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Pooling distribution can only be calculated for a single period, not over time because each month has a unique distribution of earnings. As a result, when the Pooling Summary report is run over multiple periods, it shows a summation of these periods instead of a recalculated overall
The Pooling Summary report is a pooling distribution summary for every vessel in one or more pools during a period.
On the Operations menu , under Pooling, click Pooling Summary.
Select the pooling type and time:
Pooling Over Period: This type lets you specify arbitrary dates, and having a longer period smooths out your exposure. If you select this type, enter Date From and To.
Note: Calculating via Period the method may produce different results from the Monthly method, as values are often rounded before the calculation of fields such as Income After Pooling.Monthly Pooling: If you select this type, enter From Year/Month and To Year/Month.
Select the Pools to include.
Click Report.
Click report.pdf to download a PDF file of the report.
Pool Days: The total on-hire days within the reporting period.
Pool Points: Points assigned to each vessel from the Pool Assignment form.
Income Before Pooling: The Income BP over the reporting period.
Income After Pooling: The Income AP over the reporting period.
For details about how Income BP and Income AP are calculated, see Pooling Distribution Calculation Details.Pool Adjustment: The difference between the Income AP and Income BP.
Net Daily Before: Daily net income before pooling over the reporting period, calculated as Income Before Pooling divided by Pool Days.
Net Daily After: Daily net income after pooling over the reporting period, calculated as Income After Pooling divided by Pool Days.
Net Daily Plan: The net daily planned earning from the Pool Assignment form.
Off-Hire Days: Total off-hire days over the reporting period.
Gross Income: The voyage’s total revenue from the voyage P&L.
Admin Income Before: The Admin Income BP over the reporting period.
Admin Income After: The Admin Income AP over the reporting period.
Participant: Participant over the reporting period.
Select the report's “Distribute Admin Income” checkbox to see the related values.
You can use browser commands to download or print the report.