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Home > Operations > P&L Calculation Options

P&L calculation options are available when you have enabled the configuration flag CFGShowPNLCalcOptions. By selecting these options, you can modify certain areas of the P&L calculation, typically using a prorata calculation or a more specific calculation for certain values.

With the Modify P&L Calculation Options Module Right selected under Financials Actions in Security, you can toggle the P&L calculation options on the Monthly AccrualsVoyage Period Journals, and Voyage P&L Summary Report forms. Without it, you can only use these forms with the P&L Options as set by the configuration flags beginning with Default P&L Calc.

Option Descriptions and Availability

If no P&L calculation options are changed from their defaults, all P&L items will be calculated according to configuration flag settings. Off Hire will be included in voyage duration and thus reflected in the Portion %.

These options are all valid for Monthly Accruals and the Voyage P&L Summary Report, but may not all be valid in Period-Based Voyage P&L and Voyage Period Journals. This table shows where the check box will have effect if used ( = option is applied to calculation/report; X = option is not applied to calculation/report).

 Related Configuration Flags
Show P&L Calc Options

Enables P&L calculation options on various forms and reports.

Default P&L Calc Apply TC Hire

Setting this value determines the behavior of Apply TC Hire to Period P&L calculation option. There are three possible values:

  • PRORATE: Clears the check box by default; TC Hire, additional hire items, CVE, and Hire Commissions are prorated based on voyage prorating logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. If the check box is selected, the calculation logic for EXCLUDEXHIRE is applied.
  • EXCLUDEXHIRE: Selects the check box by default; TC Hire, CVE, and Hire Commissions are applied to period based on the period from and to dates. XHIRE items continue to be prorated.
  • INCLUDEXHIRE: Selects the check box by default; TC Hire, CVE, Hire Commissions, and additional hire items are applied to period. Period items are allocated based on the period dates, and additional hire items are allocated based on Invoice Date.
Default P&L Calc Adjust for Off Hire

Selects the Adjust Portion for Off Hire option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Default P&L Calc Apply Off Hire

Selects the Apply Off Hire/Waiting to Period option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Default P&L Calc Adjust for Waiting

Selects the Adjust Portion for Waiting Time option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Default P&L Calc Apply Ballast Bonus

Selects the Apply Ballast Bonus to Period option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Default P&L Calc Reconcile Bunkers

Selects the Reconcile Bunker ROB for Current Voyages option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Default P&L Calc Apply TC Bunker Adjustment

Setting this value determines the behavior of Apply TC Bunker Adjustment to Period P&L calculation option. There are two possible values:

  • N (default): Clears the check box by default; TC Bunker Adjustments are prorated based on voyage prorating logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. If the check box is selected, the calculation logic for Y is applied.
  • Y: Selects the check box by default; any TC Bunker Adjustments are applied to the correct period based on the operations ETA of delivery (TCO) or redelivery (TCI).

For Time Charter Out voyages, if the TCO contract is set to Bunkers on Consumption, the Bunker Adjustment will be allocated to the period containing the departure from the Z port.

Default P&L Calc Exclude Running Costs

Selects the Exclude Running Costs for Long Term TC/OV option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Show Running Cost

When enabled, forces the Voyage P&L to break out the daily costs or the TC Hire in a section called Running Cost, separate from the expenses. For an Own voyage, the daily expenses will appear. For a TCI or TCO voyage, the Hire will appear.

Voyacc Accrual Type

Enables an option to control the type of accrual items using Business Rules. There are five possible values:

  • Ops (default): No change in behavior for accruals; the items generated are set as configured in the Business Rules.
  • Act: New Business Rules are used for accruals. The items are grouped per their corresponding P&L accounts in the Business Rules (Accruals by Account). These are generated automatically upon opening the Business Rules form.
  • ActCounterparty: Same as Act, but the accruals are also itemized per vendor.
  • ActCounterpartyPort: Port expenses will be accrued on a separate line-item for each port and each counterparty, and all other items will be accrue per account and counterparty.
  • ActPort: Port expenses will be accrued on a separate line-item for each port and all other items will be accrued per account.

When set to a nondefault value, CFGVoyaccAccrualType adds a check box column to the Bill Viewer; to exclude a Bill Viewer row from Monthly Accruals, clear its check box.

Default P&L Calc Apply TC Expense

Setting this value determines the behavior of the Apply TC Expenses to Period P&L calculation option. There are two possible values:

  • N (default): Clears the check box by default; TCI and TCO Voyage Expenses, Hold Cleaning, and ILOHC items are prorated based on voyage prorating logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. If the check box is selected, the calculation logic for Y is applied.
  • Y: Selects the check box by default; 100% of TCI and TCO Voyage Expenses, Hold Cleaning, and ILOHC items is applied to P&L reporting period based on Invoice Date.
Default P&L Calc Accrue Linked Trades on Settlement

Selects the Accrue Linked Trades Upon Settlement option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.

Default P&L Calc Apply Bunker Consumption

Selects the Apply Bunker Consumption to Period option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Default Apply Other Rev Expense

Note: This flag should not be used if CFGAllocTCOMiscRevExpToPeriod is enabled. If the existing flag is already enabled, it will take precedence and setting CFGDefaultApplyOtherRevExp will have no effect. Disable CFGAllocTCOMiscRevExpToPeriod in order to use CFGDefaultApplyOtherRevExp.

Setting this value determines the behavior of the Apply Other Revenues/Expenses to Period P&L calculation option. There are four possible values:

  • PRORATE (default): Clears the check box by default; Lumpsum Other Revenues/Expenses are prorated based on voyage prorating logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. If the check box is selected, the calculation logic for INVOICEDATE is applied.
  • INVOICEDATE: Selects the check box by default; 100% of a Lumpsum Other Revenue/Expense amount is applied to P&L reporting period based on Invoice Date.
  • TCOINVOICEDATE: Selects the check box by default; 100% of Lumpsum Other Revenue/Expense amounts is applied to P&L reporting period based on Invoice Date, only for TCO voyages.
  • SERVICEDATE: Selects the check box by default; 100% of a Lumpsum Other Revenue/Expense amount is applied to P&L reporting period based on the service date of the Other Revenue/Expense invoice.
Default P&L Calc Apply Port Expenses

Setting this value determines the behavior of the Apply Additional Hire to Period P&L calculation option. There are two possible values:

  • N (default): Clears the check box by default; TC additional hire items are prorated based on voyage prorating logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. If the check box is selected, the calculation logic for Y is applied.
  • Y: Selects the check box by default; 100% of an XHIRE amount is allocated to period based on TCIP or TCOB Invoice Date.
Default P&L Calc Apply Additional TC Hire

Setting this value determines the behavior of the Apply Additional Hire to Period P&L calculation option. There are two possible values:

  • N (default): Clears the check box by default; TC additional hire items are prorated based on voyage prorating logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. If the check box is selected, the calculation logic for Y is applied.
  • Y: Selects the check box by default; 100% of an XHIRE amount is allocated to period based on TCIP or TCOB Invoice Date.
Default P&L Calc Exclude Long Term TCO Hire

When enabled, selects Exclude Hire Related Items for Long Term TCO by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Laytime Enable Period Allocation

Enables the Period Allocation form.

Default P&L Calc Apply Demurrage

When the Apply Demurrage to Period P&L calculation option appears on a form, its effect depends on the values of this flag and CFGDefaultPnlCalcAdjustForDemurrageDays.

There are three possible values for CFGDefaultPnlCalcApplyDemurrage:

  • PRORATE: Demurrage is prorated based on voyage proration logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. The Apply Demurrage to Period check box is cleared by default; if the check box is selected, the calculation logic for BYDAYS is applied.
  • FULL: The Apply Demurrage to Period check box is selected by default, and 100% of a demurrage amount is applied to the P&L reporting period.

  • BYDAYS: The Apply Demurrage to Period check box is selected by default, the amount of demurrage in the P&L reporting period is prorated. The prorata portion is calculated by the following logic: For each port call, Prorated Demurrage Amount = (Number of Demurrage Port Days within Period / Total Number of Demurrage Port Days in Voyage) × Demurrage Amount.

Default P&L Calc Adjust for Demurrage Days

When the Apply Demurrage to Period P&L calculation option appears on a form, its effect depends on the values of this flag and CFGDefaultPnlCalcApplyDemurrage.

When enabled, CFGDefaultPnlCalcAdjustForDemurrageDays adjusts the portion percentage for other P&L items based on the demurrage days in the period.

Default P&L Calc Adjust for Ballast Days

Selects the Adjust Portion for Ballast Days option by default on all forms that include P&L calculation options.
The option will apply when running P&L reports in the Report Designer using Voyage P&L table (except for records with Snapshot Type accrual).

Pool Use Default P&L Calc Options

When enabled, the default P&L calculation options are used when calculating pool distributions.

Pool Calc Options Effective Date

When set, only voyages which complete on or after the date will use the default P&L calculation options (provided CFGPoolUseDefaultPnlCalcOptions is also enabled).

Apply Adjust Portion for Ballast Days on VC Voyages
When enabled and the check box Adjust Portion for Ballast Days is selected, the check box logic extends to voyage types RELT, SPOT, and VCOV.
Default P&L Calc Apply Internal Freight Revenue

When enabled, the check box for Apply Internal Freight Revenue to Period is selected on the Monthly Accruals form by default. This will apply 100% of freight revenue to the period of the BL Date.

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