When you view an Estimate on the map, in addition to other view options, you can select options to minimize routing for ECA and Piracy zones, and you can edit its Itinerary to test various voyage scenarios.
Estimate information appears under the following headings:
- Estimate: Estimate Column view
- Map: The voyage route
- Itinerary: Ports, on cards
- Voyage Summary: Voyage days and distance calculations
To navigate to the previous
or next Estimate in the current Worksheet, click the arrows at the top of the Estimate column.To return to Estimate Details view, click at the top right.
Reading the Map
Hover information appears when you hold your mouse pointer over the map:
- On a port that is in the itinerary:
Port name, latitude, and longitude appear below it. - Anywhere on the map:
Latitude and longitude and map scale appear in the lower left corner of the map.
Icons on the Map
- Commencing Port:
- Intermediate Port:
- Terminating Port:
Creating an Itinerary
To create an itinerary in Estimates, add ports. Then adjust the itinerary as needed by deleting or changing the sequence of ports.
Adding a Port
To add a port, do the following:
- In the Enter a port field, start typing the name of a port and click it in the list that appears.
- To choose a port function, next to the port name in your itinerary, click
- Ballast
- Load
- Discharge
- Reposition
and then click one of the following:
As you add ports:
- The first port appears in the itinerary and on the map.
- A Voyage Summary appears below the itinerary.
- Additional ports add Via passage, Speed, Distance, Port Days, and Sea Days to the itinerary.
Adjusting the Itinerary
When you have entered all the ports, you can adjust the itinerary.
- Change sequence: Drag and drop a port in the itinerary.
- Delete: Drag the port off the itinerary.