
Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, users were unable to create a Laytime Calculation for some voyages because of a timeout issue. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-51143


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, Time Charter invoices sometimes included previously invoiced rows from previous hire periods when index linked hire was involved. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50892


Invoicing & Payments 

When CFGShowOffhireAsAdjInTCReports set, hire statement shown off hire info with total amount (include the bunker and cve costs) under Other Adjustment while it should be only off hire amount. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-49850


Invoicing & Payments 

Added more information to mirror invoice approval error message when config flags do not allow for independent approval.

Bug EN-48889


Trading VIP & IMOS

Previously, TC Option and TC Min/Max could have used a incorrect hire rate in the trade details list when the TC contract was using monthly type rate.

Bug EN-48544



The Sustainability Panel's Cargo Carried amount now includes interservice cargo loaded on the voyage.

Bug EN-51292


Demurrage & Claims 

Previously, auto-created estimated demurrage would subtract turn time from both Days Used and Deduction From Days Used, making it so that the final calculation would not take turn time into account. This is now fixed.

Story EN-51060



Previously, Exposure Days for a Short Contract was not consistent with the Correlation factor. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48866



Bunker pricing in the Hire Statement and Statement of Account in Time Charter In and Time Charter Out contracts will now prioritize using Bunker purchased for owner prices when present, this is consistent with the behavior in Time Charter payments/bills.

Bug EN-48836


Invoicing & Payments 

Added a new algorithm in the commingled cargo validation method, which allows for individual commingle codes to have their own invoice, when "CFGInvoiceCommingleCodesSeparately" is enabled.

New configuration flag has been added:

Flag Name: CFGInvoiceCommingleCodesSeparately
Description: "When enabled, an individual invoice can be produced for different cargoes with the same commingle code."
Possible Values: Y,N
Default Value: N
Hidden: False

Story EN-48814


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Added support for deactivated bunkers in Veslink Forms. Any forms sent to a Vessel with inactive fuels will no loner contain input fields for the inactive fuels.

Story EN-47555


Operations VIP Only

Est Miles is now available as a field in the Report Designer Voyage Itineraries table. This field reflects the Miles value in the Cargo tab of the Voyage form.

Story EN-36733


Data Center Settings VIP Only

The Port Alias Grid previously allowed alias ports that had been used in operations to be deleted. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-50771


Bunker Management VIP Only

When working with a voyage-less Bunker Requirement, Bunker Purchase, or Bunker Invoice, fixed an issue that would cause the save to fail and the form to unexpectedly close.

Bug EN-51291


Invoicing & Payments 

New XML tags billContactPerson and billContactPhone have been added to the invoice XML, these display data for the person specified in the Contact Name field in the different invoice forms.

Story EN-49956

distances-svc-1.0.86062, 9-15-2023


Corrected coordinates for port Younghung to be in the ECA zone for the area

Bug EN-51080

distances-svc-1.0.86062, 9-15-2023


New port added: Rostock Roads (Germany)

Story EN-50821

distances-svc-1.0.86062, 9-15-2023


New port added: Bayridge Anchorage (USA)

Story EN-50782


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously Invoice XML was not showing VC In details when creating Voyage Other Rev/Exp with P-type (Purchase) cargo. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48993


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, the Revision Panel in the Cargo COA and VC In COA forms failed to load revision data. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48535

tradehub-app-1.0.86022, tradehub-api-1.0.86022

Trade Hub 

Tasks and alerts are fixed in Market Insight.
Correctly showing tasks and alerts in vessel detail panel when toggle is on, and does not run tasks and alerts when toggle is off.

Bug EN-50861



When CFGDefaultIncludeCarbonExpInPnl is enabled, copied estimates will have Carbon Expenses Included in the PnL by default. In addition, CO2 Price and Currency fields will be defaulted on the copied estimate if they are not set on the original estimate.

Story EN-50986


Bunker Management VIP Only

When updating bunker requirements or bunker invoices via their respective APIs, fixed an issue in the voyage bunker inventory update which could cause sporadic failures of these interfaces.

Bug EN-50248


Invoicing & Payments 

The "Reference" field in the operational side invoices is now captured in a new tag "invoiceReference" in the "invoiceApproval" notification XML (when this notification type is enabled in the "notificationsIncludeList" configuration flag).

Story EN-48887


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, under CFGLinkCargoRevExpToVoyRevExp, an error was introduced that resulted in some voyages displaying spurious errors on save. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-51169


Disbursement Interface VIP & IMOS

When DA Desk sends Veson a notification that they would like to submit an ADR, it will now be picked up and handled as a separate APR for the same port. This was implemented in partnership with DA Desk to handle scenarios where an additional payment is requested for the existing estimated expenses.

Story EN-50819



Updating a Cargo contracts Revenue/Expense type now synchronizes the corresponding Revenue/Expense on the Voyage Manager.

Bug EN-50568


Chartering VIP Only

The Voyage Estimate Column View now displays only active fuel types when a vessel contains fuel types that are set to inactive.

Story EN-50252


Invoicing & Payments 

After the fix, voyage PnL displays proper information for VC-In Demurrage and VC-In Demurrage commission when the incremental laytime is posted separately or under the Freight invoice.

Bug EN-50200


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, Transaction Data Entry could have utilized a incorrect business rule when the source/billcode had a intercompany rule set up. This has been fixed

Bug EN-50117


Journals VIP & IMOS

Previously, a Journal's invoicing details could have an incorrect description generated in 'Operation View'. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48393


Invoicing & Payments 

A validation has been added such that it is no longer possible to delete Voyage Other Expense invoices that have linked mirror Rebill invoices in the intercompany mirrored voyage.

Bug EN-48337


Invoicing & Payments 

New configuration flag has been added:
Flag: CFGDefaultDeptFromTCtoInv
Description: When enabled, the Dept value from the TC Contract flows through to the Dept field on the TC invoice detail lines displayed in the TDE.
Data Type: Boolean.
Default Value: N.
Possible Values: Y, N.

Story EN-48192


Operations VIP Only

Previously, freight sale contracts linked via relet to a mirrored freight purchase could fall out of sync with the linked freight purchase and its mirrored freight sale after all of the contracts were scheduled onto voyages. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-47195


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, the Estimate Column View would incorrectly grey out certain rows when there were multiple Estimates that possessed either World Scale or Lumpsum Freight Types. This has been fixed by this case.

Bug EN-49136



Previously, the "Move Bunker Exposure Ahead One Month" feature in the trading profile could have impacted the TC exposure in the trading exposure. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48952


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, off hire lumpsum amounts with zero-length periods were erroneously excluded from Hire Statements and Statements of Account. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48246



After the fix, lumpsum commission will only appear once in the commission payment list.

Bug EN-48834


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, due date calculation in Time Charter invoices was not respecting payment terms in some instances. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-48089

focus-messaging-svc-1.0.85700, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.85700



Story EN-50859


Operations VIP Only

An error will no longer be displayed when closing the Bunker Requirement form from the Bunker Purchase list.

Bug EN-50845


Messaging Service VIP & IMOS

Additional macro variables $(ENV_TYPE), $(COMPANYCODE) and $(datetime#<format>) are available for use in the Messaging Service

Story EN-49822

k8snextrelease, focus-messaging-svc-1.0.85700, vvr-form-preview-app-1.0.85700, vvr-focus-translator-svc-1.0.85700

Veslink Voyage Reporting 


Story EN-50258