
Invoicing & Payments 

Commodity Name (Cargo Short Name) is added as a column to Post Invoices List, Edit Invoices List, and Approve Invoices List. The new column is available only when Commodity Trade license is enabled.

Story EN-51210


Voyage P&L 

Previously, Transaction Data Entry could have utilized a incorrect business rule when the source/billcode had an intercompany rule set up. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-51172



When 'CFGDefaultDataSubmissionAgent' and 'CFGAutoActivateVeslinkVessel' are enabled, Fixtures and Voyages with Inactive vessels will still default Agent information on port calls originally created on the Estimate.

Bug EN-50916


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Fixed an issue preventing row detail data from loading correctly in Veslink forms.

Bug EN-50778


Messaging Service 

Previously, error codes returned from payment batch imports were inconsistent. With this fix, the program has been modified to return clear and meaningful error codes and more insightful log entries during batch import failures.

Bug EN-50395



Previously, updating the delivery or redelivery date on a voyage would only update the hire and lifting options for the directly linked time charter contract but not any intercompany time charter contracts. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-49993


Demurrage & Claims 

The title of the existing "Demurrage Summary (Bookings)" list has been changed to "Demurrage Summary (Bookings) - Legacy" to indicate that a new - data forms based - version of this list is now available per configuration flag.

New and related configuration flags have been added as below. When accessing the new list, please click on the Revert to Default button available on top of the list to apply default filters to improve performance.

Flag Name: CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList
Description: When enabled, a new, Data Forms-based version of Demurrage Summary (Bookings) list will be used - with both projected ("Create" hyperlink in the Action column) - and actual laytime calculations ("Edit" hyperlink) rows. Actual Laytime Calculation can be filtered by using "Is Existing Laytime Calc" list column. Access rights for the list can be found in user settings under Access Rights -> Module Rights -> Operations -> Quick Links section. The logic for the projected laytime in the list is controlled by CFGDemurrageSummaryBookingsBasisCargoDischarge config flag.
Possible Values: Y, N
Default Value: N
Hidden: False.

Flag Name: CFGEnableLegacyDemurrageSummaryBookingsList
Description: When enabled, a link to the legacy version of Demurrage Summary (Bookings) list in the Operations console will be displayed alongside a link to the new version of the Demurrage Summary (Bookings) list (if CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList is enabled). Access rights for both lists can be found in user settings under Access Rights -> Module Rights -> Operations -> Quick Links section.
Possible Values: Y, N
Default Value: N
Hidden: True.

Configuration flag CFGDemurrageSummaryBookingsBasisCargoDischarge has been modified to work with the new flag CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList mentioned above. When both flags are enabled, projected demurrage ("Create") lines are displayed in the new list only for the bookings where all cargos have been discharged in a corresponding voyage.

When CFGDemurrageSummaryBookingsBasisCargoDischarge is disabled and CFGEnableDataFormsBasedDemurrageSummaryBookingsList is enabled, the new list will show projected demurrage ("Create") lines for all bookings regardless of their cargos' statuses. Bookings where not all cargos have been discharged on a voyage are also shown in the list.

Story EN-48438

distances-svc-1.0.86983, 10-06-2023


Improved routing between Mar del Plata and Singapore

Bug EN-51784

distances-svc-1.0.86983, 10-06-2023


Added 23 new ports for Indonesia

Story EN-51241

distances-svc-1.0.86951, 10-06-2023


New port added: Russe (Canada)

Story EN-51372


Invoicing & Payments 

The issue where the Customer field (and related information through address book) in Third Party transactions (created when Third party receipts were imported through autopay.exe) was not being populated has been fixed.

Bug EN-51552



Performance of the Report Designer reports using COA Period Pricing Lines table and Load/Discharge Ports fields in this table has been improved.
Additionally, Invoice Actions field in the Operations Invoice table has been hidden from reporting as it has no usable data and affects performance.

Bug EN-50750


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Resolved an issue where the legacy Veslink "Export Reports" functionality sometimes did not work correctly. Also improved performance generating reports when filtered to a subset of voyages or forms.

For IMOS Platform clients we still recommend using Report Designer to report on Veslink Form data.

Bug EN-50566


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, offhire related items' fields in Time Charter payments and bills were incorrectly set to allow user to overwrite default values. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50226


Analytics VIP & IMOS

Previously, Ballast Days from the Estimate PnL were not reflected correctly in Report Designer once the new snapshot is taken. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-49115



Previously, hire rate in the TC lease accounting billing schedule could have used an incorrect hire rate when CFGEnableGeneralUnpricedComponent was turned on. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-49035


Voyage P&L VIP & IMOS

Previously, using 'Capitalize/Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period' option in Monthly Accruals behaved differently on some expenses when a voyage's 'Nomination Date' differed from it's 'Commencing Date'. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-49011



Updating port information on a Voyage now propagates to the Carbon Calculator and re-defaults the ETS Sea/Port Percentages.

Bug EN-51416


Platform UI VIP Only

Changes the way that the popups work when notifying users about their session expiring.

Story EN-51454



When creating a Voyage from an Estimate, the manual overrides to ETS Sea, Port, and Phase In percentages set on the Estimator's Carbon Calculator will be applied to the corresponding lines on the Voyage's Carbon Calculator.

Story EN-50241


Invoicing & Payments 

We now block the delete of a freight invoice if it has been used by other invoices.

Bug EN-50131


Tasks & Alerts VIP Only

Previously, COA Tasks & Alerts rules dependent on the Unpriced Elements join would not be evaluated until changes to a COA's Unpriced Elements were saved. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50926


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, the Estimate Column View TCE calculation was incorrectly incorporating hire commission. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50513