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The moment you click New Estimate Under the Estimate Module, the below screen appears. This is where the Commercial department can estimate if a particular voyage is profitable to operate. This article will walk through the different items indicated with numbers shown below.


Search a Vessel to run an estimate by typing into the field. A drop-down list appears for you to select when a character is inputted. Take note that after a Vessel is selected, VMS will pull data from her last port call: Port Name/ Estimated or Departed Date/ Bunker ROB. More details on how to manage this data are further explained in XXXXXXX.


Left-click on the Anchor icon to show more details of the Vessel selected. It is the same view when selecting a Vessel from the Vessel Register.

2.0 Description

This field is for inputting a description of the Estimate calculation. You may input texts that could be helpful for you to differentiate among the rest of the Estimates created. This text is reflected on the Grid View under the Voyage column. Note that this field is limited to 30 characters.


Input the vessel daily hire in this field manually. Otherwise, if the Head Contract is recorded in the Vessel Register, the field will reflect the daily hire as per the Head Contract In information.


  1. Lay/Can: Input Start and End of Laycan. If the start of the laycan date is later than the arrival load port, the option to select ‘Wait for Laycan’ is available. This is further explained below XXXX

  2. CP Qty: Input CP Quantity

  3. Overage: Value of overage in %. This is automatically reflected on the invoice if overage does exist.

  4. Dfrt: Deadfreight is always at 100% of freight value. This is automatically reflected on the invoice if deadfreight does exist.

  5. Grades: Input the grade of cargo. There are default list available for selection when you left-click in the field. If there is a grade that does not appear on the list but is already added under Cargo Register, you can type in the first alphabets and a predictive list of options are available for selection.

  6. Charterer/ Broker/ Agency/ Co-Broker: Select the Group Entity that is created under the Company Register.

  7. Charterer/ Broker/ Agency/Co-Broker: Select the Company that is tagged to the Group created under the Company Register.

  8. Comm: Input the commission % to apply to Revenue invoices


  1. C/P: Input CP date

  2. Voy#: The voyage number should not require any input. It should be automatically generated the moment the ‘Acct Code’ in the Vessel Register is set up properly.

  3. Fixture#: Free text to allow you to input your preferred Fixture value

  4. Cargo: This field reflects cargo that is 'Linked'. Refer to Link Cargo from the action menu.

6.4 Laytime Terms


  1. Demurrage: Input the demurrage rate per day

  2. Laytime (hrs): Input total laytime allowed for all load and discharge ports. If you are not using feature no.5, you may input the laytime allowed directly here.

  3. Time Bar: For recording purposes

  4. Other Time Bar: For recording purposes

  5. Port Days (mt/day): You may select mt/day or mt/hr option. Trick to use this feature (Overcome a likely bug). Please ensure you have inputted at least one load and one discharge port (make sure the port function is indicated with L/D) under 7.0 Leg. At the same time, remove any initial value at no.2 above.

    Once you input the Load/Discharge rate, VMS will based on your input with the CP Qty, calculate for you the value to reflect at no.2. A button ‘Apply’ appears to click. Upon clicking it, it applies to the estimation and to the fixture summary.

  6. Terms: This field only appears if the vessel is ‘Set as Dry’ in the Vessel Register. Options selected here affect the multiplier at no.5.


Fixture Remarks: Free text field for user to input additional details


User can copy text from Fixture Note/Remarks to email to share with counterparties easily

7.0 Legs