Home > Financials > Compliance with IFRS 15 & 16 Regulations
More information on the recommended P&L calculation option configuration and the calculation logic that will be applied can be found in the sub-article here.
Creating Simulated Notifications for Management Reporting
In some organizations, it is required to calculate accruals both for compliance with IFRS 15 and for Management Reporting purposes using different configurations. This requires being able to have one set of accrual journals calculated, created and posted, while having another set just calculated but not posted. This second set that is not posted still needs to be sent downstream to a reporting system or separate General Ledger application.
When the CFGCreateSimulatedAccrualNotifications flag is set to Y, a Create Simulated Notifications button will be present on the Accruals form. Clicking this button instead of the Create Accrual Journals will generate invoice messages to be sent do a downstream system without actually creating the journal in VIP.
Requires notificationsIncludeList to have ‘invoice’ included.
Note: Configuration flag CFGEnableTCLeaseAccounting must be enabled.