Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • CP Form options are generated though the Data Center. For more information, see VIP IMOS - Charter Party Forms.

  • For Option % and Opt Type, see VIP IMOS - Cargo Tolerance Option Types.

  • To specify a Freight Currency that is different from the Base Currency, click the Frt Type/Curr link to open the Convert CP Currency form:


    • You can specify the number of decimals in the Freight Invoice for rate-based Freight Types (i.e., Rate/Daily).

    • For Lumpsum Freight, only 2 decimals are supported. 

  • Bill By: Determines how the cost of the freight in Freight Invoice will be calculated. Options to choose from are BL Quantity, CP QuantityInvoice Quantity, and Outturn Quantity.

  • For Liner Cargoes, the configuration flag CFGShowLinerTerms must be enabled. Once enabled, the Liner Cargo checkbox in the CP Terms Details will be displayed.
    Note: Extra Freight Terms do not apply to Liner Cargo and will not populate to Freight Invoices.

    Note: The freight expenses/revenues in the Actual column of the Voyage P&L will derive the quantity portion of its calculation based on the value designated in this field.


  • Heating Cons (only for Tankers–Type code T)

  • Cooling Cons (only for Gas Carriers–Type code G)

  • IGS Cons (only for Tankers–Type code T and Gas Carriers–Type code G)

  • Reliq Cons (only for LNG Carriers–Type code L)

  • Cleaning Cons (only for Tankers–Type code T and Gas Carriers–Type code G): This type of consumption has four modes:

    • Disabled (default): No cleaning consumption is calculated for this cargo.

    • Auto Load: There is 1 day of cleaning consumption at the first load port. The fuel type (HS or LS) is updated every time the port is changed.

    • Auto Disch: There is 1 day of cleaning consumption at the last discharge port. The fuel type (HS or LS) is updated every time the port is changed.

    • Manual (automatically selected with any manual input): Cleaning consumption is associated with the last discharge port, but no automatic update is done if the port is changed.

Emissions Tab


Requires a schema of 446 or higher. Requires the configuration flags CFGEnableCO2Pricing and CFGEnableCargoEmissionsAllocation to be enabled.

The Emissions tab includes the Settlement Type, Billing Period, and Payment Terms fields. When a cargo contract is configured with a non-N/A settlement type, a related Emissions Expense (Rebill) P&L line item appears in the P&L. The configuration flag CFGEnableTCEmissionsAllocation must be enabled for emission expense rebill line items to appear in the estimate P&L.


Broker Grid

In the Broker grid, add information about brokers and commissions.
