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VMS - Freight Invoice

This guide demonstrates, step by step, how to create a freight invoice from the voyage screen.

  1. On the voyage screen, click Revenue to access the financials module, which contains revenue, expenses, and invoices for the current voyage.

  1. In the revenue section, click the Add button and select Freight from the dropdown menu. Enter the quantity, freight rate, and world scale (if applicable). This will add a new line item called Freight.

Note: If you already know the total freight amount leave WS, Qty blank and enter the amount in the rate field.

  1. Click Add in the invoice section to create an invoice for the new line item.

  1. A pop-up window will appear. In it, you must select the item for which you need to create the Invoice. Select the Freight and click the Create invoice button on the right.

Note: You can select Copy Description if you wish to carry the description from the revenue section. You can also select the split revenue option if applicable.

  1. A new page will open automatically and transfer you to the Invoices. You can add or edit all the information for the newly created Freight Invoice there.

Standard information retrieved from the voyage, such as the Vessel’s name, Voyage number, Charterer, and Broker, is displayed on the left side.

  1. Select a Letterhead, an account, and other important information.

The invoice is currently in draft mode, allowing the user to manually edit most fields.

  1. Enter an invoice number.

  1. Then, you can save, issue or download the invoice using the three-bar menu in the top right corner.

In the above example, we have used a lumpsum freight amount to create a new invoice. However, you can also enter the freight quantity and a freight rate. The system will calculate the total freight using these figures.

A world-scale amount can also be used with the freight quantity and rate to calculate the total freight rate.

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