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Newly created Time Charters will hide fuel types marked as Inactive on their associated vessel when the configuration flag CFGBunkerDeactivation is enabled. Historic Time Charters will still display deactivated fuel types.


Here is a comprehensive guide outlining the implementation of the fuel deactivation process in the forms:

1.Fuel Type Deactivation in Vessel Card:

Begin by deactivating the fuel type within the vessel card in Data Center. 


2.Immediate Application of Changes to Forms:

To ensure that the changes take effect immediately in the relevant forms, you'll need to go to Operations → Set up → Voyage Reporting System Configuration → Interfaces → (Click) Reset Master Data


3.Submission of Updated Forms to the Vessel:

Once the changes have been made to the forms, it's important to send the updated forms to the vessel. This guarantees that the vessel possesses the most current data.

4.Handling Old Forms with ROB for the Deactivated Fuel Type:

In the event that the vessel continues to use the old forms and reports ROB for the deactivated fuel type:

·       When these forms are received in the office and opened for approval, a specific message will appear.


·       At this point, you have two choices:

o   Option 1: Request the vessel's master to switch to the new forms and ask them to re-send the updated information.

o   Option 2: Alternatively, you can manually input the information into the voyage via the "Activity Reports."


Will the system validate that a fuel can be marked inactive or is not currently in use?
