Handysize: Between 20,000 and 39,999 DWT
The Area Filter
Shipfix has mapped out the relevant load areas for each segment. One Segment can be selected per page.
The Business Type Filter
The business type filter enables a user to decide whether they would like to see only voyage orders or just TCs or select both types of charter party types which is the default selection.
The Forward Period Filter
Tonnage Circulars - If you select "Spot + 25 days" and today is 1st June, this will show tonnage circulars, that the first open date (first circulated open date) falls within the 1st of June until the 26th of June (both dates included).
The Circulated within Filter
The circulated within filter enables a user to decide whether just want to see circulars in recent emails such as ones sent within the last 5 days, this is working days so it excludes weekends.
The table of the top left hand side of the screen shows the count of cargo orders, split by the top 5 routes, with routes outside the top 5 routes falling under the “other” category. The total is an overall total demand of all the routes out of the load area.
Supply - Tonnage Circulars
The table on the top right hand side of the screen shows the count of tonnage circulars relevant to the load area. The first area will be tonnage supply within the load area and underneath this will be all the relevant ballast areas where vessels are typically sourced from.
The Trend
WoW = Week on Week Trend = Current count of cargo orders versus the Count of orders in the same day of last week (current period - 7 days)
MoM = Current count of cargo orders versus the Count of orders in the same day 4 weeks ago (current period - 28 days)
The % & # enables a user to switch between the trend being shown as a percentage or as a number.
The Demand, Supply & Baltic Prices Graph
Multiple of these ballast areas can be selected together or separately to make up the supply of vessels.
The display mode enables users to either see the Tonnage Open Areas added together as one series or split and shown as a separate series.
Baltic Prices - a user who has subscribed to the Baltic Exchange, can select the relevant route prices here, an average of the routes or the average of routes within a basin such as the Atlantic (ATL).
Use the tool below the graph to select which period you would like to see.