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| Veslink IMOS Platform Documentation |
| Veslink IMOS Platform Documentation |
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On the Cargo Itinerary/Options tab, enter terms and information for the ports. For a Cargo created from a COA, the information is inherited from the COA when the Cargo is created but can be edited later.
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title | Related Configuration Flags |
CFGShowLinerTerms | Adds liner terms fields (OExp$/t and LinerExp) to the Voyage Fixture and Estimate. These fields are also synced with the corresponding OExp$/t and LinerExp fields on the Cargo form. | CFGEnableItinLaycanFields | Adds Laycan From and Laycan To columns to this form. - When CFGChartererView is enabled, these columns will be named Window From and Window To.
- When CFGVoyapiValidateCargoLaycanForPort is enabled, the Laycan dates will be validated against the ETA/ETD of the voyage. If CFGVoyapiValidateCargoLaycanForPort is not enabled, validation will be against the Laycan dates in the header of the Cargo form.
| CFGEnableCargoItinSupplierReceiver | On the Itinerary/Options tab of Cargo and VC In contracts, adds a Supplier/Rcvr column where you can specify the supplier or receiver for each cargo handling. This information can be used to create supplier and receiver Laytime Calculations. | CFGEnableLiftQtyDescriptions | Enables Quantity Descriptions, which can be used to indicate the status or intent of cargo lift quantities. You can select a Quantity Description in the Description column on CP Terms Details and Cargo itineraries. | CFGEnableCargoItinCommercialID | When enabled, the Cargo and VC In Itinerary/Options tab shows the Commercial ID of each parcel. | CFGEnableCargoHandlingTradeNo | Note: CFGEnableMultiGrade must also be enabled. Y = If multigrade cargoes are enabled, adds a Trade No. column to the Estimate Itinerary Cargo tab, Voyage Fixture, Voyage Manager, Cargo Itinerary/Options tab, and (when config flag CFGEnableActInvDetProrationByItin is enabled) Cargo Itinerary Allocation form. Additionally, if cargo transfers are enabled, the column is added to the Transfers tab. This is a free-text field, where users can enter identifiers for a trade associated with the given cargo lifting. R = All the functionality of the Y setting is enabled, except that the Trade No. column is read-only. | CFGCargoHandlingTradeNoTitle | Provides an override for the column title of the Trade No. column, which is enabled with CFGEnableCargoHandlingTradeNo. Leaving the setting blank causes the column title to remain Trade No. |