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IMOS Documentation
IMOS Documentation


Operators use this view to see categories of revenues and expenses.

Note: The expanded revenues/expenses will show different format types if users use different Locale languages across the company.

Accounts View

Accounting roles typically use this view to see the name and number of each ledger account affected by the voyage and how costs are allocated to them. In the following example, under Expenses, the IFO cost shown above appears under the Ledger Code and Account Name.


Estimated, Actual, Posted, Cash, and Variance Columns


  • Act - Est displays the difference between Actual and Estimated.
  • Act - Est % is calculated as (Act-Est)/Absolute value of Est. This ensures that when Estimated and Actual are both negative, the Variance % is negative when Actual is less than Estimated and positive when Actual is greater than Estimated.
  • Act - Pst displays the difference between Actual and Posted.
  • Act - Pst % is calculated as (Act-Pst)/Absolute value of Act. This ensures that when Posted and Actual are both negative, the Variance % is negative when Actual is less than Posted and positive when Actual is greater than Posted.


  • Voyage Result
  • Net Daily (TCE) = (Net Income − (Total Expenses − (Vessel Expenses + Ballast Bonus + TC In Common Voyage Expenses − Address Commission))) / Voyage Days
    Note: TC In Common Voyage Expenses do not include ILOHC or INTHC; these two expenses affect TCE.
    • For Type G (Gas Carrier) vessels, Net Monthly (TCE) appears in addition to Net Daily (TCE).
  • Profit (Loss)
  • Market Profit (Loss): Appears if a value is entered in the Market Hire field; note Module Right Edit Market Hire on Voyages with Status Other Than Scheduled.
  • Net Voyage Days = Total Voyage Days − Off Hire Days − Waiting Days

    Note 1: Net Voyage Days is a rounded-up number. To use this number in any calculation, open to the Voyage Itinerary Port/Date tab and then hover over any value in the PDays, SDays, XSD, or TSday (SDays + XSD) column. The exact number appears, including decimals.
    Note 2: For continuous Off Hire it is important to exactly match the “To” with the “From” time on each line of the Off Hire screen in order to avoid unwanted Net Daily (TCE) spikes (since "Net Voyage Days" in in the denominator of the Net Daily (TCE) formula above)

  • Daily Profit (Loss)
  • With Profit Sharing:
    • Profit Share
    • Net Voy Profit: Total Voyage Profit minus Profit Share.
    • Net Daily Profit (Loss)
  • Total/Off hire days
  • Port/Sea days
  • With CFGShowWaitingCostInVoyagePnL and if applicable:
    • Waiting for Laycan
    • Waiting for Orders


To add remarks to the current P&L, click the Edit link above the field, enter text, and click OK. The remarks appear in the field below. These remarks are separate from those entered on Snapshots.


titleRelated Configuration Flags


Always Save Account Code in Snapshot

Saves the account code in the snapshot table.

Initial Snapshot Time Select

Set the time of the initial snapshot to either:

  • When commencing
  • When the voyage is created

This snapshot is used as the basis for the Estimated column on the voyage P&L and the estimated values in the voyage P&L reports. The Snapshot button can also be used to update the initial snapshot.

Use Closing Snapshot for Closed Voyages

For closed voyages, always display information from the latest closing snapshot on the P&L tab.

CFGAutoPnlSnapshotAuto P&L Snapshot

When enabled, current snapshots in the voyage P&L are updated when Cargo and TC contracts connected to the voyage are updated.

For Time Charter contracts, snapshots are only updated for related voyages whose total revenues, total expenses, total profit/loss, or TCE have changed; the Estimate, Actual, and Posted columns of the P&L are checked.

An update is also done when voyage-related invoices/Bunker Requirements are created/updated/deleted and when changes are made to Bunker Swaps connected to Cargoes in the voyage.

When XML notifications are enabled and voyage and voypnl are specified as values for flag notificationsIncludeList, XMLs are exported in this order: voyage, voypnl (estimate), voypnl (actual), voypnl (posted).

TCO Voyex as Misc Expense

Displays TC Out Voyage Expenses under the Expenses section, instead of under the Revenues section.

Use Del Quantity Calc Bunker Adjustment Before Arr

The TC Out Bunker Adjustment is calculated against the CP Quantity until the vessel is delivered.

Rebs Dont Reduce Provisional Expense

Rebillable port expenses are not counted against provisional port expenses in the voyage P&L.

Cache Voyage P&L

Enables caching the voyage P&L in the database so that the Trading module can use the cached data to expedite the Trading P&L calculation. Flag CFGTraUseCachedVoyagePL (on the Trading tab) enables using the cached voyage P&L in the Trading module.

Also enables saving the current P&L snapshot when the voyage is saved; these are saved into the "voypnl" table with the "snapshotType = 'current'. The saved P&L numbers are used in the Voyages list for columns Est P&L, Actual P&L, and Est-Act P&L.


Alloc TCO Misc Rev Expense to Period

When enabled, miscellaneous revenues and expenses on TCO voyages are not prorated but allocated to the period the invoice date is in for accrual calculations.

Show Running Cost

When enabled, forces the Voyage Manager P&L to break out the daily costs or the TC Hire in a section called Running Cost, separate from the expenses. For an Own voyage, the daily expenses will appear. For a TCI or TCO voyage, the Hire will appear.

Hide Running Cost on P&L

Used with CFGShowRunningCost, hides the Running Cost, TCE, and final P&L value on the voyage P&L. The Voyage Profit & Loss Report hides Running Costs in the same way as the P&L.

TCI Admin as Running Cost

Considers TC In Admin Fee items as Running Costs, not Expenses.

CFGUseTCInvoiceExchangeRateInVoyPNLUse TC Invoice Exchange Rate in Voyage P&L

For TC In/TC Out in nonbase currency, the Hire Statement, Statement of Account, and Statement of Account Recap use the invoice exchange rate for delivery/redelivery bunkers.

Allocate TCI Hire to Voyage

When enabled, voyage number is a required field for all hire-related lines in TC In; block incremental payment completely. See Allocating Period Cost to Voyages.

Allocate Bunkers to Voyage

When enabled, post voyage bunker cost as difference of bunkers used - bunker inv - accrue. See Allocating Period Cost to Voyages.

Show Waiting Cost in Voyage P&L

When enabled, for TCOV voyages only, the voyage P&L handles waiting delay bunker and vessel costs the same as Off Hire costs.

  • Waiting Bunkers is shown as a new P&L expense category below Off Hire Bunkers.
  • Waiting Cost is shown as a new P&L Running Cost category below Off Hire.
  • The TCE Calculation excludes Waiting Bunkers the same way that Off Hire Bunkers is excluded.
  • The same Allocate to Period logic is used for waiting costs (bunker and hire) as is currently used for off hire costs.

To use this feature, the following config options must be disabled: CFGAllocateTciHireToVoy, CFGAllocateBunkersToVoy.

Enable VI Form P&L Snapshots

When enabled, a P&L snapshot is taken for the voyage every time a Veslink Voyage Instructions form is submitted. The name of the snapshot is the date, time, and form name. Example: 11/20/2017 2:22:44 PM Voyage Completion Report. The snapshot is available for selection in the snapshots drop-down menu on the voyage P&L.

Display Cost Per MMBTU

If enabled, then for vessels of type L (LNG), the Estimate and Voyage P&L both display the cost per MMBTU (in addition to the usual TCE figure).

Voyacc Accrual Snapshot Selected

When enabled, accrual snapshots are saved only for selected records in Monthly Accruals rather than for all retrieved.

Apply Accrual Percent to Demurrage Comm

When enabled, the accrual percentage on the underlying invoice is also applied to the P&L demurrage commission calculation.

CFGExpandedVoyPnlRemarksExpanded Voyage P&L Remarks

When enabled, the Voyage P&L Remarks field is moved under the P&L and is wider.

Enable Worldscale Differentials

Automatically calculate Worldscale Differentials for Rotterdam, Panama Canal, and Suez Canal in the Estimate/Fixture Note/Voyage.

Enable TC Lease Accounting

Note: Requires IMOS v7.11.7333 or later.

When enabled, the TC Lease Accounting functionality is available.

Hide TC Lease in Voyage P&L

Note: CFGEnableTCLeaseAccounting must be set to Y .

Y = Hides TC lease expenses from the Voyage P&L.

N (default) = TC lease expenses appear on the Voyage P&L under Financial Profit (Loss). The standard Profit (Loss) section also appears, retaining the operating P&L of the voyage.

Calculate Waiting Days Using W Port Days

When enabled, Wait Laycan/Orders days in the Voyge PnL snapshot will be Voyage P&L snapshot are calculated based on the W port days. Otherwise, they are based on the WAITING FOR LAYCAN/WAITING FOR ORDERS Delay details.

Complete Periods on Voyage P&L
When enabled, the months that a voyage is in a Complete status will additionally be displayed in the Periods drop-down menu on the Voyage P&L. Selecting one of these periods will update the Posted column to display the values that were posted by the end of the period according to the Accounting Date.

P&L Calc Check Cash Variance

When enabled, refreshing the P&L snapshot checks for a cash variance in addition to a calculated one.