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This page contains the latest Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS) news.


  • the environment is upgraded to the latest schema (45.8)

  • the port call is the last one on the voyage/estimate

  • the port call has a Last Line Port Activity

In that this case, this additional leg is considered sea, not port, consumption. This functionality works in conjunction with existing behavior that splits itinerary lines that cross years.


Additional Audit Reporting
Feature Board suggestion; requires a schema update
Several fields have been added to the Voyage List, Voyage Invoices List, and other Financials lists to enable more granular reporting on invoice creation and approval.

Warning When Deleting a Port with a Data Submitter
Feature Board suggestion; requires the API and the Agent Portal
For clients that connect to agents and port services suppliers through the API, the system will now warn you if you try to delete a port in the voyage itinerary with a Data Submission entry, helping to ensure that you adjust your itinerary with intention.

Help Save the Planet – Emissions Calculator
Feature Board suggestion
On Estimate and Voyage Itineraries, a new “CO2” column enables you to capture CO2 emitted per leg. When evaluating voyage options, you can minimize the EEOI impact of a voyage by choosing the lowest estimated CO2 emissions.

Trading Profile Option: Display ROB Exposure Based on Future Scheduling
Requires the Trading module
On the Trading Profile form, the logic behind the “Display ROB Exposure Based on Future Scheduling" option has been updated to better handle TCTO voyages, specifically the delivery exposure and capturing the net between that and the leading TCOV ROBs.

Optimize Ballast and Laden Speeds for Maximum TCE
On the Estimate details menu, click “Apply Max TCE Speed” to pull in ballast and laden speeds from the vessel's defined speeds that will result in a maximum TCE result. These speeds will update in the voyage itinerary.

Hide Estimate Columns in Worksheet in VIP
You can now collapse or expand Estimate columns in a Worksheet. Collapsed columns are remembered for each Worksheet.

Create an Estimate from the Benchmark Linked to a Cargo
Configuration flag CFGEnableBenchmarkEstimate must be enabled
You can now create an Estimate from a Cargo based on the linked Benchmark Estimate. On the Cargo “Estimate” menu, click “Add Cargo To New Estimate From Benchmark.”

Display TC In Broker Commission on the Estimate P&L
Configuration flag CFGTciBrokerCommOnEstimate must be enabled
On the Estimate P&L, you can now display a broker commission amount and percent from the Time Charter contract, when applicable.

Click and Drag to Change the Duration of Nonconsecutive Estimates
In the Scheduling workspace, you can click and drag the top or bottom border of a nonconsecutive Estimate to easily modify its duration.

Improved Voyage Visibility on Booking Forms
Configuration flags CFGEnableCargoBooking and CFGEnableVCInBooking must be enabled
On the Cargo and VC In Booking forms, you can now see “Voyage Status” for each associated voyage. You can now click column headers to sort through the list of voyages by column value.

Manage Who Can Edit Accounts in Transactions and Journal Entries
Configuration flag CFGEnableEditTDEandJournalAccountsEntry must be enabled
Administrators can now control access to the "Account” fields within the Transaction Data Entry and Journal Entry forms via two new security permissions at the group or user level: "Edit Account on Transaction Data Entry" and "Edit Account on Journal Entry." Enabling this configuration will supersede configuration flag, "CFGEnableModifyTDEAccounts."
