompany Security must be enabled
For intercompany workflows, the Intercompany Security form enables you to establish which of your internal companies can transact with each other via invoices or journal entries.

Seamlessly Integrate with External Systems
Requires an interface license
To improve integration between VIP and SAP, a vesselFlag tag has been added to the invoice export message. In the Data Center, Cargo Itinerary Mapping Rules enable you to map port names from external systems to standard Ports in VIP.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for July 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

Do More with Reports
From the Report List, instead of starting from scratch, you can copy an existing report or import a report definition (.FORM file); report definitions can also be exported. When creating a report in the Report Designer, it is now possible to add aggregate functions and change table joins between default and aggregate settings. 

Additional IFRS 15 Functionality
New P&L Calculation Options, Adjust Portion for Ballast Days and Apply Demurrage to Period, and related configuration flags enable you to comply with IFRS 15 (or ASC 606) accounting regulations that are in effect this year. For a complete description of the new functionality, see Compliance with IFRS 15 and 16 Regulations.

Keep Track of Bunker Alerts in a Consolidated List
Requires the Bunker Management module; configuration flag Display Bunker Alerts must be enabled
In the Operations module, the Bunker Alert List notifies bunker managers of new or changed Bunker Requirements. You can accept an Alert, make further changes to the associated Bunker Requirement, or assign it to someone else on your team for follow-up.

For SPOT and RELT Voyages, Submit One Statement of Facts to Sail a Port Call
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
For SPOT and RELT voyages, where bunkers aren't tracked, instead of submitting three separate forms to arrive and depart a port call (Arrival, Statement of Facts, and Departure), it is now possible to submit a single Statement of Facts form. The form’s PS and PE date/times will be used as the arrival and departure date/times in the voyage. If the form only has a PS or only has a PE activity, it will not sail the port call. Additionally, if the port call is already sailed, the Statement of Facts form will simply update the port activities, including the PS and PE times.

Create Time Charter Invoices in Financials
A new Time Charter Invoice List is now available. This list functions similarly to existing invoice lists in the Financials module, enabling you to create full and partial TC bill, payment, and commission invoices generated in Operations.

Record Invoice Actions for Unposted AP and AR Invoices
Configuration flags Enable Invoice Notes and Enable Actions for Non Posted Invoices must be enabled
The Invoice Actions form enables you to keep track of invoice follow-up actions, typically for posted payable and receivable invoices. With configuration flag Enable Actions for Non Posted Invoices enabled, this form is now available for invoices that are not yet posted.

Manage Multiple Approvals for Receivable Invoices
It is now possible to configure the number of approvals required for AR invoices independent of the number of approvals required for AP invoices. This is accomplished with configuration flag AR Invoice Approval Needed. You can use this independently or in combination with existing configuration flag Invoice Approval Needed.

Automate Deletion of Invoices via the Messaging Service
Requires an interface license
It is now possible to delete invoices using the invoiceImport message in the Messaging Service. Any condition that would prevent deletion of an invoice in the UI likewise prevents it from being deleted by way of this message type; any such conditions cause the transaction to fail. At present, deletion via invoiceImport message supports only the following invoice types: Other Revenue, Other Expenses, Port Expenses, rebill invoices made from Other Rev/Exp invoice, and rebill invoices made from Port Expense invoices via Expenses Rebill Management.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for June 2018.

The following are key features and enhancements. Features marked with an asterisk (*) require configuration flags to be enabled:

Flexibly Filter List and Report Views
In all lists across VIP, Quick Filter fields below each column header enable you to drill down to relevant information without changing the current list view. When creating a report in the Report Designer, you can set certain filters to "Ask the User" for the specific information they want to see.

Save Time with Chartering Enhancements
On the Cargo Name form, you can set a default Bill By method per cargo type (by BL Qty, Invoice Qty, CP Qty, or Outturn Qty), which flows through to relevant contracts. When the Voyage Commencing date of the first voyage of a TC In contract is changed, the corresponding update to the initial start date in the Hire grid now takes place immediately; previously, this update did not occur until a user opened the TC In contract form, with the result that any reports generated in the meantime would reflect the old/stale Hire Start date.

Create a Berth Rotation
For each port call, the updated Berth Management form enables Operators to define a berth itinerary with or without cargo operations.

Define Default Recipients for Veslink Voyage Instructions*
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
On the Voyage Template, Operators can define default To and CC recipients for Vessel Voyage Instructions. They can specify either voyage roles or specific Address Book entries.

Run Voyage Period Journals against a Snapshot
To reduce calculation time, Accountants can choose to run Voyage Period Journals against one Voyage Snapshot instead of recalculating the P&L for all voyages in the current filter.

Do More with Payment Batches*
On a bank’s Remittance Information form, Accountants can record Remittance Instructions, which can be shared with other systems and colleagues via the Messaging Service (requires an interface license) or on the Payment Batch form. They can also restrict certain banks from being used in Payment Batches using the Res. PB check box in the Address Book.

Receive Acknowledgment Messages When Importing Certain Information*
Requires an interface license
You can now configure the Messaging Service to generate acknowledgement messages for certain types of incoming messages, including invoiceImport and bunkerRequirementImport.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for May 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

Perform Bulk Actions in the Report List—and Other Usability Enhancements
Several changes have been made to improve usability in VIP, including the following: In the Report list, bulk actions enable you to Delete or Distribute multiple reports at a time. On the main menu, if a workspace has - List next to it (for example, TC In - List), you can click the form name to open a blank form, or click List to open the list.

Expanded Tasks and Alerts Panel Functionality
The global Tasks panel has been replaced by a new, per-workspace Tasks and Alerts panel; you can still view all tasks in the Task List. The Tasks and Alerts panel is accessible from the blue bar on the right in Voyages, Estimates, COAs, Cargoes/VC Ins, and Time Charters. Options on the "..." panel menu enable you to add Tasks or Task Groups as well as to hide or show certain Tasks and Alerts. Icons and color-coding indicate Task and Alert types and statuses. To take action on Tasks and Alerts, click or right-click them; context menu options include the ability to Complete Tasks and Acknowledge Alerts.

Capture New Market Vessel Data Points with Inbox
Requires Inbox
When broker emails follow a standard structure, Inbox can parse No. Holds, LOA, Beam, Draft, TPC, and consumption speeds (Ballast and Laden for specific fuel types) for market vessels. To learn more, see Email Parsing Tips.

Nominate Data Submission Agents and Define Port Activities for FOB Voyages
In VIP, an FOB Voyage is composed of one or more FOB Cargos. Through the Veslink Agent Portal (requires separate licensing), agents can now submit Statements of Facts for FOB Voyages. On the FOB Voyage form, right-click a line in the new Itinerary grid to access the Port Activities form (to define port activities for the Statement of Facts) or the Agents and Notices form (to nominate a Data Submission agent). Additionally, when creating a Laytime Calculation, you can now import Port Activities from an FOB Voyage.

Calculate LNG Discharge Quantity Based on Desired Heel
Requires the LNG module
When creating an LNG Estimate, if you know what the heel should be on arrival at the terminating port, you can use the Calc Disch Qty based on desired Heel form to automatically back-calculate the optimal discharge quantity. The calculation takes into account in-transit LNG consumption.

Tailor Your Accounting Workflow in VIP to Match Business Practices
You can now incorporate any of the following into your accounting workflow:

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for April 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

Access a Global View of Tasks—and Other Usability Enhancements
Various changes have been made to improve your user experience, including bringing the global Task List to the Operations module, where users can see all Tasks created in VIP. Additionally, unavailable menu and toolbar options appear grey, default filters have been added to large lists to decrease initial load time, and module reports can be downloaded as Excel spreadsheets.

Define Settlement and Spot Trade Routes; Capture Complex Scenarios in Trading Profiles
Requires the Trading & Risk Management module
New fields on the Trade Route form enable you to define a Settlement Route and Spot Route that use different symbols than the forward route. New options on the Trading Profile form enable you to better account for exposure in more complex situations such as index linked contracts, optional periods, BAFs, and unique TC bunker clauses.

Send Voyage Instructions Forms from Voyage Manager
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
In the details view of a voyage, you can now access a Voyage Instructions panel. From there, you can send and manage revisions to Voyage Instructions forms created in the Form Designer.

Leverage New Tools to Customize and Validate Forms
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
In Voyage Reporting System Configuration, select Use Browser's Locale Setting for Number Formatting to improve readability of numbers in forms, and select Always require matching start and end activities to reduce Statement of Facts errors. In the Forms Data Dictionary or Form Designer, enter Decimal Places to configure a field to show between 0 and 20 decimal places.

Track Cost Per MMBTU for LNG Estimates and Voyages
Requires the LNG module; configuration flag Display Cost Per MMBTU must be enabled
On the Estimate and Voyage P&L for a Type L (LNG Carrier) vessel, a new field USD/MMBTU appears so that you can see the overall cost per energy unit of the LNG being carried.

Manage Invoices with New Lists and Tools
To support your accounting workflow, the following lists have been added to the Financials module: Create Voyage Invoices, Create Bunker Invoices, and Create Trade Settlement Invoices. Also, when previewing an invoice, if you have the appropriate rights, new buttons at the top right enable you to Approve, Reject, or Post.

Manage Multiple Approvals for Payment Batches
Configuration flag Batch Payment Supported must be enabled
You can require one or more approvals for a Payment Batch before it is sent to the bank. When Payment Batch Approval Needed is set to 1 or greater, the flag value defines the number of approvals needed before the batch is considered fully approved. Payment Batch approvers must have the Approve a Batch Payment Module Right.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for March 2018.

Key features and enhancements:

Improved Performance, Responsiveness, and Usability
Color coding now appears in several workspaces to guide your workflow; colors are defined either in a legend on the bottom left corner of a workspace or in the Knowledge Base. Workspaces across VIP resize more responsively, and large lists guide you to apply appropriate filters to minimize load time. Voyage, Port, Security, Master Contract, and other list functions have been carried over from IMOS, making the transition to the web more seamless for clients that previously used IMOS.

Create and Run Reports with Different Output Types
In the Reports workspace, enhancements have been made to the Report Designer, a tool that enables you to design reports based on data tracked throughout VIP. For example, you can now create and run reports with any of the following Output Types: CSV, PDF, Word, XML, Excel, and (with a separate license) Reporting DB. For clients that previously used IMOS, all IMOS Report Designer report types can be viewed on VIP.

Configure Task & Alert Rule Joins, Task Attachments, and Rule Set Categories
On the Task & Alert Rule form, joins are easier to find, preceded by > (for example, > Vessel…). Rules that include joins can be configured to evaluate to true when Any, All, or No joined fields meet the specified conditions. You can also choose to Run this rule once per a joined field; for example, you can generate Tasks and Alerts for each Bunker Lifting, instead of for the Voyage. Rules-based Tasks can now include attachments. Task & Alert Rule Set Categories, primarily used for reporting, can be defined in the Data Center and then added to Task & Alert Rule Sets.

Monitor Per Unit Cost on Your P&L
When configuration flag Show Cargo Per Unit Cost is enabled, Per Unit Cost (total cost of expenses by quantity of cargo loaded) appears as a field on the Estimate P&L as well as on the built-in Voyage Profit & Loss Report.

Manage Voyage Notes
Voyage Manager now includes a Notes panel, on which you can view, add, delete, categorize, and add attachments to Voyage Notes.

Add Notes to Payable and Receivable Invoices
When configuration flag Enable Invoice Notes is enabled, Notes links appear in the Action column of Payables and Receivables Summaries. When you click Notes, the Invoice Actions form appears, on which you can add follow-up, payment, and other information.

Use New Form Designer Tools to Create Custom Documents
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting (Optimum)
When designing a custom form, several new options are available. For example, you can configure a form table to make Row Details (additional fields that relate to each table row) Visible When a field in the parent row has a certain value. You can also Maintain Hidden Field Positions, so that the layout does not shift when certain fields do not appear. Voyage Instructions can be set to Require Approval and, when configuration flag Enable VI Default Email Addresses is enabled, you can set default To and CC recipients when sending Voyage Instructions.

Integrate with SIS3 Vessel Data
Requires an SIS3 license
You can import SIS3 vessel details into the Vessel form or Estimate. To set this up using configuration flags, see Vessel Data Integration.

Create Freight Invoices by Booking Number
When Multiple Cargo Booking is enabled (with configuration flag Enable Cargo Booking), a Booking No. field appears on nonincremental Freight Invoices. When you select a counterparty and then a Booking No., only the cargoes under that booking appear in the invoice Cargo grid.

Apply IC Adj % to Extra Freight Terms of Model B Mirrored Freight Contracts
When configuration flags Enable Contract Mirroring and Apply IC Adjustment to Xfrt are enabled, for a model B mirrored freight contract (Cargo/VC In and Cargo/VC In COA), an Extra Freight Term is adjusted by IC Adj % in the same way as the base freight, if the Extra Freight Term type is Rate or Lumpsum (not Percent).

Switch between VIP Sites
If you have access to multiple sites managed by your organization, including Onboard sites, you can switch between them on the My Profile panel: Expand the Sites section and then click the name of site you want to use.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for February 2018.

The following are key features and enhancements. Features marked with an asterisk (*) require configuration flags to be enabled:

Usability Enhancements
As part of Veson Nautical’s ongoing initiative to continuously improve usability in VIP, all workspaces have been redesigned to have more visual contrast so that they are easier to read. Additionally, the Documents panel now supports uploading files of up to 20 MB in size, and Run links have been added to the Reports list to enable running reports with any Output Type.

Create Rules-Based Alerts for COAs
Using the Task & Alert Rule Set List, you can now create rules-based Alerts to appear in the Tasks panel for COAs. Dynamic Tasks and Alerts can already be created for Address Book entries, Cargoes/VC Ins, Cargo Names, Ports, Time Charters, Vessels, Voyages, and Estimates.

Further Customize Your Voyage Reports*
Requires Veslink Voyage Reporting
On custom forms created using the Form Designer, decimal fields now round to two decimal places for improved readability, you can adjust Width (Pixels) for several field types, and you can configure a field to Show Distinct Values Only, which outputs a comma-separated list.

Apply Demurrage to Period*
A new Apply Demurrage to Period P&L Calculation Options can be applied to Monthly Accruals and voyage P&L reporting. On the Laytime Calculation form, click the Period Allocation button to quickly view demurrage period allocation details.

Expanded Contract Mirroring Functionality*
Enhancements have been made to the freight and demurrage invoicing of mirrored contracts, including new configuration flags. Additionally, mirrored contracts are now accessible from the Cargo and VC In menus.

Create Tows, Boats, and Barges
Requires the Barging module
On the Vessel List, the New (+) button now enables you to create Tows, Boats, and Barges for use in Barging workflows.

Configure Your Workflow*
New configuration flags enable you to do any of the following:

  • Default TCI on Estimate Vessel Select: When you select a vessel in an Estimate, a TC In or a Head Fixture is automatically assigned.

  • Other Rev Expense Counterparty Address Types: Specify which Address Types can be selected as the counterparty of Other Revenues/Expenses invoices.

  • Enable Modify TDE Accounts: Enable the Module Right Modify Credit/Debit Accounts on TDE Form, which controls users’ ability to modify the account codes on the Transaction Data Entry.

  • APAR Invoice No Generation Unified: Generate AP and AR invoice numbers from one set of numbers.

  • Enable Claim Insurance Status: Add Insurance Status and Submission Date fields to the Claim form. Requires the Claims module.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for January 2018.

The following are key features and enhancements. Features marked with an asterisk (*) require configuration flags to be enabled:

Choose a Home Page
On the My Profile panel, in the Set Up Home Page section, you can select a workspace to view every time you sign in to VIP. You can select to see your Last Visited page, enter a Custom Home Page URL from within Veslink.com, or select a workspace name.

Access the Fleet Map and Distances
Quick links are now available to the Fleet Map (in the Operations module; requires Veslink Voyage Reporting) and Distances (in the Data Center). The Fleet Map shows you where your vessels are and where they are going, with links to voyage reports submitted along the way. Distances enables you to enter ports, arrange and compare routes, and calculate time and distances for voyages, based on the latest sea lanes and nautical charts.

Set Up Custom Commodity Trade Units*
Requires the Trading module
On the Units of Measure form in the Data Center, administrators can create custom Type T (Commodity Trade) units to select on the Commodity Symbol and Commodity Option Symbol forms. Commodity trade units appear on the Commodity-Option Trade form when a symbol is selected.

Based on Rules, Define Default Values for Cargoes/VC Ins, Time Charters, and Invoices*
Similar to Pricing and Task & Alert Rules forms, the following new forms enable you to create rules that define default values on Cargoes/VC Ins, Time Charters, invoices, and invoice detail lines: Cargo Cargo Broker Rules, Time Charter Broker Rules, Invoice Default Rules, and Invoice Detail Default Rules.

Create and Schedule Multi-Cargo Benchmark Estimates*
Requires the Trading module
Benchmark Estimate functionality now supports multiple cargoes per voyage. By linking several cargoes to one Benchmark Estimate, you can calculate and monitor exposure for the overall voyage in the Trading P&L Summary, sync exposure information between contracts, and schedule all linked cargoes simultaneously.

Schedule Consecutive Voyages by Company*
VIP can be configured to schedule consecutive voyages based on the most recent voyage of the same Company.

Use Stepped Demurrage Rates in On-Account Laytime Calculations*
Requires the Claims module
On the Demurrage-Despatch Rates form, when Demurrage on Account is enabled, you can now set up demurrage rates that change during the time on demurrage.

Streamline and Configure Your Financials Workflow
You can now do any of the following:

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for December 2017.

A Look Back at 2017

This year, Veson Nautical delivered 130+ product releases to clients. New features and enhancements appear across the entirety of VIP, including the following areas:

Expanded Task and Alert Functionality
Rules-based Tasks and Alerts can now appear in workspaces associated with specific Cargo Names, Address Book entries, Vessels, and Ports; conversely, you can create Global Tasks that simply appear on the Tasks list. Tasks can automatically calculate Start/Due Dates based on date fields.

Robust Trading Solutions
Requires the Trading module
You can now manage commodity hedge trades, apply the Turnbull Wakeman (1991) approximation, monitor bunker exposure in FFA Trades, realize bunker exposure on Cargo contracts as bunkers are lifted, and analyze the unrealized P&L by line of business.

Powerful Bunker Planning Tools
On the Bunker Planning form, the new Optimize Liftings for Cargo check box enables you to automatically optimize liftings based on bunker prices at fueling ports specified in the Voyage Estimate Itinerary as well as the freight rate of a cargo. To quickly see planned bunker liftings in Estimate Details, hover over the bunker price field of a fuel type to be lifted.

Various Other Usability Enhancements
We implemented many changes intended to make VIP easy to use and integrate with your business practices. For example, all users can benefit from improved list performance and usability, administrators can create custom drop-down menus in User-Defined Fields, Chartering can add vessels from external sources directly to Voyage Estimates, Operations can create and report on custom P&L Snapshot Types, and Finance can set default remittance banks for companies in the Address Book.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for November 2017.

Key features and enhancements:

Create Custom Reports Using the New Report Designer
The Report Designer, available from the Reports list, enables you to create custom reports. You can apply filters that can decrease loading times, group data, create custom columns, and perform simple calculations. When you are finished, you can export your report.

Efficiently Manage Demurrage Claims
Requires the Claims module; configuration flags CFGShowDemurrageinClaimsList and CFGEnableDemTBTasks must be enabled
If you are in charge of Demurrage Claims, you can now view them in the Claims List. Tasks are automatically generated in the Demurrage Time Bar Task List to help you capture Demurrage Claim revenue in a timely manner.

Track Profit Sharing in the Voyage P&L
When profit sharing is enabled, on the Voyage P&L, you can now monitor Profit Share, Net Voyage Profit, and Net Daily Profit (Loss).

In Onboard, Manage Berth-Level Attachments
Requires Onboard
When viewing a berth, Onboard users can now add berth-specific attachments to the Documents panel. 

Create Custom Drop-Down Menus with User-Defined Fields
For a string type User-Defined Field, you can now create a predefined set of Values on the User-Defined Fields form, so that in the applicable object, the value of the field can only be selected from the predefined list.

Link Claims to FOB Cargoes
Requires the Claims module
On the Claims form, if the CP Reference is FOB Cargo, you can search for and select the specific FOB Cargo contract using the Reference No. field. When an FOB Cargo ID is selected, you can open the contract by clicking the Reference No. field link.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for October 2017.

Key features and enhancements:

Value Trade Options Using the Turnbull and Wakeman Approximation
Requires the Trading module
On the Trading Profile form, in the Option Valuation Rules grid, you can now select Turnbull Wakeman (1991) for Delta and Pricing on the different option types.

Account for Bunker Exposure When Booking FFAs on $/ton or Worldscale Routes 
Requires the Trading module
On the FFA/Option Trade form, when a $/ton or Worldscale Route is selected, a new Bunker Exposure tab appears, on which you can track tonnage of bunker exposure for specified Fuel Types.

For Voyage Estimates, Optimize Planned Bunker Liftings
On the Bunker Planning form, a new Optimize Liftings for Cargo check box appears. When you select the check box and then enter bunker Prices for one or more fueling ports, suggested lifting amounts automatically populate at the ports with the lowest price. Optionally, when running bunker optimization, you can take into account the freight rate of one of the Cargoes on the Voyage Estimate.

On a Voyage Estimate, View Planned Bunker Liftings on Hover
If planned liftings exist on the Bunker Planning form, when you hover over a Price field on the Estimate details fuel grid, the Weighted Average prices of all Fuel Types appear as well as details about all Planned Liftings for the voyage.

View a Schedule of Open Positions
Requires the Cargo Matching module
In Matching, view Vessel Positions and Cargo Book in a new schedule view. Click the Gantt bars to open Voyages and Cargoes.

Minimize ECA or Piracy Routing on the Voyage Map
On Voyage Manager map view, you can now select Minimize ECA/Piracy Routing as part of the ECA and Piracy overlays; these options have the same effect as enabling ECA or Piracy Routing on the Voyage Properties panel. When these options are deselected, ECA and Piracy zones are avoided based on the vessel's routing preferences.

Manage Voyages in Operations Overview
Enabled by configuration flag Enable Voyage Manager Operations OverviewVoyage Manager Operations Overview displays bunkers, cargo handling, and voyage tasks organized by port call.

Set Up User-Defined Fields to Track Data Points Unique to Your Business
Administrators can now set up User-Defined Fields to be completed by users in the Voyages and Address Book workspaces.

Several new features and enhancements are available in VIP. For more information, see Release Notes for September 2017.

Key features and enhancements:

More Standard Shipping Tools Now Available on the Web
Create Task & Alert Rules to automatically generate Tasks and Alerts that help your team to be productive.

On Cargo Contracts, Realize Bunker Exposure as Bunkers Are Lifted
Requires the Trading module, and configuration flag Auto Update Bunker Exposure on Voyages must be enabled
VIP can be configured to automatically update the Bunker Exposure Breakdown grid on the Cargo Exposure tab with consumption quantities from the associated Benchmark Estimate or Voyage.

Add Vessels from External Sources to Estimates
Configuration flag Enable Vessel Import from Estimate must be enabled, and additional licensing is required for vessel data feeds
VIP can be configured so that you can add vessels from Baltic99, Fairplay, and Q88 to Estimates, even if they do not yet exist on your Vessel List.

Select a Default Remittance Bank for a Company
Configuration flag Show Remittance in Cargo must be enabled
On the Bank Links tab of a Type W Address, to select a default Remittance Bank for each Currency, select the Default check box. On a Cargo, Cargo COA, or Time Charter Out, when the Company and Currency are selected, the Remittance Bank field autopopulates with the default value; you can choose a different bank, if needed.

Easily Access the Contract Associated with a Claim
Requires the Claims module
On a Claim, to open the contract it is linked to, click the Reference No. field link.

The following is a recording of the VIP webinar that was offered to clients on February 21 & 22, 2017. During these one-hour sessions, Veson Nautical’s Product Team presented and demonstrated highlights of VIP.

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