Note: The following functionality requires valid licensing. To set up a vessel data integration with the Veslink IMOS Platform, contact your Veson Nautical account manager.
Flag | Description |
CFGAllowBaltic99Search | Enables Baltic99 vessel import; requires a valid license. CFGQ88Baltic99FleetURL and CFGBaltic99Authorization must also be enabled. |
CFGQ88Baltic99FleetURL | Specifies the URL used to retrieve the Q88 and Baltic99 fleet lists; requires a valid license.
CFGBaltic99Authorization | Company-specific Baltic99 authorization string; requires a valid license. CFGAllowBaltic99Search and CFGQ88Baltic99FleetURL must also be enabled. |
Flag | Description |
CFGAllowFairplaySearch | Enables Lloyd's Fairplay vessel import; requires a valid license. CFGFairplayUsername, CFGFairplayPassword, CFGFairplayDistillateFuelType, and CFGFairplayResidualFuelType must also be enabled. |
CFGFairplayUsername | Username for the Fairplay subscription; requires a valid license. CFGAllowFairplaySearch , CFGFairplayPassword, CFGFairplayDistillateFuelType, and CFGFairplayResidualFuelType must also be enabled. |
CFGFairplayPassword | Password for the Fairplay subscription; requires a valid license. CFGAllowFairplaySearch , CFGFairplayUsername, CFGFairplayDistillateFuelType, and CFGFairplayResidualFuelType must also be enabled. |
CFGFairplayDistillateFuelType | The Veslink IMOS Platform Fuel Type Code for Fairplay's Distillate Fuel type; requires a valid license. CFGAllowFairplaySearch , CFGFairplayUsername, CFGFairplayPassword, and CFGFairplayResidualFuelType must also be enabled. |
CFGFairplayResidualFuelType | The Veslink IMOS Platform Fuel Type Code for Fairplay's Residual Fuel type ; requires a valid license. CFGAllowFairplaySearch , CFGFairplayUsername, CFGFairplayPassword, and CFGFairplayDistillateFuelType must also be enabled. |
CFGFairplayCertificateDNS | Certificate DNS for Fairplay vessel import. |
Flag | Description |
CFGBasicQ88Interface | Enables Q88 vessel import; requires a valid license. CFGAllowQ88Search , CFGQ88Baltic99FleetURL, and CFGQ88Authorization must also be enabled. |
CFGAllowQ88Search | Enables Q88 vessel import; requires a valid license. CFGBasicQ88Interface, CFGQ88Baltic99FleetURL, and CFGQ88Authorization must also be enabled. |
CFGQ88Baltic99FleetURL | Specifies the URL used to retrieve the Q88 and Baltic99 fleet lists; requires a valid license.
CFGQ88Authorization | Company-specific Q88 authorization string; requires a valid license. CFGBasicQ88Interface, CFGAllowQ88Search, and CFGQ88Baltic99FleetURL must also be enabled. |
Flag | Description |
CFGAllowSis3Search | Enables SIS3 vessel import; requires a valid license. |
CFGSis3Username | Username for SIS3 subscription; requires a valid license. |
CFGSis3Password | Password for SIS3 subscription; requires a valid license. |
CFGSis3URL | URL for SIS3 subscription; requires a valid license. |
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