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Veson IMOS Platform Documentation
Veson IMOS Platform Documentation


FFA-Option List
FFA-Option List
FFA/Option List

The FFA/Option List includes all FFA/Option Trades that you have the right to view. 


  • You can select multiple Commodity/Options and confirm them at once by clicking the Confirm trade(s) link.

FFA-Option Trade
FFA-Option Trade
FFA/Option Trade


To view an existing FFA/Option Trade, on the FFA/Option List, click its row or Trade ID link.

To create a new FFA/Option Trade, do one of the following:



Enter contract details.

  • Statuses:
    • Pending: The trade has been created. Contracts with a Pending status show as position in the Trading P&L Summary.
    • Opportunity: The trade can be included in the Trading Sensitivity Analysis to see how the P&L will look with this trade added.
    • Confirmed: Contracts with a Confirmed status appear in the Trading P&L Summary.
      Note: The Broker Confirmation Number is required to confirm a trade; it changes the Status to Confirmed. Someone with the Broker Confirmation Module Right selected in Security must enter the Broker Confirmation Number to confirm the trade and save it. Only paper trades that are confirmed can be settled for matured periods.
    • Partially Settled: The trade is partially settled.
    • Settled: The trade is fully settled.
  • Reference: To edit this field, you must have the Reference Module Right selected in Security, under Trading.
  • Settlement: For Period Average:
    • The period must be less than or equal to one month.
    • The settlement rate will be the forward rate for the month until the period is realized; then the settlement is the average of all spot rates in the period.
    • Early settlement is not allowed, since the true settlement rate is not available until the period is fully realized.
    • When using Realize Paper Trade Days Through the Month, the unrealized portion of the trade will use the forward rate for the month, and the realized portion will use an average of the spot rates in the realized period.

The grid on the bottom of the form populates with the Periods, the Market Rates, the Date that the Market Rate is from (Source), and the P&L (Exposure).

Exposure Tab

When you first enter a trade, periods in the future appear on the Exposure tab.

Settlement Tab

After a particular period of the trade has matured and the settlement rate has become available, that period moves to the Settlement tab.

The Trade must be refreshed for the periods to appear on the correct tab. To refresh, close the trade and reopen it.

These conditions both need to be fulfilled for this to happen:

  • The period must have matured, that is, the month must be in the past, relative to the system date.
  • The Settlement rate must be available; the Price field (Entire MonthLast 7 days, Last 10 days) on the Market Data form for a day during the trade's Settlement month must be available.

Months Tab

Monthly information appears on the Months tab.

Linked Trades Tab

Note: Configuration flag CFGLinkedTradeTypes must be enabled.

On the Linked Trades tab ofeachpaper trade form, the Linked Trades grid enables you to link two paper trade contracts together.
