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Veson IMOS Platform Documentation
Veson IMOS Platform Documentation


  1. In the Forms section of the Forms and Vessels workspace, do either of the following:
    • To create a new form from scratch, click .
    • To copy an existing custom or standard form, hover over its row, click , and then click Copy.

      Note: To copy a standard form, make sure it is updated to version 2.21.619 or higher.

  2. Configure the form:
    • Report Type and Form is applicable: Some Report Types are applicable only in certain places. Fields that are required for the validation of a Report Type are automatically added to forms of that type and cannot be removed.

      Report TypeForm is applicableRequired Fields
      In Port
      In Port (Berth): For Onboard forms only.
      In Port (Cargo): For Onboard forms only.
      Voyage Number
      In Port
      In Port (Berth): For Onboard forms only.
      In Port (Cargo): For Onboard forms only.
      Voyage Number
      In Port
      In Port (Berth): For Onboard forms only.
      In Port (Cargo): For Onboard forms only.
      At Sea
      In Port or At Sea
      Voyage Number
      FOB Cargo



      In Port
      In Port (Berth): For Onboard forms only.
      In Port (Cargo): For Onboard forms only.
      At Sea
      In Port or At Sea
      Voyage Number
      • Fields that are required based on another field that was added are also added automatically, but they can be removed.

        • When you add the field Slip %Observed Distance and Engine Distance fields also appear because Slip % is calculated as 1 − (Observed Distance ÷ Engine Distance). However, if you remove Observed Distance and Engine Distance, Slip % cannot be calculated.
    • Layout:
      • Maintain Form Field Positions When Hidden: Select to have all fields maintain their position on the form whether or not they are hidden, preventing other fields from shifting.
    • Workflow:
      • Require Approval
      • Allow Submission Prior to Voyage Commencement
      • Display Chief Engineer's Name
      • For Voyage Instructions only:
        • Enable Revision History
        • Take P&L Snapshot Upon Submission (with configuration flag CFGEnableVIFormPnlSnapshots enabled)
  3. Click Save. Your form appears in the Form Designer, with Form Elements (sections and elements) in use on the left and a live preview on the right.

  4. In the Form Designer, do any of the following:
  5. Click . When the form is saved, the button changes to  to show you that there are no changes left to save.
    • To return to the list, click . To open the form from the list, click its name.


  1. Make sure the element is in the Forms Data Dictionary. You can add a custom element there.
  2. Under Form Elements, hover over a section or element and then click .
  3. Type a letter into the field. A list appears with all available elements and controls that contain that letter.
    • Controls are grids with a number of rows and columns of fields. Each control is followed by this icon in the list: .
  4. Select the element or control.
  5. Edit the element:
    1. Under Form Elements, hover over it and then click . Different options appear, depending on the type of element.
    2. Change any of the following:
      • Label: Element label to appear on the form.
      • Display Type (for custom fields only)
      • Complex Type (for Complex Controls only)
      • Data Source (for String Display Types Autocomplete and Drop Down only): Select a data source, or select Custom to create a comma separated list of allowed values.
      • Expression (for Read-Only String, Decimal, Integer, and Date fields only): Enter a custom expression, which can include numbers, Field IDs, addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and parentheses.
        NoteWhen using dates in an expression, Type must be String.
      • Text (for paragraphs only): To help you format text, the rich text editor appears.
      • External Field (for Voyage Instructions only): To embed other Forms Data Dictionary elements in a Boolean field Label or paragraph Text box, do either of the following:
        • In External Field, search for a field and then click . The Field ID appears inside curly brackets.
        • Type a Field ID inside curly brackets. For example, to embed Aft Draft, type {AFTDraft}.
        When you send Voyage Instructions, the latest field values populate.
      • Width (Pixels) (for String, Integer, Decimal, and Time Span fields and paragraphs only)
      • Decimal Places (for Decimal fields only): Rounds to two decimal places, unless otherwise specified.
      • Read-Only Field
      • Required Field
      • Enable Number Formatting (for Integer and Decimal fields only): When this check box is selected and Use Browser's Locale Setting for Number Formatting is selected in Voyage Reporting System Configuration, number formatting respects browser locale settings.
      • Visible When: Specify that the field is visible when a condition based on the value of another field is true; for each field, select an operator and enter a value.
        • For a field within a Row Details section of a table, other fields in its row are available as operators.
      • Valid When: Specify that the field is valid when a condition based on the value of another field is true; for each field, select an operator and enter a value.
        The form cannot be submitted with a validation error. A field with an error is marked with a red line, and a message describes the required value.
      • Tooltip: Enter text to appear when the mouse pointer is held over the field name, overriding any value from the Forms Data Dictionary. On the form, a dotted line under the field name indicates that it has a tooltip.
      • Use Default GMT Offset (for Date Time fields only): Select to use the value of the GMT Offset field, which must be added to the form.
      • Use External Data Source (for Voyage Instructions only): To link this element to a Platform field or table, select the check box, search for a field or table name, and then select it.
        • Show Distinct Values Only (for fields in one-to-many joins only): Outputs a comma-separated list of distinct values.
      • Enable Row Details (for tables only): Show additional fields that relate to each table row. Under the table in the Form Elements column, drag and drop additional fields under the Row Details heading.
      • Static Table (for tables only): When selected, a drop-down menu appears of all fields in the table. To determine the number of rows that automatically appear, click a Field ID.
        Example: In the drop-down menu, if you click Engine_Type and there are four possible values for that field, four tables rows automatically appear with the Engine Type column completed.
      • Display association with another field (for fields in a table only): To highlight the current field and another field in the same table, select the check box and then search for a field name.
      • Column Calculation (for Integer and Decimal fields in a table only): Select Total or Average to add or average the values in the column.
    3. Click Save.
