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Image RemovedFAQs > Configuration Flags > CFGIgnoreAccrualOnVoyageDelete


Configuration Flag Definition


When enabled, deletion of a voyage is allowed when the only postings are monthly accruals journals.



This will occur when Accruals accruals are set to always prorate and end users schedule out voyages with PnL P&L actuals well in advance.

If adjustments need to be made to the vessel or voyage and accruals have run, you can either follow these :

  • Follow the below steps to


  • bypass the error that shows when adjustments are attempted


  • Enable CFGIgnoreAccrualOnVoyageDelete

You will then see a the following warning as below instead:


Getting To get around the financial transaction error when adjusting vessel/voyage details on a voyage with an accrual (without the flag):

  1. Rerun accruals on a recalc recalculation basis for the specific shipvessel/voyage.

  2. This will refresh those two Pending status records, and they will be available for rejection.

  3. Once records are rejected we , you can delete the voyage/, update the cargo/voyage itin , update the voyage itinerary, etc.