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To access the Equipment History list, on the Equipment Contract, click .
Each record in the list corresponds to a single service period as recorded on the Equip In/Out tab of the Activity Log. Two rows for the same piece of equipment will appear if:
A piece of equipment served in one voyage, exited the voyage, then rejoined the voyage later
A piece of equipment was transferred from one tow to another, but remained under the same contract
A piece of equipment was shared between 2 tows/voyages
- Delivered
Delivered - GMT: For Equipment TC Contracts, this is the date/time the vessel was delivered.
Redelivered - GMT: For Equipment TC Contracts, this is the date/time the vessel was redelivered.
JoinedJoined - GMT: The date/time the vessel joined the voyage. If the equipment was delivered during this voyage, this will be the same as the Delivery date/time.
Departed - GMT: The date/time the vessel departed the voyage. If the equipment was redelivered during this voyage, this will be the same as the Redelivery date/time.
Gap: For Equipment TC Contracts, an asterisk appears in this column if, as of one minute prior to the equipment joining, there was a shortage of this type of equipment working under the contract (compared to the nominal number of boats or barges needed for the contract).
For example, if 3 barges are required under the contract, and as of one minute prior to the join date/time there are only 2 barges, an asterisk would appear.
The nominal number of boats and barges required in the contract is subject to the Est/Act Delivery date from the contract. That is, if the contract requires 1 boat and 3 barges, and 1 boat and 3 barges are delivered exactly as of the Est/Act Delivery date, there will be no gap, since as of 1 minute prior the contract was not yet in effect–there were no requirements and therefore no shortages.
Act Delivery Date is used if the Equipment Contract status is Delivered or Redelivered; Est Delivery is used otherwise.