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Configuration flag CFGUseVoyestVoyageDeviation enables the Deviation Estimate functionality. |
With a Deviation Estimate, you can create a snapshot Estimate and evaluate how changes to a voyage itinerary affect the P&L. A Deviation Estimate cannot be fixed.
Creating a Deviation Estimate
On the Voyage Manager toolbar, click Deviation ▼ and then click Create New.
When a new Deviation Estimate is created, a snapshot of the Voyage P&L is taken, and an Estimate opens in a new tab with all voyage information populated. A Deviation Estimate is indicated by a highlighted Estimate ID field, with a tooltip in the Details view showing the linked vessel/voyage and the snapshot date and time.
The initial version of the Deviation Estimate is saved, and the P&L Summary fields are
uneditablenot editable and populated with values calculated by the following formula:
P&L snapshot + (P&L of the current Estimate - P&L of the initial Deviation Estimate related to the snapshot)The snapshot can
bebe accessed from the Voyage P&L panel.
Any Bareboat costs (hire and
miscmiscellaneous costs) for the Estimate's period are translated to an average Daily Rate and added to the vessel's Daily Cost.
XADDCOMM applies to total vessel expenses, including Bareboat, even if XADDCOMM is not in the Bareboat contract.
To open a Deviation Estimate, click
Deviation ▼ and then click Open Existing.
You can also open a set of Deviation Estimates
that arebased on the same voyage snapshot.
Info |
Any changes made later to the Deviation Estimate will not be reflected in the snapshot that was taken when the deviation estimate was created. |
Importing Cargoes from a Deviation Estimate to a Voyage
From a Deviation Estimate, you can create Cargoes and link them to the voyage.
Open the voyage and create a Deviation Estimate.
In the Deviation Estimate, add one or more Cargoes.
On the Deviation Estimate column
or details menu... or details Menu ▼, click Add Deviation Cargoes to Voyage.
The Cargoes are added to the voyage, with their load and discharge ports included at the end of the itinerary.
Deviation Baseline Estimate
Upon creating When you create a new Deviation Estimate, a Deviation Baseline Estimate will also be created by the system with a different estimate Estimate ID. Deviation Baseline Estimates cannot be edited or deleted and can be identified by the red lock icon in on the toolbar.: