On the Data Center menu , under Other, click User-Defined Fields.
Select the Applicability:
In the grid, define fields.
To create a custom drop-down menu:
Create a string and then do one of the following:
In its Values field, select Edit Values.
Right-click its row and then click Edit Values.
On the User Defined Field Values form:Enter the Values you want users to choose from, including a Description for each.
Close the User Defined Field Values form.
Select the field Status:
Default: The field appears on the Properties tab by default.
Normal: The field can be added to the Properties tab by adding a new row.
Define Format of the field:
For numerical format, enter the number of decimal places
For string, the number of maximum characters that can be supported
Add #vessel or #cargo so that the User-Defined Field will allow you to select a Vessel from the Vessel list or a Cargo from the Cargo list respectively.
6. Link ID is used to map User-Defined fields between Applicabilities.
If the Link IDs of the User-Defined fields match, then user data will be automatically ported from COA to Cargo upon cargo creation. To map Link IDs, use a common link such as "link“.
7. After saving and exiting, a Properties tab appears on the applicable form, where the newly defined fields can be added.
Adding User-Defined Fields to the Properties Tab