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For some clients, the IMOS Company Code is a mandatory field that is critical for correct operations and financial records and should not be omitted. In order to accommodate many different business structures, IMOS offers many different several ways to default the IMOS Company Code field throughout the system. Depending on your workflow, you may want to choose one set of configuration flags over another in order to ensure the correct defaulting.

Default Company on the Voyage Manager

The default company on the


Voyage Manager populates in the Company field when the voyage is first scheduled. Once the default company is populated, it can be manually edited


but will


no longer be


subject to


changes to its source




When the voyage is scheduled:

  1. When there is a Cargo Fixture/TCO


  1. Fixture,


  1. the first source for the Company is the Cargo Fixture/TCO


  1. Fixture.
  2. When there is


  1. no Cargo Fixture/TCO Fixture or the Company on the Cargo/TCO Fixture is empty:
    • If CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect  = Y, the default company is


    • sourced from the


    • Head Fixture/TCI


Default Company on Voyage Estimate

IMOS follows this logic to default the company on a Voyage Estimate:


    • Fixture.
    • If CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect = N, the default company is empty.
  1. When there is no Cargo Fixture/TCO Fixture or the Company on the Cargo/TCO/TCI/Head Fixture is empty:
    • If CFGAssignDefaultCompanyOnVoyage = Y, the default company is sourced from the Vessel details.
    • If CFGAssignDefaultCompanyOnVoyage = N, the default is empty.

The default Company is determined using the following hierarchy of sources:

  1. Selling Fixture
  2. Buying Fixture
  3. Vessel

IMOS only tracks down the hierarchy if the corresponding flags are enabled.

Default Company on Voyage Estimates

When a new Voyage Estimate is created, the Company field will always default to the default estimate template (.TDEFAULT).

When nominating a vessel on the Voyage Estimate:

  • If CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect = Y, IMOS will use the Company from the TCI Fixture (If the vessel is a TC vessel).
  • If CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect = N and CFGDefaultCompanyFromVessel = Y, IMOS will use the Company from the Vessel set to Nominated Vessel.
  • If both flags are enabled, then IMOS will first lookup the Company from the TCI Fixture; if empty, IMOS will lookup the Company from the Vessel details.

Default Company on



IMOS follows this logic to default the company on a Cargo:


  • If CFGDefaultCompanyFromVessel = Y


  • , IMOS will use the Company from the Vessel set to Nominated Vessel


  • .
  • If CFGDefaultCompanyFromVessel = N and CFGDefaultCompanyOnCargoImport = Y, IMOS will use whichever company is part of the cargo message XML.

Default Company on Time



IMOS follows this logic to default the company on a Time Charter:


If CFGDefaultCompanyFromVessel = Y


, IMOS will use the Company from the Vessel set to Nominated Vessel.

PriorityConfig FlagObjects Affected CFGDefaultCompanyVoyage Manager      




- CFGDefaultCompany is indeed used to determine the company to be used on a newly-created voyage.

- However, CFGDefaultCompany appears to be the last level of fallback if none of the other ways of determining the default company work, i.e., there are several other methods of determining the default company whichtakeprecedence over CFGDefaultCompany.  These include the company of the various contracts linked to the voyage (TCI, TCO, COA, Cargo, etc.) and the company of the Vessel.  Some flags involved in this are CFGUseVtypeCompany, CFGUseContractCompany, and CFGRequireCompanyMatchForInvoice.

- There does not appear to be any mechanism for defaulting the company on cargoes or estimates.

- As a note, CFGUseContractCompany appears to make Company a required field on most contracts.


Jonathan, if you have seen anything that contradicts the above, let me know.  However, assuming the above is correct, it seems to me that there's no way to describe this functionality within the name of the config flag itself.  I think the answer must lie in providing better documentation of Voyage Manager's Company field.  The documentation page that touches on the VoyMan Company field is here, and doesn't address any of this at present:

Let me know if you agree that updating the documentation is the way to go.  Notifying Judy for her information.
Related Configuration Flags

Name/FlagDescriptionForms Affected

Assign Default Company on Voyage

When enabled, if a default company cannot be derived from linked contracts when creating a voyage, the default company on the voyage will be set and displayed based on the vessel's company information.

Voyage Manager
Default Company from Vessel

When selecting a vessel on a contract, if no Company has been assigned on the contract, it will default to the Company specified on the vessel.

  • If the Vessel is changed in an Estimate, the Company field will be the Company of TC In/Head Fixture or Vessel, based on the values of CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect and CFGDefaultCompanyFromVessel.
  • If the Vessel is not changed, but the TC In/Head Fixture is changed, the Company field will change accordingly, also respecting the value of CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect.
Cargo, TC In, Voyage Estimate
Default Company on TCI Select

When selecting a TC In Fixture to be used for a Voyage or Voyage Estimate, if no Company has been selected, the Company on the selected TC In Fixture will be used.

  • If the Vessel is changed in an Estimate, the Company field will be the Company of TCI/Head Fixture or Vessel, based on the values of CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect and CFGDefaultCompanyFromVessel.
  • If the Vessel is not changed, but the TC In/Head Fixture is changed, the Company field will change accordingly, also respecting the value of CFGDefaultCompanyOnTciSelect.
Voyage Manager, Voyage Estimate

Page Properties

AuthorJonathan McLean
Latest ContributorTerry Gao
Latest ReviewerLaura Burns