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The Claims module supports custom Claims of types other than Demurrage. Rather than being an invoice, a Claim is like an envelope for invoices, which you review and post individually.

To use Claims, set up the following forms:

Claim List

Note: You must have the Claim List Module Right selected, under Quick Links in Operations.

The Claim List contains all Claims that you have the right to view. 

  • On the main menu , under Operations, next to Claim, click List.

  • In the Operations quick links, click .


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Note: You must have the Claim Module Right selected, under Claims in Operations.


  • On the Claim List, click .

  • On the main menu , under Operations, click Claim.

You can work on the Claim or Invoices tab.

Claim Tab

On the Claim tab, you can manage Claim details and log Claim Actions.


  • Select the Counterparty and enter at least the Date Sent/Received.

    • The Counterparty determines the default transaction type (AP or AR), although it can be changed.

      • Owner = AP: You have a contract with the owner to use the vessel, and if demurrage is incurred, you will have to pay the owner.

      • Charterer or Receiver = AR: You will be billing this to them to recoup the cost paid to the owner.

    • When a Claim is an AP, you can select a Rebill Option. Rebillable invoices appear on the Voyage Expenses Rebill Management form.

    • When a Rebill Claim is created for an internal counterparty:

      • Claim Status is Settled by default.

      • Analyst field is copied from the AP (Rebill) claim; if there are multiple AP (Rebill) invoices, the Analyst field is left empty in the resulting Rebill Claim.

      • Agreed Amount is set equal to the Original Claim Amount.

      • Date Settled is the date the rebill is created.

  • CP Reference: Select a contract type or Stand Alone. For Claims associated with a contract:

    • Reference No.: Select a Voyage FixtureTC InTC Out, Service Contract, FOB CargoCargo, or VC In ID.

      • If the contract is scheduled, Claim Invoices appear on the voyage Invoices panel for the reference Vessel/Voyage.

      • After an FOB Cargo Claim is saved, it appears on the FOB Cargo Existing Claims grid.

    • Port: Select from ports in the contract itinerary.

  • Currency: Defaults according to these rules:

    Claim CP ReferenceDefault Claim Currency
    FixtureCurrency of Fixture Company
    TC In, TC OutCurrency of TC
    Service, Stand AloneExisting Default
    Cargo, FOB Cargo, VC InCurrency of the Contract

  • In the Out of Pocket field, you can enter a claim amount withheld from freight. This field is for reference only and does not impact any other fields in the Veson IMOS Platform.

  • Follow-Up Date is used to alert analysts when follow-up is required. Field will be automatically populated with today's date plus Follow-Up days, as defined in the Claim Actions form. If there is no days defined, today's date will be used.

  • In the Claim Action Log, you can click to add a line at the top and select Claim Actions that describe the actions taken.

  • To begin processing the claim, change the Claim Status to In Progress.

  • When you save the Claim, a Claim ID is assigned. Claims are numbered according to the following scheme:
    For example: CL-2013-000001

Invoices Tab

On the Invoices tab, you can create multiple Claim Invoices for a Claim. You can also add links to Related Invoices, for example, if there are expenses for processing the claim, and to Related Claims.
