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IMOS - Child TCs

Home > Time Charters > Time Charter In

Configuration flag CFGEnableMultipleReletChildTC must be enabled to create multiple child Time Charter Out (TC Out) contracts for a Time Charter In (TC In).

Creating Child TCs

  1. On the TC In window > Click on the Child TCOs.

    1. image-20241212-083416.png

  2. After clicking on the Add New Row, a new Time Charter Out window will appear:

    1. Contract data, except commissions, are copied from the parent TC In.

    2. If another child TC Out exists:

      • Delivery Port defaults to the Redelivery Port of the last child TC Out.

      • Delivery Est time defaults to the Redelivery Proj/Act time of the last child TC Out.

      • Delivery Bunker Qty defaults to the Projected Redelivery Bunker Qty of the last child TC Out.

    3. To view an existing child TC Out, right-click its row and then click Open Child TC.

  3. Save and close the child TC Out.

  4. On the Child TCs form, set Relet Adj % and then save. Child TC hire pricing is inherited from the parent TC, starting from the Est Delivery Time, and multiplied by (1 + Relet Adj %).

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