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The Outstanding Hire-Payment Adjustments Report is available from the Operations module center.

titleRelated Config Flags
Configuration Flags


Enables Alerts for partial bunker deductions, to make sure charterers can collect the value of redelivered bunkers.

  • On the Item Select form, the Bunkers On Redelivery items are only highlighted in yellow when the value of the contractual redelivery bunkers meets/exceeds the net hire left in the contract. The calculation of this date is based on the Period To value in the Time Charter invoice.
  • A validation warning is added to the voyage, which appears for Last TCI/TCO Voyages with end quantities that are different than the Estimated Redelivery quantities in the linked Time Charter contract.
  • Bunkers Cost on Redelivery line items (Quantity and Amount) are editable.
  • An Unpriced Bunkers informational check box appears on the Bunkers tab.