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Info |
Configuration flag CFGMultiDemRate |
enables demurrage rates that change during the time on demurrage. |
You can create multiple Laytime Calculations that use different Demurrage/Despatch rate tablesRate tables. If the rate table differs between the load and discharge port, two separate calculations must be created.
You can use this form with Demurrage on Account, which supports incremental invoicing for demurrage over the life of a voyage for the discharging port.
To set up multiple demurrage ratesDemurrage Rates, right-click a port in a Laytime Calculation and then click Demurrage/Despatch Rates.
Enter Up to (days)Days and Demurrage and Despatch Rates.
Rules for calculating:
If this form is populated, the rates entered here supersede whatever is entered in the port line for the entire laytime.
If only one
demurrage rateDemurrage Rate is defined, it is used for the whole period.
If a rate is defined with the highest
Up to daysDays less than the demurrage time, that rate is used for all extra time.
In the example above, the following rates are applied:
1 day5 days =
610 days =
(even though it says up to 2 days; there is no higher amount)- Total = $130K
Stepped Demurrage Rates
With Demurrage on Account, Laytime Calculations support Stepped Demurrage Rates. Stepped rates are automatically copied to the next calculation. The following setup is required:
- Configuration flag CFGEnableDemurrageOnAccount is enabled.
- Cargo/VC In Pricing Tab:
- Demurrage On Account is selected.
- Billing Days have been entered.
- Demurrage On Account Basis has been selected (Defaults to Demurrage Days).
- Reversible is selected.
- New Laytime Calculation Setup:
- Reversible is selected (default when selected on the Cargo).
- All ports are selected and included in the Laytime Calculation.
- Laytime Calculation:
- On Account is selected.
Add stepped rates to a Laytime Calculation before importing Port Activities. In the first on account calculation, right-click a port in a Laytime Calculation and click Demurrage/Despatch Rates.
When you save a subsequent calculation, stepped rates are automatically copied from the previous calculation.
Next 15 days and beyond = $3K/day
Demurrage/despatch amount for the calculation is calculated for each port individually based on this setup - then summed up.
The average demurrage (or despatch - whichever applies to the port) rate for each port - based on this setup and the balance days at the port - is displayed in the Dem Rate/D and Des Rate/D columns in the Laytime Calculation's itinerary grid accordingly.
For example:
let's say, our calculation has the loading port NEW YORK - with 7 demurrage days balance - and the discharging port BOSTON with 17 days demurrage days balance.
demurrage amount for the calculation - based on the example setup above - will be:
NEW YORK demurrage amount will be: 5*1,000 + 2*2,000 = $9,000
BOSTON demurrage amount will be: 5*1,000 + 10*2,000 + 2*3,000 = $31,000
Total demurrage for our calculation is $40,000.