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Invoicing & Payments 

When exists overlapping TC hires, if update hire related parameter for one line, the commission linked to the other hire line was calculated wrong. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46507


Demurrage & Claims 

Laytime Calculator form's title has been modified to include calculation ID (unique identifier for the calculation in the form) and underlying claim's ID.
Incremental laytime calculations will include both the original calculation ID and the last incremental one in the form's title.
Calculation ID can be used in the Report Designer ("Laytime" table, "Laytime ID" field) to report on a specific one.

Story EN-46436


Tasks & Alerts 

Webhook messages in the notification panel should now be displayed in the order they are received in the response.

Story EN-45906


Invoicing & Payments 

When multiple laytime_c demurrage invoices were linked to the same booking, it was not possible to pay their broker commissions one at a time. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-43955


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, presence of payment journals affected import of the invoices where the intercompany journals need to be created. This has been fixed.

Story EN-46922


Veslink Voyage Reporting IMOS Only

Fuel Zone data can now be accessed in report designer and form designer

Story EN-46763


Platform API 

Updates the Fairplay integration to set Vessel Type to Bulk when the fairplay vessel type contains the text "Dry Cargo"

Story EN-46897



The recently released feature of using "Vessel" as an External Data Source Root Form in Form Designer now supports a wider variety of fields within Onboard, including User Defined Fields.

Story EN-46915


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Uploading attachments too large for voyage instruction forms will now properly alert and prevent the user from doing so.

Story EN-46684


Invoicing & Payments 

Some protections to prevent PDA and FDA import data inconsistency have been added.

Bug EN-45779


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, there was a discrepancy between "Base amount" and "Amount" in TC Commission invoices because VAT was not applied to the "Amount". Now, this has been fixed.

Bug EN-45319


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Voyage instructions now sort on revision number correctly

Bug EN-44906


Data Center Settings 

The following configuration flags have been obsoleted: CFGActAPCodes, CFGActARCodes, CFGActAPARDigits, and CFGActUseLedgerCategories.

Story EN-44282


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

in veslink classic's /FormsAndVessels/Forms, users can now search for their forms

Story EN-46906


Invoicing & Payments 

Previously, off hire bunkers were not included in Time Charter Payments when off hire was set to lumpsum in the voyage. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-45166


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Resolved an issue where saving existing Voyage Instructions forms in form designer resulted in their data not displaying correctly when loaded in Voyage Manager

Bug EN-46879


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Resolved a rare scenario where approving forms returned "Unknown Error" when other forms associated with the same voyage had invalid data.

Bug EN-46828


Invoicing & Payments 

New configuration flag has been added CFGCreateICJournalsOnInvoiceImport:
Flag: CFGCreateICJournalsOnInvoiceImport
Description: When enabled, intercompany journals will be auto-generated when importing financials invoice and posting it with the intercompany set in the invoice details.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N

Story EN-46720


Invoicing & Payments 

The following elements have been added to VIP interface "invoice" notifications - both into notification XML and the schema (ImosAct.xsd):
- "intercompanyTransNo" element under the "invoice" element - corresponding to the "IC Trans No." field in the Transaction Data Entry form;
The following existing element in the "invoice" notifications can now be imported:
- invoice/invoiceDetails/intercompanyCode - corresponding to IC column in the Transaction Data Entry form' details grid;
- value in the element will be validated on import to ensure the same logic applies as in the TDE itself.

Story EN-46504


Voyage P&L 

Previously, when CFGUseTCInvoiceExchangeRateInVoyPNL config flag was disabled, invoice exchange rates are used in Bareboat Misc Expenses. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46104


Invoicing & Payments 

Period FX Adjustments form would sometimes produce invalid transaction numbers for the payments created in it. This has been fixed.

Story EN-46074


Messaging Service 

The following fields are now supported in Cargo import XML:
- planningPeriodFrom
- planningPeriodTo
- usePricingFromCOA

These new fields can be included, along with coaNo, to assign Cargoes and VC Ins to specific COA Planning Periods (with CFGEnableCOAPlanningPeriod), and to enable/disable the "Use Pricing from COA" checkbox per-lifting.

Story EN-43998


Chartering VIP & IMOS

Forward Analysis is now available on the Vessel Valuation. A configuration flag is required to view the analysis, and a schema upgrade is required to save it. The analysis projects expenses and earnings over 12 future periods for each vessel-estimate combination in the valuation.

Story EN-42077

tradehub-app-1.0.71488, focus-gateway-svc-1.0.71488, vessel-data-svc-1.0.71488, tradehub-api-1.0.71488, market-positions-svc-1.0.71488, 3-13-2023

Trade Hub VIP Only

IHS is no longer available as an AIS data source in Market Insights and Action Cargoes.

Story EN-46419

distances-svc-1.0.71435, 3-13-2023


The following ports had changes to their UN Code values:

Story EN-46742


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP & IMOS

Resolved an issue where Voyage Instructions emails with large attachments sometimes failed to send

Bug EN-46612


Voyage P&L 

When having overlapping invoiced hire IMOS would sometimes incorrectly calculate hire related voyage P&L. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-46508


Voyage P&L 

When having invoiced off-hire IMOS would sometimes incorrectly display "Uncovered Off Hire" in voyage P&L. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-46495


Journals VIP Only

Fixed an issue that caused the progress bar to load slower than it should on Voyage Period Journals.

Bug EN-45999


Demurrage & Claims 

A new configuration flag has been introduced to display Berth information in the Laytime Calculation form and its setup form for the cargo handling rows.
New Configuration Flag: CFGLaytimeEnableBerths
Description: When enabled, displays a column for Berth in the baseline Laytime Calculator Activities.
Hidden: False.
Data Type: Boolean.
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N

Story EN-44224



Previously, cargoes with bunker exposures using "Move Physical Bunker Exposure Ahead One Month“ trading profile flag was still being calculated using prior market rate. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-46270


Operations VIP Only

With schema update 391 and CFGEnableCiiCalc enabled, the Voyage Manager's Sustainability panel now shows AER and estimated CII rating for each Voyage.

Story EN-45737


Veslink Voyage Reporting 

Added support for "Vessel" as an External Data Source Root Form in the Veslink Data Dictionary. This allows creating custom fields in Form Designer which are pre-populated with vessel information. This is supported when opening the form in Onboard, Agent Portal, or Offline Forms.

When editing the settings of a form in Form Designer you can now select between Vessel and VoyageItinerary as the root form, which controls which fields can be used in the form.

Story EN-45665



Previously, monthly accruals incorrectly included bunkers for the wrong counterparty and these accruals kept accruing.
This issue would arise when using Model B Bunker Accounting, having a TCI with a Beneficiary, a TCOV voyage as Last TCI Voyage following a TCTO voyage running with bunkers not on consumption and where all redelivery bunkers are consumed on the TCTO voyage.

Bug EN-46581


Voyage P&L 

Previously VC In demurrage was incorrectly allocated in voyage P&L. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-46248


Demurrage & Claims 

In a M type port, if there are both loading and discharge cargo handling lines for the same cargo, we now display both load and discharge rows in the in the laytime setup form and calculation.

Story EN-44381


Chartering IMOS Only

Fixed an issue in Voyage Estimate that setting vessel speed from a webhook was not causing bunker consumption to update correctly.

Bug EN-46736


Demurrage & Claims 

A new configuration flag has been introduced to consolidate port tabs in Deduction mode of the Laytime calculation when multiple cargo handlings exist at a port.
New Configuration Flag: CFGConsolidateLaytimeTabs
Description: When enabled, each portcall will have a single tab in the laytime calculator, where activities and deductions for all cargoes handled at that port will be listed. Cargo ID fields are available in the activities and deductions grids to indicate when a particular activity or deduction should only apply to some of the cargoes handled at that port. Leaving the Cargo ID field blank in these grids indicates that the activity or deduction applies to all cargoes handled at the port.
Hidden: False.
Data Type: Boolean.
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N

Story EN-46489



Added a new flag called Apply TC Rebills to Period on the Monthly Accruals form. When this flag is enabled on the Monthly Accruals form, any un-invoiced TC Rebill line items will be recognized in the month of the accounting date of the original expense item when that expense is posted. When the original expense is not yet posted, the TC Rebill item will be recognized in the month of the invoice date of the original expense item. When the configuration flag CFGDefaultPnlCalcApplyTCRebill is enabled, this flag will be checked off by default.

Story EN-45460

3-6-2023, tradehub-api-1.0.70749, focus-gateway-svc-1.0.70073, tradehub-app-1.0.71074

Trade Hub VIP & IMOS

The Environment Rating Verification has been added to the Vessel Vetting table, requiring a schema update, and is now saved in the RightShip scheduled task. This field specifies whether the GHG Rating returned has been verified by RightShip, or can be set to N/A for other environmental ratings. This field is also visible within the RightShip Safety Data widget for the Vessel Details panel in Market Insights and Action Cargoes, displayed alongside the GHG Rating. In addition, the RightShip Safety Score now indicates that it is scored out of 5 possible points within the Safety Data widget.

Story EN-46129

distances-svc-1.0.70218, 3-6-2023, optimizer-svc-1.0.70218



Story EN-46536


Agent Portal 

additional parameter to the /v1/agent/portcall/{companyCode} API, lastModifiedDateTime, which only returns portcalls that were updated after the specified date

Story EN-42726


Invoicing & Payments 

In the Claim form, the CP Reference and Reference No. fields are now not modifiable if a Claim invoice has been made.

Bug EN-44651


Operations VIP Only

A crash that could potentially occur during TCOV voyage creation has been fixed.

Bug EN-46682



Previously, scheduling a TCOV tow voyage from a fixture could be prevented with an incorrect error regarding a missing contract. This is now fixed.

Bug EN-41887

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