Versions Compared


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Invoicing & Payments

Transaction Data Entry and Journal forms did not correctly update total amount values when adding/deleting invoice detail lines. This has been fixed.
Story EN-39427


Invoicing & Payments

Previously, with CFGAutoGenerateTCComms enabled and broker payment method "Deduct From Hire", when a series of Incremental Invoices spans two hire periods, the TC Commission Payment is incorrect. This issue has been fixed.
Story EN-39722


Data Center Settings

Time charters will now maintain a vessel name record instead of using the current vessel name stored in the database.
Story EN-39995


Previously, when new discharge port was added to the Benchmark Estimate itinerary, Trade Details list did not reflect a new TCE rate for the Cargo contract linked to that estimate. This has been fixed.

Story EN-40055



The field weatherFactorPercentage has been added to the applyUpdateEstimate API endpoint for both the estimate itself and for individual estimateItineraries records.
Story EN-40833


Data Lake

The OperationsInvoice.InvoiceReference field has been added to Datalake.
Story EN-40788


Security & User Mgmt

Using < or > in passwords no longer causes runtime errors.
Bug EN-40172


Security & User Mgmt

Read Only type users in VIP can be given Read Only permissions to View Forms. Veslink rights now use the green checkmark instead of the "R" even if the use is in read only mode.
Bug EN-35823


Ops API VIP Only

In the UpdateVoyage message, fixed an issue where messages could not be processed if oprQty is specified and multiple bunker liftings exist at the portcall.
Bug EN-41140


Distances & Maps

30 new ports have been added to Distances.
Story EN-40930


Invoicing & Payments

With CFGUseTCInvoiceExchangeRateInVoyPNL enabled, multiple Actual Voyage PNL's Bareboat hires were not listed when there were varying invoice exchange rates. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39923



When CFGAllocateBunkersToVoy is enabled with bunkers on consumption and bunkers were received on a TCTO voyage with zero price, then the bunkers would not transfer to the next voyage. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-39455


Operations VIP Only

In the Datacenter's Standard Paragraph section, allow entering multiline Full Text in VIP.
Story EN-37687



When an exchange rate date is edited for either a TC Hire or CVE, the exchange rate will be updated to match the new date
Bug EN-40844


Invoicing & Payments

Previously, when using the CFGActItemizeAdvanceCredit configuration flag, PDA offset lines in FDA invoice did not use correct PDA business rules. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40187



Previously, when the trading profile flag, "Exclude Out-of-Money Physical Trades In Our Favor", was enabled, Index-linked TCI contracts with daily pricing on an optional lifting were being displayed in the Trading P&L Summary page even when the contract was "Out of the Money". This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-39741


Voyage P&L

Previously, using reverse top-off setting on the Cargo contract, in case of multiple cargo handlings for the same cargo on the voyage, resulted in incorrect freight amount in Freight invoice and Voyage P&L. This has been fixed. This fix requires proper setting of BL codes of relevant cargo handling lines.
Bug EN-41119



In preparation for future regulatory carbon pricing schemes in the maritime industry, the Voyage Estimate now displays the effects of C02 pricing in the estimated P&L as additional lines. These lines include the total CO2 Cost, a CO2 adjusted Profit and a CO2 adjusted TCE. This data is driven by existing CO2 emission information and new CO2 pricing fields in the Bunker planning form. This feature requires schema version 360 and enabling CFGEnableCO2Pricing. Defaulting the CO2 pricing fields can be done via CFGCO2DefaultCurrency and CFGCO2DefaultPrice.
Story EN-40676



With this fix, Exposure Days for TC contracts with index linked hire should be correctly calculated and presented.
Bug EN-39583



Before, Voyage P&L closing snapshots did not store calculation options correctly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39245


Invoicing & Payments

Previously, with CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms enabled, the Amount field for line items in TC payments could not be edited if the line item exchange rate/date was edited. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39123


Invoicing & Payments

Delete button in the Other Revenue/Expense form did not work as expected. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-32801


Distances & Maps

New port added: BOSTCO (United States)
Story EN-41174


Operations VIP Only

Previously, Port Advance/DA List in Operations wasn't applying certain filters, including “Final Inv No.” and “Adv Amount". The issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-41086


Distances & Maps

New port added: Sand hills
Story EN-40993


Distances & Maps

2 new ports added: Goree and Ndiago
Story EN-40951


Distances & Maps

Story EN-40945


Distances & Maps

New port added: Comilog Thranshipment Anchorage (Gabon)
Story EN-40901


Distances & Maps

Port Name: "Dilli" corrected to "Dili" and UN code changed to TLDIL
Story EN-40861


Invoicing & Payments

With this fix, IMOS should correctly pick up Outturn Weight in the Freight Invoice when there are multiple cargoes
Bug EN-39367


Invoicing & Payments

Previously, inactive ledger expense setup codes incorrectly appeared in the Other Revenue and Expenses sub code selection list. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39034


Distances & Maps

New region: St Lawrence Seaway added and existing region Montreal Seaway updated to be more specific
Story EN-34887


Analytics VIP Only

Report designer used not to show the selected Template on the first load. The issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-32806


Invoicing & Payments VIP Only

In Freight Invoice, fixed an issue where the "Include Commission" checkbox could not be clicked.
Bug EN-41132



With this fix, when CFGActDefaultPeriodJournalsAccountingDateToInvoiceDate flag is enabled, Lease Cost in VPJ items should follow the invoice date.
Bug EN-40182


Invoicing & Payments

The XML for Final Freight Statement now carries desired company.
Bug EN-39928


Veslink Voyage Reporting

The Address Book List create link and edit link list actions under the Veslink Link column are now supported in VIP, to support associating a Veslink partner with an Address Book record.
Story EN-37410



Fixed an issue where commencing a voyage could set an unexpected "PS" Port Activity at the first portcall if a voyage template is used without explicit activities defined for the port function used by the first portcall.
Bug EN-33714



Fixed Reference No disappearing when reloading a Claim for FOB/Delivered Cargo
Bug EN-40927



Additional fields have been added to the XML for the Mirrored Voyage P&L Report.
Voyage level data: Company Code, Company Name, Voyage Status, Operator, Date/Time of report generation (local and GMT), User generating the report, Market Rate, and Market Rate Unit
Cargo level data: Counterparty, Chtr Coordinator, Department, Cargo ID, Cargo Name
Story EN-40923


Invoicing & Payments

With this fix, voyageTCICode tag for pooling distribution invoice in notification XML should have the correct value.
Bug EN-40218


Chartering VIP Only

In the Voyage Estimator "Speed Comparison Analysis," fixed an issue where clicking the “Generate from Vessel Speeds” button for a vessel with a large number of speeds defined could lead to a timeout.
Bug EN-41037


Tasks & Alerts

Previously, changes to the Voyage Itinerary fields Remarks (Notice), Remarks (Fixture), and Remarks (Operations) fields were not considered in Voyage Tasks & Alerts evaluation until the Voyage Manager form was saved. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-41023



Resolved an issue where no data was populating in the Sustainability Panel in Voyage Manager
Bug EN-41122


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users will be able to bulk download up to 10 forms at a time.
Story EN-40907


Chartering VIP Only

Notification cards for PortLog integration now always appear in the order of ports in the itinerary.
Story EN-40879


Distances & Maps

UN Codes updated for 6 ports
Story EN-40684


Distances & Maps

4 new ports added to Distances
Story EN-40679


Invoicing & Payments

When CFGInvDetailExchangeRate is enabled, Exch Rate, Exch Rate Date, and Curr fields are available in the Invoice Details grid of the Journal form. Data in these fields will be exported as part of the XML when journals are posted.
Story EN-40587


Veslink Voyage Reporting

The email subject for Veslink form submissions will now include Vessel Name by default.
Story EN-41060


Invoicing & Payments

When CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable and CFGAddExchDatetoBareboatPayment are enabled, Exchange Rate Date Default Rules can be defined for some Bareboat invoice line items. The line items that can have specific rules defined are Hire, Address Commission, and Broker Commission. There is also an Other Items option that can be used for the rest of the items, or any of the previously-mentioned items if a specific rule is not defined. Dates available to use for Exchange Rate Date Defaulting are Period From GMT, and Ask the User (in which case the user will need to fill it in manually).
Story EN-40705



Added support to Time Charter Contracts that are structured with overlapping hire periods and index-linked structures are used which was previously not a supported structure.
Story EN-40438



Various enhancements to Analytics in VIP:
- Laytime Port Deduction table has been added to Report Designer;
- Time Charter Exposure Period table has been added to Report Designer;
- Cargo Revenue Expense table has been added to Report Designer;
- Cargo Documents related fields have been added to Voyage Cargo Handling table in Report Designer;
- Task Status Code column has been added to Demurrage Timebar Tasks list and can now be used as "fast filter";
- Weather State table has been added to Report Designer - and is now joined to related fields in Voyage Activity Report table;
Story EN-36450


Trade Hub

Fixed an issue where graph line remained when removing all symbols from market data comparison graph.
Bug EN-40740


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Fixed bug where warning messages would not display if bunker consumption values was equal to zero.

Warning will now display when appropriate.
Bug EN-40843


Invoicing & Payments

Updated the Capitalization and Amortization Logic that is applied in the Monthly Accruals program when the "Capitalize/Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period" flag is selected. Now only those line items that have capitalization and amortization business rules defined with the CM checkbox selected will have the logic applied. All other line items will utilize the remaining checkbox configuration in the Monthly Accruals program and will not be capitalized and amortized.

Requires both CFGShowPNLCalcOptions and CFGNominationDateonFixtureandVoyage to be set to Y.
Story EN-40648


Invoicing & Payments

With CFGAllocateBunkersToVoy enabled and Bunkers on Consumption enabled, an issue in accounting for a supplement to delivery resulted in a P&L difference. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-39379


Analytics VIP Only

Added basic keyboard navigation handling to the filter panel in report designer and lists.
Story EN-36337



Fixed an issue where Voyage Leg Summary reporting data would not be properly output for vessels marked as inactive.
Bug EN-40865



Added a new configuration flag called CFGSetTCOpenDateToTodayWhenInThePast. When enabled and a TC contract's open date falls in the past, the system will instead use the current system date as the open date for calculating the exposure days. It will continue to use the current system date until the open date for the contract is updated to be in the future, either with an updated delivery date on the contract or a voyage is scheduled.

Only applies to TC contracts that have TC Exposure Periods defined and are using the Basis Date value of "Open Date".
Story EN-40328



Report Designer now includes “To Port Country” and “From Port Country” in the “Voyage Leg Summary” and “Voyage Leg Details” tables.
Story EN-39137



New configuration flag CFGPartCargoFactorOverride has been added.
Description: When enabled, the Part Cargo Factor will be visible on the Cargo form in the Exposure tab and can be overridden from the calculated default. This factor will continue to be used in the Exposure calculation in the Trading P&L.

Type: Boolean
Default: False
Requires database version 35.9

New configuration flag applies only when editing Cargo form in VIP.
Story EN-38297


Veslink Voyage Reporting VIP Only

Improved workflow for calculating bunker data via the Bunker Tanks table in Veslink forms.
Story EN-40716



In Scheduling, Cargo Book, and Open Positions, the details icon will be hidden if the user does not have the required permission
Bug EN-40707


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Users can now reject previously approved forms that are with status "approved" or "open for resubmit"
Story EN-40622


Invoicing & Payments

When applying Capitalize/Amortize rules to Accruals, calculations were incorrect when the 'Adjust' and 'Exclude' flags were enabled. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-40325


Invoicing & Payments

Previously, invoices created in TDE form in VIP with configuration flag CFGActEnableTDEVoyInvApproval enabled did not force approval as expected. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-40292



Fixed the undefined list command error that would pop up after clicking the Voyage Invoices List "+" button
Bug EN-40131


Invoicing & Payments

Previously, Trial Balance workspace in VIP would open an incorrect invoice form when following the invoice hyperlink. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39977


Invoicing & Payments

Previously, automatically generated TC Commission invoices (with configuration flag CFGAutoGenerateTCComms enabled) did not set invoice descriptions correctly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39549



Imos Address Report now includes the Remittance account number.
Bug EN-37882



Recent changes to the Port Advance/DA List have been rolled back so that performance problems can be investigated.
Story EN-40904


System Performance Desktop Only

Fixed an issue where upgrading a IMOS v7.10 (or earlier) database to IMOS v7.11 could result in reported schema differences and an incomplete upgrade.
Bug EN-40848