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To quickly view demurrage period allocation details for a Laytime Calculation, open the Period Allocation form (configuration flag CFGLaytimeEnablePeriodAllocation must be enabled).

Capitalizing Expenses Between Nomination and Start of Loading and then Amortizing those Expenses over the Load to Discharge Performing Period

Certain interpretations of IFRS 15 require that expenses incurred following a nomination date of a vessel to a voyage and prior to the start of a performing period are to be capitalized to a balance sheet account and then amortized over the life of the performing period. In this interpretation the nomination date is a specific date when a vessel is nominated to perform a cargo operation and the performing period is from the Start of First Load activity to the completion of Last Discharge activity.

When running Monthly Accruals, select the P&L calculation option Capitalize/Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period. The behavior of this checkbox depends on the configuration of other P&L calculation options and requires the CFGNominationDateOnFixtureAndVoyage configuration flag to be enabled.

More information on the recommended P&L calculation option configuration and the calculation logic that will be applied can be found in the sub-article here.


Note: Configuration flag CFGEnableTCLeaseAccounting must be enabled.
