Versions Compared


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Recent changes to the Port Advance/DA List have been rolled back so that performance problems can be investigated.
Story EN-40904


System Performance Desktop Only

Fixed an issue where upgrading a IMOS v7.10 (or earlier) database to IMOS v7.11 could result in reported schema differences and an incomplete upgrade.
Bug EN-40848


Distances & Maps

Avoided load lines zones are now drawn as overlays on the Distances map.
Story EN-39469


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users can now submit multiple forms in a single email
Story EN-40890


Distances & Maps

New port added: Ham (Belgium)
Story EN-40613


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users can no longer select Local gmt offsets on custom form tables when vessel is "In Transit" or "At Sea"
Story EN-38721


Demurrage & Claims

The Claims List now shows vessel names as they appear on the voyage that generated the claim, so even if a vessel's name is edited the claims list and voyage will show the same vessel name.
Bug EN-38138



Time Charter Estimates will now properly import CVEs from the base TC and will apply time dependent CVEs correctly in the Misc Expenses section of the estimate's P&L calculations.
Story EN-36687


Distances & Maps

Port Worldwide's country value corrected to "No Country"
Story EN-40850


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Fixed a bug where the link to retrieve the last bunker ROBs was missing in offline Noon Reports.
Bug EN-40817


Distances & Maps

New port added: CORAL SUL FLNG (Mozambique)
Story EN-40638



The CVE grid of the TC form now supports Currency, Exchange Rate, and Exchange Rate Date fields.
CVE rates are stored in the currency assigned to them, and are available to be reported upon.
Mirroring works correctly.
Story EN-40410


Chartering VIP Only

Previously, PortLog cards would not be displayed if PortLog returned an error. Now, PortLog cards display the error message and a suggested course of action when an error occurs.
Story EN-40361



Previously, when the Trading Profile "Display ROB Based on Future Scheduling" sub-flag was disabled and there was a future scheduled voyage, ROB exposure for the commenced voyage was not displayed in the Trade Details List. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-40173


Messaging Service

The Vessel import interface has been expanded to make NBOG Speed Laden, NBOG Speed Ballast, FOE Conversion, and Active for Veslink available to be imported.
Story EN-39797


Distances & Maps

Distances service has been edited in the region around the Cape of Good Hope so that routes will follow the Traffic Separation Scheme in the area.
Bug EN-38790


Operations VIP Only

Previously, Port Advance/DA List in Operations wasn't applying certain filters, including “Final Inv No.” and “Adv Amount". The issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-37509


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users can now submit multiple Veslink forms in a single email
Story EN-34728


Trading VIP Only

Previously, Trading Summary list in VIP timed out if certain Grouping parameters were set. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40641



With CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable and CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms enabled, the "Operations Invoice FX Date Default Rules" will have additional Invoice Detail options to apply to Time Charter Payments and Bills for defaulting exchange rate date.
Story EN-40517


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Users with access to all forms will now automatically have the same access (view, submit, resubmit, etc) to all new forms created in Veslink Voyage Reporting
Story EN-40214


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Forms list now has a form errors column for displaying comma-separated form errors.
Story EN-40099



Previously, Time Charter payments or bills that had a mirrored contract and included an off-hire item could not be created or saved. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39790



In the Voyage P&L Report, when reporting from a P&L Snapshot, fixed an issue where the values displayed for Port Days and Sea Days would incorrectly display the current values from the associated voyage instead of the dates recorded in the snapshot.
Bug EN-39665


Trade Hub

Bug EN-40670


Operations VIP Only

A new filter "Updates" is available in the Ops Hub Cargo and Voyage views. When the option "Show Unpublished" is selected for this filter, only objects with unpublished updates display. When the option "Show All" is selected, this filter has no effect.
Story EN-40486


Trade Hub VIP Only

Allow vessel search using IMO numbers in Trade Hub. New caching added to improve load times in Trade Hub.
Story EN-40477



Fixed an issue where in certain cases UpdateVoyage messages completing a voyage would add incorrect port activities to the commenced consecutive voyage.
Bug EN-39863


Trade Hub

An issue related to persisting line colors on the Market Data Comparison charts has been fixed.
Story EN-35998



Previously, saving a Voyage linked to mirrored TCI or TCO contracts multiple times without reloading could result in incorrect error messages stating that a linked contract had been edited since last read. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40307


Veslink Voyage Reporting

The newly added formErrors property of the API endpoint now returns a string array of error messages.
Story EN-40466



Fixes an issue where on voyages with off hire, CVE costs sometimes did not appear as expected on the Time Charter SOA Recap.
Bug EN-39591


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Fixed a crash submitting Statement of Facts forms created in Form Designer which did not have a Gmt Offset field.
Bug EN-40754


P&L & Accruals

Previously non-intercompany business rules were used for P&L items associated with internal counterparty.
This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-40752



With this fix, when selecting an Account on Journal Entries and TDE screens, Description should be showing the name of the Account as defined in the Chart of Accounts.
Bug EN-39831



Previously, multi-currency TC's did not support incremental invoices.
Now, they do support incremental invoices. An incremental invoice offsets only the preceding invoices issued in the same currency.
Story EN-39621



Previously, when the configuration flag, CFGAllocateBunkersToVoy, was enabled and the sum of Bunker adjustments was zero, then Voyage Period Journals continuously detected a difference after posting. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-39466



A Voyage's Fuel Cons Mode is now available in Report Designer.
Bug EN-36505


Distances & Maps

New port added: Acarau (Brazil)
Story EN-40689



Multi-currency Time Charter invoices will now default the remittance bank correctly when one is specified in the Time Charter contract's Other Info tab. Additionally, regardless of multi-currency being enabled, if there is only one remittance bank with the invoice's currency in the counterparty's address book, then it will be defaulted.
Bug EN-40295



HTML modified by custom Javascript in the report preview is now properly set when selecting the "Save as PDF" option.
Story EN-38140


Veslink Voyage Reporting

In Report Designer, Veslink Forms now have Approved By and Approval Date columns.
Story EN-38088


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Simplified the process for importing form definitions with the Veslink Voyage Reporting Forms & Vessels "Import Forms" button
Story EN-40665


Distances & Maps

New port added: Moriusaq (Greenland)
Story EN-40552



Previously, a combination of Exposure Days entered in TC contract and Start Month setting for such exposure could result in Trade Details list calculating exposure days that exceeded remaining days on the contract. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40320



New configuration flag CFGEnableCurrencyInBusinessRules has been added.
Description: When enabled, a new dimension is added to the Business Rules for Currency. When a currency is selected on a business rule, the matching account will be applied only when this currency is used for the specific Source Code and Bill Code of an invoice. When an invoice is generated that match the Source Code and Bill Code, but do not match the Currency value defined in the rule, then the rule will not be utilized and it will default back to the business rule for the Source Code and Bill Code where the Currency is not defined.

Type: Boolean
Default: False
Requires database version 35.7
Story EN-40303


Financials VIP Only

New configuration flag CFGActRequireRemBankOnApproval has been added:
Description: VIP only flag. When enabled, if a remittance bank has not yet been selected on an invoice, when a user tries to approve it, they will be advised as such and directed to add one. The invoice will not be able to be approved until a remittance bank has been added.
Data Type: String
Default Value: N
Story EN-39876



Previously, Bunker Consumption on a Reposition leg of a voyage was not included in Cargo/VC-In exposure for contracts using Benchmark Estimate exposure method. Cargoes had to have multiple Load/Discharge ports and the Trading Profile Flag, “Overwrite Itinerary on Benchmark Estimate”, enabled. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-39278


Trade Hub

When opening an Estimate from Trade Hub, the associated Open Port and Date will now populate in VIP, along with the default Opr Type of TCOV.
Story EN-36744


Demurrage & Claims

Manually adding Nor Tendered Activities now updates the Nor date on a laytime calculation.
Bug EN-36153


Distances & Maps

UN Codes updated for multiple ports
Bug EN-40220


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users can now delete rejected forms except in Agent Portal, Onboard, or Offline
Story EN-40097


Demurrage & Claims

When mirroring demurrage invoices, excluding address commission in the primary invoice will now exclude address commission in the mirrored invoice.
Bug EN-39913


Fleet Map

Deprecated map-view option from Forms workspace
Story EN-37934



New configuration flag:
Flag: CFGAlwaysSaveAccountCodeInSnapshotStrict
Description: When enabled, controls the behavior of CFGAlwaysSaveAccountCodeInSnapshot so that account codes are only output if there is an operations ledger match.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N
Bug EN-40582


Distances & Maps

Port 12N Guard RV Point updated to routing port
Story EN-40481


Distances & Maps

New port added: Vieste (Italy)
Story EN-40426


Distances & Maps

UN code corrected for port Taicang
Story EN-40261


Distances & Maps

Route updated between points to avoid land region around the Bahamas
Bug EN-38651



The Scheduling workspace no longer has its own separate license, and is included as one of the default workspaces in the "Chartering" license
Story EN-37235



Previously, Reconcile Bunker ROB for Current Voyages calculation option was not supported when calculating Voyage P&L basis saved snapshots. This has been fixed.
Story EN-40183


Veslink Voyage Reporting

It is now possible to add file attachments to all submitted forms in Veslink Voyage Reporting through a new "Add Attachment" button.
Story EN-39989


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Fixes a bug where ending a partnership didn't remove shared resources between two companies.
Bug EN-33516



Logouts from VIP are now added to the s4audit table.
Story EN-40332



Users can now select the column "Charterer" in Cargo Book Workspace
Story EN-30725


Distances & Maps

Fixed an issue where "ECA - CHINA" fuel zone configuration would incorrectly take priority over new "ECA - HAINAN" fuel zone.
Bug EN-40565



When using multi-currency hire on TCs, fixed an issue where manual mirroring of invoices could leave the invoice currency empty in new mirrored invoices, thus preventing saving of the invoice.
Bug EN-40439



Previous, Trading P&L Summary could display an additional column on VIP compared to IMOS depending on system's time zone. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39579


P&L & Accruals

A new built in report has been added to Voyage Manager's Reports dropdown: Mirrored Voyage Profit & Loss. The report will only appear on voyages that are mirrored, via cargo contracts, either from or to another voyage. It displays the Source and Mirrored voyage P&L categories side-by-side. For categories that the two voyages have in common, a variance is displayed for each P&L column (Estimate, Actual, and Posted). For categories unique to one voyage or the other, the variance is blank.
Story EN-38732



Full/Partial rebilled bunkers are now included in the TCO Hire Statement when the CFGEnableTcoBunkerOnOwner flag is enabled.
Story EN-24206



Previously, when posting some existing non-base currency Freight invoices, the posted invoice base amount on TDE screen was showing the wrong value. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40543


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

In VVR Forms, validation wasn’t properly handling all Date/Time fields with a GmtOffsetLink, focusing solely on the datetime fields within port activities.

Date/Time and Port Activity fields now have the same GMT Offset, when linked to the GMT Offset Dropdown in the form.
Bug EN-40248


Security & User Mgmt

Previously, user with R (read-only) or W (read-write) rights for Voyage P&L Snapshot Manager could add, update, and remove snapshots. This issue has been fixed, and user with R (read-only) right are not able to execute any action, and user with W (read-write) right are only able to execute add and update actions but not remove.
Bug EN-39868



Previously, the Security/User Group Report in the Security List was only available in IMOS. Now, VIP users have access to the Security User/Group Report in the Security List Workspace.
Story EN-28212


Trade Hub

The small scrollbar that appears on the end of cards in Action Cargoes results in Tradehub has been removed.
Story EN-40558


Trade Hub

The search for vessels button is now disabled within the Tradehub Laycan Target workflow when the Load Port or Laycan Range filters do not have values. Similarly, the Market Positions API will return an error when a request is sent with only the Load Port or only the Laycan Range included without the other.
Story EN-39369

k8s-1-11-2022, 1-7-2022


Added "initialEstimate" and "exposureMethod" fields to applyUpdateCargo mutation.
Story EN-39854


Ops Hub VIP Only

* Load time of the Voyage and Cargo Views in the Ops Hub has been improved.
* Previously, when there were unpublished changes to a cargo, the corresponding card in the Ops Hub Cargo Views would display a badge with the number of fields whose current value differed from the value in the last published update. Now, a badge will display with the relative time of the last published update (for example, "two days ago"). Hovering the mouse over the badge will show a tooltip with the full timestamp.
* Previously, publishing the latest version of a cargo would sometimes not clear the unpublished updates badge in the Cargo Views. Now, the badge should no longer display when the latest version of the cargo has been published.
Story EN-39910


Tasks & Alerts

Fixed an issue where editing "STS Vessel" in Voyage Manager Operations Overview would not immediately trigger recalculation of Tasks & Alerts.
Bug EN-40407


P&L & Accruals

Previously, with CFGAlwaysSaveAccountCodeInSnapshot enabled, account ledger code for TC invoices with source/billcode TCIP/OWNEX were not populating when an associated business rule existed. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39925


Demurrage & Claims

The demurrage allocation form will now use the largest remainder method when allocating amounts by percentages. This will ensure the total allocated demurrage amount will always match the total available demurrage amount when the allocation percentage equals 100%.
Bug EN-38292


P&L & Accruals

Previously, no Bunker ROB entries were recorded in the Monthly Accrual Journal when "Reconcile Bunker ROB for Current Voyages" is checked after running accruals. This issue has been fixed, and Bunker ROB entries are now properly recorded in the Monthly Accrual Journal.
Bug EN-40518



Added two new options in the Cargo and COA contract forms' Extra Freight Term grids when CFGEnableExtraFrtRateScaleTable is enabled called Choose Scale Table and Edit Scale Table. The Choose Scale Table option allows the user to select a specific scale table to apply to the Extra Freight Term line on the contract while the Edit Scale Table option will open the Rate Table form for the line item where the user can make changes if they have the necessary security permissions.
Story EN-38553



Resolved an issue where scrolling down the onboard attachment list caused the delete icon to misalign
Bug EN-40340



In the past, with `CFGEnableMultiCurrencyTCContracts` enabled, when there was only one currency to choose, the time charter payment/bill forms required the user to manually choose this single currency.
Now, the above forms select the single available currency automatically, without requiring user interaction.
Bug EN-40293


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Location now shows up as a field for Veslink Forms in Report Designer
Bug EN-39984


Chartering VIP Only

You can now see the Terminal Name and Terminal Score fields in voyage estimate Portlog cards. In addition, the size of the Portlog cards now changes to fit the text within, and the text is darker to increase readability.
Story EN-39974



With configuration flags CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTableenabled, the form "Operations Invoice FX Date Default Rules" will be available in the Financials menu , under Setup. This allows for defaulting the exchange rate date on different invoice types and different invoice details at the Operations invoice level. The Defaulting Rules will apply to Time Charter Payment, Time Charter Bill, Bareboat Invoice and Bunker Invoice forms. Requires security permission.
Full functionality also requires CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms, CFGAddExchDatetoBareboatPayment and CFGInvDetailExchangeRate to be enabled.
Story EN-39232
