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Walkthrough: Scheduling a Voyage

To view a step, click it in the workflow diagram:

Scroll imagemap
imgRelativeChartering Workflows-VC In.png
pageReferencesVIP - Creating a New Voyage from an Estimate,VIP - Creating a New Voyage from a Cargo or VC In,VIP - Estimates,VIP - Operations

For a cargo owner/vessel charterer, creating a Cargo or VC In contract (which can be from a COA) and then scheduling the voyage is a common workflow. Optionally, you can create an Estimate before scheduling. It can also be used for operators who may have forward fixtures, particularly if your business has many COAs. Finally, for clients who use the Trading and Risk Management module, it is common to create your Estimate from a Cargo with a linked Benchmark Estimate.
These breadcrumbs show where you are in the walkthrough. To move to a different section, click its link:

Create a VC In > Create an Estimate or Voyage > Hand Off to Operations


A Voyage Charter In (VC In) looks similar to a Cargo, except that it has an Owner field instead of a Charterer field and other fields related to a purchase rather than a sale. You can use it to view and manage VC In contracts; for details, see information on the Cargo form. VC In contracts also appear on the Trading P&L Summary.


If you have the Bulk Update Cargo Contracts Module Right selected, under Actions in Chartering, a column of check boxes appears in the VC In List. To bulk update VC Ins, select the contracts you want to update and then click the Bulk Update action link at the top of the list. To select multiple consecutive rows, select the first row and then press and hold Shift. Select the last row and then release Shift.


Row and Card Colors

Row and card colors indicate the following:

: Unacknowledged revision via the IMOS Messaging Service

: Update warning (based on Chartering Lists Settings)

: Unacknowledged revision and update warning


To view an existing VC In, in the VC In List, click its row or Cargo ID link.

To create a new VC In, do one of the following:


After the voyage is created, the button changes to .

titleRelated Config FlagsConfiguration Flags

Use Company Lob Trade Area HierarchyCFGUseCompanyLobTradeAreaHierarchy

Enable Contract MirroringCFGEnableContractMirroring

Show Remittance in CargoCFGShowRemittanceInCargo

Enforce Operations Ledger Code Commissionable PropertyCFGEnforceOpsLedgerCodeCommissionableProperty

Default Claim Commission Invoice SettingCFGDefaultClaimCommissionInvoiceSetting

Enable Commission SharingCFGEnableCommissionSharing

Enable Broker RulesCFGEnableBrokerRules

Apply IC Adjustment to XfrtCFGApplyICAdjustmentToXfrt

Enable Operations LOBCFGEnableOpsLOB

Enable StandardsCFGEnableStandards

Enable Shuttle Freight InvoicingCFGEnableShuttleFreightInvoicing
